AutoCAD Architecture :: Trusses In Detail Components?
Oct 8, 2012where can I find detail coments of roof trusses. how do I get them in my detail components library?
View 1 Replieswhere can I find detail coments of roof trusses. how do I get them in my detail components library?
View 1 RepliesWe use autocad lt 2012, when creating a drawing, the same component can be used more than once, is it possible to print a detail listing of all the components used in a single drawing in some sort of report format, or maybe export the listing to a program like MS excel....etc.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am making a detail library for the company. When I make my own detail components my element keynote doesn't staywith the component even though I have done new entries to the keynote text and updating everything with the new path gone into the materials and assigned the keynote and the main library file uses the new path to the keynotes. Yet everytime I bring in something new that I have created. I have to resassign the keynote. But if I bring in one of revits detail components, the keynote is right there.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs it possible by importing a drafting view or copying 2D details, to not duplicate the detail components families ? I tried many ways, but I always get my families duplicated.
Copying 'Gypsum' will always duplicate with 'Gypsum1', even if they are exacly the same original family.
I'm doing a small 3D assignment for class, and I need extruding these trusses in my drawing 2". I'm aware that they need to be a solid polyline object in order to do so, however I can't seem to figure it out!
Here is the file:
I know how to add components horizontally to a wall like brick in the front and air space, etc. My question is how to have bottom 2 feet of wall to be of one material and the top of another material.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI need to have 4" piers ont my exterior wall. We are will be using 12" cmu at the piers with 8" cmu at the typical wall with 2" insul wrapping around it all. I am trying to use wall modifier to do this.
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs there any easy way to globally edit lineweights of certain components? Several of the components look fantastic at one scale and terrible at another. Some we just need to lighten but I cannot find where to edit them. I can always (of course) edit the block once it is inserted or edit layers in each drawing but would prefer a more permanent solution.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to change the color of a material definition in 2d wireframe (plan view). For example, for walls, when the mat. def. is checked in the wall display props, the hatching shows orange->color 30.
When I look at one of the materials listed for said wall, in style manager, for that display component, there are diplay components similar to an object format, but in the mat. def. the components control the color (see attached example).
Now is there a "master setting" to change them - I want to change say the plan linework or section hatch to a different color to match our layer color standards or do I have to go into every since display rep. for every single mat. definition and change them or is there a way I can do it once & all will change?
The out of the box objects are great but what I am worried about is that those colors that are given don't work well with our office standard, esp. if we go back to old projects.
I just started using version 2010 (I was using 2009 way past the 2010 release). Whenever I go to insert a detail component such as a 3/4" bolt it fails. On the command line I see the name of the detail to be inserted but immediately after is *Cancel*.
I have to shut down Architecture and restart it before it will let me insert the component -- and then only once. If I want to insert other components I have to shut down and restart every time.
I am using AutoCad Architecture 2011. In the Style Manager, I created a wall style using a 8"CMU unit plus a 2" insulation board. I have a gable roof slab that intersects with the wall. I want to trim the insulation board along the bottom of the roof slab, and show the CMU above the roof slab.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am just getting started with ACA 2010 and am impressed at what it can do. However, I am trying to change the material for 1 wall or 1 slab. When I try, it changes the material for all walls or slabs. I have read something about a propagate option on the materials menu, but I can't find it.
View 5 Replies View RelatedSince yesterday, when I try to draw any of our custom wall types all I get is a standard wall type image (rectangle only). None of the detail or component colors are displayed. When I start creating the new wall, the detail displays until I click at the end of the wall, then the detail disappears. When I ID an existing wall and a newly created rectangle the properties all match. I can copy and mirror existing wall and the correct display is retained. All of the existing walls in the drawing display and print correctly. The newly created wall print only the rectangle. Medium detail settings are in place. This has to be a local setting problem on my computer because others in the office can draw the same new wall in the same drawing and get all of the detail.
View 2 Replies View RelatedThe AEC content folders are missing. Actually, it's not missing but autocad is not able to locate them.
C:ProgramDataAutodeskACA 2012enuAEC Content.
C:ProgramDataAutodeskACA 2013enuAEC Content.
Is there any problem or bugs with the "AecDtlComponents.mdb" file type
How do you modify the database and generate the size of items needed within the software from the Detail Component Database? Can you Adjust sizes? Are there more items to select?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWe are using Autodesk Architecture 2013 running on 64bit Windows 7 workstations. When I try to access the Detail Component Database I get an error message stating the AecDtlComponents (US).mdb will not open. I went into Tools-->Options-->AEC Content and tried to Add/Remove a database but the list was empty. When I try to Add a database I get the same error message AecDtlComponents (US).mdb will not open.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI recently installed Building design suite premium and I am just getting around to getting it configured. I was trying to open up the detail component manager and have been looking for the default tool palletes for detailing and they are missing. In AEC content the path to the databases are there but I can't find where to access the detail component manager or tool palletes. I can't even find the tool catalog to bring them in that way. It says to look for the detail panel in the ribbon but guess what, I don't have that panel nor do I have the option to show it in the ribbon.
I have also searched for a command line command to open the manager and I couldnt find that either.
I have used the Content Browser sparsely in the past to drag and drop items to a tool palette....but I was thinking it may be a go location to manage our detail library....
As a test i had tried to drag or copy past autocad details into the content browser with no success. I suppose there is a process to make linework usable for the content browser.
Do i need to convert the linework into a multi-view object and then drag it from the style manager into the content browser?
I am drawing a house with a hip roof. The roof has a overhang with fascia and soffit. What is the best way to construct the components of the roof system. Should the hip roof and the soffit with fascia to be one system or two separate systems?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm using project navigator and I want to use the intelligent title marks created by the Mode Space View drawing that is created when I use the Detail Boundary.
I have purchased a 5 hour block of support time on this and after 4 days they have not found a result for me and are looking to developers at this point.
My issue is this. I xref in the floor plan that I want to use to make some enlarged floor plan details out of. I have a custom high detail display configuration set for this view drawing. I use the detial boundary tool that adds the detail boundary and tag and then created my model space view with an intelligent titlemark that will then reflect the number and sheet when inserted into a sheet drawing.
The problem is trying to get this MSV to reflect what I see on the floor plan. As of now it just brings in a enlarged detail of the area but it's all the same color with no hatch detail.
I can change the result of what I get by selecting the “model space view” that I created and then going to properties and changing the “display controlled by” on the display tab of the properties of that object. If I change that to “Drawing default setting” then the result is set to whatever the drawing default settings are. It looks like the “default settings” for a 2D Section/Elevation object are “General” Display Representations.
how to get my custom “Bew_High Detail” display representation to be the default Display Representation of the “2D Section/Elevation” object then I think I would get my desired results.
I am attempting to use the Weld symbols routine from the detail palette. All the symbols are being created an enormous size. how to reduce this insert scale.
View 4 Replies View RelatedWe are running ACA 2001 on WIndows Vista 64 bit. The Detail Component Manager will not open on (2) of our (7) machines and returns the error message: "Specified cast is not valid". The files are located on each machine. I have tried running a repair; I have copied the Detail Component Manger files over from the good machines, and I have also run a re-install and the Detail Component Manager still will not work.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am experiencing problems with AutoCAD Architecture when drawing a standard wall. When I change the display to read High Detail nothing seems to change - I cant see the hatch patterns for brick/block.
I have ensured that I am on the correct template
Aec Model (Metric Ctb).dwt
But i cant seem to get it working.
Is it possible to insert a project detail field in a sheet column?
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy detail component manager in AutoCAD Architecture 2011 was working fine until I installed Revit 2013 on it (as part of Building Design Suite 2013). I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling MS .Net framework, but it has not worked.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWe installed ACA 2012 a few weeks ago on computers running Windows Vista Business 64-bit. On one of our machines, the Detail Component Manager was working fine and now when we go to insert an object the insertion fails with a *cancel* appearing on the command line.
I have checked all of the file paths and folder permissions and everything is fine. Microsoft.Net Framework 4 Client & Extended is installed as along with Microsoft.Net Framework 3.5 SP1.
Ok some times when I go to run details it pops up that it can not load the component database AecDtlComponents (US).mdb file. I go to options and can not do anything there. So I have to close it all down and hope when I reload AA it works. 9 out of 10 times it does. But this is a pain to do when ever you need to add detail stuff. Oh also this happens on more then one computer in the office. running 2012 with sp and all updates on windows 7
View 8 Replies View RelatedAfter long time i am back in customization of AutoCAD, now for 2013. What i am trying to do is currently trying to export a dwg to pdf using COM Components.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI would like to find out how to fix two components in an assembly relative to each other, and using VBA.
What I want to do is to build the assembly (which consists of two components A and B, and also other components) and then animate the joint in component B. In order to do so, I have to fix A to B so that A moves along with the joint motion. But my problem here is that the attachment of A to B is not definite - it depends on other components in the assembly, so I cannot predefine a constrain between the two.
Is there a way I can easily fix two components relative to each other in an assembly without prior knowledge on how they are positioned relative to each other?
I'm thinking of measuring and then constraining the origins of the two part files in 6DOF, but I'm not sure how i can extract the angle between the axes and then constrain them in the correct way (mating using angles has always been confusing for me).
we are using level of details to suppress few components. when we are trying to take BOM for that level of details. we are getting the suppressed components also. is there any control we can do avoiding that suppressed component. I know if you make the BOM sequesnce to reference that wont come in BOM. but we need that file for other LOD.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI use hinges in my door assemblies and they are basically placed into the assembly each time and become flexible so the doors can operate. The hinges are one size and don't change in any way or shape. What is the best practice for inserting these hinges into my door assemblies?
Inventor 2013
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit SP1
HP EliteBook 8470w
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3610QM CPU @ 2.30GHz
Memory: 16 GB
AMD FirePro M2000
3D Connexion SpacePilot