AutoCAD Architecture :: Data Link Table Repeatedly Loses Formatting Upon Closing And Opening File
Mar 19, 2012
I am repeatedly running into the same problem of a data linked table losing its formatting upon closing and opening the file.
Each time this happens, I am forced to enter the properties tab and return the height of the text and the height of the cell to the size that it had originally been. Is there an option that I have not seen? What is continuously causing this error?
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May 5, 2011
I struggled for a while this morning with trying to data link to a large door schedule in Excel. After several failures, I searched online for answers, and read in another forum that AutoCAD won't data link to more than 2000 cells.
My door schedule is about 2050 cells now, and will be about 4000 when done. I defined a set of about 1,000 cells in the Excel spreadsheet, and AutoCAD linked to it no problem. So, I tend to believe the poster who stated the 2000 cell limit, but I can't find this.
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May 10, 2012
So I just upgraded to MEP 2013 last week and am in a bad situation where when I keep making my data link tables to a range on an excel table the file name's full address is not staying when I go to insert the table.
(ex. D:/Documents/JB Plans/NK.xlsm is just NK.xlsm when I try to insert the table)
Does some defaulting or setting that I haven't found involving this issue?
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Sep 9, 2011
I recently decided to see how the AutoCAD tables work. I was very happy to learn you could link your Excel spreadsheets with CAD. But now I have a problem.
After inserting the table it refuses to use the table style I have set up. The fonts do not want to change at all. I can change the colour of the text, but not the font.
PS: Using AutoCAD 2011
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Dec 10, 2012
Is there any way to do this in Autocad? Split a table so it is in 2 sections side by side, rather than one verrrrrry long one? Similar to what you can do in Inventor?
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Nov 23, 2011
I am trying to insert a table using a data link. I set up the Link through the DataLink manager and then insert the table using a range. I click OK to insert the table and after a few seconds of thinking ACAD sits there with no table on the screen. When I look in XREFs, the DL is there but says it is unrefrenced. Tried multiple ways of entering or setting up information to no avail.
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Jun 2, 2010
Using AutoCAD 2010 LT with service pack 1 and 2
I created a link to an Excel file to create a table. Before I ETransmit the AutoCAD file (along with many other files) I want to remove the link so that the table is embedded with no need for the external file. When I have somebody who doesn't have the linked file on their machine open the file they get a "missing external file" message" despite the fact that I ran the detach data link command and have purge selected in the ETransmit setup. The table shows up with the data, but I want to eliminate the nag pop up about the missing file. I know you can click the ignore button, but I don't want our customer to have to bother with it.
Any way to save a list of files for ETransmit like you do in a .dsd file for batch plotting?
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Mar 16, 2012
I have created a table style in ACAD 2012 with all of the cells formatted to what I need. The trouble begins when I bring in a BIAS excel data link to populate the table. I have tried every option in the insert table steps and have even tried all the different options under the modify excel link options. I have toggled the use excel formatting on and off, which does change the table size a small bit, but does not allow the table style to take affect.
I have attached a screen shot of the "good" and "bad" tables. The bad table is what the good table comes in as and it is also what happens everytime the table link updates. It always reverts back to the bad style and then I have to change the table back to the good one by hand - changing each column individually.
Is there a way to attach a data link to a table with the table style holding its shape and formatting?
This happens on all of my drawings and using all kinds of different excel links.
how to bring in the data link??
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Apr 26, 2011
we recently were trying to import an excel table via data link function. Initially this works fine and the table appears in the drawing however when we want to break the link by deleting it in the data link table autocad tells me that the link is in use. We routinely do this in autocad mechanical 2010. The reason we do this is to be able to bring in the table and preserve formatting. How can we easily delete the data link in 2010 LT?
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Apr 12, 2013
We have adobe design suite installed in MAC OSX 10.7 and this crashes often and also deletes the data. Enclosed is the snapshot of the error.
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Jun 27, 2013
When pasting between illustrator documents all formatting is lost and images do not move over.example, working on a new flyer, I often borrow from existing flyers since copy and pricing is good, just usually making flyers that have different combinations of products etc.
So I select some text boxes and images from one illustrator document, control copy and then try to control v into another illustrator document and all that gets pasted is the text which is formulated. You'd think i had copied and pasted something from notepad.
The problem does not happen 100% of the time, but it's like 50/50 it seems.Sometimes when the problem occurs, I'll spam control c a few times and then control v will paste as you'd expect. But the problem occurs whether I use control c, or edit copy.I'm using CS3..It even happens when I try to cut and paste within the same document.
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Mar 12, 2012
I am using Inventor 2011 and vault. When I go to insert another instance of an IFeature i get a message that says "cannot insert iFeature that is currently open for edit (see attached) The .ide file and the part used to extract the iFeature are both closed and not checked out of the vault.
The only workaround I know of is is to close the file and open it up again.
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Mar 23, 2012
the thing is that on my previous version of Corel Draw (9? 10? whatever...) I could take a text frame with tabs lined up, copy it, paste it into a new document and all the tabs would be carried over from the original.
but when I try to do that in X3, it just copies across as plain text, meaning that I would have to do all the tabbing again.
When I say the tabs were set up, it's a list that looks like this:
where the .............. is made just by tabbing across.
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Oct 15, 2013
Using Photoshop CC 14.1.2 I notice that I no longer see the vector control handle when I close a path. I hope this is a bug, and not an intended UI change. Visualizing the control wing is an important feature for accuracy etc.
While on the subject of lost functionality, in earlier PS versions when a fill layer was created, the alpha mask was active by default. This allowed for immediate alteration of the mask. Now the default is to have the fill active, which makes less sense as the fill is mostly intended to not be edited directly. Sounds like a quible, but in a fast production setting, this adds an unnecessary step, which did not exist in an earlier iteration.
Also, many generations ago, (in a distant century) there was a "turn off path" button -which could be given a keyboard shortcut via actions. Could never understand why this disappeared. Now, turning off a pth requires that the pen tool be selected & hit ESC or to click into a blank area in the path pallette -which may not exist when many paths have been created. I see there is now a keyboard shortcut for this, but it is buried in the key commands list. So much easier to have that little button (and custom key option) Again, is a busy prodcution workflow, this is a speedbump.
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May 2, 2011
I've been having this issue happen repeatedly, but not consistently. In a new file, I adjust the width of an mtext box so that the text wraps into multiple lines. When I next open the file, all mtext boxes are back at a wider width so that the text is all on one line. The start of the text is also usually in a different location. This was happening on 2011/XP and now on 2012/Windows7.
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Apr 19, 2013
I want to export my slope - table - legend to an excel or txt file.
(Of course only the values)
Civil 3D (2013)
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Jan 16, 2013
I am editing an old file set up by another firm that is used by our clients to keep track of room sizes etc, which has a room data table and room tags tied to area polylines. It has worked just fine on our 2013 Acad Architecture, but when I sent them (saved down to 2010) back to our client, using 2012 Acad Architecture, the tags disappear and the table is unpopulated.It seems like it must have something to do with the file originally being created way back when, along with some quirk between 2012 and 2013.
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Feb 18, 2013
I want to know if you can link AutoCad tables to other Autocad tables on different layouts. Say I have ten sheets, each with a table for quantities of pipe length, and one sheet with a total of all quantities. Can I link cells from each separate layout sheet to the main table sheet, so that I can add them all for project totals?
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Dec 26, 2011
I'm messing around with tables and data links, practicing. I copied a range of cells in Excel, and did paste special to create a linked table.
Now I can delete the table object, but I cannot delete the link, cannot detach it.
When in Data Manager if I right click on the data link and click delete I get the error message "The data link is being used and cannot be deleted".
I have tried detaching, and the detach does not seem to take.
Now also, the table will not update from the source xls.
Win XP, AcadLT 2011, Office 2010. Using compatible setting for saving spreadsheet, for Office 2007 (not xlsx).
If I create a linked table by starting with the Table icon, choose "from a data link", choose the excel spreadsheet, etc., then I am able to later update the table from the spreadsheet, detach, delete the link, etc. But I can only delete the link if the table is not selected when I open the Data Link Manager.
But the one that was created following the directions from the Autocad video, with the copy, paste special, that link will not detach nor delete.
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Nov 26, 2012
I'm trying to make a BOM using a Table. I want to be able to export. I cannot seem to keep the formatting in the length column. I would like it to read feet & inches (example 5'-4 1/2"). These lengths will change often during the design process. The problem I'm having is when I clear the cell contents or delete the information the formatting does not stick. I've tried locking the cell format but that doesn't seem to work. I've attached a file with the table.
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Sep 24, 2012
I have linked a table from excel into autocad 2012. I have selected "Start with excel formatting, do not update" in the datalink options. My problem is when I break the table the first table will keep my formatting changes - text height and alignment, but the following table breaks do not stay the same once I close and reopen the drawing
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May 30, 2012
I like the concept of datalinks, it's ingenious working with excel and do what excel does best instead of doing it in acad. I am done with the excel part and want to edit my table in autocad.
My problem is that I have some unused rows and columns that I can't get rid of, erase is greyed out.
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Mar 12, 2013
I want to edit some values in the data table of a shape file (*.shp) with AutoCAD Map 3d 2013. Every time I alter a value in data table it takes about 30 seconds until AutoCAD Map saves (?) the value. I have to wait 30 second until I can continue working. Why is this so slow?
The shape file has 7000 lines and is stored on a local drive.
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Oct 25, 2012
I have upgraded to ACA 2013 and I have had nothing but problems and I want to know if I am alone on this. I have uploaded AEC Section Display and Tag Scale Hotfix, URL....
AutoCAD Architecture 2013 Service Pack 1, URL....
AutoCAD Architecture 2013 & AutoCAD MEP 2013 Content Browser Migration Hotfix. URL....
ACA2013 was released and I have had it on the desk for some time and finally I got the nerve to load the upgrade. This I did in accordance with the instructions. The upgrade went well.
Additional problems with my working files involved, the file will lose data while working in the file, the program will do strange things to the file like I would lose data while in layout tab within a viewport and the data would still be present in the model tab. I have lost printer setup files only to reopen the drawing and find these have returned.I have lost layout tabs completely. I would reload another menu and they would return. I was speaking to another person comparing Autocads and his had the layout tabs and mine did not.I have zoom scaling problems within the layout viewport. I use to be able to zoom, scale, 1/20xp for 1:20 scale and it would not recognise the command.I was informed via Autodesk to load the service pack Autocad_2013_sp1.14_64, this would not work then I was informed to load the service pack Autocad Architecture _2013_sp1_64 which it did successfully. Still had problems with ACA2013. have situations where the shell command will not work ie punch a hole within the object selected.I have changed from the working model tab to layout tab and back to model tab only to have the view change for no reason ie it will go into (+)(custom view)(wire frame) without selecting it.I have lost data, (part of the actual drawing) within my working drawing simply by using the boeleon subtract command.I have situation when you use the push pull command and nothing happens and then you reopen ACA afresh and try it again and this time it will work.I have email Autodesk in the US and it got alll TO HARD for them and they have abandoned me.
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Sep 14, 2012
I created a table with a title, 3 columns each with their own header and 20 rows of data. I then adjusted the properties of the table to allow breaks and repeated top labels. My Table Break properties are:
Enabled: Yes
Direction: Down
Repeat top labels: Yes
Repeat bottom labels: No
Manual Positions: No
Manual heights: Yes
Break height: 2.5
Spacing: 1
Everything looks great! I like the way the table is now broken into several smaller "tables"/sections (about 3 rows per section). BUT my question is: Is there a way to simply change the title text of these smaller "tables"/sections so each break has its own unique text for its title? The repeat top labels property only allows the overall title to be repeated with the same text. Any changes I make to the title text is carried through all titles of these individual sections.
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Dec 18, 2008
Convert a GPS file (.ssf)? I am attempting to do this by converting the .ssf file, which contains GPS data point information into a DXF file. Then from the DXF file, I tried opening in AutoCadd Lt 2007, but nothing shows up on my screen. There are no layers turned on, frozen and I did a zoom extents, but its as if there is nothing in the file???
I was thinking that maybe I should try converting the .ssf GPS file into a DXF and then placing it into an DGN file.
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Mar 28, 2013
I have a drawing with Objects that have both Object Data and Linked data in an Access database. I need to get information from the linked table to a new linked table for each object.
I have thought that if I get the necessary information from the Linked table record to the object data for each object, I could then convert the Object data to a new link and am looking for a way to copy the data from a field in the Linked Table to the object data. There is at least one field common to both the OD and Linked Table record.
Is there any automated way to transfer this data?
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Jun 25, 2013
In my company, they have just upgraded the old version of Autocad LT 2004 to the new 2013 and we have created menu to make our job easy. I have try to transfer the menu file .mnc to 2013 but it's not working or I don't do it the right way.
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Feb 26, 2013
I was working with a client on a move of folders from an internal drive (Mac OSX) to an external drive.He created a dummy folder, via LR, on the external drive so that he could drag and drop from the internal drive to the external.
The folder was created, but the hard drive itself now appears as a FOLDER, not as a drive, under /volumes.
He renamed the drive, from within LR, and all hell broke lose. The name changed in LR, but not on the desktop. We couldn't rename on the desktop as the two names conflicted I'm guessing. We ended up shutting everything down, full reboot and the drive would not unmount. We forced that, closed down and restrted everything. Still had the naming conflict. LR didn't see the folder, so we rnamed in LR and got everything aligned. Or so it seemed.
Dragging folders to the external drive appeared to work OK, but one folder was inadvertently dropped on the folder above the target folder. It was dragged and dropped to the correct location, but then showed 0 images. A check with finder revelaed that the files were in the new location on disk, but LR has lost them.
Today, having moved all files (via D&D) to the new drive, he is trying to reorganize folder, but every D&D on the drive results in the above behavior.
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Jan 22, 2013
when I double click on a text, a text formatting dialog box use to appear, but now it does not.
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Oct 24, 2013
Is it possible to embedd data in a table so that a user can select from a group of data within one cell?
I use this technique quite often in Excel. One cell in a table can have various values: A, B, C, or D. While another cell can have a different set of values to choose from: BLUE, RED, ORANGE, or PURPLE. The user can pull down an arrow (similar to a dynamic block) and choose from a set list of values.
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