AutoCAD 2013 :: Command Line Not Staying Docked Tool Bars Not Staying Loaded
Jan 16, 2013
I have a bunch of students who load tool bars and dock their command line, but as soon as they close AutoCAD and reopen, the command line is floating again and the tool bars are missing. Saving and importing a profile does not seem to work!
Command Line being undocked and not staying where you move it to? I'm setting up my AutoCAD 2013 install at work and I love the new Command Line functionality but I like it just above the Layout Tabs and to the left. Every time I close and open, geographically the Command Line is on the same X-Axis (in relation to the screen, not literally in a drawing window). But it re-centers on the screen.
The company I'm working for has used inv for over 5 years, but does not use idw's. (or the inventor dwg(idw junior))
The reason is that the on vessels we need to show some hidden lines and ommit others and the layers need to be our standard.
I'm trying to get us on track with the idw process which I'm used to using, I hate not having the link between the 2d and 3d stuff, a lot of rework.
Anyways I'm turning visibilty off on some hidden lines and changing the layer manually most of the time in the idw.
This is a bit time consuming but not to bad, what's killiing me is that when I save, re open, or do most anything with the idw or model; the lines I, right clicked turned vis off on reappear the layers I assigned (right click again) in some cases turned back to default, or in other cases turned to whatever they wanted to.
I work for a company that has several AutoCad seats. I have created a block with 4 attributes. On my computer and others the block works fine. On one computer 3 of the 4 attributes are placed at 0,0 instead of with the block.
I am a user of AutoCAD 2014 plain vanilla. I created a title block for my company which has worked well for a year or so. Recently, I have been experiencing the following. After inputing info like an address, sheet name etc. into an attribute definition everything will be fine. When I go and work on other other pages in paperspace, and then return, I will find that the text has dropped vertically into an area it shouldn't. how to remedy this? Attached is a screenshot.
My text was working fine til today, now when I try typing text, it is showing as a blank box, until I click outside of it, then it shows as a blue dotted line on the text. Then when I send it to the laser, it is not there!( laser engraver or the printer). I just want the text to be normal, like it was 2 days ago! Before, I could click anywhere, type, and it showed up with no problems!
I'm having a problem setting layers in various viewports. I set them (using VP freeze), they appear to be fine, I save, yada yada, but after a while all the layers turn back on within the viewports. Very frustrating. I am starting to think that there is a fundamental problem with my layers system- possibly having to do with my profile setting, but I don't know enough about setting and managing profiles to know where to start. Or it could be something else.
I have some serious fight this morning with AutoCAD. I have to dimension my drawings properly so it can be build. I did some already, a few aligned dimensions in an layout snapping on modelspace objects. when i put them all is fine and right dimensions.
BUT after i saved, closed the file and opened it again those dimensions are everywhere exept where i put them originally. And no the modelspace objects are not moved.
How can this be? can i solve this? or is this a know bug for AutoCAD 2012? i can't check all the dimensions before publisching again and again.
I like to set up my draw order within my CAD file since I use many XREFs to create my design. Every time I go back into the drawing the draw order reverts back. How can I get it to stay in the order I have changed it?
I can toggle "Selection Modes, Object Grouping" on by checking the box and save my file. When I close AutoCAD 2012 and come back in Object Grouping is turned off again, even if I pull up the same drawing. I can't seem to find a lisp function or command to turn this on. Seems that my only option is to go back to the options each time and turn it on. I've got a registry entry or a lisp command I an issue to keep this turned on.
When I assign an object to a path using the default setting the object sits nicely on the first point of the cv curve in the path. And moves fine going in one direction but as it goes around a corner it is offset from the curve but continues along with this new offset until the end.
With every version of Lightroom including LR5.3, I've continually had a problem with keywords moving out of order in my keyword hierarchy every time I export images to another PC for example or another folder on the same PC. It makes a mess of my keyword list as well as creates more work putting them all back in place.
I'm hoping this is a dumb problem that is easily disabled with a perhaps inadvertently-enabled Preference somewhere.In the past few months I've had a lot of trouble with tools I've selected via shortcut key not... "sticking".
In other words, I'll press "Z" for Zoom or "V" for Move, and before I have a chance to use the tool, it's reverted back to whatever tool I was using already. I can sit there and watch it revert back after a few moments on its own.
If I select the tool from the Tool Palette manually by clicking the icon with the mouse, it always stays, as expected.
I seem to encounter this problem more often when I'm utilitizing a lot of RAM or have a very complex document open. Restarting Photoshop seems to "fix" the problem temporarily, but eventually it starts happening again.
I have a weird problem which is either operator error (Most likely) or something wrong with my CS3. I am trying to set my text color to a standard blue (0000FF in paint shop or anything close) When I set it to that it displays the color in the little color box but when I apply it goes back to a purple color? All other colors that I pick seem to stay but not the plain old blue? 8bit 16bit 32bit it doesn't matter nor does changing the mode to RGB or CMYK or whatever! I do notice in the select text color box that next to my color is a warning box that says" Warning : out of gamut for printing" but it say's that on other colors that it will pick and stay fine.
My illustrator has been really wonky lately; Mainly just not keeping lines where I put them. Is there an invisible pixel grid that I accidentally turned on at some point, and now everything is trying to snap to it?
I'm working at very large sizes, and I already tried reinstalling Illustrator. I can't seem to find anything on the Adobe forums, but I'll admit I'm bad at finding info I need online.
This has happened to me a few times. Randomly, when I'm selecting a brush size, the brush cursor will change to a tiny diameter, looks like it's the size of a one pixel brush. Only the cursor is inaccurate though, when I start to paint the actual brush size is fine.
I usually just restart photoshop, but the document I'm working on right now still isn't working right.
I have an issue with the skin morph modifier. I have morphed the bend in the knee and fixed the crease behind the knee on the left leg. When I tried to mirror it over to the right leg, it goes crazy. I found out that the morph preview verts on the left leg are not staying on the model as the should be when I bend the knee. The model is perfectly symmetrical so the offset doesn't need to be changed and the mirror threshold doesn't seem to be doing anything to work.
skinMorph1: Both leg straight skinMorph2: left leg bent with verts off of the model skinMorph3: right leg bent with mirrored verts from left leg
It seems that with the 4.4 update a bug was introduced with the crop aspect ratio not staying locked when cropping. It changes to "custom" even though the lock remains. What do I do to maintain a standard photo size and not switch to custom? For printing purposes, I need the ratio to stay locked and dimensions standard.
I've just installed 2013 and Service Pack 1.1 and downloaded (and installed) off line Help.All the Tool Palettes except my custom ones, are blank.
I can't find the command line, even after typing "commandline".And the search feature doesn't do anything.And I can't find where to send a helpdesk plea for support.
am having an Issue with CS6 when saving files. When saving a file using the 'Save' option (not 'Save As') the file is not staying at the size of the artboard as it should, it is however being aurtomatically cropped down to the actual artwork size. This is causing issues with the Process we work with as we need the file to stay at the artboard size.If I click 'Save As' and change the Adobe PDF Preset to 'Press Quality' then this works, however this means that every file we save(which is quite alot in a day) means we have to go through the 'Save As' option and manually change each save.why this has suddenly started to happen with our Illustrators and do you know how to fix this so that it stays at the Artboard size when 'Save' is used?
I have created a custom tool bar for ACAD 2013. Each time I start a new ACAD session, my tool bar is not docked at the top of the screen and the other standard tool bars I do not want appear.
How do I permanently keep the unwanted tool bars from appearing? Also, in the upper left corner of the screen the following appears: [-][Top][2D Wireframe]. How do I get rid of if?
I use Lightroom 4 on two Macs and try to keep them in sync. I keep my Lightroom data in my Box sync folder so that it syncs with the Box servers, and between the Macs. That way I, in theory, have the same data on both machines and backed up in the cloud.
The trouble is, the same data doesn't appear on both Macs. I've tried navigating to different Lighroom catologs and backups, but don't seem to be able to find the right files. how catologs work and how to find the most recent file.
a few of my various custom lines and shapes in the Tools Presets saved in CS4 and loaded in CS6 do not transfer with the correct Fill and Stroke they had in CS4. Examples are simple things like a red hollow ellipse, a red arrow, etc.
I press CTRL+9 to make the Command Line disappear while drawing. When I plot (or when doing a plot preview) , the Command Line appears again by itself. So I always have to turn the Command Line off manually after each plot
The bug still happens;
- if Dynamic Input is turned off or on - if I plot to a real device or in PDF - if the Cammand Line Palette i docked or floating.
This is not an issue in AutoCAD 2012 so I guess it has to do with the new way they programmed the revamped Command Line palette in 2013.
if I select a line, then enter the move command, the line unselects also when I select a line, then hit delete, the line is still there both of these used to work
i am getting a message when i click on something from my tool palette saying that it does not display when it is docked and closed. how do i undo this so i can use objects from the tool palette. how do i "unlock" it?
I've been searching for a command that could actually cut lines for purpose. For example, if I'm drawing a 2 line crossed, wish I could cut the 2 lines so they are now 4 segments. On a circle, I could actually draw a line that pass trough the circle on cut it off the way I wish. Does such command exists for autoCAD? Very often, I've many lines at the same time that I wish I could cut with a single one. The problem is that I don't wish to trim 'em and extend (losing time and long process). Sure there is also the div cmd, but this isn't what I'm seeking for.
I turned off the command line because I don't use it or need it on my screen. But each time after I do a plot preview the stupid thing automatically turns itself back on.
Is there a way to permanently turn this thing off because apparently hitting the "x" on the toolbar isn't working correctly.
Also, why did they do away with the flyout option on the commandline. At least then I could dock it somewhere and collapse it.