AutoCAD 2010 :: Table Breaks Repeat Top Labels Formatting?

Sep 14, 2012

I created a table with a title, 3 columns each with their own header and 20 rows of data. I then adjusted the properties of the table to allow breaks and repeated top labels. My Table Break properties are:

Enabled: Yes

Direction: Down

Repeat top labels: Yes

Repeat bottom labels: No

Manual Positions: No

Manual heights: Yes

Break height: 2.5

Spacing: 1

Everything looks great! I like the way the table is now broken into several smaller "tables"/sections (about 3 rows per section). BUT my question is: Is there a way to simply change the title text of these smaller "tables"/sections so each break has its own unique text for its title? The repeat top labels property only allows the overall title to be repeated with the same text. Any changes I make to the title text is carried through all titles of these individual sections.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Enabling Table Breaks Slows Drawing Save To A Crawl

Dec 28, 2010

I have a data-linked table (from an Excel 2007 file, 32-bit) in an Autocad 2010 drawing (64-bit, Windows 7 OS).

If the table is displayed as a single column, with table breaks off, the file will save within seconds.

If I enable table breaks, it will take at least 3-5 minutes for the drawing file to save.

I am unable to find any solution. I've tried using different table styles, different linked files/drawings, saving locally vs. on the network, headers and titles repeating vs not. The slowness is a major productivity killer.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Linked Table From Excel Won't Keep Formatting Changes?

Sep 24, 2012

I have linked a table from excel into autocad 2012. I have selected "Start with excel formatting, do not update" in the datalink options. My problem is when I break the table the first table will keep my formatting changes - text height and alignment, but the following table breaks do not stay the same once I close and reopen the drawing

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Edit Table / Formatting With Datalinks

May 30, 2012

I like the concept of datalinks, it's ingenious working with excel and do what excel does best instead of doing it in acad. I am done with the excel part and want to edit my table in autocad.

My problem is that I have some unused rows and columns that I can't get rid of, erase is greyed out.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Data Linked Excel Table Formatting?

Sep 9, 2011

I recently decided to see how the AutoCAD tables work. I was very happy to learn you could link your Excel spreadsheets with CAD. But now I have a problem.

After inserting the table it refuses to use the table style I have set up. The fonts do not want to change at all. I can change the colour of the text, but not the font.

PS: Using AutoCAD 2011

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Existing Elevation Labels At Datum And Top Grade Breaks?

Aug 28, 2012

i created section view as in pic1. In Bands, Existing surface elevation labels at existing surface grade breaks, top of road elevation labels at top grade breaks, datum is the same. Can i add existing surface elevation labels at top of road grade breaks? (pic2)

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Synchronizing Data Shortcuts Breaks Reference To Alignment In Profile Labels

Sep 6, 2013

I have some storm sewer alignments that I've put into profiles in C3D 2011.  The pipe network that I used to create the alignments from is a reference created from a data shortcut.   I've created profiles of these storm sewer alignments, and the station labels for the storm structures are displayed at question marks until I go into the structure properties for each structure and link it to the correct alignment.  

The problem is that whenever I synchronize my data shortcuts because someone has updated something, all of the links in each structure to the alignments disappears and I am back to? for my stations in the profiles and I have to go go fix it again. how to keep this from breaking?

I do see this recent message [URL]  that appears to be a similar problem, but it was said in that thread that this problem was introduced with C3D 2012, but I am using C3D 2011.....

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Table Breaks Slows Down File Saves?

Sep 24, 2013

I have an Excel file linked to a Table which has 3,400 lines. When the Table is unbroken a File Save takes 30 seconds. When the Table is broken it takes 30 Minutes to save. Makes the breaking feature for large table unusable. 

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Cells Do Not Maintain Formatting In A Table

Nov 26, 2012

I'm trying to make a BOM using a Table. I want to be able to export. I cannot seem to keep the formatting in the length column. I would like it to read feet & inches (example 5'-4 1/2"). These lengths will change often during the design process. The problem I'm having is when I clear the cell contents or delete the information the formatting does not stick.  I've tried locking the cell format but that doesn't seem to work. I've attached a file with the table.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Data Link Table Repeatedly Loses Formatting Upon Closing And Opening File

Mar 19, 2012

I am repeatedly running into the same problem of a data linked table losing its formatting upon closing and opening the file. 

Each time this happens, I am forced to enter the properties tab and return the height of the text and the height of the cell to the size that it had originally been. Is there an option that I have not seen? What is continuously causing this error?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Repeat Semi Circle To Repeat Over Curved Surface For The Bottle

Feb 4, 2013

I am designing perfume bottles and for that i need to to repeat a semi circle to repeat over a curved surface fo the bottle. To simplify the problem i have created curved surface and made a semi cirle as a feature, now i want the feature to repeat on the curved surface. I have tried to rectangle pattern, aswell as the circular pattern in all possible ways i can think.

P.s. I have hp I7 processor, 8 gb ram, windows 7 and am using autodesk inventor pro 2013

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Create A Style For Formatting Cells In Table

Jun 17, 2013

is it possible to create a style for formating cells in a table in CDX6?I mean to format aligninig, text formating /font, margins and stuff like that?

Now I have to do a infoguide for my city and have to put in a lot of info - restaurants, hotels etc. Probably 300 and more and the best way is to use the great table tool. BUT it will be fatastic if I can format cells with style because with easy I can import xls file in Corel and the good news is that it recognise it as a table so the formating is the next step.After that selecting cells, changing fonts, margins etc. is a painfull job to do.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Repeat Command With Same Options

May 1, 2012

How to repeat a command with options used previously? For example, I create Arc with "Start End Radius". If I repeeat command pressing spacebar or enter, an arc creates with options by default ("3-point").

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Hole Table Formatting - Different Text Depending On The Type Of Hole

Nov 6, 2012

I've got a template with a set of Object defaults for an Inch drawing and a set for a Metric drawing.  I've just noticed that within my metric set, if I insert a hole table with tapped holes, the font on the tapped holes doesn't match the other hole types.  I'm searched around, but all the settings for the hole table style reference the same text style.  (Please see the attached image.)

So is there a way to set a certain hole type to have a certain font or size within a hole table?  Because if there is, I'd obviously like to remove it.....  But I can't seem to figure out where the issue is.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: OLE Word Doc Formatting?

Sep 20, 2012

I've got an OLE work document spec that is 2 pages formatted correctly in MS word. When i link in the second page the formatting resets to the beginning in the .dwg file, but is retaining it's correct format in the linked word document. For example the 2nd page in the word doc starts at 2.9.....but is displaying 1.1 in the dwg there a command to stop the reset of 1.1?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Double Alignment Labels In Table

Jan 7, 2013

I'm trying to add an alignment table, but the curves seem to be labelled twice.  When I first labelled the alignment, the curves were C???, so I tried again.  After a lot of messing around, I finally got C1, C2, etc., but the table lists C1 & then C?.  I've thawed & turned on all the layers, but there aren't any C??? labels on the alignment.  Another alignment in the same drawing worked fine. 

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Explode Excel Table But Keep Table-layout And Texts

Mar 14, 2013

In our company, we put Excel tables in our drawings. The reason we've chosen for Excel-tables is that we can adjust the layout of the table quite easily. These tables consist of grouped cells in a particular company-specific layout. We select the range of the desired cells, copy and paste them in our AutoCAD drawing. This drawing is sent to our customers. The disadvantage of this method is, that when our customers (who use CAD-software of other brands) open the dwg, they don't see the table, but some kind of picture of the table.

Is there a way to 'explode' the excel-table, but keep the specific layout of the table? For attributes in blocks there's the 'Explode Attributes'-command in the Express-tools, but is there something similar for Excel-tables?

Product Design Suite 2014
Inventor 2012 SP2, Vault 2014
HP Workstation Z220
Intel Xeon 3.4GHz
Nvidia Quadro 4000
Windows 7 Professional (64bit)

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Formatting Numbers In 2012?

Jan 9, 2013

I am currently making a pattern of numbers. These numbers are going to be serial numbers on some parts that are to be cut by a waterjet. There are 1000 parts so I want to automate this process. I have made a pattern of text so that the text is placed correctly. Also i have used TCOUNT to automate the numbers, so that the pattern of numbers is now 1 2 3 4, etc (positioned correctly). The problem is that the serial numbers should have the format 00000 (5 digits), so: 00001, 00002 etc. Is it any way to make numbers appear this way? If i try write it like this in TCOUNT it automatically changes it to standard numbers.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Text Formatting Toolbar

Apr 29, 2013

When I click on mtext to edit info the text editor comes up but it always lands right on top of the text so I have to keep moving the toolbar around... besides turning the option "off" for the toolbar to pop up - is there a  way to "dock" it somewhere?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Changing Text Formatting Via (find)?

Sep 6, 2013

I just realized that I have quite a number of text instances (261!) that require that I change the color of the text. All of these instances are associated with multileaders and but are only a portion of the text associated with each multileader. 

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Remove Character Formatting For All Of Text Strings At Once?

Oct 30, 2012

I am working with tables that are linked to data from an excel file.After I create a table I dettach it from the excel file. I do not want the excel file to control the table.

I then need to update the text format of all the text in the table. I've noticed that the text strings are still formatted based on how the excel file was formatted.

The only way to remove this is to click on the cell, highlight the text, right click, and then select Remove Character Formatting. Unfortunately I have to do this for each text string.

Is there a way to remove the character formatting for all of the text strings at once?

Even better, is there a way to format the table so that it does not change the text style based on what is in the excel file but instead based on AutoCAD's text styles?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Cell Formatting Height And Width From Excel?

Apr 17, 2012

I've created a data link, linked to my autocad drawing, checked the box to keep excel formatting and update.  Once i Import the table, the size of the table is NOTHING like what the size is in excel.

I have my page layout in excel to be 11 x 17 landscape.  I have my table at about 9 1/4 x 15 landscape. Once I import it into autocad, it is now about 6 3/8 x 20 1/4. I don't know what i'm doing wrong but i need it to transfer just like it is in excel as far as the size of it. 

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Multiline Attributes Won't Hold Text Formatting After BLOCKEDIT / SAVE

Mar 20, 2012

Problem: Create a dynamic block with visibility, use a Multiline Attributes for text entry in to the block. I create multiple lines of text when editing the block in model space. Either with gripping the txt window width or use "Enter" to define multiple lines.... I proceed to edit the block slightly and when I close and save changes......All ML Attributes default to single line text. In turn i have to re-edit all my text.

Bugs like this are extremely painful. No rhyme or reason to them... Looking for a workaround other than using separate attributes for each line of text.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Formatting File Names With The DWG To PDF PC3 Plotter - Auto Insert Timestamp?

Apr 18, 2012

I notice that whenever I plot with DWG to PDF.pc3 the filename for the PDF always comes out as:

(.dwg file name)-(paper space name).pdf

Is there any way to change the inputs for this? Let's say for example I wanted AutoCAD to automatically insert a timestamp at the end for me, so that the filename is always:

(.dwg file name)-(paper space name)-(date and time here).pdf

This would keep me better organized and also make it easier for my less computer savvy coworkers to go through old drawings and see changes between drawings. I know I could type it by hand every single time, but why do that if there's a way to have AutoCAD do it for me

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Rotating Text From Text Formatting Toolbar?

Nov 1, 2012

I know I can rotate text with the rotate command or from the properties palette, but if I'm editing text and the text formatting toolbar is displayed, why don't I have the ability to modify the rotation right there? How do I get it there? Can I customize this toolbar?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Creating Survey Points With Labels Using Script File

Nov 1, 2012

I'm a relative beginner with AutoCAD and was looking to find a way to quickly import a selection of survey points (X & Y coordinates) and their labels from an excel spreadsheet using a script file.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Multileader Align Tool Works Only When Labels Are Left Justified

Apr 27, 2011

I'm using the Multileader Align tool for my labels and it works great as long as my labels are left justified.  I noticed this issue has been brought up before but didn't know a way to make it work for right justified text. 

My problem is this: right justified text will not justify properly.  It will not justify the same way that left justified text does.  If you can follow this, leaders that have text that are left-justified will align according to their leader lines and everything looks neat and correct.  The leaders that are right justified do not align properly because they align to the left side of the text.  See the following screen shots and you'll understand...

Incorrectly justified leaders.

Correctly justified leaders

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Roundup In Table Formula?

Oct 28, 2010

I have imported an Excel 2003 spreadsheet into an AutoCAD 2010 Table, all came in fine except the following formula =ROUNDUP(((SUM(E27:E33))/24),0)

Does 2010 not support ROUNDUP ? The formula is used to calculate the number (whole) of driver boards required to drive the number of LED's calculated by the SUM function. Each driver board can drive 24 LED's, so if i have 23 LED's I need 1 driver or if I have 25 LED's I need 2 drivers

Also is there a list or table that shows what Excel functions are or are not supported in AutoCAD? I can't seem to find one.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: How To Write (If Statement) In The Table

Apr 19, 2012

Is it possible to write “If statement” in the table?
For example, I wanted to have the following if statement:
If b3>180º, d3 = b3-180º
If b3<180º, d3 = b3 +180º
Is this possible in the AutoCAD the same way we do it in excel? 

Software: AutoCAD 2014, AutoCAD C3D, AutoCAD M3D, Revit
Windows 7 (Ultimate 64 bits),
Firefox 20.0,
Kaspersky 2013.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Updating An Existing Table

Mar 24, 2012

I'm attempting to create a table within autocad that I can update as I add new things to my drawing. 

I have a ton of dblocks that carry attributes with them, and I want to be able to have the table in autocad populate with the information from each insertion. 

The table in autocad will be linked to an excel spreadsheet that should also be updated (either as a separate action or automatically... not sure what would be better). 

The table in excel will go through a system of formula that will divide it up into useable groups for me. How do I update a table within Autocad, instead of having to create a new table every time I want to add data to the extraction information?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Table Coming In Mirrored?

Feb 7, 2013

We use a table with an inserted jpeg image (company logo) as our title block. Everything works fine when you start a new drawing, however, when one tries to insert the template into an existing drawing or thru a new layout, the table that is our title block comes in mirrored with the rows and columns all out of whack.

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