AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Export To 2010 Changes Elevation Units?

Nov 5, 2012

I'm using the exporttoautocad command to convert a 3D drawing with a proposed surface (a TIN object) into a drawing with just contours (polylines with elevations). My original drawing is in feet and has a NAD83 state plane coordinate system.

Everything seems great in the exported dwg, except it is converting the elevation units from feet to inches!?  A contour that was originally at an elevation of 7.0 feet, ends up at 7 inches in the exported drawing. Spatial coordinates are preserved.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Suppress Units In Elevation Differences Report?

Jun 6, 2013

how to turn off the units in the output table for the Incremental Station Elevation Difference Report of a profile?

It currently adds "m" to the end of my data which makes it difficult to get working in excel (the "m" makes it a text cell and doesn't allow calculation, unless you can ignore letters in excel).

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Export Surface Elevation Values

Nov 15, 2013

is it possible to export elevations from a surface at a given interval?  i can easily export all the data i used to build the surface, but now I am wondering if its possible to export/extract the surface to a CSV or TXT file with a position and elevations, say, every 5 feet?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Export Offset / Elevation Data From Cross Sections To Text File / Excel

Jun 9, 2010

I am using Civil3D 2010. I am trying to export the offset/elevation data from my cross sections to a text file or excel file so i can paste the info into another program. so far i've been labeling the offset/elevation info on the section and typing it into excel by hand.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Create Elevation Label That Give Spot Elevation

Jul 11, 2013

I am trying to create an elevation label that will give me the spot elevation followed by the letters "TC" and then on the line below subtract 4 inches from the elevation followed by the letters "BC".  It's easy enogh to add the letters but the simple equation of elevation - 4 inches eludes me.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Point Elevation Takes On Elevation Of Snapped Object?

Dec 19, 2012

When I snap a point to an object, the point takes on the elevation of the object. I would rather the point's elevation stay as is.

-changing osnapz variable

-latest civil 3d service pack

A few weeks ago I did not have this problem but once my computer was switched to the company's global server and c3d was reinstalled the problem appeared. Furthermore (post switchover), when a colleage of mine prepared a simple test drawing with just a line and a point, he was able to snap to that line without the point changing elevation. When he sent that drawing to me and I tried snapping the point to the object, the same problem occured with the point taking the elevation of the line object. I suspect it is a system variable issue

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: How To Change Invert And Top Elevation To Existing Top Elevation

Apr 16, 2012

i have some existing drainage pipe and structures in a base plan that i need to change the invert (which is the easy part) and the top elevation to the existing top elevation that does not meet the minimum presect in civil 3d 2012 is there a way to change these min. to match my exisitng elevation for example i have a catch basin invert is 15.45 top is 17.56 with a 18" rcp  the cover will be less than 12" and i need to change this.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: 2012 SP2 - Fails To Export To 2010?

Aug 13, 2012

I never saw it prior to installing SP2 on 2012... (currently downloading SP2.1 to see if it fixes the issue...)

I have two viewports on the same sheet, one at 1"=30', and one at 1"=100'.  Cogo Point symbols/labels will print correctly on one viewport, but not on the other.  It seems to be related to whichever one I went into last.  If I go into the main viewport at 1"=30', then the Cogo Point labels/symbols in the 1"=100' viewport turn very tiny when issuing "Export to Autocad 2010".  If I go into the 1"=100' viewport last, then the Cogo Point labels/symbols in the other viewport blow up into huge gigantic things.

I've NEVER seen this behavior before.  It's getting incredibly frustrating, since our client requires a plain AutoCAD 2010 drawing, and the Export feature is flat-out not working anymore.  And if I try exploding Cogo Points prior to exporting, then they disappear from the Point Table.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2012 - STL Export Units?

Nov 8, 2011

I'm using Ineventor 2012 to export files ive made to cut them out on a CNC i recently bought. Ive been having problems with the CAM software im suing to genrate toolpaths (MeshCAM) making the part smaller than it actually is, so i made a 1"x1"x1" cude and imported it to MeshCAM, it imported the demensions 2.54x2.54x2.54 Why is invortor exporting the stl in metric not english units?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Drawing In Units

Jan 18, 2012

I had tried to draw in different units in autcad other than inches, but fail to find i way. I tried going on tutorials, but all they say was to type in:

"Type in Unit in command

Press enter

A option will pop up

Change Units to whichever.

Okay so I tried this, and I change it to feets. The problem is, that whenever i draw a line, it would always be in inches. I want to find a way to draw in feets, so how I can do this.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Decimal Units And Plotting

Dec 13, 2012

So we have started some work overseas and I have been trying to make sense of the metric units in CAD. Metric units in general, make way more sense then imperial units but how they work in CAD has been confusing.

I am familiar with the UNITS command and have changed the drawing units to "decimal" and the insertion units to "unitless"

I know that when you draw a 1 unit line in model space it could represent a 1 millimeter line or a 1 meter line and that it is up to the drafter to decide what it will be. I also am familiar with setting up dim styles to dimension correctly based off of whether you are drawing in meters or millimeters.

I have set my Adobe pdf printer to A1 23.4" X 33.1" (594mm x 841mm). when I draw a 1 unit line in paper space and print the layout the 1 unit line measures 1 inch?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: AREA Precision Units

Jun 13, 2012

i have a number appear when a get the AREA of the attached rectangles shapes especially when i use SMD ucs.for instance see the rectangle C07 74 X 39=2886.00000000 BUT i get the area like 2886.000000003.why the precisions doesn't all 0...

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Change Default Units

May 29, 2013

I have a query on the units for Autocad,  every time i start Autocad up it defaults to inches, i have to change the units manually to mm using in units.  is there a way to set this that i don't have to keep doing this?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Default Imperial Units

Mar 23, 2012

how to open AUtoCAD 2012 so the default units are set to imperial?  I only have one autocad icon (as opposed to a metric and imperial icon which I have seen before).

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Merging Two Drawings Of Different Units

Feb 22, 2012

I sometimes am given drawings which are done in a software package called LSS of which I do not know much, these drawings are  usually to show a model of a band, by using contours of a site on which I am working and are saved by LSS in a dxf format so I can then import them into my autocad drawing.

The problem I have is that I also have drawings of the same site from a surveyor which has the buildings new and existing, but they are in different units.

The surveyors drawing for instance the grid measures 100000mm whereas the LSS model drawings the grid is 100m.

This means the coordinates are different so it is difficult to match them up , the only way is I have found is to rescale the LSS drawing up by 1000, then find a common intersection i.e. corner of boundary line. This is not always very accurate.

The guys who do the LSS drawings tell me they cannot change the units to mm.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Hatches For Geological Units?

Mar 26, 2012

a) can send me geological elements hatching patterns in .PAT format to (e.g. hatch for tuffs, basalt, tuff breccia, andesite, dacite, diabase, etc), or

b) Websites where I can dowload them or otherwise buy them quickly...

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Drawing Units Imperial / Metric

Sep 13, 2013

We have some machines which seem to work in imperial maesurement a dn others which work in metric.  it is frustrating when trying to insert a map block that is metric and is inserting into a drawing which is set up as imperial.  We have tried using the - dwgunits to change to mm, and then using insunits , insunitsdef source and insunitsdeftarget to 0, this works when the PC is currentyl in use. when shut down and restarted it reverts back to imperial setting.

Am i right in thinking this is something that needs to be done at the software installation stage to make it default to metric everytime?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Changing Units On A Existing Drawing

Apr 4, 2012

I have a venue drawing that is in mm and I need to convert it to ft/inch so I can update and get dimensions from it.  Can this be done so when I change the format in drawing units it will update the drawing units?

Current settings.
Drawing units
Type - Decimal
Percisin - 0

Type - Decimal Degrees
Precision - 0
Insertion Scale:

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Best Measure Units To Use? (International System)

Nov 1, 2013

I want to chose the better, to start drawing. I use inches at work, but I want to use international system for myself for personal projects

I think there is a standard unit in files imported o r exported from another soft, smaller files, easier size to process by pc, quicker units to introduce, accurate, prototyping models soft compatibility, etc.

Any previous criteria for recommendation is perfect.

¿Which is the best measure units to use?
Spoiler (Highlight to read) 

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Displaying Dual Units In A Drawing

Sep 18, 2012

I am displaying dual units in a drawing with primary units being Customary. The metric unit displayed is incorrect.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Elevation (Z) Out Zero

Aug 6, 2012

I have a problem with lines that begin and end outside the Z is zero, and polylines with elevation outside the Z zero. The difference is very small, for example, -0.00000112, or 0.00000078. I checked the possibility of using the Flatten command but does not always work, even though there hatches in the drawing. Polylines and Blocks also cause problems with the command by flatten.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Can Units Of Dimensions Be Changed In Different LAYERS In Same Drawing

Jul 10, 2012

Actually, i tried to mention dimensions in metres in first layer and the same dimensions in feet in different layer.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Fixing DWG From Several Elevation Levels

Apr 17, 2011

How can I fixing ( for example) attachment DWG contains too many elevation levels for ( Lines, Dim, Text & Layers) quickly, from all elevation levels into zero elevation level.

To explain more : When I am looking on top view it's good plan, but when I am looking on other Isometric view it's shown many levels . I need to fix every things quickly to zero level ?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Bringing DEM Units

Jun 13, 2012

I am attempting to bring a DEM into Civil 3D using the "create surface from DEM" function.  I am successful with this, but the units for the DEM appear to be correct for X-Y and incorrect for elevation.  The original DEM has metric X-Y coordinates and English elevations.  I would like all to be in English units in the Civil 3D file.

The elevation values and X-Y values have been reduced by a factor of 1/3.208 as I have set the drawing units to English.  This is correct for the X-Y, but incorrect for the elevation as the original DEM has metric X-Y coordinates and English elevations.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Defining New Units

Oct 13, 2009

Is it possible to define new unit, e.g. hectometer (=100m)?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Alignment Units

Mar 26, 2012

AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012

I am trying to create an alignment from existing polyline that I had recieved from another companies drawing.  It was alignment in their drawing but only comes through as linework. That's not the problem.  The problem is that when I try and create a new alignment out of the existing polyline, the units are way off.  the existing drawing had ticks every 100 feet obviously, but after I create my alignment, I get like 400-500 feet in before the existing one gets 100.  Trying to find a scale issue, but not seeing one.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Can't See QTO Units Data

Aug 27, 2013

I'm playing with "getting started" cvs & xml data..

I load files and see the data but not the units 

- In addition I can't associate items to my corridor codes (code set styles)

- also I can't use the search filter on QTO manager

Civil 3D (2013) how much you have to improve....

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Creating Block With One Attribute (Elevation)

Feb 8, 2013

I am trying to create a block with 1 attribute (ELEVATION) showing a finished floor level and another text (field) to show another level derived by the sum of the attribute value + and additional (fixed) number, say 100.

I have tried using fields inside an ATTRIBUTE or a simple DTEXT but the field does not update, it only picks up the DEFAULT of the attribute, not the user entered input. How can I do this?

attached is the block

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Filter All Points In Elevation Divisible By 10

Oct 5, 2011

I'm using the FILTER command to do this. I've added elevations 410, 420, 430, ect to the list, with a ** Begin AND at the start of the list, and a ** end AND at the end. Nothing gets selected.

Civil 3D 2013
Windows 7 64-bit
Xeon W3550 3.07 GHz
Nvidia Quadro 4000
12.0 GB RAM

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Setting Elevation On Lighting Blocks

Feb 13, 2012

I am working on an electrical plan and am having some issues setting the elevations on the lighting blocks that I inserted into the drawing.  When I select all the lights at once to set the elevation (or Position Z, as there is no elevation option) to 14', they all go to different heights. I need them all to go to 14', which is the ceiling height. The lights that are recessed need to have the bottom at 14' and the lights that hang need to have the top at 14'.

Attached is the file for reference.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Scaling - Units In Drawing

Oct 16, 2012

I have a drawing that was given to me by an architect with a scale 1:250 (0.004 in viewport). The architect drew everything in millimeters and it's a Site Plan, why ? I do not know. The units in the drawing are decimal-millimeters.

The page set-up for layout 1 was for 24x36 drawing size (typ.)I know need to make a layout 2 for a sheet size 11x17 but I can not get my viewport to scale correctly. So, if a 24x36 sheet size had a VP with scale 0.004 (1:250) then what is the scale for a sheet size 11x17 ?

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