AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Labeling Radius And Spiral A Or Length At Geometry Points

Sep 11, 2013

I'd like to view the parameters of my aligments elements near the geometry points. That is, the station and the radius value or spiral parameter (or what I want). I have explored the text & reference text but there is not R or A elements...

How is it possible ? C3D can detect the type of geometry poinr, so it would must to know R, Lenght,. A, etc....

In addition I 'd like to do it using the aligment label set.... sci-fi , isn't it ?

When you have to create plans, the aligments need to show a lot of information. Doing it manually is so boring..... (and in XXI century ...... )

Civil 3D (2013)

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Get ONLY Radius Or Spiral Value On Geometry Points Labeling?

Sep 12, 2013

I know I can use "<[Geometry Point Entity Before Data(CP)]>" (or after...) . 

But this text is tooooooooo long.  

Is there any way to get only  the :

- radius - length of segment. or  - Spiral A ???

Maybe using expressions? In this case any hidden elements?

I know I can use segments or multiple segments but I want to do the work in only 1 labeling step ... 

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Labeling - Arc Using The Angle Rather Than Length Or Radius

Sep 4, 2012

Just started a drawing in C3D 2013 using an existing template.  If I draw an arc using the "Angle"  rather than length or radius, entering the angle as 11.1601, then label the arc, the delta angle is converted to hms or 11.0936 .  The template and labeling style are ones we've used for several releases.  I've compared the feature settings, units and the curve labeling command and can not find where this is being changed. 

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Change Radius To Degrees In Horizontal Geometry Band Set Profile

Sep 25, 2013

How to set change the radius to degrees in horizontal geometry band set profile.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Label Stations And Specific Geometry Points EC / BC

Dec 4, 2012

I have an alignment and would only like to label stations and specific geometry points such as EC/BC.  When I add geometry points to my label set it automatically gives me curve midpoints and beg/end of alignment. How can I turn off these labels so that I only get BC/EC?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Modify Settings To Create Points At Alignment Geometry

Mar 1, 2013

I have an alignment for a natural gas pipeline.

I want to use the 'Create Points at Alignment Geometry' tool in order to label only the PIs.  However, when I use the tool it creates two points (one called PI and one called CPI) at each vertex of the alignment.  How can I fix this issue and toggle the creation of the various other geometry points?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Profile Geometry Points Of Superimposed Profile To Alignment Label

Mar 1, 2013

I have an alignment label that I normally use to show the PVI's of a profile in the plan view.

This is a little unusual, but in a specific case I wanted to design my profile at one alignment, but show it at another.  I designed my swale profile in the pathway profile view and then superimposed the swale profile on the swale profile view.  I then went back to the swale alignment to add these labels.

It's a no-go AFAICT.  The only profile available for me to select for these labels is the original ground profile from the surface.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Show Length / Radius / Ellipse Of All Elements On DWG?

Aug 1, 2013

How can I take and display the lenght and the radius of all elements in my DWG. 

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AutoCad :: Circle Radius Doesn't Match Up With Line Length

Apr 26, 2011

I'm trying to plan an access road which must run at least 2.5m away from an existing fenceline. I've put a few parallel road lines in at 3m distance, but at the fence bends I decided to put some circles at the bend points to give me a 3m radius. When I did this I was suprised to find that the circle extends further than my access road. I've dimensioned them both up, CAD is telling me they're both 3m away but they're clearly not at the same distance.

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Illustrator :: Circle Radius Of  Known Length?

Feb 10, 2014

I'm trying to make a circle with the radius of 200*sqrt(3).  Is this even possible?  Or will illustrator round the equation to the thousandths?  If illustrator will just round the equation to the thousandths, I can enter the number myself, but I was hoping it could find the point.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change Length Of Geometry By Text Parameter?

Mar 15, 2013

I need to change the length of geometry by a text parameter.How to do this?

I tried this:

If widthselection="420" Then
ElseIf widthselection="620" Then


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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Changing Lane Width Not Affecting Resulted Values Of Length And Run Off Length

May 11, 2013

With using superelevation wizard in Civil 3d 2012, changing the lane width is not affecting the resulted values of transion length and run-off length, Is that correct ? ( as civil is using standerd AASHTO tables which assume that lane width typically is 3.6m )

Also, There is only 2 tables for 2-lanes and 4-lanes roadway, Is it for total road width or for one directon only, and what about different no. of lanes ?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Create Sketch Geometry Used To Define Planes / Axis And Points

Nov 6, 2012

I am using projected and sketched geometry (2D sketches) in assembly space to create lines/ points that I intend to use to define planes and axes. The problem I have is that nearly all the geometry I create (lines and points in 2D sketches) is not "selectable" when I try to create planes or axes.  I  cannot even put a work points "on top of" my sketch points.  Why are my sketches not usable in the assembly space?   Since the components in my model are just two extruded rings I don't have any linear edges I can select to make this work/ define planes.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Contour Labeling

Jul 10, 2012

I have recreated two surfaces for my design, existing and proposed.  I had used polylines for contours for in each surface.  I tried labeling the contours but it will not let me select the contour itself. 

I then tried to make the contours to 3d polylines and again added them to the surface and rebuilt.  I still am not allowed to label the contour since it doesn't let me select the polyline.  I am able to select the surface however. 

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Transition (spiral) Shift Offsets

Nov 30, 2012

I'm looking for a way to determine (and preferably edit) the values of P1 and P2, the offsets of the initial tangents into the PC/PT of the shifted curve. It's not in the (admiteddly basic) book I have either.

[Edit: OK, after double-checking,I just found Widening offset clothoid, but I'm still none the wiser.]

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Sample Line On Alignment With Spiral

Aug 29, 2013

I draw an alignment for road. I turned off design criteria and i used data from manual for my country Slovenia. I need spiral in, curve and spiral out on alignment. Finally i got that alignment. Then i insert sample lines along the alignment. Then i saved autocad civil 3d file and shut  down the program. When i reopen file, i see that sample lines after the spiral in being erased. Sample lines stayed along first tangent, after that they were erased.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Recreating Alignments With Spiral Curves

Jun 23, 2012

I need to reproduce an alignment shown on some plans. I have not had any luck finding a tutorial about how to re-create an existing alignment.

I have a page of plans, it shows the center line going from a back tangent, into a spiral, through a curve, and spiral to tangent. How do I create an alignment from this data?

Spiral Curve
Delta: 1d33'47"
Length: 250.00'
Total Curve:
Delta: 24d09'01"

Main Curve
Delta: 21d01'27"

Spiral Curve
Delta: 1d33'47"

I am a surveyor and I'm having a hard time understanding the alignment creation tools, in my data collector it is much simpler, you enter the back tangent and the end radius and the length of spiral and whale, but I'm trying to build a corridor, so I can stake the dtm.

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Maya Animation :: Constraining Curve Points To Geometry?

Apr 20, 2012

How can I make a curve's end points constrain to objects in order to create a "theta" angle line that changes dynamically when the angle between the two objects changes?

I thought they answer may have lay in creating the curve using Maya's new Bezier Curve tool, then using the Rivet plug-in from CreativeCrash to pin it to the middle of two poly cylinders (the "x" and "y" axis.) Unfortunately this doesn't work; the Script editor spits back "is not a vertex!". Either I'm not using Rivet correctly or the end points of a Bezier Curve in Maya are not the same as a CV Curve. But perhaps I'm going about this the wrong way entirely.. I ultimately would wish to extrude geometry about this curve to create a dynamically changing curved cylinder to visualize the angle. It seems like it should be a relatively simple thing to do...

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Labeling A Pipe Between Structures

Sep 26, 2013

Any way to label a pipe part way between structures? I would like to be able to label a sanitary line where a service ties in with the main line invert.

C3D 2013

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Labeling Deflections On Alignment

Feb 9, 2012

I read through the previous posts but still I am not able to do this. I am using C3D 2012.

What I need to do is label Deflection angles of an alignment (delta angle). The alignment does not have any curve. 

So basically it will be some kind of PI or geometry point label showing the deflection angle. 

Labelling LT or RT would be great but at this time I dont need that. 

I hope it explains. 

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Labeling Surface Section

Oct 8, 2013

I want to label the surface sections (eg, fg) in a single location something like what is shown in the attached image.

Currently I am using a major offset label which refers to the surface description* where the surface name is stored. I set the increment to a suitable number which results in multiple labels along the section. I then drag one into position and delete the rest using ctrl-select. While it would be far easier to use multileaders to acheive the correct look, they don't update location with the section views.

We use the description to store the 'friendly' name as our object naming standard wouldn't necessarily make sense to the viewer of the plans.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Labeling Structures In A Network?

Sep 26, 2013

I am labeling structures in a network on the profile view.  I cannot get the leader when i drag the label to anchor to the top of the structure?  Is there a way to do this, i figured out how to have the label insert at the middle of the top line of the structure.

Civil 2014-Infrastructure Design Suite
Windows 7 Professional-SP 1-64 bit system
Intel Core i5-2500K cpu @ 3.3ghz
NVIDIA GeForce GT 430
8.0 gb ram

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Corridor Section Labeling

Jun 21, 2012

how label only the top of my road surface in section view? The road slopes -2% towards a ditch but my my code set labels both the top of road(-2%) and what I assume is the bottom of the road surface (2%) which I don't want to show.

Is it also possible to label my side slopes as 4:1 instead of 25%?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Labeling Contours In Every Drawing

Mar 15, 2013

I'm running 2012. Is it still true that I need to label my contours in every drawing? I have a drawing that contains my existing surface (about 90 Acres). I have labeled the contours in that drawing. I then have a output drawing that the existing contours are a data shortcut. The contour labels do not show up.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Labeling Lines With Their Azimuth

Jul 26, 2013

Labeling lines with their azimuth, I wanted to label lines with their azimuth but sounds not to work. I got question marks instead (attached) 

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Labeling All Of Surface Contours At Once?

Nov 6, 2013

Often I've found myself dealing with some pretty complicated surfaces that have a lot of nooks and crannies, and many of the contour lines are only in a corner of the surface or are small and closed, and thus when I find myself wanting to have contour labels on all of the contours, there's not really one line I can draw using the "Create Multiple Labels at Interval" option to ensure that every contour is labeled. Thus I end up doing "Create Multiple At Interval" with a few different lines intersecting contours, but I often end up hitting some of the contours multiple times and I get a mess of labels.

I haven't been able to find a way to automatically just multiple labels on all of the contours at an interval in one fell swoop, so I started trying to program one...but then I got stuck with that, too.

Does any built-in method of doing what I want to do, or do I need to continue pursuing a programmatic solution?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Make Better The Second Labeling Precision

Aug 17, 2012

How can I make better the second labeling precision in Civil 3D? It's only has four digits precision for the seconds. I did change the ambient settings (Lat Long precision to 8) but haven't got the result.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Pipe Network Labeling

Jun 11, 2013

I have a drainage model, the data for which has been imported from microdrainage into Civil3d (.sws file) .

The engineer working on the project is playing around with the Invert and Cover levels so I reload the same updated .sws file into my model almost daily expecting the information shown in the labels of the pipes and manholes to simply change. Instead mine seem to disappear and I have to relabel the whole network again.

This wouldn't be much of a problem because labeling only takes a few minutes but with this particular scheme, the client wants the labels shown in a box with a leader. When I relabel, the boxes automatically snap to the center of the manholes without a leader and i then have to drag each one away from the manhole to get the leader to show up.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Setting Contour Labeling

Feb 11, 2010

Where do I set the contour labeling line to not show or be on layer defpoints. When I click on the label line and right click I can edit the contour label line properties and change the Display contour label line to false but not sure where the style is.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Labeling Tin Lines On Surface

Sep 10, 2013

Is there away to label (Dynamically) slope arrows and percents on a tin surface (Without Exploding it)?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Labeling Profile With Description

Sep 4, 2013

How can I show the description (in this case, MUDSTONE) in a profile label? I've tried modifying the style but the description refuses to appear even though it is one of the available labels.

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