AutoCAD Architecture :: Adding Spaces To A Plan Just In Lines And Arcs?

Dec 13, 2012

I've looked at adding spaces to a plan that is simply lines and arcs... no intellegent objects.

It could get somewhat messy doing Generate Spaces... if the doors and swings are frozen the bounding objects don't get found... but if the doors and swings are on... the spaces go in fairly well... but then the door swing is used as a boundardy.

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AutoCad 2D :: Make Center Lines Intersect On Lines And Not On Free Spaces?

Oct 26, 2011

what I have to do, in AutoCAD, to make two center lines to intersect on lines and not on free spaces.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Connected Lines And Arcs

Dec 24, 2013

Using VB.NET

How to draw connected line arc line arc line and so on, given some points formatted in a file like this

easting        northing             radius

0                 0
10               10                      200.00
12               10                      150.00
30               20                      60.00
50               30                      50.00
50               43                      60.00
1640.42      1104.30             50.00
1770.20      1100.62            100.00
1850.00      1085.18            100.00
2002.61      1141.46

the output will be like this :

line arc line arc line arc line arc line arc line arc line arc line arc line

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AutoCad :: How To Join 3 Lines / 2 Arcs

Jun 28, 2013

3 lines. 2 arcs. All coplanar, all meet end-to-end.

I set "Units/precision" to 0.00000000 and inspected them. They are all x=0 for each endpoint, therefore coplanar. I also did a point "ID" command and checked each endpoint approaching from both sides and confirmed that each pair of results was identical, so all the ends meet exactly.

I was under the impression that Join or at least PEDIT should be able to combine coplanar lines/arcs that all meet end to end into a polyline. Also, using the Express Tool's "FLATTEN" command doesn't work.

The reason I'm doing this is because I've drawn lines/arcs that trace along the midpoint of a sheet metal's material thickness, and this sheet metal has two bends in it and isn't flat anymore, so converting the lines/arcs to a single polyline will tell me how long the flat plate needs to be that will be ordered to create it.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Applying Themes To Spaces?

Feb 18, 2011

I have found the theme legends on the documentation tool palette, but I was wondering how the themes are assigned to the individual spaces?  I would have expected additional spaces to be loaded into the file at the time the legend was brought in.

Is the active connection between the legend and the individuals spaces?  or is the legend only a static representation?

Will i need to create these space types or are they hidden within the Design Center or a catalog?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Assigning Furniture To Spaces?

May 24, 2011

Is it possible to assign furniture and other objects to specific spaces similar to the assigning of doors and windows?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Spaces That Include Doors?

Jun 20, 2011

When the spaces are auto created, is there a way they would include doors? I mean, doors are also floor area and they should be also scheduled/added to the space.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Get Spaces To Be On Same Level As The Walls?

May 26, 2011

Is there a trick to get spaces to be on the same level as the walls? On my 2nd floor plan located at 12'-8", the spaces are generating at the ground floor level.

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AutoCad 2D :: Arcs Converted To Lines When Mirroring

May 31, 2012

The arcs in the object i have drawn gets converted to lines when i mirror the object.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Export Data From Spaces And Blocks

Feb 7, 2012

I have questions about exporting data for drawings.We make use of spaces to create a list with room numbers, room use and the area.

we also create plans with office furniture.we have blocks with attributes to extract data like workstation numbers, department, roomnumbers etc.for the info from the spaces we use export property data to create an database file.for the export of the attributes we use dataextraction to crete an .xls file

Is there a way to combine the work so that we can export the attribute data with the export property data?Is there a way to link the blocks (who are within a closed pline) to the pline (space)? Can it be done with lisp or VBA?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Door Tags Assigned To Spaces?

Apr 11, 2012

I have created custom spaces and I have been able to build room with doors and then add a door tag that updates automatically with the info of the door.  But for some reason, I am unable to assign the door to the space.  I am not using project and I think that may be my problem.  I feel as though I am almost there, but I can't assign the door to the space so that when I add a door tag it recognizes that the door is in a wall in a space and then gives me those numbers.  If I click on the tag, I am able to anchor it to the space and then the room number appears in the tag, but I was hopnig to have it do it automatically.  I have the door squiggle inside the space but I don't know how to attach it and also the space seems to have a number project based assigned to it, but that is not what I want since the drawing is not project based.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Total SF Of Multiple Spaces (same Style)

Mar 14, 2012

Any way to add all the areas of a space style to get a total SF#? Is there a way to add this information to a display theme style legend?(preffered)  Is there a way to get this information in to a schedule? (less desirable)

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AutoCAD Architecture :: 2014 Spaces Display Representations

Sep 30, 2013

I have a file with several Space Styles.  As I progress on the drawings I would like to modify some of the display properties, primarily color of the fill.  I would think I could set the overall appearance of each Space Style in one location and then adjust elements of various display representations.  In my case have a red hatch for a space style but in one display rep it would be solid and in another it would be a diagonal hatch. 

As I see it, if I wish to modify the color I have to go into each display rep and adjust the color of the base hatch and click on the Style Override check box.  It seems like duplicative work.  Is there another method of setting the color of each Space Style so that it shows the same in all display reps?

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AutoCAD LT :: Unable To Add Lines Or Arcs To Older Drawing

Jul 9, 2012

The user is unable to add any sort of Lines, Arcs, etc to an existing file. However not all files behave this away. It seems like there must be some sort of a lock or a security item in place to prevent changes being made.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: How To Convert Arcs Into Several Straight Lines

Oct 30, 2013

I have a giant polyline containing a mix of arcs and straight segments, and I would like to convert all of the arcs into a series of small, straight lines so that I can use the polyline with a plug-in I wrote to use the polyline as a selection polygon.

Someone mentioned something about WMFOUT and WMFIN but that gave me some pretty weird, wobbly lines as a result and plus it didn't scale things the same when I used WMFIN.

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AutoCad :: Joining Lines / Ellipse Arcs And Circle Arc?

Jul 13, 2007

how to join line or polylines with ellipse arcs or circle arcs and now.. I give up! Here is my problem: What I would like to draw can be compared with a pear: a succession of circle arcs ellipse arcs and maybe polylines. Once the profile done, I was planning to use REVOLVE or (EXTRUDE + FLLET) to finish my drawing... the problem is that I can't join 2 ellipse arcs from different ellipses (which means neither with a circle arc. How would you proceed to draw a pear?

PS: I'm using autoCAD 2006 z.54.10 version

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AutoCad :: Text Made Of Objects (Lines And Arcs)

Sep 6, 2012

I am looking for a way to use objects created from lines and arcs as text because of a machine that will not read text. The objects look like letters and numbers. I am wondering if there is a way to create a text style, library or whatever with the created "text". There can be hundreds of characters on a single drawing so importing and aligning and placing each object 1 at a time is very slow and painstaking.

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AutoCad :: Converting Multiple Lines / Arcs Into Plines?

Oct 18, 2011

I've been trying to figure out how to do this. I have a file with 41 drawings, and 7650 objects. and i want all the lines, arcs and circles to be turned into polylines. Now the Mpedit command doesnt really do it for me.

Command: MPEdit
Select objects: Specify opposite corner: 4632 found, 10 groups
Select objects:
divide by zero

This is what happens when i write MPEdit, mark everything in my drawing and press enter. Now i also tried marking a line, using select similar, and fixing it that way. but i get the "divide by zero" error aswell.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Custom Property Set Definitions To Add Information To Spaces

Dec 13, 2013

I am using some custom property set definitions to add information to spaces.  However as I insert spaces I find that I have to go to the extra step to add the property set to the object using the Extended Data tab in the Properties Palette. 

It is not a huge deal but sometimes it is forgotten and schedules are not reporting properly, or the display theme is not correct.  Although there are tools to quickly add them I would like to know if there is an automatic way to add them while creating the spaces/zones.

On a related note.  There is a property set definition that is in each file by default called RoomFinishObjects.  Is there a way to purge this?  I don't want to attach finishes to my objects.  But it seems to be embedded in the file.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Split A Space Object Resulting In 2 Spaces

Oct 9, 2013

Is there a command to split a space object?... if so, what is it?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Associative Spaces And Usable Area Boundaries

Oct 18, 2012

We work in space management and deal with associative spaces every day. As a platform we use ACA 2012, with out own Add-on tool (whch simply groups ACA's own tools in one).

We have issues on a daily-basis with the usable boundaries of associative spaces (the green line indicated in the example attachment). Generally when a floorplan is simple, consisting mainly of 90-degree angles wall intersections, everything works fine. However when we work with floorplans consisting of arched, or even more often slanted walls or walls that meet at different angles, the usable boundaries' lines tend to create a "spike" (labled B. on the attachment) which extends outward from the plan, thus creating i.e a 28m2 space out of a 13m2 space (labled A). We use our own calculation standard, however using BOMA or SIS the issue occurs in the same manner, using SIS its even worse.

Generally we solve these issues by changing wall justifications, deleting and re-creating spaces, etc, etc. This can be a very tedious process, one which takes a long time and time is of the essence! 

We are aware that by making the spaces non-associative, we can then manually edit the usable boundary, however this is not an option as we handle a great deal of different floorplans each day, and these plans are updated frequently, so we do not want to send out a drawing which has a problem like this because the next person who edits some of the spaces will most likely come across the same problem again.

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Create Lightweight Polyline Using Existing Lines And Arcs

Mar 29, 2013

Using VB.NET, how to create a new polyline out of existing lines and arcs? I am converting existing VBA code into VB.NET, developing in AutoCAD 2010 using VS Professional and I just stumbled into this road block.

Without using programming code, this task can be accomplished via AutoCAD command by typing the PE command, selecting the JOIN option and then selecting any lines or arcs which should be combined to form a polyline.

Using programming code, however, I am quite stumped on this task. I have been able to successfully create the lines and arcs which should form the polyline, and they are all connected as well so they would form a connected polyline; I simply do not know how to proceed from here.

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Photoshop :: Adding Spaces To Upload Image Names

Aug 19, 2004

I have been trying to upload some jpeg pics (saved for web) created in Photoshop 7.0. Every time I try to upload to a particular site, I get the message that there is an error, file name must not contain spaces. Now, I upload to other sites (E-Bay, etc) with no problem. I am using an I-Mac, which may well be the problem, but, then, other people use the same computer and have no problem.

I have tried saving the files using Graphic Converter, but no change.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: How To Crop Image Path For Cropping Is Made Of Lines And Arcs

May 6, 2013

I need to crop image in autocad, path for croping is made of lines and arcs and one picture needs to be croped with circle. Is it possible to crop this way?

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Illustrator Scripting :: Adding New Line And Spaces In Between Text In AI Script

Apr 2, 2012

areaText.contents = "This is an Area Text in a rectangle. See how it flows to the next line.";
i want to break the sentance from 'Text' ie i want to add new line in between and also some more spaces.
For example: I want to write the above text like this way

this is an Area. Text in a rectangle. See how it flows to the next line.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Divide Spaces With Max Gap - Draw Lines Between 2 Points

Feb 6, 2012

I have to put some trusts between two beam. It sounds easy but i'm unable to handle the divide and round off commands in the lisp. See attachement also.

To draw my trust between the 2 beams, what I normally do, is that I manually take the distance between the two points say it's 10 000 and wrote it down. Then I divide it by my max gap, say 1200, it is the max space between trust.

10 000/1200 = 8.333333 that's the result of how much trust and space between them that i'll need, 8 trusts, 9 spaces between the 2 beams. (That is what I'm unable to do in the lisp, tell it to round off 8.333 to 9 and use 9 for divide command)

What I manually do at this point to draw these trust is that I must create a temporarly line between the 2 beams, perpendicularly to these and divide it by 9.

It gives me 8 cross (or point) to draw my trusts. All this is long to do manually because I have many bay in building and I have to redo this operation for every the bay.

So, what I would like the lisp to ask is:

Specify distance between two beams (Between where and where) :

Specify the lenght of the trust :

Specify max gap: I would like to answer a number here, say like 1200 max

(The lisp should draw the lines on the current layer, color and linetype of the current layer and not draw a line at the beginning and at the end because that's where my Beams are. I hoped you understand, see attachement.

Should also have something that handle a ESCAPE hit or cancel, something like this:
(defun trap1 (errmsg) (command "_.undo" "_end") ; undo end (setvar "osmode" oldsnap) ; restore variables (setvar "cmdecho" 1) ; enable cmdecho (setq *error* temperr) ; restore old error handler (prompt "

[Code] ....

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Illustrator :: How To Export To DXF With Lines And Arcs

Jan 9, 2014

so in the old illustrator i was able to export to a dxf with lines and arcs and autocad options and now there is no longer a prompt for such thing and after exporting it turns a circle into little straight lines instead of arcs....

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GIMP :: Line Spacing Set To 0 But Double Spaces Lines?

Jan 15, 2014

I am having an odd problem with Gimp all of a sudden, I NEVER play with line spacing and according to the input box, it is still set to 0. but Gimp still is double spacing my lines when I type using the text tool!!

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Adding Plan Sizes To Dimension Result

Mar 29, 2013

I can get length, width, height information from part or assembly below Visual Basic Express 2010 code.

Everything is perfect. But if any plan or axis visible in document than results comes wrong!  I think box object calculating the dimensions not only according to raw part. It adding the axis or plan dimensions to the result!...

Dim invDoc As Document
invDoc = Form1.invDocumentTakas
Dim dLength As Double
Dim dWidth As Double
Dim dHeight As Double

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Dim Foundation Plan

Jul 25, 2012

I have a model done and cutting a Foundation plan and then dressing it out. I want to use the architectural dimensions but needing to offset the column bubble at the stair pad as you can see on the attached dwg.  I cannot figure out how to adjust the dimensions with out having to manually draw a dim line.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Cannot See The Doors On Floor Plan

Jun 10, 2011

When I select the doors I want to use for my floor plan I can't see the picture of the door that I selected before and after I place it onto a wall, when you usually can. You can only see it on symmetric view, but not in a floor plan bird view, all you see is a gap in the wall (looks like the wall is split into two separate pieces). This only occurs for the doors, the rest of the design tools, I can see their pictures before and after, on the floor plan. I think maybe changed some settings, I'm not use. Maybe there is a way to set everything to deafult settings?

I'm using AutoCad Architecture 2011 (metric)

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