AutoCAD Architecture :: Editing Hatched Area Panel Appears
Jan 18, 2012
When initiating the hatch command H at the command line my panel changed to the hatch panel. Now the command opens the more traditional hatch dialog. I don't how it happened, but just when i was getting used to the panel.
When editing a hatched area the panel appears. Why when I stretch some hatched geometry does not the adjacent hatch stretch with it?
The part I am detailing is a cast iron part, and I have appropriately changed the material appearance to match. On the IDW, a section view shows in the hatched area the same material as the non-hatched area. BUT, as we know, when we cut a cast iron part in half, the cut section of the part looks different then the outside.
Is there a way I can change the material appearance of the sectioned area of the part on the IDW, so it appears more obvious that it's a cut section?
When I was using AutoCad 2010 I could HATCH within a cube, circle or within any object that was joined together even if it had text in it would HATCH within the boundaries of the area to be hatched. Now that I use AutoCad 2013 this option does not work as if there is text in the object only a partial area will become hatched. This means I have to MOVE the cube or whatever shape to a place where there is no text inside it, HATCH and then move it back to where I wanted it in the first place.
When I use the "Plot" command the rectangular drawing on the right side that is normally hatched to indicate the area to be plotted appears as being blank. I have been using the "Windows" option to define the extent of the plot. When the "Preview" command is used the plot appears as a blank screen.
I have tried various attempts to make this hatched drawing reappear but without success. I know that this needs to be present before I can successfully plot the drawing.
Basically for example (to make this easy to understand) I've got 4 squares with hatches inside and im trying to select one single hatched area in one of the squares (and delete it). But upon selecting it it's selecting the hatches in the other 3 squares (as they were added at the same time). I've carried out a few searches in google etc and experimented with "pickstyle" but with no avail, also I've looked at groups but there are none in the drawing(so I can't ungroup).
I can do it (which I've just realised) by deselecting the boundaries in "edit hatch" but just wondered if there was a quicker way?
Whenever I xref this file or copy this pipe and paste it to the other, the pipe appears to be a single line, what's the reason of it? I have all of the object enablers loaded. This is the only file that keeps acting like this? This is from the subs, so it's not generated from Autodesk softwares. it's a converted DWG file.
The selected image appears on the main/center panel but not in the preview screen. Printing results in a white sheet of paper with no image at all. The image has been updated to LR 4 - but made no difference.
Multiline text appears dark with a true type font. I have searched the boards and changed the Z coordinate to "0" manually, as well as the flatten command....still no luck. The text was generated from the QLEADER command, but the problem also applies to text created with MTEXT. I have attached the .dwg.
I couldn't use the crop tool: when I want to crop any area, the big black-colored area occurs and preventing me to see what I want to crop... Before, with my Photoshop, I didn't have a such trouble, I attached a print-screen and it explains more accurate.
I can no longer open the Properties Palette when I double-click on something. Sometimes, I get the Quick Properties Box, instead -- which was already turned off. I've triple checked that the QP is off, made sure no tool tips or the like are on, and I've rebooted the computer, but I can't get rid of the thing.
The main Properties Palette still opens up when I use CTRL-1, if I type "properties" at the command prompt, and if I right-click and select "Properties" from the short-cut menu. Sounds great -- except when I double-click something out of habit and can't jump into the palette and keep going. Instead I have to clear out of whatever pops up on my screen and open the PP 'manually'.
I've gone in to the CUI and dragged "Properties" in to the double-click function, but...nada.
I ran some rendereings using revit 2013 , and windows 8 . But everytime I render a view I get a horizontal white area in the background that looks like a white fence.
I attached a rendered view ( draft quality) and a realistic view . you can see the white area in the background in both images.
When I add text and dimensions to my drawing it appears tiny on screen.What is the correct setting for text size for A4 and A3 drawings,And how do I set this?
customize my ribbon panel no longer works here thus my problem. We upgraded to 2013 and since I'm use to my 2011 ribbon the way it is ... I'm trying to customize it. How do you move a panel from one tab to another? I'm trying to move the dimenions panel from annoate to the home tab.
When creating text in model space it appears both mirrored and rotated 90 degrees to the horizontal. However, when I create text in paper space it is fine. I have tried looking at the properties for the text but although I can find a place to rotate the text back to the horizontal it is still mirrored and therefore unreadable.
When I copy paste stuff from one document to another this also occurs.
I have a number of custom Toolbars from ACA 2009 that I would like to convert to Panels in ACA 2010. I created a new Panel that is listed in the CUI but does not appear on the Ribbon anywhere. what windows to use in the CUI, and when to drag info from one to another.
Is there a way to add to the ribbon panel? I want to add a tool bar so it shows as a panel instead of a tool bar. I tried to customize it but I think I'm missing a step. I went to CUI and selected the default workspace, went to the toolbar area and added the toolbar to the ribbon panel. I then went the the right side of the CUI and hit customization, but there's nothing to select on either the right side or left side that would add the toolbar panel.
I am working with autocad architecture 2011 for magicad. After some days a built panel under home tab missing. I check through CUI , ribbon and expanded home 2d/3d panel. I cannot get(see) build panel. how can I get the lost build panel.
I'm using a disto laser with my tablet running "AutoCad Architecture". The laser can be set to fire using a combination of Alt, Shift or Control keys plus a number or letter. I arbitrarily set it up as "Alt 1". My old tablet had a mechanical button that I easily assigned this function. For my new setup, I need this button on the ribbon but I can't figure out what Macro text format is the same as pressing "Alt 1".
I installed ACA 2011 on 6 computers. 5 of the 6 had aca 2008 and XP on them. The 6th was a new computer with windows 7 on it. We notice that the build panel on the Home tab is not there. How do I get it there?
What's the best way to change the primary command on a ribbon panel? I want to set Pline as the primary command on the draw panel as it is currently line. I've managed to get it to work (sort off) but shouldn't it as simple as right click "set as primary command"?
When I go to the properties panel, enter the feather radius „0.5“ and hit the enter key it rounds it up to 1 (Pixels).
Entering „0.4“ and hitting enter gives 0. 4.3 gives 4 4.6 gives 5
and so on.
So hitting enter rounds the value, although decimal values are accepted and do work. Why is that? What's the purpose of rounding the number?
When I enter „0.5“ and click somewhere it works without changing it to 1. Then it's really just 0.5 px. But hitting enter (the most natural thing after entering some value) rounds it.
The architect has a schedule set up that will schedule his room numbers and names. He draws spaces for each room.
I want to add perimeter and area to this. I copied this room schedule in the tool pallete, renamed it with "trial", added columns for perimeter and area, BUT STILL GET ? FOR VALUES!
I've looked everywhere and it should work. When I look at "properties" of the space it shows area and perimeter, but I can't figure out how to extract the info.
Any routine or tool that simplifies calculating and labeling floor areas?
Currently, I draw a polyline around the desired area, list it to get the square footage and then create a text line and type in the square footage. This method takes multiple steps and is easy to mistype the area.
I would love a simple tool that would let you draw a polyline and automatically label it for you.
I would like to draw a rectangle of a certain size (150 s.f.) then stretch it from a corner but have it automatically adjust to maintain the size desired. So I would start with a 10 x 15 shape, then have ability to stretch to 12.5' x ? and as I stretch say the 10' width toward 12.5' the other end of rectangle (15) reduces to 12.
When I make a new Layout a new Page Setup called *Layout1* is created and assigned to the new Layout. Our plotter is assigned as the plot device, and a dashed rectangle showing printable area appears near the borders of the white sheet area represented in the Layout.
If I choose to Modify the layout, and I change the Paper size, the dashed rectangle disappears, and now I don't know how to position and size a title block to ensure that it stays within the printable area. What controls the presence of the dashed print area rectangle?