AutoCAD Architecture :: Applying Themes To Spaces?

Feb 18, 2011

I have found the theme legends on the documentation tool palette, but I was wondering how the themes are assigned to the individual spaces?  I would have expected additional spaces to be loaded into the file at the time the legend was brought in.

Is the active connection between the legend and the individuals spaces?  or is the legend only a static representation?

Will i need to create these space types or are they hidden within the Design Center or a catalog?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Assigning Furniture To Spaces?

May 24, 2011

Is it possible to assign furniture and other objects to specific spaces similar to the assigning of doors and windows?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Spaces That Include Doors?

Jun 20, 2011

When the spaces are auto created, is there a way they would include doors? I mean, doors are also floor area and they should be also scheduled/added to the space.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Get Spaces To Be On Same Level As The Walls?

May 26, 2011

Is there a trick to get spaces to be on the same level as the walls? On my 2nd floor plan located at 12'-8", the spaces are generating at the ground floor level.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Export Data From Spaces And Blocks

Feb 7, 2012

I have questions about exporting data for drawings.We make use of spaces to create a list with room numbers, room use and the area.

we also create plans with office furniture.we have blocks with attributes to extract data like workstation numbers, department, roomnumbers etc.for the info from the spaces we use export property data to create an database file.for the export of the attributes we use dataextraction to crete an .xls file

Is there a way to combine the work so that we can export the attribute data with the export property data?Is there a way to link the blocks (who are within a closed pline) to the pline (space)? Can it be done with lisp or VBA?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Door Tags Assigned To Spaces?

Apr 11, 2012

I have created custom spaces and I have been able to build room with doors and then add a door tag that updates automatically with the info of the door.  But for some reason, I am unable to assign the door to the space.  I am not using project and I think that may be my problem.  I feel as though I am almost there, but I can't assign the door to the space so that when I add a door tag it recognizes that the door is in a wall in a space and then gives me those numbers.  If I click on the tag, I am able to anchor it to the space and then the room number appears in the tag, but I was hopnig to have it do it automatically.  I have the door squiggle inside the space but I don't know how to attach it and also the space seems to have a number project based assigned to it, but that is not what I want since the drawing is not project based.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Total SF Of Multiple Spaces (same Style)

Mar 14, 2012

Any way to add all the areas of a space style to get a total SF#? Is there a way to add this information to a display theme style legend?(preffered)  Is there a way to get this information in to a schedule? (less desirable)

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AutoCAD Architecture :: 2014 Spaces Display Representations

Sep 30, 2013

I have a file with several Space Styles.  As I progress on the drawings I would like to modify some of the display properties, primarily color of the fill.  I would think I could set the overall appearance of each Space Style in one location and then adjust elements of various display representations.  In my case have a red hatch for a space style but in one display rep it would be solid and in another it would be a diagonal hatch. 

As I see it, if I wish to modify the color I have to go into each display rep and adjust the color of the base hatch and click on the Style Override check box.  It seems like duplicative work.  Is there another method of setting the color of each Space Style so that it shows the same in all display reps?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Adding Spaces To A Plan Just In Lines And Arcs?

Dec 13, 2012

I've looked at adding spaces to a plan that is simply lines and arcs... no intellegent objects.

It could get somewhat messy doing Generate Spaces... if the doors and swings are frozen the bounding objects don't get found... but if the doors and swings are on... the spaces go in fairly well... but then the door swing is used as a boundardy.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Custom Property Set Definitions To Add Information To Spaces

Dec 13, 2013

I am using some custom property set definitions to add information to spaces.  However as I insert spaces I find that I have to go to the extra step to add the property set to the object using the Extended Data tab in the Properties Palette. 

It is not a huge deal but sometimes it is forgotten and schedules are not reporting properly, or the display theme is not correct.  Although there are tools to quickly add them I would like to know if there is an automatic way to add them while creating the spaces/zones.

On a related note.  There is a property set definition that is in each file by default called RoomFinishObjects.  Is there a way to purge this?  I don't want to attach finishes to my objects.  But it seems to be embedded in the file.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Split A Space Object Resulting In 2 Spaces

Oct 9, 2013

Is there a command to split a space object?... if so, what is it?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Associative Spaces And Usable Area Boundaries

Oct 18, 2012

We work in space management and deal with associative spaces every day. As a platform we use ACA 2012, with out own Add-on tool (whch simply groups ACA's own tools in one).

We have issues on a daily-basis with the usable boundaries of associative spaces (the green line indicated in the example attachment). Generally when a floorplan is simple, consisting mainly of 90-degree angles wall intersections, everything works fine. However when we work with floorplans consisting of arched, or even more often slanted walls or walls that meet at different angles, the usable boundaries' lines tend to create a "spike" (labled B. on the attachment) which extends outward from the plan, thus creating i.e a 28m2 space out of a 13m2 space (labled A). We use our own calculation standard, however using BOMA or SIS the issue occurs in the same manner, using SIS its even worse.

Generally we solve these issues by changing wall justifications, deleting and re-creating spaces, etc, etc. This can be a very tedious process, one which takes a long time and time is of the essence! 

We are aware that by making the spaces non-associative, we can then manually edit the usable boundary, however this is not an option as we handle a great deal of different floorplans each day, and these plans are updated frequently, so we do not want to send out a drawing which has a problem like this because the next person who edits some of the spaces will most likely come across the same problem again.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Do Themes Styles Not Printable?

Nov 25, 2008

I exported and re-data connected a polyline to be able to use the transparency style features of map. I can see it on my screen just fine but it will not plot out as such. Are the styles in map only for visual on screen and not printable?

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Photoshop :: Creating Themes

Feb 25, 2003

how to create desktop themes in photoshop?

I wanna start on one,

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GIMP :: Themes Don't Work

Jul 16, 2013

No themes work on my gimp. when I go to Edit then preferences then themes it is empty.

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GIMP :: How To Design New Themes From Scratch

Feb 5, 2013

I've been using GIMP for years now, even professionally for the last year. There's one thing I still haven't ever done, and would love to do: designing a new interface for GIMP from scratch. I'm just not sure how to go about it.

I could of course take the images of another theme and edit them as I see fit, and publish the final result as a new skin. But I don't want to do that - I want to do a proper job and design one from scratch.

The graphical part is not an issue. It's the technical part I'm not sure about, like for example:- how do I make sure I get all the necessary image files? Is there an encrypted theme file or something I have to unzip or whatever?- are there any additional programs I need to use to do that?- same for putting it together: Do I need to compile the images into a theme file, and if so, what program do I need for that?

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Paint.NET :: Xpadder Themes And Controller Images

Oct 28, 2011

I have been annoyed with trying to create a theme and controller image to use with Xpadder.

Rules: Controller image and theme must be made to fit together and must be created the same size as the images belowthey must be seperate pictures and the buttons should have places to go.

This probably means very little sense to you if you dont have xpadder, and possibly learn a little bit more about xpadder in order to make the theme and controller image. Also xpadder does not support transparency.The template for a theme and an image of my controller (it has four trigger buttons, 2 on each side)

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Photoshop Elements :: Themes Box Is Empty When Trying To Create Wish Cards Calendars

Oct 24, 2012

PSE  10 No formats appear in the themes column.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Spaces And Classifications

Aug 20, 2013

How exactly you add an Classification to an Space Object(and by Classification i mean the part under Space object properties>Extended Data>Classifications where normally the SIS one is located).

I'm trying trough .NET (C# to be specific) to change the information on a space with something from the Classification Definitions specified in the drawing. I'm able to read the data from the current ones, however if any of the classifications is using the Default(By style) value the space.ClassficationCollection doesn't contain that particular Classification.

In the document i've got a classification definition for spaces called "Space function" and an assorted list of various functions the space itself can be assigned, like Elevetor-shaft, Bathroom/Shover etc.

How to do this or tell if it's impossible to do, Sample below show on how i'm currently getting the information on the space:

Entity ent = (Entity)tr.GetObject(Objectid, OpenMode.ForWrite);     
Space sp = ent as Autodesk.Aec.Arch.DatabaseServices.Space;

The code above just shows the classifications that are not using default values.

Software i'm working with is: Autodesk Autocad MEP 2012.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Name Spaces For C# And Sample Code

Sep 12, 2012

I am new to .Net and trying to do some C# programming. Where can I find some Autocad sample code for download?. Also where can I get the following namespaces?.


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AutoCad :: Placing Spaces In Block Names?

Sep 18, 2012

I am renaming a bunch of blocks that had non-descriptive code names with new descriptive names for our power substation division. Example: 2002 -> Strain Clamp U Bolt.

I am debating whether I should put spaces in the new names or use the under-bar '_' for spaces. If I use spaces the names will look nicer and may word wrap better when I put these blocks into a tool palette. But I'm paranoid about using spaces because of the nagging feeling it might be a problem down the road, say with parsing in lisp code or something.

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Photoshop Elements :: Photo Collage Backgrounds And Themes Available In Elements 8

Mar 12, 2013

How can I use the photo collage backgrounds and themes available in Elements 8 but not in Elements 11?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Put Spaces In Command Line Input

Oct 1, 2012

I want record a macro to update a title block. We've revised the formatting of our title block.  The block name is the same, only some appearances change.

I noticed in the insert command, "You can replace an existing block definition with an external file by entering block name=file name."  This would be great.  I could just type in the block name and the file name and AutoCAD would replace the current with the new version in the file.  Then do an ATTSYNC and we're done.


The path and the block name both have spaces in them.  Is there any way to make AutoCAD stop taking the space as a return?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: SSA 2014 - Spaces In ID And Description Fields?

Nov 13, 2013

In previous releases, I was able to put spaces in the text of my ID, in the description field, etc. and I can't in 2014. What is the reasoning behind this change?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Turning Off The UCS Icon In All Spaces?

Jan 12, 2012

Is it possible to turn off the UCS icon in model space as well as in each layout?  I'd like to set this up in the acaddoc.lsp files so that they're turned off in all opened drawings.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Rename Block With Spaces?

Sep 3, 2012

I have to batchplot a lot of drawings but before that i need to rename a block in every drawing. I want to get from ABC 123 to ABC_123.

this is my code right now for the part to rename the block. 

(princ "-rename
" File#1)
(princ "b
" File#1)
(princ "ABC 123
" File#1)   <---- here i get the problem. 
(princ "ABC_123
" File#1)

This comes in the prompt:

Command: -rename
Enter object type to rename
VPort]: b

Enter old block name: ABC
Cannot find block "ABC".

How do i include space and 123 in the princ?

I am using map3D 2012.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: How To Count / Label Parking Spaces Using Dimensions

Aug 20, 2007

I came across a tip/trick on how to count/label parking spaces using dimensions, I think, awhile back. Now that I need to do that for a parking lot design, I can't find it.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Associative List With Strings And Spaces

Aug 16, 2013

I'm making a program that reads a property file that follows the format:

"key=value"  for each line on the text file.

One specific line has the key "file" and the value is some file path that includes a space.file=C:/my folder/my file.txt
Now I can extract what the key and value is for any given line in the file.However, I want to put all of the data into an Associative List so that I will not need to keep opening the file each time I search for information. I've been using the cons function in order to create a dotted list, which is successful.  However I have an issue when I add this dotted list to the end of my associative list.

Suppose I have a key and a value already stored inside variables.  Below I have two lines of code, first the dotted list portion is printed, and works as expected.  The second line adds that dotted list to the associative list:

(princ "Cons: ")(princ (cons key val)) (princ "") ;Prints (file . C:/my folder/my file.txt)(setq assocList (append assocList (cons key val))) ;Error message here.
The error that I receive says "; error: bad list: "C:/my folder/my file.txt"..Here is the change:

(setq assocList (append assocList (list (cons key val))))

 Now, the dotted list is inserted properly and looks like this after printing the whole associative list: ((version . 1.0.1) (file . C:my foldermy file.txt))

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Divide Spaces With Max Gap - Draw Lines Between 2 Points

Feb 6, 2012

I have to put some trusts between two beam. It sounds easy but i'm unable to handle the divide and round off commands in the lisp. See attachement also.

To draw my trust between the 2 beams, what I normally do, is that I manually take the distance between the two points say it's 10 000 and wrote it down. Then I divide it by my max gap, say 1200, it is the max space between trust.

10 000/1200 = 8.333333 that's the result of how much trust and space between them that i'll need, 8 trusts, 9 spaces between the 2 beams. (That is what I'm unable to do in the lisp, tell it to round off 8.333 to 9 and use 9 for divide command)

What I manually do at this point to draw these trust is that I must create a temporarly line between the 2 beams, perpendicularly to these and divide it by 9.

It gives me 8 cross (or point) to draw my trusts. All this is long to do manually because I have many bay in building and I have to redo this operation for every the bay.

So, what I would like the lisp to ask is:

Specify distance between two beams (Between where and where) :

Specify the lenght of the trust :

Specify max gap: I would like to answer a number here, say like 1200 max

(The lisp should draw the lines on the current layer, color and linetype of the current layer and not draw a line at the beginning and at the end because that's where my Beams are. I hoped you understand, see attachement.

Should also have something that handle a ESCAPE hit or cancel, something like this:
(defun trap1 (errmsg) (command "_.undo" "_end") ; undo end (setvar "osmode" oldsnap) ; restore variables (setvar "cmdecho" 1) ; enable cmdecho (setq *error* temperr) ; restore old error handler (prompt "

[Code] ....

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Photoshop :: Merging Two 3D Spaces

Aug 13, 2013

After merging two 3D objects into one 3D space, I am unable to delete one of the objects nor will it hide when clicking the eye icon.

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Illustrator :: Add Em / En Spaces In Text?

Sep 30, 2011

I'm working on a quick reference guide that will be screen printed onto a metal panel and would like to use either an em or en space at a few points within the text.  I can't for the life of me figure out how to accomplish this in AI CS4.  at least an alternative if this isn't an option?

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