My boss has designed a gravity project that has 21" PVC. Civil 3D 2010 only has 20" PVC, not 21". He basically said 21" PVC exists (JM Eagle) so make it happen. So how exactly can I add a new size to the Parts Catalog under PVC?
Windows 7 Prof w/ SP1, 64bit, Xeon 3Ghz, 16GB
Civil 3D 2013
I have a typical storm sewer pipe network in a drawing by itself with an alignment. I data referenced both of these into another drawing. I draw the pipe network in the profile view I created and the pipes that run with the road show up fine. Every once in awhile there is a lateral storm sewer pipe that runs across the road. When I draw these in the profile view they show up, but, only the pipes that are skewed to the alignment show up. If the pipe is perfectly perpendicular to the alignment it does not show up. I have two styles setup. One main one that shows the inner and outer pipe walls and another one for overrides for the crossing pipes and that stlye has crossing pipe walls turned on.
Why is it though only the skewed pipes show up as ellipses in my profile view but the perpendicular pipes do not?
I have changed some pipe sizes in Vistas (pipe network edit), the object sizes are changed in plan & profile views except the pipe sizes in label, it appears the same sizes as before.
I tried to re apply the labels in entire plan & profile, still be the same.
I am using C3D 2012. I have a pipe network catalog located on our office network server. I have a pipe size shown as 15" that is incorrect, it should read and label the pipe as 16" (see attached image). I don't know a lot of the workings how to edit this from 15 to 16 inch and what I need to do to get it correct for the other C3D users in the office.
I've got the Pipe Table style just as I need it except for one thing. I have all circular pipes and I would like the "size" column to display in inches rather than in feet. In the past I was able to multiply this number by 12 in the style composer but that doesn't seem to work anymore.
I have a pipe network that I am showing in a drainage plan. I want to show the Structure table in paper space. It seems I can only creaate the table in model spcae. I'm ok with that. I made a viewport in my paper space tab to see the table but it keps scaling to full size regardless of what the viewport scale is set to. The table is too big to fit in my drawing. I tried making a smaller viewport but the table keeps scaling to be actuall paper size. How can i get it to stop scaling so I can shrink it to fit on my sheet?
If Civil3D can't do it can I export the tbale to a data linked Spread Sheet then import that (and link it) to my paper space tab so that I can control the size of the table?
Pipe network storm pipes: Fairly new to Civil3D and trying to set up parts list for the storm sewer pipe and would like the plan view to appear as it does currently. We use a polyline for centerline of pipe, similar to dashed linetype but line and space are the same, width set to pipe width.
I created pipe network for my storm drain project. I have located all the structures (manhole) to all angle point of my alignment as required. Also I "insert" manhole every 400' per local code requirements using the command "network layout tools; structures only. My problem is I couldn't find the tools how to trim the pipe that pass through the manhole. Please see attached pdf file.
One of the things I seem to struggle with is being able to depict a single pipe when it needs to be shown in one profile as a crossing pipe, and another profile where you you show a lenghwise slice through the pipe. I end up tracing the pipe with eliptical objects where I'm cutting across the pipe and setting up more for the lengthwise/sideview of the pipe. Is there a way to have two different styles for the same pipe, one for a cross cut and one for a lengthwise slice?
I created a pipe rule and applied it to my 6" HDPE pipe in my parts list. The rule is followed close but not exact. Here it is:
I created a "cover only" rule for my 6" HDPE pipe. I have the maximum and minimum cover set to 3.50'. I have it the same so it will draw my pipe 3.50' deep. I don't want it to vary. It for drawing in existing underground power so when we cut profiles and sections the existing power shows up. We want it to show up 3.50' deep. I created a label style for my pipe that tells me start cover and end cover of the pipe so I can see it right there on the screen. The numbers range from 3.50' deep to 4.70' deep.
Why does the pipe not get drawn in exactly 3.50' deep?
I can obtain the Center of Gravity of a sub-assembly. What are the values with respect to? The origin/root of the whole assembly or the origin of the sub-assembly? How can I obtain the coordinate of the COG of a sub-assembly with respect to its origin or with respect to the whole assembly's origin?
How do I get the center of gravity to work, by measuring a distance from the origin like Solidworks? I select the “Physical” Tab under the iProperties “Center of Gravity” and it gives me” lbmass”? Also is there a way for it to show on the screen?
Modifying the point size/text size assigned at particular annotation scale,
I’m wondering how the point size/text size assigned at particular annotation scale can be modified.
For example, in the attached screenshot, the point size assigned at the annotation scale of 1/1000 is big and I wanted to make it a bit smaller at that scale.
When I create a new pressure network in 2014 - I have only Tees & Elbows available - Where are crosses? I need a 4-way cross at an intersection, C3D seems to include just the other two types I listed.
I have this block called gate valve. The base point is at the middle of the block. When I use this block as a style and insert it in profile it always places itself down low on the pipe. As you can see the grip is way above the top of the block and I have to move it into place anytime I use one. If I change the pipe inverts the gate valve block style lowers itself once again and I have to move it up into place. I have changed the base of the block but it makes no difference.
This is how the structure look in the object viewer. Notice the one on the right is the block that needs to be raised, however in the viewer it shows placed correctly.
Any way to label a pipe part way between structures? I would like to be able to label a sanitary line where a service ties in with the main line invert.
A pipe network has been created & labeled. All pipes labeled correctly except one. The material for 15", 18", 24" RCP pipes labeled "RCP" but all the 12" pipes labeled "Reinforced Concrete Pipe". So I know I need to change the Material of the 12" pipe to read "RCP". I was hoping to just go to Pipe Properties & change it there for this dwg but it doesn't change.
I was thinking it might be in the part xml file but why would some label "RCP" and the 12" didn't? The Parts Catolog used in this dwg is the default from Autodesk. Also, in the Part List, Material is greyed out. That's the first place I went to change the Material.
I'm in the process of creating content for "pressure Pipe networks". I have created a number of pipes (HDPE, PVC and steel, sizes ranging from 20mm to 200mm). I have also created a number of Tees (Equal and reducing).
My question is.
If you draw in pressure pipe say 90mm ø and the insert a fitting say a 90x75x90 reducing Tee into the line. Then you wish to extend the pipe from the 75mm ø branch, it does not pick up it should be a 75mm pipe but defaults back to the setting (90mm) that you drew the original pipe line in, you have to change the default pipe type to 75 before extending the 75mm pipe from the Tee.
I'm drawing existing SD pipes and trying to put in rim and inverts of the existing structures. Sometimes it won't let me raise an invert to where it really is. It only let's me raise it so far. It may be a rule but it doesn't seem to be a rule I can change.
I have multiple profile views with a pipe network. In a number of cases, I have a pipe that extends to the end of one profile view and continues on the next. I can label the pipe on one profile but not on the other. Is there a way to add two labels to the same pipe - one label on one profile view and another label on the other profile?
Trying to make some changes to improve reading. The pipes are going to center of structure and would like to change the appearance but maintain the lenght to the center or in last case to the structure wall.
The image explains the 'problem'. Red line should be the correct appearance
I've set the start and end locations to be at the structure inner wall and applied rules but the invert elevation is still as if the pipe ended at the center of the structure. Did I miss something or does this not do what I think it does?
I have lost the ability to create a pipe network in a single drawing. Sorta. I can create a pipe network, and label it, and see it in my toolspace, but it won't display it for any style in any format. I can bring in a data reference and label those, but can not see pipe or structure outlines or anything to that end. I have tried to recover, audit, purge. I am at the end, currently creating the pipe network, data referencing it in, and then just drawing lines between the labels.
I'm using C3D 09 with all the updates. OK, now that those are addressed, I am having an issue with my pipe hatching dissappearing when I connect it to a structure. See the two attached pics for clarity.