AutoCAD Architecture :: How To Copy Blocks To Different Drawings
Oct 27, 2013AutoCad Architecture 10, How can you copy blocks to different drawings?
View 2 RepliesAutoCad Architecture 10, How can you copy blocks to different drawings?
View 2 RepliesIs there a way to copy a viewport with all its layers setup from one drawing file to another drawing file?
I can copy the viewport and activate it, but the layers setup for that viewport goes to default. So it turns everything on.
I can't make a layer state in the old file and import in new file, because the new file does not have all the same layers. So not all my layers would be turned off in the viewport.
I have a question. I have several 3d models i've set up with 3d blocks in each one. They're separate to cut down on drawing size. I want to create a database of blocks so to speak by copying all the blocks into one drawing. I tried going through Design Center to copy the blocks in, but it won't let me just copy them. Is there a simple way to do this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm using ACAD LT 2008.
When i try to copy paste some drawing entities from a heavy drawing file to any other file, the program blocks and says 'not responding', endlessly. So i always have to shutdown the program. I experience the same problem using the designcenter: when I try to copy a layout into another drawing, my computer gets stuck.
Another annoying problem with these files is that they are so heavy, while in fact they shouldn't be. I tried the aectoacad file command. In result the file id half as big, but after I open it and save it, again is the original size.
I need to insert a table in paperspace tab that will continually count up blocks within a set area of model space ( i need to have 3 counts, 1 for each floor of a house i.e one table per tab for that floors blocks). I have used BCOUNT and DATAEXTRACTION but they only count it once and if i add more of a certain block it does not update the table.
im using AutoCAD 2012
I have a problem with acad files. Almost every time i try copying objects from one acad file to another the program becomes unresponsive. It can be just a line. I am using acad 2007LT. The files usually are edited in acad 2007 LT and newer versions like 2010 and 2011
When i try to copy files the command line displays:
"_pasteclip duplicate definition of block _archtick ignored".
After this message is displayed nothing happens. Left the pc to process more than 15 minutes and still noting. Recently i tried inserting such a file as xref, but no luck. The progress bar gets to 99% and it stops.
File size makes no difference because it happens with small files as well as large. I have to say that this problem doesn't accure to all the files, but the majority have this problem.
My colleagues using 2007 lt have the same problem.
When I need to copy something between files I make it a block and use design center to move the block between files.
I'm using Autocad 2002.
I am having trouble copying out of a drawing (model space) which i received from someone else, and pasting into my own. The properties on the original dwg file suggest it was created Sept 2001. It appears to copy OK (copyclip/copybase), but when i jump into my file and try to paste, the command line just reads:
and nothing appears in my model space.
I've tried zooming extents, exploding the original, changing layers and line types etc into the same as in my own dwg. I've also tried to convert/save the dwg file into dxf's and other version dwg's....without success.
I have about half a dozen drawings received from the same source, and they all let you copy data into them, but won't let you copy/cut out.
I am doing electrical drawings with the architect giving me an exported DWG from Vectorworks. I have XREF the background drawing that when opened is about 6 blocks of the building background and 2 blocks of the electrical devices.
Here is the problem: The architect sent me an updated DWG that only has the electrical updates without any backgrounds. My thought was to purge all and then select all the items and then copy with basepoint. Then open the original architects XREF drawing. Select those two electrical block, erase them (or move them to the size a fixed distance). Then paste as block from the other file. Then move the block to the correct location, explode, done.
Big problem: I just tons of this error in the command line referencing different block group numbers being ignored:
Duplicate definition of block Group-1265-1 ignored.
Then the block that was pasted added a background that wasn't in the old drawing and many of the items in that block was either missing or still had the old symbols. Can't figure out how to update the background with confidence that it is really updated with new information and not keeping old.
If I open a new drawing and paste that block in, everything comes in perfectly
I know what is block and I am aware of its importance and how it makes life much easier and pleasant in CAD wold. But I don't know for what reason, I was unable to make it a drawing habit for myself to use it as a routine. I am unfamiliar with this command and seldom use it.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am a land surveyor and am looking for a routine that will look at my txt files exported from the field data collector, and upon exporting into C3D, will look at the descriptor and place an appropriate block on the node. For example, if the collector code was for an IP (iron pin), when the points are imported into the drawing, a solid round block would be placed on each node with the IP description. Same if for trees, concrete monuments, fire hydrants, etc.
View 9 Replies View Relatedwhy pasting details between drawings and blocks, the software or hardware, hangs for what seems to be an age, but is probably more like 10-15 seconds but over a day this is costly.
View 5 Replies View RelatedIn M'Space I have created a layout (i.e. buildings) which in P'Space is my Dwg 1. I want to reference part of that layout in what is to be my Dwg 2. On Dwg 2 I want to insert a block (paths), because my dwgs are referenced when I insert that block it appears on both P'Space layouts. I've even tried inserting the block on its own layer but of course if I turn it off it turns off on both dwgs..... Is there a way I can print both the dwgs so they individually look the way I want without having to remember to select "do not print" that layer everytime I need to print Dwg 2?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm working on a drawing that has some plan views that I need to keep.. but I would like to import views from another drawing.
Is there a way to copy views from another drawing? Would be nice if when you insert another drawing as a block, it would bring the views along, same way that it brings along blocks, layers, linetypes.. etc.
I recently re-installed my AutoCad 2002 on an XP-SP2 computer.
I used to be able to do a windows copy or copy with basepoint and paste the item into another drawing.
Since I put AC on the XP computer, this does not work.
I need to insert two different (separate) title blocks into my idw drawings so both show on the drawing. One is the real Title block, and one is a Revision History block. I have listed them as Title blocks under Drawing Resources, but Inventor won't allow me to insert both. Is there any way round this?
I do not want the Revision History block as a Symbol.
Inventor 2011; MS Windows 7-64; i5-2500; 8Gb; GF550Ti.
I have recently been forced more to use customer supplied drawings in inventor that contain attributed AutoCAD blocks, I have been looking for a way to automate filling out these and add some consistency since they sometime ask for the same thing to be updated in several places. I have been using the "dwgblk.GetPromptTextValues(sTags, sAttr)" to get the values of these attributes but I don't know how to update the value from a property back into the attribute.
I have even thought about doing this in iLogic so that it would be easy to change from customer to customer.
I recently started working at an Electrical Engineering firm and one of my many tasks is to sort out their AutoCad system and bring it up to date! An issue that has only recently started happening is that our blocks don't insert at the correct scale. Some of our drawings are metric and some are imperial, and currently all our blocks are in one Imperial file (reference file for our palettes). Is this our issue, my understanding is that when you create a block you should create it as a wblock and each block should have its own file.
The problem is that some of our blocks we want to come in at scale ex/ a 2'x4' light fixture, however an electrical socket or light switch symbol we want to come in at a slightly enlarged scale so that you can easily read the drawing and see where they are located.
Currently once I have finished a drawing I print to PDF and send the drawing out to document control for distribution. Eventually I get some feedback that a few things on the drawings need to change.
This involves me
1.) Modifying the original dwg file
2.) Printing to PDF
3.) Opening the PDF with PDF X-Change viewer and drawing revision clouds and other notes on top of the PDF
3.1) I could also replace the PDF with DWF files, but then I would still have to make revision clouds and notes on the DWF file. But everyone uses PDF so I stick with PDF.
4.) Issuing back to document control for distribution.
Is there another way to make redlines within autocad so that changes will show up in red?
- Move a wall? Its red.
- Add a drawing and viewport to a paperspace tab? Its red.
- Add more text to an mtext or dtext object? New text is red.
I am looking for ideas other than moving those objects to a new layer, or manually coloring them red. I like the way Microsoft word has a track changes button, where everything I delete goes red and gets a line through it, and all new text is red.
we got the big size file (file A), we fix it then we copy/ paste information (e.g. texts) from the other bad file (file B). File A becomes big size again although texts were copied is simple.
Question : How the best to copy these texts?
Normally when I hit move or copy there cursor will change to a square and I can click single items for the command. If I enter "c" on the command line and change to the cross cursor I can select multiple objects by clicking and dragging.
In some drawing the cursor will not change to a square and I can not enter "c" on the command line. I can select single objects but the cursor becomes the standard windows arrow.
Is there a setting / variable in the drawing that can affect this?
I was wondering if it is possible to make adjustments to tittle blocks across multiple drawings.
Such as changing a Rev A to a Rev B
I have to update about a hundred drawings and was wondering if there is some sort of Macro that I can use to do this without manually going into each one.
Several users here in my office have been having a strange issue with ACA 2011. When doing various things such as, saving, regen'ing, or manually switching between open drawings, ACA will "blink" to a completely different drawing.
For example, right now I have 4 drawings open. I'm trying to go from drawing A to drawing B. It goes to drawing B and starts to regen model space, then it blinks back to drawing A. Does the same for any of the 4 drawings. Only way to make it stop was to close drawing A.
As I said, it not only does this when switching drawings. It'll also do it after it's done saving and when I try to regen.
Is there a procedure or command to use on an opened drawing to see if the drawing is used as an external reference anywhere else? For example, can I open Drawing A and determine whether it is used as an external reference in Drawing B without going to Drawing B and looking at the external references palette?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've tried dragging layers across drawings using the design center interface, but what I've noticed is that while the layer in question gets copied over, the layer is empty. The objects within the layer do not get copied over. How do I copy objects AND layers that I've selected across drawings using Autocad Design Center?
View 5 Replies View RelatedBasically we have a number of different procedures that need to be written in each drawing. Each drawing uses one of 5 or so procedures. Usually we type it out every time which is a pain or copy paste. We also tried making word documents and inserting them that way but it got a little buggy. Is there any way to have 5 or so pre made text blocks to pick which to insert onto different types of drawings but that can be global used across a few systems?
We have a small group of workers all on the vault server. Basically I just want to be able to have a finished drawing. Click something that will open a list of my pre made text blocks, and insert one into the drawing that I can scale etc. We use Inventor 2011.
What I'm interested in is finding a method of connecting several properties from several Autocad drawings to a single table. I would create several custom properties in each drawing and use some of them to fill the boxes in the drawing itself (already implemented) and some of them to fill the table which could later be printed or used in some other manner (maybe even combined with an ERP software interface). Some of the properties would be used both in the drawing and in the table. What I would really like to achieve is to be able to change the property values in the drawings by changing the values in the table and vice versa.
I know how to do it for one of the drawings but I don't know if it's possible to connect several? It doesn't have to be custom properties, it can also be a table in each of the drawing if it's easier to connect with a central table that way. I suppose the best way to gather all the drawings in one place would be to use Sheet Set Manager. A bit of a problem with the sheet set manager is that we have 5 layers set up for each of the drawings and I would like to import only one of them into the sheet set. The thing is picking them by hand would take time and that's the thing I wanted to avoid in the first place. Is there maybe an option to use only import the last active layer into the sheet set?
I have 200+ page drawings and need to open each dwg to erase same block and text strings. Any way to batch erase same blocks and strings in multi-pages?
View 7 Replies View RelatedThe 2D drawings I am working with were exported from 3D REVIT files to 2D AutoCAD files. There are several XREFed drawings that are both mechanical and architectural from the original REVIT files that for whatever reason, the block's line weights came over with line weights of 70 in those blocks.
When I plot, the objects are a blur with the line weight so high. I tried using the command "setbylayer" but that didn't work since nested blocks still had lineweights of 70. Is there a VBA or LISP routine to run through all the blocks (including nested) that can change the line weights to a given number?
I am having some trouble adjusting the dimension scale to match blocks and objects in my drawings.
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View 5 Replies View RelatedI have been using autocad R14 with a 2d architecture addon for the last 15yrs.I purchased Architecture2009 and never used it because of the learning curve from R14.
Computer Crashed and forced me to update...I am adapting very slowly and need to get up to speed soon. i have a residential design business and my clients are getting a little upset with my lack of production.
I spend a bit of time yesterday changing door styles and want them available to all drawings not just the one they were created in. How do i migrate my style to the template and other drawings?