AutoCAD Civil 3D :: SuperElevation Not Responding?
Apr 13, 2012
I have a problem with my superelevation. everything is calculated accordingly but when i build my surface from corridor after i have calculated superelevation it does not show the results. Even my cross sections view still show a normal assembly cross section. It happaned on both C3d2011 and ad C3d3013.
Is there a way to retrieve superelevation values from Alignment properties to show on, for example curve tables?. I would like to display the super information along with curve geometry information.
but I don't know where, and I just want to create a simple assembly with a slope and delta X and having a lane outside superelevation for the both side.
This is my aplicattion in Civil 3D 2014. URL....It´s a tool palette that checks the design criteria (for alignments,superelevations and profiles) according to Spanish rules.My program changes the name of each superelevation curve,for example:
---> With superelevation tool own of Civil 3D (Cuve.1,Curve.2,Curve.3)
---> With my program: (VisorNET Curva.1,VisorNET Cuva.2,.....)
If I calcule again Superelevations using Superelevation button (Calculate/Edit superelevation)of Civil 3D, Civil 3D doesn´t change the Superelevation Curve Names and appears again (VisorNET Curva.1,VisorNET Curva.2,...).Superelevation CurveName property doesn´t exist in settings:
URL....and there isn't a name template. I would like to have this property (read and write----get and set) of settings.Then, I could re-write the default Superelevation CurveName format. (name template)
I am working with SAC , and cant understand how that superelevation works, how to make my models work in CIvil 3d in superelevations... how to build it properly in SAC. I would rly love to get .pkt file with working model as example , or at least get some usefull tip.
I am currently trying to design a roadway with a reverse curve in it. I am having trouble getting my corridor to model my assembly correctly as it is showing the roadway as the generic assembly and is not adding the superelevation that is shown on my alignment. I have done the following:
1) created an alignment with superelevation wizard - superelevation diagram shows up correctly
2) Created a profile for this alignment
2) created an assembly (Road layer is LaneSuperelevationAOR) in which the right lane is set to use SE on the right outside lane and the left lane is set to use SE on the left outside lane
3) Created a corridor with the assembly and set the width targets to the offset alignments (I.e. the lines that are the edge of pavement)
The corridor does not show the superelevation values based off of the alignments superelevation that it has calculated. I did get the supers to show when i tied the Future EOP to the existing surface, however i do not want it to tie in, I want it to just show the values that were calculated.
Is there a way to get this to show without referencing an additional profile? Also, on my first curve i want to keep the right side at a -2% slope and raise the left side to 2% slope (RC). Is there a way to limit the calcuations to only use a reverse curve?
I found super elevation labeling for profile, but not for alignment in plan view. Is there a way to label alignment, f.x. in critical points of super elevation automatically?
In my corridor I have used superelevation. In a horizontal curve which has a cross slope of 4.5%, I have an intersection. To allow for a smoother ride through a few lanes in the intersection I want to change the cross slope from 4.5% to 1%. I was planning on doing this by using a Outside Lane Elevation Method of a Profile. However, it appears that my super has precedence over my profile. Is there are way to make this work?
I have an alignment I need to edit that has a reverse curve. The first curve was made with the "Floating Curve (from entity, radius, through point)" and the second with "Free Curve Fillet (between two entities, radius)"
When I delete one or both curves i lose all the superelevation data beyond the editing location due to the temporary spit in the alignment. The superelevation data is all manual. This is a trail and the super is based on drainage not curves.
how to edit the alignment with a temporary split and not lose the superelevation data? I have not found a way yet to remove the reverse curves and not have a temporary gap.
Is there a way of adding superelvation data such as full superelevation cross slope to an alignment curve label in plan view?
In my case we add a label for each horizontal curve with critical curve data such as PI Station, Delta, Degree of Curve, etc... but I can't seem to find a way of adding any superelvation information to the plan view as a label. Ideally I would like to be able to add the maximum cross slope value and superelevation critical stations to the label.
There is a way of adding the superelevation critical stations a labels to the alignment similar to how PC's or PT's are labeled, but it does not give the cross slope value.
my surface is way through the in and out transition of my superelevation. the waves are dependent on frequency (ie if i change from 1m to 5m the waves get longer.
I'm attempting to use the Superelevation tool on an interchange. I have 4, 1-lane ramps that I need to apply superelevation to. The three issues I have (so far) are:
In the Calculate Superelvation Wizard...
1. In Roadway Type, I don't know what to choose, I'm leading toward Undivided Crowned (center Baseline ) because my assembly (as of right now) is set up as an undivided crowned roadway (with the crown on the west travel lane edge). Which Roadway Type I should choose (for a 1-lane Ramp with different shoulder widths?)
2. Moving on to the the Lanes category doesn't matters. I uncheck symmetric Roadway, hoping I can choose "0" for the number of lanes on the Left, or at least put the lane width down to "0" but can't do either. I uncheck the Symmetric Roadway and it still makes everything symmetric (it acts as though it is still checked?) I only want to show a single 15' lane. (I even tried to use undivided planar, and put both lanes at 7.5'each, but then I still have shoulder issues...)
3. Move to the Shoulder Control. Why doesn't it give me the option to do different shoulder widths? On ramps it is very common (at least in Wisconsin) to have an 8ft shoulder on the right and a 4ft shoulder on the left. How can I type in 2 different shoulder widths.
In attached file the normal cross slope of secondary road(AB) is 2% Right to left (Right higher). and for primary road cross slope is 2% Left to Right (Left higher). I produced this junction using intersection wizard and cross slope of secondary road only starts changing from start of curb return to match the long slope of primary road. Is this possible to increase this transition lentgh on secondary road to create smooth contours.
i need a shoulder subassembly that varies slope in relation to the lane superelevation slope. i know that i can get a subassembly for the shoulder that will follow the alignment superelevation xml data but in my case i can't use it because we are just adding a shoulder to an existing road. we're not changing the superelevation of the existing road, just milling and overlaying and widening. right now i've created a profile of the outside edge of the shoulder that gives me the correct shoulder slope but whenever i change my centerline profile i have to redo the shoulder profiles which is a real time suck.
I have a drawing that is "Not Responding" when switching from a layout tab to model space by clicking the "Model" tab. I ran a recovery on the drawing and there are no errors. I can't get into model space except by clicking inside my viewport.
For a while now...every time i switch to model space...autocad gives me the NOT RESPONDING problem. i get the spinning icon and it seems to last forever. seriously...i can go get coffee and come back and its still thinking. i've cleared temp files in autocad. what could be causing this?
I'm running AutoCad 2012 in Windows 7 64bit. Notebook is an Asus N53SV, i7 2GHz with 6gb RAM and NVidia Gt540 2gb. The problem is, when i try to Extrude objects, the screen turns into black for a second and a warning says GPU is not responding. Also the notebook has another GPU of Intel within the CPU.
When I open certian drawings, my autocad will freeze up and says autocad application is not responding. this only happens with certian drawings. I have tried restarting my computer, closing all other programes and only having autocad running, opening the file on a diffrent computer, and updating my graphic driver.
I have attached a screen clip of the error message I'm getting.Capture.jpg
After i moved a drawing in this file to another place, autocad 2004 suddenly got slower and even not responding any time i tried any command .With other files, it's still ok.I t seems layer 4 has some problem.URL...
I am writing in the process of writing a AutoCAD/Civil3D plug-in (in VB.Net) product that needs current detects all of the updates (modified, erased , Unmodified, etc) on my own Entities and then only act on these once. So to this end I am maintaining a list of the affect entities and then processing the 'queue' on Document.CommandEnded.
This worked perfectly for me until I realized that the Properties Palette (and probably others) do not actually perform a command so the command end event is never caught. Obviously the queue will be processed on the next command but it looks sloppy that my data is not updated straight away.
I have seen various blog posts and a similar post on here that suggest using DocumentManager.DocumentLockModeWillChange or Editor.EnteringQuiescentState as the event to detect the end of the edit. However I am finding that no matter which of there I use I am unable to apply my Document Lock and this leads to Access Violations no matter what checks I do passed on the EventArgs.
I believe I have all the right Document locks in place, all in Using Statements so they should be disposed of correctly.
We just installed the Autodesk Package. AutoCAD works fine, Revit seems to work, but we are having the display drive not responding, when we try to start a sketch in Revit.
ATI Radeon HD 3740 graphics card. Windows 7 - 32 bit
I have AutoCAD LT 2011 running on Windows 7 64. I'm using it since long time.
Two weeks ago I started having this problem: as soon as I select any command from the File menu that should open a dialog (Open... Save As... Import...) the program freezes and I see (not responding) in the upper left title bar.
No way to go on. The only solution is to close the program.
Reinstallation from scratch included. System recovery to factory image included. No solution.
whe i try to draw a pline it accepts the first numerical entry but locks up on the second point. Also when i use this command no matter what layer it is on the line becomes very fat
AutoCAD has been working on my laptop for many months. All of a sudden when I start AutoCAD and do the "open" or "new" command, the software says "not responding". If I set variable "FILEDIA" to 0 it prompts me for the file name. I have tried to repair, uninstall and reinstall the software and it does the same thing.