AutoCAD 2010 :: Dimensions Not Staying At Their Position

May 23, 2011

I have some serious fight this morning with AutoCAD. I have to dimension my drawings properly so it can be build. I did some already, a few aligned dimensions in an layout snapping on modelspace objects. when i put them all is fine and right dimensions.

BUT after i saved, closed the file and opened it again those dimensions are everywhere exept where i put them originally. And no the modelspace objects are not moved.

How can this be? can i solve this? or is this a know bug for AutoCAD 2012? i can't check all the dimensions before publisching again and again.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Command Line Not Staying Docked Tool Bars Not Staying Loaded

Jan 16, 2013

I have a bunch of students who load tool bars and dock their command line, but as soon as they close AutoCAD and reopen, the command line is floating again and the tool bars are missing. Saving and importing a profile does not seem to work!

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Draw Order Not Staying

Feb 15, 2013

I like to set up my draw order within my CAD file since I use many XREFs to create my design. Every time I go back into the drawing the draw order reverts back. How can I get it to stay in the order I have changed it?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Force Attribute Position To Remain Fixed In Drawing When Moving Block Position

Jul 12, 2013

Is it possible to setup a block so that an attribute position remaines fixed (absolute to drawing) when moving the block?

I've been playing around with creating a Coordinate Block by following these instructions: [URL] ........

What I would like is to be able to set the position of the Coordinate Label and Coordinate Object independently, so that if I move one in the drawing, it doesn't move the other.  I've looked into Dynamic Blocks, and the "Lock Position" parameter. I can move the attribute independently, but still everytime I move the block, the attribute moves too.

Our company uses a custom Sheet/Coordinate system to follow flyoffs across a drawing, and I'm trying to learn how to automate the process.  It's completely manually right now, so any changes to a drawing creates a lot of work renumbering these flyoffs.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Selection Modes Object Grouping Not Staying On

Feb 3, 2012

I can toggle "Selection Modes, Object Grouping" on by checking the box and save my file.  When I close AutoCAD 2012 and come back in Object Grouping is turned off again, even if I pull up the same drawing.  I can't seem to find a lisp function or command to turn this on.  Seems that my only option is to go back to the options each time and turn it on. I've got a registry entry or a lisp command I an issue to keep this turned on.

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Paint.NET :: How To Draw A Line With Given Dimensions At Certain Position

Jun 9, 2012

How can I draw a horizontal line with specifications:length 100 pxstarting at point x,y : 300,20 px?

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Photoshop :: Way To Enter Exact Position Coordinates ( X / Y) And Dimensions For Objects

Aug 25, 2012

Is there any way to enter exact position coordinates ( x, y) and dimensions for objects in P'shop? For example, putting a photo in an exact position and sizing it by other than dragging handles with the mouse?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Reinforcement Position In ASD

Apr 30, 2013

I have a problem in Autocad Structural Detailing:

whenever I change a block, the numbering of new reinforcements restarts at "1" even when I had already

created al lot of reinfocement bars before changing the block.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Text Position For ED Command

May 25, 2012

I'm using the ED command in AutoCAD 2012. I have my texts verticals, but I want to edit them in horizontal position, however when I active the command and I select the text, the edit option appears in vertical position. What can I do to control this option? Is there some variable to control this option?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Ruler In Vertical Position

Jun 4, 2012

I have a Autocad 2011, and I want to enter text in page but the ruler is in vertical position and not horizontal as normal. I searched all the settings but I found nothing .

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Arithmetic Operation In A Position Field

Feb 11, 2012

I'm using a position field as an attribute for a block. This is what I use:

%<AcObjProp.16.2 Object(%<\_ObjId 2118086344>%).InsertionPoint f "%lu2%pt2%pr4%ps[+, M]%ct8[0.001]">%

What I would like to do is an arithmetic operation of addition, something similar to how 'CAL works. In this particular case I would like to add the value of 100,000 before the conversion factor, or 100 after the conversion factor.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Locked Position Mode Of A Visible Attribute

Jan 8, 2013

Is there any way to edit (remove) the "Lock position" mode of a visible attribute in a block once the block has been created?  This characteristic does not show up in BATTMAN for editing.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Make Perpendicular Function Lock To One Position?

Jun 21, 2012

I am having a problem with the perpendicular function when I draw a line. It won't lock at a single point, instead it moves along an axis.

For example, when I want to draw a line in Y direction it moves in the X axis, and opposite if I draw in the X direction.

How can I make the perpendicular function lock to one position? 

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Use Ordinate Dimensions

Jan 12, 2012

I am using AutoCAD 2012.  I am trying to use ordinate dimensions for the first time.  So far, when I want to add the X and Y dimensions for a particular feature in my drawing, I choose the "ordinate" dimension type and then I select my feature.  I drag my leader horizontally and it gives me the Y dimension.  Then I choose the "ordinate" dimension type again, I select my feature again, and this time I drag my leader vertically and it gives me the X dimension. 

I like how this works, but I think I would like it better if, rather than having two separate leaders for X and Y dimensions, I could just have one leader that would show both X and Y dimensions separated by a comma...i.e. something like [X:5.0; Y 7.5]

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Dimensions In Viewports With UCS?

Jul 23, 2012

I have some aligned dimensions in model space - they look ok, text is oriented according to WCS. Also I have some viewports with UCS (I used commands UCS, PLAN) where dimensions look wrong, text is not oriented correctly. Is it possible to "update" dimension in viewport to orient text as in model space?

Programmatically created dims in viewports oriented as in model space, not considering current UCS.  

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Dimensions In Paperspace

Jun 25, 2013

When I make a layout with a part of my drawing in a viewport, I switch over to paperspace to draw dimension lines in it. Although the layout is displayed in another scale (e.g. 1:100) it puts the right dimensions at the drawing.

But now a problem appears:

With one of my drawings the layout does not put the right dimensions at the drawing in paperspace. I really don't know what went wrong. Strange dimensions appear, as if there must be a strange scale factor somewhere. (Dimlfac=1) 

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Snapping To Dimensions

Mar 28, 2012

I'm working out some bugs that have cropped up now that I've upgraded to 2011.  For starters, I can't seem to be able to snap to existing dimension lines like I used to, even though I have almost all of my snap types activated.  

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AutoCAD 2010 :: How To Suppress Alternate Dimensions Below A Certain Value

Nov 12, 2012

Is it possible to suppress alternate dimensions below a certain value? I would like my dimensioning to be set up as follows.....

everything above 8 feet

97 1/2" [8'-1 1/2"]

everything below 8 feet

94 3/4"

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Dimensions In Paper Space

Feb 16, 2012

I had the need on occasion to dimension in Paper Space. I set up a "Dim Style" to accomplish this in either 1/8" or 1/4" Scale. The problem I am having is the consistency of the actual dimension. 

For example: I could draw a simple box 10'x2'. When I dimension in Paper Space, sometimes it correctly displays the dimensions and sometimes it incorrectly displays the dimension.

I attached 2 screen shots of what is happening. Notice the dimension on top of the box shows 10', but when I dimensioned the bottom of the box it shows 480'. This seems to work at random.

The other screen shot shows the Dim Style settings I used.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Unable To See Dimensions On Drawing?

Jul 10, 2013

I am unable to see the dimensions that I measure using power dimensions as per the attachment on the drawings itself. If i want to see it, I have to select the green line, and right click and select the line and select standard as the dimension style. I did not have to previously do all of this.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Scaling Without Changing Dimensions

Mar 26, 2012

I've completed a drawing, with dimensions and everything and I have to reduce it to 1:2 scale to fit my drawing frame. How do I do this without changing the dimensions? Every time I reduce it the dimensions halve as well!

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Labeling In Paperspace - Dimensions Way Off

Jun 18, 2012

We do a lot of labeling in paper space and have been encountering a problem with our dimension command mislabeling lengths and widths.  Please see attached DWG.  The road width should be 24' and its labeling it 880'.  BUT measuring hoizontally it seemed to work fine.  Really strange.

I am using the dimension command and snapping nearest and perpendicular.  If I just click without using osnap it seems to work.

We tried using the DIM   /   DIMFLAC   /   V     /   and selectiong viewport

The funny thing is that I dont have this problem with every drawing.  Just some seem to have this glitch.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: No Inch Mark On Dimensions?

Mar 18, 2013

How can I set dimensions to not show inch tick by default just the number?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Dimensions In Viewport Out Of Sync

Aug 26, 2010

Why is it that some dimensions in a viewport are out of sync with the rest of the dimensions? Eg. a correct dimension is 240, but the next time you dimension the same distance, you get 24 as a dimension figure?

Also, in a long run of continued dimensions one or two of the dimensions is out of scale? I have tried making all dimension Annotative, same dimstyle, etc.

I think sometimes Autocad forgets that it is in a viewport, so some dimensions are correct to the viewport scale while others are to the limits of the paper size?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Round Dimensions Up Not To Nearest

Feb 23, 2012

I am looking for a way to get my dimensions to round up instead of to the nearest.

For example... when I have one line that is 11-15/32" and one that is 11-17/32" and I need them to round up to the nearest 1/4". I want it to round up, showing 11-1/2" and 11-3/4" but instead i get 11-1/2" for both.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Paper Space Dimensions?

Jan 26, 2012

When dimensioning in paper space and move or make any adjustment to the viewports the dimensions go haywire and move of the parts but not all dimension and not all viewports are doing this. I'm using the same dimension style and templates that I normally use.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Selecting Vertical Dimensions

Oct 24, 2012

Im trying to find a way to select just the vertical dimensions. Quick select doesn't work because it selects every dimension.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Drawing Won't Show Dimensions

Mar 28, 2013

I have an existing facility drawing that I'm trying to edit and when I try to dimension something it disappears after I click enter for the final time. I've tried to explode the drawing numerous times, save it in different formats, and copy and paste it to a new drawing. Nothing seems to work. How can I get the dimensions to show up?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Dimensions Moving In MVIEW?

May 15, 2013

I am looking for a fix to the issue when scaling a view in MView from Paperspace all the dimensions in paper space move to outside the dinamic area of the border?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Display Dimensions In Properties Box

Jan 24, 2012

I'm trying to figure out two things that have changed:

1) Lets say i create a polyline, lets say its 15 inches long. I used to be able to click on it and have the length show up in my properties. it no longer does that.

2) Lets say i create a polyline, it's green and has a dot pattern. I decided i wanted to change it to yellow and hidden pattern. I can no longer select the line and change it under the properties, it will change it in properties, but not on my screen. then when i draw a new line it will be yellow and hidden. I end up having to matchprop to make it work.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Mirrored Dimensions And Text

Oct 5, 2012

Using the same template Text and Dimension style all of the sudden the text is vertical and mirrored and the dimension text is mirrored under the dim line ( above the dim line in normal conditions)

What could be the problem? I did not change anything in the settings, voluntarily, I use this template for years and never had a problem with it till now.

See the bubbled text in the attached PDF.

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