AutoCAD Architecture :: Mysterious Line Shows Up On Print?

Feb 27, 2013

This only happens on one person's prints.  All layers are thawed/on.  Yet when he prints, there's a random line going across the drawing at 45 degrees.  This happens if he prints from paperspace or modelspace.  The line shows up right from the print preview.  Since it only happens on his computer

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Mysterious Outline Of Block When Moving / Trimming

Mar 27, 2012

When I trim or move a block (roof trim mostly) there is an outline of the block I am working on, I know the solution, if you move the block over, it moves but the outline stays where the block used to be, then I copy it back and delete the outline or original block that made the outline and its back to normal.

-Trim BUg02 is my trim after its been trimmed with mysterious outline left over
-Trim Bug03 is my trim after being moved with mysterious outline left in objects original place

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AutoCAD Print / Plot :: Print / Plot Preview Shows Section Of Drawing

Jan 20, 2012

I'm using autocad 2000 and I have a problem printing & plotting.  The print, plot preview only shows a section of the drawing. What settings do I need to change for the entire drawing to print for the paper size I need.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Wide Polyline Shows As Lines?

Sep 17, 2012

I'm using a block with thick polylines. When i copy it to another drawing the thickness does'nt show anymore, only the contours drawn in thin lines.

How do I get my wide polylines to show correctly? Is there a setting I should know about?

I'm attaching an image of the block the way it should look, and one of how it looks when I paste it in drawning no 2.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Recent Documents Only Shows DST Files

Oct 18, 2012

This refers to AC A2011, when looking at the recent documents in the pull-down, it ONLY shows .dst files. Selecting file types is not the solution...

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AutoCAD Print / Plot :: PDF Printing Shows Low-res Circles

Dec 12, 2011

I am having trouble printing "smooth" circles.  I am using Cad2012 for Mac.  I have setup the shademode to 2D-wireframe, viewres to 5000 and still cannot seem to get smooth circles.

When I print form a PC, the problem is gone...

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AutoCAD 2010 :: PDF Clip Frame Shows On Print?

Feb 9, 2012

I did a :



both the frames

  pdfframe 2

Displays but does not plot the PDF underlay frame.

  frame 2

Displays but does not plot the frame.and this last one is the override for all frames but...on the printout a few thin lines of the clip (not all) but noting in the preview

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AutoCAD Inventor :: TEXT Not Visible But Shows Up On Print

Sep 5, 2013

I have a inventor drawing where the text is not visible but shows up on the Print.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Properties Palette Shows Any Selected Object On Current Layer

Aug 13, 2013

Just starting to use 2014, and so far not so good.  I tend to keep the Properties Palette open and docked.  In 2014, if my current layer is 0, any object I select in a drawing shows as Layer 0 in the Design tab of the Properties palette.  If I change to a different layer, any object selected shows that layer in the Properties palette.    If I start a new drawing, enter WALLADD and draw a wall segment, the A-WALL layer now correctly appears in the Layer Manager, but when I select the wall, the Layer in Properties is the current layer, not the A-WALL layer it should have gone on.  Also, Quick Properties is on, but doesn't pop up anywhere.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Fonts Shows And Print Different In Windows And Plot Preview

Nov 28, 2012

I am facing this problem that when i give plot command and preview the window it show fonts different other than my main window. Also it prints as per the preview window and not as per the fonts present in my AutoCAD model space and layout.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Command Prompt Only Shows Last Line

May 1, 2013

We (the entire office) haven't had this issue in 2012, but in all of our 2013 installations, this is occurring.

In 2012, several rows are displayed in the command prompt, say for example you do a distance command, there are two rows of text showing the information the user might want to see.  It displays the first row of, distance, the angle in XY plane and the angle from XY plane.  The second row displays the delta X, delta Y and delta Z.

In 2013, it only displays delta X, delta Y and delta Z.  The user have to hit "F2" to invoke the "AutoCAD Text Window" to view the first line of text.

I hope there is a variable setting for this, and not an oversight by Autodesk.

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AutoCAD Print / Plot :: Same Line Weights On Different Layers Print Out At Different Scales?

Aug 1, 2013

I have two layers. One is set to red color, the other to blue color (using ctb). I have both layers defaulted to 1 mm line weight thickness. Blue is continuous and Red is dashed. 

When printing the blue layer prints at the correct weight of 1mm, while the dashed red layer prints at a much smaller thickness. All line properties are set to default or bylayer (this is not being caused by the lines having individual special properties).

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AutoCAD Architecture :: How To Draw Line In Particular Angle From Another Line

Apr 13, 2013

I don’t know if there is some way to draw, or somehow to say to AutoCad that it let me to input measurements from line but not from main base pint.

For example in Revit I can make angular dimension between lines and then apply any angle that I want, maybe AutoCad has such tool?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: List Cmd Block Reference Shows Only First Line Or Two?

Mar 1, 2012

Space: Model space
Handle = 27879

The above result from LIST > 'Last' ... gave only the above result.

We have a project... granted, the requirement is to model 1.6 million feet from world origin... I know that AutocAD can have issues with this... and we have certainly had issues on this job that can be attributed to this... BUT WHAT ABOUT THIS ISSUE?

When anything is INSERTed into this drawing file, or from this dwg file... it doesn't seem to show up... no command line errors, no OFF or Frozen layers, no objects Isolated, no indication at all that there was a problem... except that nothing showed up.

This was used to find the issue. List the last object added to the database. Then paste to original coordinates (NOT PASTE AS BLOCK)

Command: list
Select objects: l
1 found
Select objects:

[Code] .....

No more info.. no block name, no Handle, no Insertion point x,y,z... no scale factors, none of the normal info that should accompany the BLOCK REFERENCE LIST output.

Several Audits were done, and Recover... this reported fixing Invalid Block Refs... we even rebuilt the dwg in a blank dwg file... but still object INSERTed with this same behaviour.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Mysterious Symbol In Middle Of Drawing

Aug 17, 2012

I created a new title block drawing and for some reason a symbol popped up in the middle of it. I can't click on it or figure out why it's there. How to get rid of it?

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Paint.NET :: Print Preview Does Not Shows Image In Colour?

Nov 11, 2009

I have just started using paintnet and when i tried to print it will only print in blackand white even when the photo is colour. The print preview shows the image in B&W. How do i get to print in colour?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Open File - Shows Creation Date And Not Last Save Date

Jul 2, 2012

All of a sudden I notice that when I open a file in Autocad Architecture, it shows the file creation date and not the actual last save date. Only thing I can think of is I reinstalled 3dsmax Design and I wonder if that changed something. I attached a screenshot for reference.

Building Suite Premium
Win 7, ultimate
i7 1.86ghz, 4meg ram
ATI 5730

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Content In Layout Shows Beneath Model Space Content

Nov 25, 2013

I'm doing an evacuation plan of an office building. The drawing itself is in the model space, obviously. The fire extinguishers and escape routes are added in layout.

The problem is that everything that I add in the layout ends up beneath the drawing in model space. I.e. the walls of the building are shown in front of the fire extinguishers which makes my evac.plan look like poop.AutoCad Architecture 2013.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Properties Palette In 2014 Shows Only Current Settings Of General Properties

Aug 13, 2013

It's not just the layer that isn't being displayed in the Properties Palette.    My 2014 Properties Palette isn't contextual--displays only the general info--none of the object specific information. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Browser Shows Everything But No Model Shows Up On Workspace Screen

Jul 20, 2012

It was working fine.  Then I just did a simple command (pattern a part) and the entire workspace blinked out.  The first time it happened I hit UNDO and it was back.  So I got out of the drawing and got back in and tried the pattern again. Same issue but this time when I hit UNDO it would not come back.  I closed the file without saving and when I went back in the file the workspace is still nothing but white screen.  In the browser everything is still visible except for those that I had already changed to invisible.  I tried making an invisible to visible and nothing happened.  I got out and tried opening the "old version" which should've been before any of this happened and it is also blank.  I can go to an ipt or iam in the browser and hit open and it will open in another screen just fine.  I just can't see my main assembly.  I have Inventor 2012.  It shows no errors or messages.  I have even rebooted.  

I looked thru the forum and found a past issue back in 2005 identical.  I tried doing Find in Window on an item in the browser but for some reason that option is not even in the list when I right click.

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Photoshop :: Mysterious Paths In Pen Tool Appearing?

Mar 20, 2013

I'm a keen amateur on the computer and run my own construction company. We currently have a steel ruler as our logo, but I'm trying to get a spiral staircase also. Not sure if two logo's is allowed; the steel ruler has our company name imprinted on it and I thought it was cool way to display our name. Probably severley faultered from a pro.
Was hoping to find some vector art of a helical staircase but not much out there. So we made a couple of beautiful helical stairs for a client, and I'm trying to trace that and use it as our logo also.
I'm tracing it in vector art because we have a Roland GX24 vinyl cutter and I'm making my own banners etc.
I have three queries:
1:      The pen is showing up some strange invisible paths which only appear in the plugin cutstudio (where I haven't closed the paths off I presume?). How can I get the paths to be as drawn?;
2:      When I go to cut this, the vinyl cutter will treat the paths as single slices. This design will be as if drawn, so I will want a way of creating two paths to the strokes, probably 2mm width apart. That will then leave a piece of vinyl 2mm in width so when I peel off, the vinyl will stay there; like a pen stroke of a handwritten drawing.
3:     What snapping should I be using? I've always had problems with points or paths not being snapped together perfectly. The cutter will end up cutting some of the other adjoining 2mm vinyl and after time this will cause the vinyl to peel off.

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3ds Max :: Mysterious Crash When Trying To Open A File Dialog

Jun 15, 2011

since some weeks i have a real curious bug in 3dsmax.With less words: Everytime i want to open a File Dialog Window in 3dsmax it crashes directly after the mouse click without any warning. It is like something has killed my 3dsmax.exe process.In other words: I can't work anymore. Some examples for the File window are:

File --> Open
File --> Save as
MAXScript --> Run Script
and so on...

The only way i can save my MaxFile is to overwrite my existing File by pressing "CTRL+S"..Another curious thing is, that it seems to happen with random max files. If i work on a new scene everything is perfect, but after a week this problem happens with this scene too.First i thought that this problem occurs only on my computer, but yesterday another worker of our company had the same issue on a max file, which i have never seen before.Both of us haven't installed any software the last weeks.Another idea was, that we have a new windows hotfix, which occurs this issue, but all of our other machines are up to date too.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Single Line Text To Multi Line Text?

Dec 14, 2011

I know that there was a command that would convert single line text to multi-line text but I can not find it. It use to be tt2mt or something like that.

I can not find this command in the help either. Did they get rid of this command like zoom center?

how to take multiple single line text and add them together into one multi-line text?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Text Will Not Print Only A Box

Apr 26, 2011

My text does not appear just a box around where the text is when I attempt to print it out in both paper and model space. The text appears in model space but doesn't print (just the box around it).

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Illustrator :: Mysterious Empty Bounding Box Appears That Can't Be Deleted

Mar 2, 2011

I seem to be doing something that causes an empty bounding box to appear in my document and when I attempt to delete the bounding box I can't. It always remains on the screen. When I select any objects in the design, the mysterious bounding box encompasses it and the object. I can even move the empty bounding box to any corner of the artboard and when I select an object it will look as if the object has some hidden content in the corner where the empty bounding box was because it incorporates the mystery bounding box with the object's natural bounding box.

I'm running CS5 on a Windows machine with 8gigs of RAM.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: More Than One Print Per Sheet Of Paper

Jun 28, 2012

Any way to print sheets from AutoCAD onto one sheet of paper, side-by-side?

The reason this came up is because yesterday I printed a half size set on our new plotter using twice the paper I needed.  Each sheet printed on half of a 36”x12” sheet of paper (print is 18”x12”).  I was throwing away 18” per print.  What would be awesome is to be able to get another print onto that wasted 18”.

how to get two (or more) prints on one sheet of paper?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Unable To Print / Plot DWG File?

Jan 23, 2013

I am new to  autocad, I downloaded autocad 2013, When I tried to print/plot it always blank(white), Is there any settings I need to for print/plot?

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Illustrator :: Mysterious Smiley Face Icons In Find Fonts Menu

Nov 26, 2013

Was going to do another round of revisons to some ice cream labels, this came up while opening 11 flavors. Only came up on one, and is gone now. Seems like the fonts for showing the font technology changed to a font similar to Apple color Emoji, amybe a font in the show package contents.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Render To Viewport Print Takes Forever?

Dec 2, 2013

I have a fairly simple 3D model in ACAD ARCH 2011.  I am rendering it to a viewport on a layout that contains the company border / title block.  If I render the model (presentation quality) to model space and send that to the printer (color laser) the print comes out in about 60 seconds or less.  However, if I render the same image and quality to the viewport on the layout and send that to the printer, it takes between 10 and 15 minutes for the image to print.  The layout is simple - just line workd border and title block.  The images are identicla when finally printed.

Why does it take SOOOO much longer to print when with a layout as opposed to not with a layout?  The rendering to screen takes the smae amount of time either way - it's just the printing procvess that is bogged down by using a layout.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Plotting Line Weights

Aug 7, 2013

I have noticed for many years (since ADT 2006...) that the OTB line weights seem to plot the same.  For example, I don't notice much difference (actually none at all) on paper between A-Sect-Thin, A-Sect-Med, A-Sect-Fine, A-Dtl-Fine, etc...  I have always remedied this by adjusting the Global Line weights, which I know is not optimal and I tell everybody else in my firm not to do it.

That being said, some of the more "seasoned" architects who are trying to use ACA are having trouble getting the line weights to print as they would have hand drawn them  years ago.  It has inspired me to take another stab at understanding this issue and trying to determine how it is intended to be used, and what I am doing wrong.

I have gotten the office to use the OTB - AIA LWT By Object.ctb, which I would assume coincides with the OTB AEC styles / objects.  Can some one explain this to me or tell me where I am going wrong?  I have the "Plot Object Lineweights" checked in the plot dialogue box, and honestly have checked and unchecked the "scale lineweights" box and notice no difference. 

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Line Darkness When Plotting

Aug 7, 2013

I have a drawing with the floor plan as an xref.  I added the plumbing on top of the xref.  My problem comes when plotting.  When I print the drawing to the plotter, since the plotter is black and white only the lines of the plumbing come out darker than the xref.  But I also need a pdf copy in black and white, but when I change the settings to greyscale all the lines look the same in terms of darkness.

Additional info, the xref is grey and the plumbing layer line color is dark purple.

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