I'm working on Civil 3d 2012 and when it's set on Autocrad classic profile I can select my layers right in the drop down list by typing the first letter of the layer and it goes to it. But when my profile is set on Civil 3d, I can do the same in the layer drop down. Is there a way to set it like autocad classic?
If you have more than one PDF overlay, you might put them on separate layers. Generally speaking in this case, the PDF extents overlap so when i plot different sheets, I would want only a single PDF to be visible.
So, my first thought was to freeze the layers of unwanted PDFs in the viewport. Except, once i did that, nothing happened. So, i guess i have to manually freeze the layer when plotting each sheet? I then can't publish the layouts as the appropriate PDF's won't be visible.
I know you can set the view port type in your template for sheet setup controls...
BUT - I have a situation where we have profile xrefs of utilities, in those utility profile drawings we must <DR> in the utilities in plan view. I don't want those utilities to show in my PLAN VIEW view port... So now I simply VP freeze the profile layers in the plan view... simple and easy...
WISH - that I could set my view port types to PLAN and PROFILE, and have only PLAN layers show in PLAN and only PROFILE layers show in PROFILE.... AUTOMATICALLY....
Is there a way to control what layer a site is created on?
I am surprised I hadn't noticed until now that a site is actually an AECC_PARCEL In 2012 it comes in on the current layer. This causes some undesirable behavior. If your current layer is locked you are unable to create a site. If you later lock the layer the site is on you are prevented from changing site properties. I found it when I could not purge a layer because it contained the site.
Is there an easy way to switch from a viewport in paperspace to modelspace and have the same layer state show up? I typically run with my paperspace set up with the layers showing how they will print (show lightweights and display plot styles) but I would like to be able to switch to model space and only see the layers that are showing in a particular viewport, to minimize manual layer isolation.
Every time I go to use the water drop tool on a surface I have to change from the default layer 0 to my 'water drop' layer. I'm sure there must be a way to change it but I couldn't seem to find it in the surface styles...
Running AutoCAD 2009 on Win 7, how do I get a drop down box for text style control, similar to my dim style control etc, onto my toolbar at the top? I've tried clicking on customize and dragging it but it won't move. Other users of Acad 2009 in our office have it but I can't see how to add it to the toolbar, only the icon?
We have an alignment curve table and the data text, first data entry (curve number) is appearing as color by layer (magenta), when all colors are set as explicit colors by element in table style under Display tab. How do I control the color of the first entry to be color by element instead of by layer?
when I go to use the Layer Control on the Layer Properties it only lists the layer I'm working on. I then have to use the Layer Manager to change layers. why it would stop listing all the layers?
I have a list of brushes in the Tool Presets. I go to the Preset Manager and organize them in an order that makes sense to me, then I Save the presets with a name in the Tools presets. Just to be sure, I save the workspace with a new name.
If I close PS and reopen it, the tools appear in the Tools Presets, but not in the order I saved them earlier. They are all in alpahbetical order again.
I've gone through this several times, and it seems I am doing it right. I must be missing a step somewhere. This is on Windows 7, 64 Bit, Photoshop 5.
we have a drawing where we were un-able to use snaps (end, per, quad, etc.) on any blocks.
It seems like this particular drawing has issues not seen elsewhere.(besides the fact it was badly drawn) After some time playing with all the settings. We turned on the zero layer and then all the nodes were available as usual.
i've been using AutoCad for 20 years and never seen this. Is this some kind of new feature?Can you control the snaps with a layer? WHY?
Windows 7 64 bit Inventor 2012 Professional Dell T1600 CPU E31245 @ 3.30GHz 8 GB RAM
The layer control dropdown in the layer toolbar is just showing the state of the selected object or layer 0 if nothing is selected. Same for the ribbon combo. But it's working in the Quick properties dialog.
Out of the blue, my Layer Control will not work. When I click on the icon, the top two lines on the screen go gray and the whole thing locks up. The layer palette does not appear. If I try to choose anything on the screen, it beeps. It unlocks if I hit escape. If I type in "layer" at the command line, the same thing happens. At this point, I am unable to change lineweights & colors within my layers settings.
When I click in my layer control and type in a "letter" to quickly scroll to that part of the alphabet, it changes my current layer to the first laser alphabetically with that certain letter. Is there a way to turn this off? If i am just looking at layers, I don't want autocad to change my current layer.
My layer Control dropdown isn't working. It's showing only the current layer. If I select an object on another layer, it'll display that layer and the current layer only in the dropdown.I've tried using the PICKFIRST setting, but this makes no difference.
When dragging over a Modelspace View onto a newly created sheet in the SSM, is there a way to automatically designate it to a particular layer of choice, such as the G-Anno-Nplt layer? Just looking for a way to take an extra step out of this process.
How to control existing layers (Freeze On/Off), in an existing viewports (5 of them in Paperspace) in AutoCad Existing drawing with VB.net? I just want to trigger On or Off, different layers in each different viewports.
My ACad2006 Layer Combo Control bar appears to be locked. It will only show the current layer and will not show the layer of an object that is selected with the pickbox. I must have accidentally made a change somehow, but don't know how to undo this.
When I highlight any object in model space the layer control, color control or line type control does not change from the current layer status to the layer of the high lighted object if it is different. I am also not able through this layer control bar able to high light an object and use the fly out arrow to go into the layers and change this object to another desired layer for this object. I have never seen this function just not work before and can find no setting or preference that might not be turned on to make it function. why it is not functioning?
This only happens from time to time. I have a sheet set up with multiple viewports. I double click in one viewport, type LAYER, and the layer dialog appears but my viewport has changed.
I would like to add the layer state drop-down from the ribbon to one of my toolbars, but can't find it in CUI command list. Is this feature only available with the ribbon?
Why does the layer control toolbar always state the Xref layers by default. Is there a workaround, or a setting so the layers of the current drawing are displayed by default?
When I use my layer control and the pop up opens to changes layer or add layer, it will not give me the "x" to close the screen. I am figuring out to close the screen.
I have determine that my AutoCad 2009 will allow me to drag/drop layers to an existing Group Layer Filter, but it will not allow me to right click on the Group Filter>Select Layers>Add. Once I go to the model space an select layers then "enter" no layers are added to the Filter Group and it gives me an error message that says "unable to modify layers while another command is active".
In PS i can Magic wand selection shape from one layer, drop to sub layer and copy that selected shape from that sub layer. How do I do this in illistrator, and moreover, from multiple layer at the same time.
For instance, in PS = Import an image of gold - select a text phrse with wand - drop to gold - copy paste = gold text.
I am converting from Photoshop and there is one common task i used all of the time which i cannot seem to figure out in Gimp. I have two canvases open, each with a few layers. I select the move tool and then start dragging the layer on one canvas to try to drop it into the other canvas. In Photoshop when you do this it creates a new layer on the dropped canvas consisting of the dropped layer, and the layer resets to its original position on the first canvas.
In Gimp however when I try this its as if i dropped the layer way outside of the viewable area of the first canvas, and nothing gets added to the second canvas i want to drop it into.