AutoCAD 2010 :: Unable To Save DXF

Dec 23, 2010

I have a .dwg file and when I try to save as 2010 DXF format, I get the following message:

"Unable to save to drawing c:projectslayout.dxf.

Drawing saved to c:projectssavF29D.tmp"

If I try to "save as" in DWG format with a different name in the same directory then it works. Also, there is no "savF29D.tmp" anywhere. I need the drawing DXF format.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Unable To Use Save As Function With 2010?

Nov 7, 2013

Running CAD Arcitecture 2010 and I am not able to use the "save-as" function to save as a dwg file.  Using the the same down-load disk I have not had any problem with "save-as" on my laptop.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Unable To Save Drawing Message

Oct 2, 2012

I am using AutoCAD 2012 and I have an Issue that comes up once in a while. I will save the drawing that I am working in and a dialog box pops up with "AutoCAD Message. It says that it is unable to save to drawing, then lists the string where the drawing is found. Instead of saving as a .dwg, it creates a .tmp of the drawing. If I click the okay in the box it disappears and I can then resave the drawing as a .dwg. Lately it will even go so far as to lock the drawing and allow it to be only opened as a read only file.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Unable To Save Drawing - Accessed By Another Session

Jun 19, 2012

I have a file where I can't save, because it says its being accessed by another session. The problem is no one has it open. I did a save as and tried changing the name of the original file or move the file with no luck. I need to keep the file name for purpose of company file structure.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Unable To Save Drawing As It Is Being Accessed By Another Session

Sep 28, 2012

We are seeing some issues with some users regarding what looks like a timeout in licensing?Basically our users are opening drawings, making amendments and trying to save, however, when the user or users try to save the drawing. It will state that the drawing is being accessed by another session.

We have removed all instances of the DWL's to see if we can resave but the only option we can use is to save them as *.tmp files.I do know that we have replaced the server in the office that is now experiencing this problem, previously they weren't having any issues.

Any good place to start looking into this as it seems there are too many things to consider and we would like to pinpoint the issue sooner rather than later..I want to be able to quickly identify if AutoCAD is at fault or the server.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Unable To Save File - Losing Original File Afterwards

Feb 12, 2013

I found this error a bit strange, my colleague it trying to save a file and this error keeps on coming out (see attachments). When we try to save it, it only saves as a temp file. When we try to open up the temp file and try to save it, it still doesn't allow us to do. Also, when we cancel the save, the original file will be gone and he will lost all of his data. Below are the specs of the computer and version of the AutoCAD.

Computer: DELL Precision T5500

OS: Windows 7 Ult

AutoCAD Version: 2011

Also, we're using ProSteel Series 3 as well. We tried saving the file using ProSteel and just AutoCAD but it didn't do the trick. I've tried some options (listed below) that might get it to work but still no luck.

1. Restart the computer.

2. Repair / Reinstall AutoCAD.

3. Give permission to the folder (read from the forum).

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AutoCAD 2010 :: 2012 Crashing Whenever File Open / Save Or Save As Selected

Jun 27, 2013

I have the student version of AutoCAD 2012 on an HP laptop with Windows 7 Home Premium OS.  I originally installed AutoCAD in June of 2012.  It worked fine for 9 or 10 months but now whenever I select File/Open, File/Save, or File/Save As, AutoCAD stops responding and the spinning blue donut appears.  AutoCAD never comes back and I have to close it from Task Manager.  I uninstalled AutoCAD and reinstalled it, and the process went smoothly.  However I still have exactly the same problem with the File operations.  I apply Windows updates, but other than that have not made any changes to the software on the laptop.  AutoCAD works fine for everything except the File operations.  I am able to save with CTL/S and am able to open AutoCAD files from File Manager. 

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Drawing 1 Does Not Allow To Close Without Selecting Save Or Don't Save

May 15, 2013

I used to be able to open a drawing then close it right away, if it was not the drawing I was looking for, as long as I didn't pan, zoom, or do anything else.  Almost a year ago I had a pop-up with-in AutoCAD that they reccommend I make this selection.  I can't remember what it said really, it was something about a script or lisp loading at each drawing opening.  Well, the result is the 'Drawing 1' does not disappear when I open another drawing and I would like that to stop.  Also as I said it does it to every drawing.  how to stop this?  I tried the 'startup' command and that is not it.  It is not a big thing just something I think is a waste of my time having to close that drawing each time I open AutoCAD.  Not sure it matters but I am using AutoCAD 2012

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AutoCAD 2010 :: PC Freezes After Save / Save As And Open?

Oct 6, 2010

First of all  a little bit about the hardware/software:

- Windows 7 Enterprise 32 bit

- ACAD2011 with 1.1

- Nvidia GeForce 8400 GS (not a supported graphic card from what I know)

- Intel i5-750

Since we got that out of the way let's get to it.

A week ago I was told that a lot of times the PC's freeze when you try to "Save", "Save as" or "Open" a file (we open/save on a network drive). If that happens we have to restart the PC and hope it doesn't happen again, but since this happens quite a lot (over the course of four days about 27 times on 7 PC's) I tried to fix this.

I installed the patch, updated the drivers for the graphic card and reinstalled NET Framework 4. The problem didn't occur as often but it still happened sometimes.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Unable To Install 2010 On Windows 7

Jun 2, 2010

I try to load AutoCAD 2010 on windows 7 but it keeps on failing Language Pack - English failed installation aborted, Result 1624 so it rolls back and doesn't install.

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Photoshop :: Unable To Save To Jpeg File From Save As Menu

Jun 14, 2012

From the start, I wasn't able to save to jpeg without getting a dcm extension (no jpg extension). However, if I saved to Multi-picture Format, I would get the familiar .jpg and everything worked fine for a while. This morning I cannot find a file format in "save as" that results in the .jpg file extension.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Missing Objects From Dwg In 2013 Save As 2010

Dec 20, 2012

I am using autocad 2013 primarily and other employees are using 2010. I am saving my drawings as 2010 and for me there are no issues. On the other hand people using 2010 are having objects missing in the drawing. All layers are turned on and all thawed. The primary objects missing are AEC objects. Is there a switch to show or hide these object?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Why Does Have Auto Save If Is Not Going To Save

Jul 27, 2012

Why does AutoCAD still have automatic save if it is not going to automatically save your files? I have used AutoCAD for over 20 years and when the introduced automatic saves, I thought it was the coolest thing since sliced bread. But apparently some time between release 2010 and 2012 it was redone or it just don't work. I can recall closing a drawing w/o saving by mistake after having worked on it for 2-3 hours and only loosing at the most 10 minutes of my time. I just did the same thing and lost about 2 hours worth of time and my automatic save was set to every 10 minutes as I have set it since automatic save was introduced.

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AutoCAD LT :: Unable To Save To Drawing Name

Jan 7, 2013

Am using Autocad LT 2013 on Windows platform using Fusion Ware on a Mac Pro. This is a company owned computer and all files are saved to a server. This problem began occurring after we returned to work on Jan 2. I will be working in  drawing and save regularly. Additionally autosave is set for 5 minute intervals.

Several times a day I get a message saying

"Unable to save drawing\serverfilename.dwg. Drawing saved to \serverfilenamesavF676.tmp."

When I check the folder where the drawing is supposed to be there is a "filename.dwl" and the "sav676.tmp." files but the original .dwg doesn't show up in the list. 

If I save as the file to my desktop it is fine, but I then have to move it back to the server per company policy. This is extremely tedious to say the least. This happens several times a day so far.

The IT guy has twice reset the permissions for the Directory so the files are not Read Only (although when I check the main client folder and sub folders from my computer the Read Only option is checked and I cannot change this).

Another Autocad user in the office, LT 2013, says this has happened to him but only occasionally.

Also, several times I have noticed an alert pop-up that says something about "Unable to map network drive G:\" but clicking on the notice just expands the message. G Drive is the primary server in our office. The only PC computers in our office are used for Autocad, the rest are all Apple products and the IT tech is a Mac guy.

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AutoCad :: Unable To Save Across Network?

Jul 11, 2012

I am currently using Acad 07 on Windows 7. I save my drawings to another pc on our network. Yesterday said pc was updated to windows 7 and now I am unable to save. I get an error message reading:- Unable to save drawing Location/file name.dwg, drawing saved to drawing/filename.tmp. What is a .tmp? I can save the files on my computer then move them over but it isn't ideal

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AutoCad :: Unable To Save Text?

Apr 2, 2012

Able to draw my lines but then unable to save dtext or mtext to them, only option is ESC or force quit. Using Autocad 2012 student license. got the 30 day trial for 2013, text not saving there either. Not using a layer. Deleting preferences did not work.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Unable To Save File Name

Aug 17, 2013

Have an easy file open and am trying to save a copy with a new name and Inventor either does nothing or crashes.  Original full path and file name contains 243 characters (counting from drive letter to extension)  New one will have 247 characters.

This is supposedly within the path/file name character limits for windows 7, which according to the ms website is 260 minus one for the null character at the end making it 259.  So I am over 10 characters shy of the limit dictated by the OS.

Is inventor placing a stricter limit on the number of characters in the full path/file name?  If so, why?

Obviously, working up the tree and adjusting upper level folder names is not an option as that would break every link in every assembly at that level or lower. 

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Unable To Save To Drawing

Jul 30, 2013

I recently started having trouble when I try to save a file. It started about an hour ago. I have been working on this file all day with no problems. What is happening is when I do a quick save or a save as I get an error that says "unable to save to drawing F:NNorthview SchoolsHS - Phase 5, 6 & 7NH-EPSF1A13.dwg. Drawing saved to F:NNorthview SchoolHS - Phases 5,6 & 7savACD.tmp"

If I do a save as It will say the same thing but it will delete the existing file that I tried to save over. I have to do another save as to get the file back. I think this is specific to this drawing because I have not had it happen with any other file.

I ran Recover on the two exref files as well as the working file. No errors are found. I have purged all the files and tried again but it did not work.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Unable To Save Message?

Apr 1, 2013

For the past couple of weeks I have been getting a message that autocad cannot save dwg because it is being accessed by another session. This doesn't happen everytime I try to save, and it happens in differant files. After hitting save 4 or 5 times it will usually let me save the dwg. but then I have to go into the folder and clean out all the temp files. I know that none of the other users in my office have the dwg open when this happens so I'm at a loss as to whats causing it.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Unable To Save Drawing

Oct 23, 2012

I am using Map 3D 2013 on a Windows 7 machine and am getting the following error when I try to do any save, q save or saveas: "One or more objects in this drawing cannot be saved to the specified format. The operation was not completed and no file was created."

I was working in this file yesterday and received the same error at one point.  I shut CAD down and did something for a few hours before I came back and everything operated normally for a little while.  I was able to make edits and save.  But then this morning the error is back.  Even upon opening the file and immediately trying to qsave it will give me the error.  I have run an audit, purged, tried to copy everything out and save to a new file.  Nothing appears to be working. 

We do run network licenses and I am pulling my drawings from a server, nothing is local to my machine. 

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Unable To Save DWG File

Sep 23, 2013

I am not able to save any drawing file in civil 3d 2013 it comes fatal error massage . I am using windows enterprise 32 bits.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Unable To Save Files

Jul 6, 2012

I am using 50 AutoCAD Network License and all data is on server not on local PC. When i try to save drawing it say's unable to save. Only save as is working that also i have to give different name for the file to save.

All other software's (Like Word, Excel etc.) are fine with saving data files on the same server's. Is there any Autocad variable to be changed.

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AutoCAD LT :: Unable To Save To Drawing As It Is Being Accessed By Another Session

Mar 30, 2012

Randomly, a few times a week, I get an error in AutoCAD LT 2012 when trying to save a dwg file. It says

"Unable to save to drawing {filename} as it is being accessed by another session. Drawing saved to {filename}.tmp." The file then turns into Read Only and says

"Drawing file is write protected."

We have to do a Save As to a different filename in order to regain functionality.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Unable To Save After Extruding Cut In Weldment

Oct 7, 2011

(Inventor 2012) I have a weldment.  I can make holes and save, I can make revolved cuts and save.  I can make chamfers and/or fillets and save.  But if I try to extrude a cut (any cut), I receive an error.

Problems encountered while saving the document.
Error(s) detected while writing segment AmBREPSegment in database C:lah-blah.iam
Error detected while saving object of type MIxTransactablePartition in C:lah-blah.iam
 Error detected while saving object of type MIxPartition in C:lah-blah.iam

The attempted write operation did not succeed. Part file may be corrupt.The database in C:lah-blah.iam could not be saved...

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Unable To Save Step File

Sep 12, 2013

 It only happens with this one file so far.  It is a STEP file.  I open it in Inventor and then when I hit save it gives me an error. The system cannot find the path specified.

The database in C:Users
stalkerDocumentsInventorDesktopAssetCreation2Imported ComponentsC731222M-U2 68514423656.ipt could not be saved.The system cannot find the path specified.The database in C:Users stalkerDocumentsInventorDesktopAssetCreation2Imported ComponentsC731222M-U2 11505_3.ipt could not be saved.The system cannot find the path specified. 

I have tried to save it on two different computers with two different projects and I get the same error. I have never ran into this problem before and I open and save STEP files often.

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AutoCad :: Unable To Save To Drawing (path And Filename)

Apr 18, 2013

I have just installed AutoCAD 2006 on a new PC, and for a while everything seemed fine. However when I save a drawing it comes up with the following:

Unable to save to drawing (path and filename).
Drawing saved to (path)savAE01.tmp

It allows me to saveas without a problem.

If I come out of AutoCAD and try to open the file I attempted to save, it is visible in the file list, but a message pops up saying:

Cannot find the specified drawing file. Please verify that the file exists.

I can rename the .tmp file to a .dwg file and it opens, but then if I try to qsave it, the same thing happens.

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AutoCAD LT :: 2013 - Unable To Save To Drawing Message

Aug 16, 2012

Several times, with different files, I get a message when I try to save a drawing using ctrl-S (or when clsoing an un-saved dwg);

Unable to save to drawing B: (file location folder)file name.

Drawing saved to B: (same file location folder)savD214.tmp

The only option is to click OK

Now there are several .tmp files in my job folder. I haven't tried to open them or anything else.

The original file will be lost if I close the drawing. I've had this happen when I clsoe the drawing before saving it - I'll get a message asking if I want to save the draiwng before closing it, and then I'll get this message, click OK, and the file will be gone. I have to to the .bak file, make a copy of it and change the file extension name to .dwg to get the file back.

If I get this message when I'm just doing a ctrl-S save, I immediately do a "save-as", copy over the original file name, and everything seems to be fine.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Unable To Save Changes To Style / Standard

Jul 30, 2013

I am unable to save any changes to my style & standards for Inventor lt suite 2014.

Is this meant to be as indicated by the wikihelp (Save styles to the library in the Style Library Manager), or have i got something installed wrong.

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AutoCAD LT :: 2013 Unable To Save Files For Older Versions?

May 24, 2012

I have a newly downloaded version of AutoCAD LT 2013 that will not save files in older formats for autocad 2004 and 2007. When trying to save the user gets the following error message "One or more objects in the drawing cannot be saved to the specified format. The operation was not completed and no file was created."

I did some searching in the discussion groups and it appears that this is a known/common issue with autcad lt 2013. Is there a work around to saving it in a format that older autocad applications can view?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Template - Unable To Save New Settings As Default

Oct 26, 2012

I have changed my template using the styles library.  For some reason Inventor 2013 will not let me save my new settings as a default in my newly created template.  Instead it gives me an error message that reads:

" The following style definitions in template ....... differ from the definitions in the style library; the style library will be used.

Part listart list (ANSI), Revision Table: Revision Table (ANSI)

If the style definitions in the style library are intended for the new document, update the template with the new style definitions.  If the style definition in the template are intended for the new document, remove these styles from your style library using the Style Library Manager." 

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Unable To Save A View Dwg In Project Manager?

Aug 13, 2012

I am running ACA 2011 x64. Recently I have been unable to save a view drawing in the project manager. When I press the save button it a window pops up telling me it cannot save the drawing in my project folder and saves it as a .tmp file.

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