AutoCAD 2010 :: Multileader Align Tool Works Only When Labels Are Left Justified
Apr 27, 2011
I'm using the Multileader Align tool for my labels and it works great as long as my labels are left justified. I noticed this issue has been brought up before but didn't know a way to make it work for right justified text.
My problem is this: right justified text will not justify properly. It will not justify the same way that left justified text does. If you can follow this, leaders that have text that are left-justified will align according to their leader lines and everything looks neat and correct. The leaders that are right justified do not align properly because they align to the left side of the text. See the following screen shots and you'll understand...
I am trying to determine whether or not the following is a bug:
1. Begin creating a new block using the block editor. 2. Add an object (circle) for reference. 3. Add an attribute with the following properties: Constant, Visible, Value (i.e. "34"), Justify: "Middle-Center." Make the tag 4. Save the block, exit block editor. 5. Insert the block into model space.
At least on my system, the constant attribute always shows up left justified. If I explode the block after inserting it, the constant attribute shows correctly. In addition, the constant attribute seems to be left justified with the TAG label from the block definition itself.
Occasionally paragraph allignment works opposite for left & right align, usually on Illustrator documents with Russian type.
In additon on center align text I set my cursor to input a period at the end of a sentence, and the period instead gets added to the beginning.
In character palette language is set to English USA, this is point text.
I created a new point text and this is happening, if I paste text from another document alignment works fine, font is Arial black but happens with all fonts.
I have a couple of different files that I'm working on that I want a particular text box left-justified. I will get it left-justified and save the file, but the next time the file is opened the text is centered.
Site layout has moved and rotated a little. Have spot elevation labels in my sheet but unable to use align command. Align command is able to be used but only moves labels rather than move and rotate.
I hope I'm just overlooking something! Is there a way to specifiy whether align to key object moves vertically down or up (or horizontally left or right.) Sometimes the objects move up and other times they move down, ect, ect...
I've got a project where the match line labels constantly reset to the left and right of the match line itself even though I've set it to be middle. I didn't have this problem with 2013 or earlier, so is it a possible bug?
Infrastructure Design Suite Premium 2014 Civil 3D 2014 x64 Windows 7 64-bit 6GB RAM
I'm snapping to the corners of my multileader text boxes. OSNAPNODELEGACY is set to 1 and I'm not snapping to regular text or mtext. How can I change this behavior for the multileader text?
Multileader Style that is Annotative, and once it gets drag/dropped on a Tool Palette, the Annotative aspect of the style no longer is enabled when it's activated through the Tool Palette on a fresh drawing? I've looked through all the System Variables related to the Annotative family (that I can think of) and still I'm not seeing the results that I want.
I can insert these into our Client Specific Template for our internal stuff, but we kick off new jobs all the time by producing a quick "test fit" for our client.
These Tool Palettes are networked on an enterprise level so it would be a real bummer if we can't get it to work.
Autocad2010 there is a blue triangle preceding layer name in property box on some layers as shown on attached image. Sometimes these layers are turned on when viewing paperspace, sometimes they do not show up.
I noticed that some multileader move when editing and some do not. This is very frustrating. Usually this seems to happened when annotative scale is on. I tried to avoid this happening by turning off annotative scale and this does not work. Instead I go to another file to find the other multileader text that doesn't move when I edit. I tried to find what causing this shift in the properties menu but can't see the difference between the two.
How to stop the multileader shifting!? Is this a bug?
I have noticed on several drawings that the multileaders change themselves when the drawing is closed and opened again. I put the multileaders in, they look fine, and when I close and open the drawing the multileader has extended itself across my text. If I edit it it fixes itself but it 'breaks' itself again once I close and open.
I am just wondering how is possible to set up a Multileader style that creates text with a background mask.
I have been trying to get this feature in the Multileader style manager and I could not find it in order to avoid to set up background mask every time I create a Multileader
in general, I add my multileaders in paperspace after I have set my model space scale. However, I am now bound to that scale! That is, ML in paperspace really only have one scale: 1-1, right? For example, I wanted to zoom in to a part of my project (ie, reduced my scale by a 1/3) and all my ML we pointing erroniously into space.
Just so I undestand, if one anticipates changing the scale of a drawing mid-project, the ML should be made annotative, and placed in model space?
Actually We are trying AutoCAD 2010 and i have a question about multileader i cannot find in the manual.we are used to set a bright background mask under our text (including Mtext, Qleader, Dimensions) this way the printed text can be seen much better in dark area.
Now i'm am upgrading from AutoCAD 2007 and discovering Multileader (and i cannot find the Qleader button on the ribbon) so i conclude the new "standard is multileader", this is annoying because i cannot find anywhere how to put text mask background inside text in mleader. any option available? i would like to begin to use this function, but the text background is mandatory here.
I have recently converted mtext to multileader text & i thought it was causing some issues but now im not so sure. Some of my users are experiencing a long time to regen & it has caused some peoples computers to freeze up. Is there a setting or a variable that could be causing this? I am not sure if this is an issue with the multileaders or with autocad release 13 or 14 in general. I had the users turn regenauto off until i can find a solution.
The multileader arrow is not showing even if the number is increased (ie from "4" to "10") in the multileader dialog box or under the properties when modified.
I have this special type of callout, which is not easy to draft, but it looks pretty in plans. Is there any easy way to convert this to multileader?
Usually, I create it as block, insert it and change location of solid arrow around textbox. If I want to relocate this callout, Its not that easy as like multileader. I have to move solid arrow around textframe (from one corner to other) to point the same location. can this be done automatically (like mleader?)
I have used v2006 til recently. Now I use LT 2010. I just use multileaders for arrows. I am starting at the arrow head, and I want the tail to end on the "endpoint" of a line. When I "right click" to finish the command, the tail of the arrow "jumps off" the endpoint or nearest or whatever snap point I use. I have looked in the settings and turned all the text & landings off & set break size to zero.
When using grips to move a multileader source block with the attachment defined as insertion point (the insertion point being the center of the source block) the grip point moves off of the block if the move is to the left of the multileaders end point. When the drawing is reopened the blocks move from where they were placed to the off insertion point grips. A screen shots jpg and a drawing file are attached
I have been working in AutoCAD for 4 years and am having trouble with dimensioning. I was given a drawing that was exported from VectorWorks into a dwg. However, when I try and do my dimension in paperspace, they are not correct. They only time they seem to work is when I do the scale at 1:1. But If I redraw the object I can do whatever scale I want and it works fine.
We are trying to use the "Underline top line" option located in the Content tab of the Modify MultiLeader Style dialog in AutoCAD 2012 (See attachment).
The minor issue we have is that there seems to be no way to adjust the gap between the text and the "underline". In regular dimensions, there is a dimvar called DIMGAP that controls this distance. Is there any way to control the distance between the top line MText and the "underline"?
I have code that works just fine in AutoCad 2010 (just plain ol' AutoCad), but will not run completely in AutoCad Mechanical 2012. The code will draw lines, arcs, circle, plines, etc. as well as insert blocks. The command to insert the block has the entire block path so I don't have to rely on setting that up for everyone.
In AutoCad Mechanical only the blocks show up. No lines, arcs or anything else is drawn. I do not use a command method (like in LiSP) to create those objects, I create them through the block table and block table records.
What do I have to do to get my code to run in AutoCad Mechanical 2012?