AutoCAD Civil 3D :: 2012 / How To Create A Project
Mar 24, 2012
Iv'e been using Land Desktop 2005 and 'am checking out a trial of 3D 2012. Needless to say I'm used to the 2005 format where there is simply a tab for Projects to create a new project or manage existing projects.
Having issues on a laptop with Inventor 2012. Inventor will let the user create a new project folder on the C drive but not on their personal network drive. The user does have all needed permissions to use their network space, but Inventor is not allowing a project folder to be created on on the networked drive.
We have desktops on which project folders can be successfully created on the network drive. Only the laptop seems to be affected by the issue.
Am I missing a simple check box somewhere in Inventor?
I need to create a subgrade surface for a landfill project. I have already created profiles and sections on a 200x200 ft grid along a baseline alignment that follows the center of the proposed landfill. In my profiles and section views I have drafted in my proposed subgrade elevations.
Is there any way to create a surface by selecting critical points along the profiles & sections? I would prefer not to use a grading group b/c the site is in excess of 200 Acres, and the grading tools tend to crash Civil 3D 2009 on large sites.
I have been searching around all morning for a way to create a symbol legend in C3D 2012. Is there a way to create a legend of point sysmbols being used with in a dwg? I could do this manually but that could take a while if I have lots of sysmbols.
How can I change the way the Project Browser maps the creation of new projects?
Currently, the new project folder is created and named according to the Project Name prompt. We want the folder to be named according to the Project Number prompt...
I've built a project up with several smaller project file components. It's an easier way to create a video than editing one big project.
Opening the overall project and running it on screen is not a problem. However, when I try to create a smart package of the composite project, I get a consistent error message rejecting the process because of the existence of the component vsp's.
Is there a way to avoid the error and create a smart package from a project file that has smaller component project files?
When I create a new sketch on any given view and utilize the 'Project Geometry' command, not all geometry will project onto the sketch. It seems random; I've tried multiple times using different orders in which to choose the geometry. Sometimes certain geometry will project, sometimes not.
AutoCad 2012 and 13- PROJECT NAVIGATOR or project browser disappears in Classic view.
We are running 2012 and like the look of the older versions. We are using the Autocad Classic workspace, BUT the Project Browser and all that jazz is missing. Where or how do i get it back?
I tried to use 2012 task scheduler to migrate files, got an error message saying it won't support vault project file. I used vault project file for version 2010.
Often as a sole user of Revit when I open a project I have been working on I get the following message:
"This file is already open for editing by another user. You will be unable to save any changes before that user closes the file."
Since I am the only one working on the project there are no other users and as far as I can tell no other files open. Any insight into what has triggered this message?
Luckily it still hasn't happened when the save as dialog box is open, but it's rather annoying when searching for a file in the open dialog box and the search takes more than 30 seconds. Crash. Also, it seems it only happens about 90% of the time. I've updated everything + drivers are good. (I use Windows 7 Home Premium on a Asus N53SN with 16gb RAM.)
I just installed my Smoke2013 SP2 yesterday, and today I want to restore my project. From Mr. Grant Kay tutorial, I saw there's restore button once he double click the restore folder. But I can't see that Restore button.
Just wanted to run this by everyone. I'm using Autocad 2012 and having problems with text dropping out when i create a PDF file from my DWG.
It just happens randomly. Most times we just re-PDF the dwg and it's fine. I'm wondering if the way I go about it, /plot, and using "Adobe PDF" to print my PDF is what everyone is using.
Picture this, a tubular feature that has a path that runs along the circumference and turns linnear. A path thats .3125 in diameter. I attached a file that shows a hand sketch with this post but I can't tell if it will show up.
I have recently installed Inventor Professional 2012 Student Version, and I'm unable to create a new file, as the program crashes as I try to do so.
After starting Inventor, I select New than Standard.ipt. The file starts loading, the status of the loading process can be seen in the bottom left corner, than the "Open Documets in Session" counter in the bottom right corner changes from 0 to 1, as it should, I guess. And than, the program freezes. Sometimes, a message appears after several minutes that an error has occured, and that I should send an error report to Autodesk (which I did); but sometimes, no message appears at all, it simply crashes.
My computer specs are: Intel Core 2 @1,86 GHz, 2 GB RAM, NVidia GeForce 9800 GTX, 60 GB free space, Windows Vista (hotfix installed) Not a powerhouse, but I think it should be able to start a file properly I think, if I understand the system requirements correctly.
Im working on a miniature train project of PLTW... I have completed the train and made a track for it... but i can't figure out how to create a drive/motion constraint that would make it go along the track.
(All the files are in a zip folder that is attached)
PS... if you go to this youtube video you can see what im trying to do: [URL].......
I need to produce a fly through for a windfarm project. I normally would do the 3d linework etc in Civil 3D and then export dxf data out to another package that I produce the 3D flythrough in and apply textures for soil, roads etc. in that package. I can then produce a decent flythrough in a few minutes.
I have tried some simple flythroughs in C3D but they seem very choppy and not very impressive (and take forever to process). I'm not particularly familiar with C3D for this type of use.
When creating the short cut folder you have the option of using a project template. Instead of browsing for it all the time , can a permanent path on a network be set to look for the project template everytime?
Anyway to disassociate a drawing from a shortcuts project? I have a drawing that I want to use in class to show people how to create data shortcuts but since it's already associated with a project, it doesn't work quite as simple as I would like it to.
When I import points from an external project point database (LDD) which I do quite often to import points from 2008 to Civil 3d it works fine for me, but when a co-worker tries doing it from the same exact drawing just a different computer it does not work. Whe he tries to do it, a red "X" appears telling him there is some kind of error. VERY strange and I have no clue why????
I have a survey figure in plan view that I want to project to a profile. I have a projection style set, and the command settings use this style. When I project the figure to the profile, nothing shows up.
If I try it again, the command tells me that an object already exists in the profile and will update it. What am I doing wrong? What is the correct procedure to project these lines to a profile?