If I hit copy and then paste it as a new image I only get the layer I had selected.
If I merge all the layers down to one, it takes a long time because I have to merge them one at a time. Then I have to undo all those merges to the original so I can still work with its layers, just to make a copy of the image I am working on.
And sometimes I want to copy layers from an image and actually keep them as layers in whatever it is I'm copying them to, and in that case my best option to to select each layer one at a time, copy it and paste it as a new layer in the other image. And this method doesn't always leave the layers lined up properly.
So, Is there any way that I can copy multiple layers?
I like having a source and a working image.. so what I end up doing is opening the source, then creating a new image, then copy/paste the layers I want over..then sometimes scale the items, or whatever..
I cant seem to be able to pick multiple layers to copy or scale.. I can chain them and then move em all together ok.. but as for copy/paste scale.. I haven't managed to find where I can group them and copy/scale .
I'm making a .gif image but the video clip frames I imported have an undesirable rectangle at the very end (it's just starting to fade in). So I'm trying to go frame by frame and edit each layer individually to erase the rectangle. I only have a handfull of frames to edit and then I should be good to go but figuring out how to switch to editing other layers has proven difficult. So far if I turn off the top layers when I try and edit the underlying layers it only draws on the top layer. I didn't want to move any of the layers since that would be much harder than just editing them where they already are.
I have a 63 frame animated gif and I need to paste something to all the layers... all I could find is this here [URL].... but the plug in takes me to a page not found....
I've been working on learning Blender and using Gimp to edit textures and the like. I'd really like to be able to create tilaable textures and then clone them onto UV maps (the main cutout of a 3d model.
However, One thing I want is to be able to clone the normal map and the specular along with the UV texture map. This would involve cloning from 3 layers simultaneously in one gimp file to 3 new layers in another gimp file. Is it possible to do this at all in Gimp? It's important that the UV, Normal, and Specular maps match precisely in the new image.
I have been trying out gimp and i'm getting the hang of the basics but what i would like to know is how can i scroll multiple layers on the same image,
i have been using the 'move path' function and i can get one layer to scroll but how do i add more layers to the image? i want one text layer to scroll horizontally and then another different text layer to scroll vertically but at the moment i only get one or the other.
In Inkscape, you can select multiple objects by simply using the Selecttool and putting a box around the objects. I unwittingly did the samething in Gimp. I chose the Select tool (R) and selected several images inone column. I thought, that I would see all the boxed-in layers selectedfor easy duplication, but nope.
So how can I quickly/easily select a box-full of layers at once, a laInkscape?
I am working on a GIF and I want to change the brightness, saturation settings etc but it seems that I have to edit the frames one by one, which is extremely tedious. Is there a faster way to do this?
I have scoured the net for any Script-Fu or Batch to do this, and only find old code that is no longer good for gimp 2.6. For some absolutely insane reason (as far as I am concerned), gimp has failed time and time again (since their inception) to actually make it available to export multiple images at the same time. I literally have 300 layers, and for me to crop them all and save them as images would take an entire day.
Why hasn't this been made available? Is there any code or anything I can use to accomplish this task in Gimp 2.6? Photoshop allows it, and has since its inception! Why not Gimp? Is it that difficult to create? Are there really no plugins to do this?
How can I select multiple layers easily? method of putting a selection box around them, but that didn't work) BTW, I'm using GIMP 2.6.12 (on Linux Mint)
Is it possible to set the blending mode or the opacity settings formultiple layers all at once? Ideally I'd like to select multiple layersand change the settings for all of them at once, but I can't seem to figureout a way to do this, so I think it doesn't exist?
Is this something other people would like to be able to do?
Is this real? I am really amazed that there is no way to do this. Am I missing something? I have multiple images, each with a unique background layer. On top are multiple other layers, both images and text layers. I was editing one and was about to save it but then realized it was on the wrong background.
All I want to do is select four or five layers from this unsaved image with Background A, copy them and then open an image with Background B and paste them in so there will be minimal issues with alignments and such. I have been editing each of these four layers and there are a fair bit of changes that have been made to just throw them away and start over. The background is not the only difference between the images, it is just what I use as a reference so copying that over to the unsaved image would also require multiple layer copy/pasting.
I have already tried linking the layers but any copy/cut/paste seems to only work on the active layer, unless I am again missing something. This seems like a really fundamental function to not be supported.
I was working on a drawing, I had multiple Layers, and was working with grouping to keep it organized. Well my computer was freezing up and I had to restart Gimp, I thought I'd only be loosing a few minutes of work cause I had saved VERY recently. I re opened Gimp and suddenly...I can only see the group I was working with. The latest work is there but all my other layers are gone... It was saved as an xcf file
Is there any way I can erase the same exact point on multiple layers with one click of the eraser, rather than doing it on each layer individually (and having to line up that same point again)?
What I'd like to do is adjust the color and brightness/contrast of many layers of an animation. Now, for a still image with many layers I know you can generally add a partially transparent layer over the whole thing, however, since it's an animated .gif I have to do the same thing to each individual layer. I could probably go through and do it by hand and just get it over with. But, I'm curious if there's a feature for this, or is there a plugin that can repeat actions for multiple layers?
I'm taking a web design class, and we are doing a preliminary layout in Photoshop CS5. Last night the prof taught us how to do something he calls "slide copying." It's basically holding down Opt or Alt while clicking on the layer, and then sliding it downward. You then get a new layer and its number.
Here is what I am trying to do. I have a 1" border around my web page. I am typing in a single letter, and then copying it. How can I make sure that when I drag it into its new position, it will be aligned with the original letter? There are going to be dozens of these going around the border, so I want to get this right from the start.
Something like "distribute horizontal centers"?
I know that I can group layers and make any changes there, of course, but I'm wondering about the easiest way to do it in the first place.
I have a button that is comprised of two layers. I use this button extensively on my page so I'm trying to copy both layes at once. I make one layer active, then I link the other layer, then I use the Move Tool and press ALT, but only one layer gets copied. Is there an easy way to copy 2 Layer elements at once in Photoshop 6.0?
In PS CS3, is there a simple way to copy the contents of a partially transparent layer from one image and paste them into another image of the same size without PS trying to center the pasted content? If so, how is this accomplished?
Here's the situation. I am trying to make a bunch of blending mode reference images. They consist of a base color layer, a blend color layer, and several different layers for labels. The base and the blend color layers have off center squares of gradiated colors, so you can see how the blend changes based on changes to the base and blend colors.
I've finished grayscale versions for each layer blending mode, now I'm working on a color version. I have created one (Luminosity), and now I want to past the blend color and base color layers from the color Luminosity image into all the grayscale images so that I can reuse the labels in grayscale images.
When I drag the layers from the layer palette of one document to the document window of another document, it places the color squares in the location based upon where I drop them. If I copy from one document to the other, it centers the color squares (they need to be off-center to work with the pre-existing labels). I've not tried replacing the transparency in the blend and base color layers, because... well.. because I shouldn't have to. Dagnabit. But, I suspect that would work.
I'm running Photoshop CS3 Extended v10.0 on Mac OS X v10.4.10 w/2GB RAM.
Do you know of a method to copy layers from an existing psd file to a new psd file? See I'm doing a website design in photoshop but I want to be able copy over the menu bars which will remain on all pages without having to spend time constantly recreating the thing on each page?
I have created a file with about 35 layers. The top layer is needed to make the lower layers look right. My plan was to copy the first two layers into the new file, turn off the second layer, turn on the third layer, and then copy it, along with the top layer still turned on, into the same new file. I want to repeat this process until all layers have been copied. I just cannot seem to find out how to do this without a tremendous amount of extra work. So I know how to do it the looong way, but surely there is a way I can copy two layers, in their arranged order, as one new layer into a new file?
using Cs6, locked down all the layers I didnt want to copy across, select all, copy .. new document select paste remembers layers, paste in front, all layers beautifully copied but I cant see any of them on the artboard, only in the layers panel. There is nothing on top of the layers.
I'm having some trouble while copying between drawings. I am attempting to merge a number of floor plans which are all saved as seperate drawings into 1 drawing. However whenever I copy the floor plan over to another drawing, some of the lines/objects seem to be displaced.
I have an issue with the behaviour of the alpha channels and layers.I have upgraded to the latest version.I have tried resetting the preferences per Julianne Cost's Key Board Short Cut (KBSC) method. None of the preferences were reset.I still have all my saved workspaces available etc etc.
After making a selection in the channels pallet and saving using the "Save selection as channel" button I have what appears to be a bug when trying to import the selection into the layers panel.
I make the selection. Save it as a channel. Make the selection active.Then switch over to the layers pallet. I then try to copy the selection across using the KBSC 'Cmd J'.On the first attempt I only get an exact copy of the layer (in a single layer document).
However, when I use the same KBSC a second time (immediately after the first attempt - no changes) the third layer created has my selection as masked.So after the process in a single layer document my layers stack up as follows (I have layed them out as if in the layers pallet).
-Layer 1 (with just my selection) -Background Copy (an exact copy) -Background (with lock icon).
I know that title sounds confusing, but i was wondering if there is anyway to automatically name a layer the same as a separate file. For example i am creating a layered Photoshop file that contains a bunch of photos and i want each of the layers to be named the same as the separate photo files i am copying them from - make sense?
Anyway, just wondering if this can be done without having to manually type or paste in the file name.
I want to process a series of pics for my photography business and I think I have a way to do a great deal of them with minimum effort. What I want to do is to work on one photo and create a smaller project that I copy and paste my Adjustment layers in. Then, I want an action to go through my queue of pics and copy the layers over, create a blurred layer (for skin touch up) and a sharpened layer. That way, when it's done, all I have to do is open each saved PSD and do touch up as needed.
The problem is that I can't get an action to recognize that I'm dragging a layer over from one comp to another. Is there a way, instead of creating a brand new action for each set of pics, to do what I want to do?