AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Control What Layer A Site Is Created On?
Oct 31, 2013
Is there a way to control what layer a site is created on?
I am surprised I hadn't noticed until now that a site is actually an AECC_PARCEL In 2012 it comes in on the current layer. This causes some undesirable behavior. If your current layer is locked you are unable to create a site. If you later lock the layer the site is on you are prevented from changing site properties. I found it when I could not purge a layer because it contained the site.
I'm working on Civil 3d 2012 and when it's set on Autocrad classic profile I can select my layers right in the drop down list by typing the first letter of the layer and it goes to it. But when my profile is set on Civil 3d, I can do the same in the layer drop down. Is there a way to set it like autocad classic?
If you have more than one PDF overlay, you might put them on separate layers. Generally speaking in this case, the PDF extents overlap so when i plot different sheets, I would want only a single PDF to be visible.
So, my first thought was to freeze the layers of unwanted PDFs in the viewport. Except, once i did that, nothing happened. So, i guess i have to manually freeze the layer when plotting each sheet? I then can't publish the layouts as the appropriate PDF's won't be visible.
I know you can set the view port type in your template for sheet setup controls...
BUT - I have a situation where we have profile xrefs of utilities, in those utility profile drawings we must <DR> in the utilities in plan view. I don't want those utilities to show in my PLAN VIEW view port... So now I simply VP freeze the profile layers in the plan view... simple and easy...
WISH - that I could set my view port types to PLAN and PROFILE, and have only PLAN layers show in PLAN and only PROFILE layers show in PROFILE.... AUTOMATICALLY....
Is there an easy way to switch from a viewport in paperspace to modelspace and have the same layer state show up? I typically run with my paperspace set up with the layers showing how they will print (show lightweights and display plot styles) but I would like to be able to switch to model space and only see the layers that are showing in a particular viewport, to minimize manual layer isolation.
When I create design points, they will not display until I thaw a layer that the survey points are on. I have double checked these settings: On Toolspace Settings tab, under Points-Commands-CreatePoints, Default Layer is "C-P-POINTS-TEMP". Default Style is set to Point Style=SPOTS-TEMP, and Point Label Style is set to TEMP-POINT#-ELEVATION-DESCRIPTION. When I check these styles, they are both set to the layer "C-P-POINTS-TEMP". Yet every point I create ends up on the layer "C-E-POINTS_FIELDWORK_11-14-11.
We have one template that we use for starting all our drawings. This contains all of our layers, layer filters and most commonly used blocks.
Then we have a template file called "Titleblocks" -- this contains one layout for each different size border as well as vport definitions for Plan, Profile or P&P.
When I used the C3D P&P tool to create my sheets, it of course used the Titleblocks template which means that the filters are lost. Is there a relatively simple way to add those filters to my sheets? Each sheet is a layout in a separate dwg file.
We have an alignment curve table and the data text, first data entry (curve number) is appearing as color by layer (magenta), when all colors are set as explicit colors by element in table style under Display tab. How do I control the color of the first entry to be color by element instead of by layer?
how to control the draw order of objects created within an array in a dynamic block?
I have a wipeout, which works fine on the array source, but when the array produces babies, it places them infront of everything (which is only logical), making the wipeout useless.
Can I set array babies to have the same draw order as their parent?
I'm trying to use ".createChildSymbol" to bring my symbols from the library to my stage. And in each symbol I have an OUT label, so every time a new symbol is called by a particular button, the last one plays from OUT label and new one appears at the same place. It's all easy for two symbols and I do not need to set any vaiable for them. But I have almost 180 symbols, and a menu of buttons to call them, so every button needs to play the OUT label of the current symbol and also plays the new one and make it as the current one.
sym.test = sym.createChildSymbol("test", "Stage"); sym.getComposition().getStage().setVariable("current", "test"); var current = sym.getComposition().getStage().setVariable("current"); sym.current.getSymbolElement().css({position:'absolute', display:'inline-block', top:167, left:91});
when I go to use the Layer Control on the Layer Properties it only lists the layer I'm working on. I then have to use the Layer Manager to change layers. why it would stop listing all the layers?
Is there a method to obtain the overall Site boundary? I have not found one, if there is, but it would sure come in handy when creating reports. We must always include the project Boundary as the first item in a report, so being able to add it to the existing reports would be a huge timesaver.
I would like the grading of a site to happen only on part of the site; I need the rest of the site to remain unchanged.
I thought I was finished with this project, the volumes seemed about correct, and then I noticed in the comparison surface (showing areas of Cut and areas of Fill) that soil is being taken from parts of the site that need to remain undisturbed. This is a residential site with a conservation easement and other forested areas that we won't be disturbing.
How do I set a boundary or breakline (or what?) to limit the grading/cut/fill to the area I want?
If I have a site that I want to grade using two different configurations whats the proper hierarchy of everything? I am confused as to sites-grading groups-surfaces and how they mesh.
Concept A - Site with FFE of 471 Concept B - Site with FFE of 465
I want to print off a site using a makerbot that contains some retaining walls as a present for our client. I was hoping to use 123D to print it off to a makerbot, but I have been unable to load a drawing in it. How to 3d print a site, and if so what tricks you have used. I am currently trying to make a solid from a surface and see if that will export.
I am trying to fix the grading on a flat site. As part of that I have all the islands labled A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3.
I would like to have the feature lines have the same prefix as the islands. I can create feature line and it will give me the option "Feature". I over write to A1, etc. The next time I add a feature line it flips back to "Feature"
How it picks the prefix for the 6" offset for top & bottom of curb. It would be nice to be able have it keep the prefix until you tell it differently without having to flip to the settings tab for each island.
I have a rogue feature line that I do not know where or why it appeared from. (Somehow it is a duplicate of my curb line, but offset.)I cannot delete this feature line. It is not applied to any surface as a break line, but when I go to delete it, it freezes autocad.
I have done all the basic steps of purging, audit, recovering, even tried mapclean and I still cannot delete it.
i have a preliminary alignment used to create some proposed profiles now we have pin point the location of the correct alignment and i want to copy serveal profiles from the preliminary aligment to the new alignment all at once instead of one at a time with superimpose.
Have a site plan and about to make a revision to building layout, storm, sanitary, parking layout. Have a project folder, with Drawings subfolder, and then subfolder for Model Files and Sheet Files. How do most go about archiving the original drawings without affecting shortcuts and xrefs.
Civil3D 2013 Windows 7, 64 bit Intel i7 2600 @ 3.40Ghz 16 GB RAM Nvidia Quadro 600
I created a few different Sites as I created Feature lines in order to keep them separate and avoid having one affect the others. The problem is that I am now stuck in the Last Site created. So commands like "QUICKEDITFEATUREELEVS" only see those feature lines in the last Site created. How can I switch to another site so I can quickly edit those feature lines?
Is there a way to change the functionality of the layers so that when a new layer is created or a layer is duplicated that it automatically is created below the selected layer? I always organize my files with elements at the top of the document at the top of the layers panel and have them in decending order (unless there is a reason for an object to be above another) so that it is easier to navigate the page. Right now this means I spend a lot of time moving layers up and down which gets rather annoying. I believe I saw at one point that there is a key command for duplicating a layer below the existing one, but I can't remember how anymore. ability to make a blanket change in preferences.
I have a number of Sites in my drawing. I want to be able to set a Site current (in LISP) so that when you create or draw a feature line, the site is set to the desired value. I haven't seen a variable or setting for this.
I've got a series of cross sections that show an existing and proposed scenario and I need to show the location of the site boundary on the (multiple) sections.
I tried making a feature line from the site boundary but all the feature lines get projected - how can I just get the site boundary to be shown?
how to use Civil 3D to create a grading plan for a solar PV site or a golf course?
Here is the situation. We have a large 100 acre site that is not flat. We want to do minimal grading to "smooth out the surface". So that maximum slope on the site is 10%. The site does not have to be graded completely flat. We are trying to work with the existing contours and terrain as much as possible.
Is there some functiion or some way for Civil 3D to "smooth out a surface"? We want to work with the existing slopes and contours of the site and just need a grading plan that will smooth out mounds, holes, or high slope areas.
When a file has many surfaces, gradings and sites manually delete them is slow ¿is there a method to select multiple sites, surfaces and gradings on prospector and delete them all at once and not one by one?
I'm using C3D 2013. I received a survey drawing (unknown version) from a third party. I tried both xref'ing and inserting as block into my drawing and it was over 7,100' SW from my site. BUT when I copy from 0,0,0 in his drawing and paste 0,0,0 in my drawing, it lands on my site. If I xref my drawing into his drawing, it lands on his survey information. Why doesn't his drawing land on my site when I xref or insert as block?
we have a drawing where we were un-able to use snaps (end, per, quad, etc.) on any blocks.
It seems like this particular drawing has issues not seen elsewhere.(besides the fact it was badly drawn) After some time playing with all the settings. We turned on the zero layer and then all the nodes were available as usual.
i've been using AutoCad for 20 years and never seen this. Is this some kind of new feature?Can you control the snaps with a layer? WHY?
Windows 7 64 bit Inventor 2012 Professional Dell T1600 CPU E31245 @ 3.30GHz 8 GB RAM