AutoCAD 2010 :: Selecting Vertical Dimensions
Oct 24, 2012Im trying to find a way to select just the vertical dimensions. Quick select doesn't work because it selects every dimension.
View 2 RepliesIm trying to find a way to select just the vertical dimensions. Quick select doesn't work because it selects every dimension.
View 2 RepliesThe title says it all, Im trying to find a way to select just the vertical dimensions. Quick select doesn't work because there's no difference between a vertical and a horizontal dimension, so i was wondering if there was a LISP or something else i could do to accomplish this.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm working on a project where I've modeled obstacles for an obstacle course on a military installation and I'm having some issues with isometric views and adding dimensions at various UCS orientations.
Basically, each obstacle has a plan view and an isometric to depict height of some of the material above ground level and below.
I've tried re-orienting the UCS to accomodate the dimensions and it works to a degree but there has to be an easier way.
When I select the points for my dimension, I'm prompted...
Specify dimension line location or
I need the dimensions to be vertical in the isometric. I've been messing with it and I was able to eventually get it right but is there an easier way?
Whenever the dimension is drawn in model space the dimenion ends up far from where it needs to be. I always have to relocate it and re-select where I want the dimension lines to be.
Also, is there some kind of add-on that might make 3D dimensions easier?
Also, I have a thin solid representing the ground level so that everything below ground level results in a hidden line (due to the visual style I'm using) in the isometric drawings.
This works out great but any dimensions below ground level end up hidden. I don't think there is any way around this though with the style I have in use.
I've gone with simple callouts specifying overall material heights to avoid these issues in the meantime.
I have build a solid in which the projection of the hole on the face of the cube is an ellipse. However, as I did not create the ellipses on the faces, but the ellipses are just the result of the projection of an empty egg inside an extruded rectangle on the faces of the extruded rectangle. How can I see the dimensions of the ellipses? I tried to use the measure distance command, but with no success.
I´m attaching the model file.
I have programs that at some point or another create dimensions for what was drawn. When you have a vertical dimension that doesn't fit between the extension lines, it will either go up and to the right or down and to the left.
I can change it manually by selecting the dimension and then right click and pick Dim Text position > Move with leader.
What I want to know is, is there a way to set the vertical dimension where you want it programatically? I would like to put the vertical dimension down and to the right of the arrows if possible.
In AutoCAD 2013, when I try to select a dimension object for moving, erasing, &c, the text disappears. How to get it to stay displayed? Seems to just be when using AutoCAD 2013.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to place text below a dimension. When I dimension horizontally it works just fine. When I dimension vertically there is a problem.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have a Autocad 2011, and I want to enter text in page but the ruler is in vertical position and not horizontal as normal. I searched all the settings but I found nothing .
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhat is the industry standard regarding horizontal vs. vertical scale? More specifically, should the exaggerated vertical scale be proportional to the horizontal scale?
For example, if I have a drawing that has a horizontal scale of 1" = 100', should my vertical scale be 1" = 10'? Or if my horizontal scale is 1" = 30', should my vertical scale be 1" = 3'? Obviously, we have the ability to make the vertical scale anything we want but what is there a recognized industry standard that correlates the horizontal scale to the vertical scale?
In previous version you can rotate the UCS around the Z axis by tying UCS Z at the command prompt and then you were prompted to select two points to defin the angle. Now it uses a point at the ucs icon as the first point and only allows me to pick the second point. Is there a way to pick two points to define the UCS angle? I tried setting the UCS Origin to the first point and that did not work.
Civil 3D 2012 SP3 | Win 7 64-bit SP1
Xeon E5-1620 @ 3.60GHz, 16GB Ram | NVidia Quadro 600
I used to select several items at once by clicking them and now it does not unless I hold the shift key .
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am using autocad 2012 new.. i hav problem with MOVE!
i am selecting an object to move but rather than moving it alone its moving like stretch!
Virtually all coordinate entry as well as many other tools and operations reference the current UCS. 2D tools.
Absolute and relative coordinate entry Absolute reference angles Definition of horizontal and vertical for Ortho mode, polar tracking, object snap tracking, grid display,and grid snap Orientation of horizontal and vertical dimensions Orientation of text objects View rotation using the PLAN command
Moving or rotating the UCS can make it easier to work on particular areas of a drawing. However when selecting an object or a portion of the dwg. crossing - window , (a good exemple is stretching) the selection of the area is still 'rectangular' from the ortho of 0° or 90°. This cross-window selection should follow the direction of the ortho angle selected. Is there a command or a setting in order for this operation to take place? IF NOT for future autoCad releases or a update for current releases should be reviewed and implemented
Suddenly, when I select objects, the existing selected objects deselect. If this is a setting I inadvertently misused I don't know why the setting exists. How I can get back to selecting successive objects?
View 2 Replies View Relatedthis in an issue ive noticed for a long time now across a few versions of ACAD, not sure whats causing it. When i try to draw an XLINE sometimes the command will get locked into either horizontal or vertical mode, without me choosing that option. seems to based on the OSNAP pickpoint i grab maybe.
attached are pics of the process.
i run XLINE, pick endpoint and bam, its locked into horizontal mode, very annoying if im trying to make a vertical and horizontal line based off the same point.
Recently I have started having this annoying problem where I select something and it shows it is selected by the grip but in reality it hasn't selected it as can be seen in the properties box.
Cancelling the selection with the ESC key doesn't work
regen doesnt' work
regenall doesn't work
audit doesn't find anything
Qsave does work but I would prefer not to use it due to sharing drawing xrefs with others means that they constantly have to keep reloading the xrefs
Have tried reinstalling autocad but that doesn't make it work.
Currently have a NVIDIA Quadrow 3500 which is probably not the correct one.
I just upgraded from Autocad LT to Autocad 2012 (full version). When I go to select a hatch pattern by left clicking on it the program locks up. Then I have to "force-close" Autocad 2012 and loose some of my work. It has done this in several diferent drawings. Autocad LT does not have this problem.
I have a HP Z workstation with 6 gigs of ram and an Intel I-5 processor (very fast machine) with a quadro fx 380 grahics card.
I tried reinstalling Autocad 2012 and that didn't work. Not sure what to do.
I am using AutoCAD 2012. I am trying to use ordinate dimensions for the first time. So far, when I want to add the X and Y dimensions for a particular feature in my drawing, I choose the "ordinate" dimension type and then I select my feature. I drag my leader horizontally and it gives me the Y dimension. Then I choose the "ordinate" dimension type again, I select my feature again, and this time I drag my leader vertically and it gives me the X dimension.
I like how this works, but I think I would like it better if, rather than having two separate leaders for X and Y dimensions, I could just have one leader that would show both X and Y dimensions separated by a comma...i.e. something like [X:5.0; Y 7.5]
I have some aligned dimensions in model space - they look ok, text is oriented according to WCS. Also I have some viewports with UCS (I used commands UCS, PLAN) where dimensions look wrong, text is not oriented correctly. Is it possible to "update" dimension in viewport to orient text as in model space?
Programmatically created dims in viewports oriented as in model space, not considering current UCS.
When I make a layout with a part of my drawing in a viewport, I switch over to paperspace to draw dimension lines in it. Although the layout is displayed in another scale (e.g. 1:100) it puts the right dimensions at the drawing.
But now a problem appears:
With one of my drawings the layout does not put the right dimensions at the drawing in paperspace. I really don't know what went wrong. Strange dimensions appear, as if there must be a strange scale factor somewhere. (Dimlfac=1)
I'm working out some bugs that have cropped up now that I've upgraded to 2011. For starters, I can't seem to be able to snap to existing dimension lines like I used to, even though I have almost all of my snap types activated.
View 5 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to suppress alternate dimensions below a certain value? I would like my dimensioning to be set up as follows.....
everything above 8 feet
97 1/2" [8'-1 1/2"]
everything below 8 feet
94 3/4"
I had the need on occasion to dimension in Paper Space. I set up a "Dim Style" to accomplish this in either 1/8" or 1/4" Scale. The problem I am having is the consistency of the actual dimension.
For example: I could draw a simple box 10'x2'. When I dimension in Paper Space, sometimes it correctly displays the dimensions and sometimes it incorrectly displays the dimension.
I attached 2 screen shots of what is happening. Notice the dimension on top of the box shows 10', but when I dimensioned the bottom of the box it shows 480'. This seems to work at random.
The other screen shot shows the Dim Style settings I used.
I am unable to see the dimensions that I measure using power dimensions as per the attachment on the drawings itself. If i want to see it, I have to select the green line, and right click and select the line and select standard as the dimension style. I did not have to previously do all of this.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've completed a drawing, with dimensions and everything and I have to reduce it to 1:2 scale to fit my drawing frame. How do I do this without changing the dimensions? Every time I reduce it the dimensions halve as well!
View 9 Replies View RelatedWe do a lot of labeling in paper space and have been encountering a problem with our dimension command mislabeling lengths and widths. Please see attached DWG. The road width should be 24' and its labeling it 880'. BUT measuring hoizontally it seemed to work fine. Really strange.
I am using the dimension command and snapping nearest and perpendicular. If I just click without using osnap it seems to work.
We tried using the DIM / DIMFLAC / V / and selectiong viewport
The funny thing is that I dont have this problem with every drawing. Just some seem to have this glitch.
I have some serious fight this morning with AutoCAD. I have to dimension my drawings properly so it can be build. I did some already, a few aligned dimensions in an layout snapping on modelspace objects. when i put them all is fine and right dimensions.
BUT after i saved, closed the file and opened it again those dimensions are everywhere exept where i put them originally. And no the modelspace objects are not moved.
How can this be? can i solve this? or is this a know bug for AutoCAD 2012? i can't check all the dimensions before publisching again and again.
How can I set dimensions to not show inch tick by default just the number?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhy is it that some dimensions in a viewport are out of sync with the rest of the dimensions? Eg. a correct dimension is 240, but the next time you dimension the same distance, you get 24 as a dimension figure?
Also, in a long run of continued dimensions one or two of the dimensions is out of scale? I have tried making all dimension Annotative, same dimstyle, etc.
I think sometimes Autocad forgets that it is in a viewport, so some dimensions are correct to the viewport scale while others are to the limits of the paper size?
I am looking for a way to get my dimensions to round up instead of to the nearest.
For example... when I have one line that is 11-15/32" and one that is 11-17/32" and I need them to round up to the nearest 1/4". I want it to round up, showing 11-1/2" and 11-3/4" but instead i get 11-1/2" for both.
When dimensioning in paper space and move or make any adjustment to the viewports the dimensions go haywire and move of the parts but not all dimension and not all viewports are doing this. I'm using the same dimension style and templates that I normally use.
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