AutoCAD 2013 :: Find Volume Using Line Area And Elevation?
Sep 26, 2012
I made a lake using lines set at different elevations to show depth, is there a way to calculate the volume of the lake in AutoCAD 2013 from just the line elevations and area without having to make the lines a solid surface
There is a coworker of mine that seems to have an issue pop up in random files here. He is drawing his siteplan on a file received from a consultant, the issue he's having is that if a line has any sort of elevation to it, he can't extend another line to it. He can flatten the line and then extend to it, but if the same issue is tried on any other machine, the rest of us can extend the line without issue regardless of it having elevation or not. The frustrating part is that he couldn't tell the line had any elevation to it until he took the precision value out to 8 digits. The line he couldn't extend to had an elevation of 0.00000004. But as I said, his machine is the only one that has this issue. We are all running AutoCAD 2013 on Windows 7 64 Bit. Is there a setting or variable somewhere controlling this behavior?
The way I used to adjust feature lines was to highlight the node I wanted to adjust and then raise or lower that elevation incrementally until I got to a grade that worked.
Now I've noticed that when I highlight a node and hit the button to raise or lower, it forgets which node I had highlighted after the first press. This is a problem because now I either have to click on the node every time, because if I don't it will raise or lower the elevation of the entire feature line.
I have created a surface from contours for a tank containment area. I need the volume up to a certain elevation. The results i am getting have some fill volume and some cut volume..
What do the data in the summary of volume calculation mean? In LDD, typically the minimum and maximum elevations are within the range of elevations where the volume is being analyzed. In my current vol calc summary it shows something that really makes me frown, e.g, min elev of -26.00 and max elev of 752. I have checked all the proposed elevations and the minimum is 720.
I am working on a large park project. I have a proposed and existing surface. I have created a volume surface to show elevation banding with cut and fill ranges. I need to create a drawing for someone who doesn't have civil 3d showing all the "cut" areas. They really want a boundary of hatch. What is the best way to do this after I change my analysis to -30 feet cut to 0 feet cut.
I can see the area of a TIN surface no worries (under Surface Properties/Statistics/Extended), but want I want to get is surface area of a TIN volume surface where no "extended" option seems to be available to view the area information with this type of surface.
I must monthly calculate quantities. So i have 3 surfaces, one is representing the original ground level and the other two the measurements on the end of the months. Between the measurements I calculated volume. But I want calculate the quantities what is inside of the original ground level, what is outside that I want to exclude from the calculations. There is a way how to crop that surfaces to match with the original ground level?
Civil 3d project. My familiary with actual road construction is quite basic.
I'm at the stage where good Civil 3d practices need to be employed when generating volumes. Attach are two files showing a road section with links and layers & also, the profile.
1. Like to turn off the links first of all and show labels instead.
2. How does the total depth of the gravel road (0.3' for gravel, 0.5' for aggregate base) factor in the profile view? What shown is the EG(in green) and FG,the top of the gravel road.
3. The cross section view: Three surfaces were used, the top of the gravel, the bottom of the base and the Existing ground, Is this correct?
4. Is there two sets of Volumes? 1. Cut and Fill areas, 2. Pavement structure: Volume of the gravel and volume of the aggregate base.
5.Refer to 4. So the Cut and Fill areas need to be done first, then the pavement structure, correct. ?
I want to know if there is an easier ACAD solution for drawing. In the given triangle of ABC (sides and angels are known) I want to draw line CM so that the area of BCM becomes 2000 cm (are of ABC is 5311.7 cm3).
Is there an easy ACAD way for drawing this line without using trigonometry for calculation?
I have a topographic profile of my site in autocad 2013. I need to calculate the volume of a valley on the map. I am looking for a quicker method to do this rather than building cross sections or integrating.
I have a 3d model that I am trying to find the volume of, but when I go to use massprop, it finds 69 objects, and gives me "no solids or regions selected". I've tried converting the object into a single block, which made no difference.
I'm creating pipe networks to represent existing utilities and am still a novice of Civil 3D.
I am creating sewer laterals that need to connect to the sewer main that I have already created. My problem is that I can't find a way to find out the invert elevation of the sewer main at the specific point that the sewer lateral will be tying in to. I no longer have an alignment or profile for the sewer main and I hope that I don't have to re-create them. I just want to pick a point on the pipe and have it tell me that vital information. Is there any way that I can do this in plan view?
C# public bool FindStationAndElevationAtXY(double x,double y,ref double station,ref double elevation)
I don't understand this method. API documentation says that "Finds the station and elevation values at the given X,Y coordinate." but this method return a bool value.I don't understand neither "ByRef".
I have several hypothetical well bore lines. They are deviated wells which means the lines go straight down from the surface for a bit and then continue down at an angle. I need to buffer these lines in 3D space.
I've used the buffering topologies tool, but all it get is a buffer around the what would be the "plan" view of the well bore. Is there anyway to get the program to buffer around the actual 3D line and compute a volume?
I've just bought VideoStudio Pro X4 and I want to mute the sound on my clips as I'm going to have music playing instead. On page 115 of the manual it says I will find the clip volume control in the Music and Voice tab. I have been all over the program interface and clicked on virtually everything but I cannot find a Music and Voice tab. In the end I had to split the audio for each clip and delete it. how to find the Clip audio volume control?
Today i Get new Drawing then i tried to find out the area of certain room. Then The Room less than 10 m2 is ok but the area more than 10 m2 meter is coming like this area 1.03310963E+07. How to change this setting.
I am trying to find the interior volume of an assembly (when am I not?!?!) by subtracting the assembly from a block that surrounds the most of it. Somewhere the assembly has a "leak" and I have been trying to use the Cross Section Analysis to track down where the inside lump is connected to the outside lump to be subtracted. Is there a less time consuming way to dynamically drag a plane across and get cross sectional views?
Even better is there a simple way to animate the analysis plane moving across the block so I can hopefully just watch and pause it when I find a leak?
I want to do something a little different in my math class unit on volume - I want to bring up AutoCAD 2014, and have a 3D solid on the screen. As I change/edit the object, I want the students to see the volume amount change, onscreen. Is there a way I can put in a field, preferably, that with a quick regen will show the volume of a 3D object?