AutoCAD Civil 3D :: How To Represent Bottomless Arch (arch Span)
Mar 14, 2012
How to represent a bottomless arch (arch span)? I can make a horizontal arch pipe, but I only need the top half. I also thought about building a corridor.
We do have a storm drain system running perpendicular above it and need to show the arch as a crossing. Corridor would work but I think I would prefer a pipe network-type solution.
I need to put a 42 x 29 Arch Pipe in my drawing. I found a 44 x 27 in the elliptical arch catalog. But I can't get it to let me create one that's 42 x 29.
And I'm also having trouble making a label for it. This is one of three culvert pipes in this network. The other two are round 36" CMP. The label for those says XX' of 36" POLY-COATED CMP @ x.xx%. Once I need the label for this third pipe to show as XX' of 42" x 29" ARCH PIPE @ x.xx%.
When I tried to make the label style, I saw "Pipe Inner Diameter or Width". But I didn't see one for height.
I had thought this would work with no problem. I know the elevation I need to start an arc at and an elevation at a point along the arc. I drew that portion of the arc and then extended the arc to a line where I need the arc to end. I had expected the arc to extend along it's current grade the way a straight Feature line would. But the end dropped to 0.
I undid the extension, listed the FL arc to get the grade, extended it again and used the Elevation Editor to set the previous grade. But why didn't the extension work? I checked for other FL in the site that might cause this but there were none.
I am using AutoCAD MAP 3D 2013 32 bit version. In this, I can find connection with Arch GDB. But when I am going to connect it shows the error and the provided conection is for Arch GIS 9.3 only.
What actually is the difference between the standard sheet eg ARCH D (36x24) and ARCH Expand D (36x24) sheet sizes? this have to do with printable margin areas?
I have dwg drawing sent to me with archstyle font or text. The archstyle is missing on my text format autocad 2012. How to downoad or import archstyle to my autocad 2012
I have a lisp program that creates a arch leader with a arrowhead on the end. All of a sudden the arrowhead does not appear on the end of the leader but out on space. Not sure what this is happening.
I'm having an issue where AutoCad Architecture 2011 is crashing on some but not all machines (4 total) when a file is closed.
We are also getting what appears to be random slow downs on files when opening and a jumpy mouse that makes drawing impossible. I have not been able to establish a pattern to point at specific files to being the problem as it happens across several the are fine one day, not fine the next and fine again a day later. All stations are identical.
Win 7 Pro - 64 bit Intel Xeon cpu 3.60Ghz (2 processors) 9 BG RAM NVIDIA GeForce GT 240
I have some foreign drawings the block definition of "_ArchTick" has been changed to get a thicker tick in drawing's dimension. When I have new dimestyle and copy paste into the foreign drawings, it always use the drawing's block setting of "_ArchTick".
How I can paste a new dimstyle and bring in the block of "_ArchTick" to overwrite the one in current drawing?
When I am in page setup manager and want to use the "Adobe PDF" plotter device, I can't set a paper size other than the standard one like letter, legal, 11x17 ect. I need to have the "Adope PDF" plotter to print a Arch D size paper but that selection dosent even show up.
I have troubleshooted all the usual supects, of going to properties next to the printer selection bringing me to the plotter configeration page, where in the device and documents tab I then proceed to the custom properties selection, where the adobe document properties page comes up and under the adobe pdf setting tab...I still cant change or find the Arch D 24x36 paper size under the adobe pdf paper size selection tab other than the standard seletions.
a way (or filter) that will arch and image (say 9" wide x 4" high) like you can do with the arch type effect? The top and bottom would arch and the sides would flare out. The 3D distort filter doesn't do the trick without major playing and tweaking.
I need to construct an arch in revit but Ive only been able to make a curved beam in the wrong plane. Whats the best way to make an arch so that it would look like a straight beam in plan view?
It needs to connect to ground level in two places and have a specific height if thats relevant.
So I've started to work on materials and lighting and a lot of tutorials show using the arch & design templates. problem is that i don't have any templates listed. the list is completely empty. Can i install these, or fix this? If its just a file missing, I'm not sure which it would be or where it would be at.
How to make an arch shaped door i have a box with a hole cut out i have create another two boxes for the left and right part of the door (joints) and attached them together then bridge them together. here is the problem i am working with a maya tutorial and on the bridge you can set the number of divisions but in max you cannot set the number of divisions.
Computer engineer, 3ds max freelancer 3ds max used currantly using max 9 (7, 8) poser using 8 (5,6,7) windows xp sp2 512 memory 40 and 80 gb hard drives sis mirage 3 VGA Card Asus motherboard
How to create the arch part of the dials, at least I think it would be an arch. With the top photo, the "arch" has 2 colors so I would need to have 2 layers, one holding one color and one holding the other color, but how to make them and I had no success with the "arc" tool.
In the second photo, it's very difficult to tell, but the left side of the arch is green and the right is a pale yellow so again, I think I would need two archs. The second photo also these tick marks that are at the top of the arch and again, how to recreate them.
Among about a dozen ACAD users in my office, one is missing the "Arch D (landscape)" paper size that accompanies the PC3 file we generally use. I have checked that the roll size and other settings in the machine in question and all of that looks good. I don't want to edit this PC3 as it works for everyone else and don't want to create a new PC3 for this one user.
I am using some A&D MR metal material in my scene and it is coming out transparent. The same is happening for any material that has a shine/reflection. It looks like a poor quality 'cloaking device' type effect.
I am rendering with Mental Ray using a bitmap environment background, daylight system and MR photographic exposure.
I can create a new drawing in Revit, save it to a flash drive, move it to a different computer. When I do this I go to open my drawing and I can see it in the preview but when I open it the drawing is blank.
I am using the student version of Revit and have desparately been trying to create a document that would print to scale. I use PDF creator to convert Revit to pdf, but it always comes messed up by an inch or so...insted of 4.6, it prints 4.75 (or the other way around). I tried formating my title block in many different ways, including deleting the outer lines. Nothing works. There is no Arch D format in the family of titleblocks. I am a complete beginner, just started using Revit a couple months ago, with no knowledge of CAD or anything similar. When I look at the PDF creator page of my doc, it shows that the doc has been properly sized, but when the print place prints it out, it is off by 1" or so.
How do I format my sheet so it prints to scale in format 24" X36"?
I just did a competition that required a garden. Lacking time to fully research Revit options, I ended up creating a topo and cutting paths into it by using building pads for the paths, requiring a lot of tinkering with the topo elevations. This was far from ideal because I wanted to alter things later, but it was just too labor intensive to do that and I ran out of time.
Any (cheap!) program that would work well for this? Something that could export a file that could be linked into Revit?
It would be very nice if a version of "building pad" could be created by Autodesk that would work as a sidewalk/path and that could also have a slope.
Another problem with this was that I had to position all the topo points along the path wall borders at a low elevation because the topo "bled" into the walls as it sloped up from them. Another great thing would be if Revit sidewalk pads could have borders that also "cut" topo.
I need to insert a arch opening in a a wall. I dont have a opening folder under my door family. I tried to download openings from revit city but although i save it in my sampels file is is just not there.