AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Copying Multiple Descriptions Keys
Apr 30, 2012
I have a Description Key set of approximately 500 keys. I need to copy a huge range of these existing keys to new keys in the same description key set. Then reneumber them as required to match the field crews numbering system.
All I can see is the single individual copy option. This will take me several days to do, one at a time. Any method or routine to allow me to copy my range in one fell swoop?
Civil 3D 2012 is what I am running, on Windows 7 Pro.
I was told that once I set up a description key that I could copy it to save time, especially on DS Keys that have blocks associated with them. Unfortunately this isn't working.
I tried copying the basic DS Key - SWMH* (I right clicked the SWMH* (code) to make a copy of it. I renamed it and, used a different block, changed the layers to zero and saved it as SSMH. I saved it, then it proceeded to change all the characteristics of the SWMH to match the SSMH.
Is there some setting that I'm missing? Is there some parent/child association that I'm missing? I know that I can proceed to create each DS key from scratch but prefer not to.
I created a Description Key called "EP" and it will land in a "S-PTS-EP" layer automatically.
I then created a Description Key called "NEW EP* " and created it to land in a new layer called "S-PTS-EP-NEW". But, when I manually create a point called "NEW EP" or "NEW EP BC", it does not land in the "S-PTS-EP-NEW" layer.
Is there some switch I need to turn on or is my description not complying with some naming convention?
I've been using the COGOEditor in civil 3D 2012. I enter a description for each entry. The description does not get saved. If i open the traverse file using a text editor, enter a description, save it, then reopen in COGOEditor, I still don't see any descriptions.
Is there currently any workaround to bring in alignment descriptions when data short cutting? I have hundreds of lines that are in my drawing that need callouts and this is easily done by making a label with reference text to the alignment description.
I'm seeing weird behavior in C3D 2011 that I never saw in previous versions.Sometimes when I select a Cogo Point and attempt to edit the Raw Description from the Properties window, C3D changes the description to all lower-case letters, and it will not let me key in any upper-case letters. If I select the point -> Edit Points, I can edit the description in Panorama without problems. It's only in the Properties window that it refuses to accept anything other than uppercase letters.
This issue only happens sometimes. Sometimes, I'm able to edit descriptions from the Properties window with no problem. Other times, C3D changes the existing description to all lowercase letters, and refuses to allow me to enter anything but lowercase letters.what causes it, and ideally some way to get C3D 2011 to stop behaving like this?
Is there a way to edit the point descriptions in the drawing and update my auto line work to match it. I can edit the point description fine, but my auto line work will not update?
I was given a file with LDT points in it that show point#,Elev, Desc. When I convert the description turn into a number. How does that happen and how can I change it to convert the description correctly?
HP Z210 Workstation Intel Xeon CPU E31240 @ 3.30 Hz 12 GB Ram
Im experimenting with C3D2012, and found an issue... (Same issue is found in C3D2011)
When I change a points Raw Description to anything that isn't listed in the DescKey, the Full Description does not change. It will only change/update the Full Description if the new Raw Description is contained within the DescKey file.
Original Point Raw Description as "EP" - DescKey format for "EP" is "Edge Pavement" - Full Description = "Edge Pavement"
Change Point Raw Description to "X" - No listing for "X" in DescKey - Full Description stays "Edge Pavement"
Change Point Code to "GS" - DescKey format for "GS" is "Ground Shot" - Full Description updates to "Ground Shot"
While most of the time any updated code SHOULD be in the DescKey file, I can see times where that may not be the case, so it should update even if it doesn't find the Raw Description in the DescKey file.
I'm having some trouble while copying between drawings. I am attempting to merge a number of floor plans which are all saved as seperate drawings into 1 drawing. However whenever I copy the floor plan over to another drawing, some of the lines/objects seem to be displaced.
I am currently working on a game and am pretty new to the world of Maya ( 2D animator gone rogue!), I have some animation that I am cutting and I have noticed something I find strange. There seem to be multiple keys inside one frame ( see pic). I am guessing this is something extremely obvious that I as a new user do not understand, how to edit these keys within the frame?
If I hit copy and then paste it as a new image I only get the layer I had selected. If I merge all the layers down to one, it takes a long time because I have to merge them one at a time. Then I have to undo all those merges to the original so I can still work with its layers, just to make a copy of the image I am working on.
And sometimes I want to copy layers from an image and actually keep them as layers in whatever it is I'm copying them to, and in that case my best option to to select each layer one at a time, copy it and paste it as a new layer in the other image. And this method doesn't always leave the layers lined up properly.
So, Is there any way that I can copy multiple layers?
For some reason in my base template for field work the "Disable Description Keys" option in Points Creation is set to "true"
How can make this default to "False" in my template. I've tried changing it and then saving the template again but it reverts to true all of the time. I have to select my points and do apply desc keys whenever I import points.
I am making a directory full of the blocks we will use for the description key file to use. My understanding is that all of these blocks (manholes, hydrants, trees...etc) should be on layer "0" and of standard size. Manholes should be about 3' in diameter, transformer pads around 4' square....etc. Essentially, 1 = 1 true scale.
I currently use Leica Viva Smartworks for surveying and it captures the linework codes in its own field, so when I export my CSV file my Descrition comes on with the feature code but the linework code is another field. Is their a way that using the Format field in the description Key that I can get the Full description field to read something like "V-DOMW-PIPE B", which would pull the feature code from the raw descrition field and the begin line code from the Linework field.
Creating a format to keep a number following a code.
My code is BCCD#
My format is DFL CC $+
My result now is:
Raw Desc. BCCD1 B (Bottom of Concrete Ditch)
Full Desc. DFL B CC (Ditch Flow Line and Type)
I am attempting to create a key that will create the following full description from the raw description:
Raw Desc. BCCD1 B (Bottom of Concrete Ditch)
Full Desc. DFL1 CC B (Ditch Flow Line and Type)
The reason that I need to change the description is to comply with certain standard codes from an outside entity but I do not wish to change the filed coding that we use in house. I cannot seem to find a parameter that would allow me to keep the number behind the DFL descriptor
Is there a way to copy paste more than 5 pages through page sorter view from one file to another. When i try to drag and drop pages from one file to another, coreldraw x4 crashes.
how to move the window around with the arrow keys and I just can't find it. A little box popped up in the upper left hand corner that allowed you to move the drawing window around to find a hidden dialog box.
In 2013 Civil 3d I am having the issue that when I select the Add/ Delete scales the cursor changes to an arrow and the program waits. If i hit the exscape key it goes back to normal. My best guess is the dialog box is popping up behind the drafting window.
Civil 3D 2013 HP Z400 Workstation 6GB of RAM 296GB HDD ATI FirePro V5700(FireGL) Win 7 Home Professional
I am hoping to bring my spot shots labels in at a 45 degree angle. I have created this Desc Key Set. For some reason the points are still coming in like this.
I double checked my label style, it is set to object. I double checked the properties where it shows rotation it says property not set. I also tried to use the rotation set to parameter 1 and assigned the point a parameter 1 at 45 D with no success.
I have created a custom point import with into Civil 3D 2012. I would like to be able to apply the description keys to the points after I import.
I am trying to set up our templete and I am having issues. I have set up description keys and such. When I import our survey data all comes in (ie blocks and linework). The problem is when I try to plot the block that are inserted on what appears to be the correct layer they do not plot out. When I freeze the point layer the block disappears as well. What setting am I missing that will create the blocks according to the description key and keep them on a separate layer like it did in Land Desktop but keep them dynamic? I am not sure if the subscription service covers.
I have a HP laptop on which I run AutoCAD 2012 AND Civil3D 2012 both of which for some reason do not have the function keys working as normal. Oddly enough if I attach an external keyboard, the function keys work as expected.
How do I import Description Keys from another drawing. I tried exporting XLM file but I must be missing something. I don't understand what the general menu is. I was able to export but not sure what is next.
We did the upgrade last week and I am trying to use the drag and drop to bring styles and description keys across. Done it many times between 10 drawings. I am opening 2 drawings-one from 10 with everything I want and one in 12 to be my template.
Problem is I am only seeing one the current drawing when I click on TOOLSPACE.
I have a user that imported srrvey points and after getting all the points in and set up has discovered that the point over 100 have an extra 0 in between the letter identifer and the point number so instead of A100 he has A0100 , there are several hundred point descriptions to change is there a way to get rid of all the extra 0's without editing each one.
As we have a option of creating the profile from file ,by using that option we get PVI point but not the curves so every time want to copy a alignment from one profile to another in order to maintain the same levels in both the profiles using create profile from file options curves will not be copied but its pvi points will be displayed so i need to convert those pvi points to curves .
the other method of copying is by using superimpose profile option by doing so their is one problem arises that is in the copied profile if i want to see the details of the vertical geometry of that copied alignment the details of the curve will not be displayed in that band.
Is there a way to copy a surfacce? I want to make major changes to a surface I have created but there is the possibliy of utiltiizing the existing sruface. I want to copy the surface and then make changes.
Can I apply a default style to points with a raw description not in the description key sets?
When I import survey points into the drawing my description keys will assign specifed styles (and therefore layers) to descriptions it recognises, and a default style (and layer) to ones it does not recognise.
Then if i change raw descriptions in the drawing I can "Apply description keys" and have the styles and layers change based on the changes I made to the raw description. This is fine for descriptions in the key set.
Can I get Civil3D to apply the default style to points that did have a description that is in the DKS but has now been changed to one that is not? As it works for me now, these points remain unchanged in there layer and style.