AutoCAD Architecture :: File Will Lose Data After Working In File

Oct 25, 2012

I have upgraded to ACA 2013 and I have had nothing but problems and I want to know if I am alone on this. I have uploaded AEC Section Display and Tag Scale Hotfix, URL....

AutoCAD Architecture 2013 Service Pack 1, URL....

AutoCAD Architecture 2013 & AutoCAD MEP 2013 Content Browser Migration Hotfix. URL....

ACA2013 was released and I have had it on the desk for some time and finally I got the nerve to load the upgrade. This I did in accordance with the instructions. The upgrade went well.

Additional problems with my working files involved, the file will lose data while working in the file, the program will do strange things to the file like I would lose data while in layout tab within a viewport and the data would still be present in the model tab. I have lost printer setup files only to reopen the drawing and find these have returned.I have lost layout tabs completely. I would reload another menu and they would return. I was speaking to another person comparing Autocads and his had the layout tabs and mine did not.I have zoom scaling problems within the layout viewport. I use to be able to zoom, scale, 1/20xp for 1:20 scale and it would not recognise the command.I was informed via Autodesk to load the service pack Autocad_2013_sp1.14_64, this would not work then I was informed to load the service pack Autocad Architecture _2013_sp1_64 which it did successfully. Still had problems with ACA2013. have situations where the shell command will not work ie punch a hole within the object selected.I have changed from the working model tab to layout tab and back to model tab only to have the view change for no reason ie it will go into (+)(custom view)(wire frame) without selecting it.I have lost data, (part of the actual drawing) within my working drawing simply by using the boeleon subtract command.I have situation when you use the push pull command and nothing happens and then you reopen ACA afresh and try it again and this time it will work.I have email Autodesk in the US and it got alll TO HARD for them and they have abandoned me.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Files Do Not Save And Lose Existing File With No Warning

Oct 11, 2011

For the past couple of months we have noticed we are loosing files on the save command with no warning or notice.  When the drawing is saved and then closed we discover that occasionally the file did not save and the original version of the file is lost.  Sometimes the original version gets saved as a bak file but not always.  No warning message shows up to inform that the command was not completed correctly, it looks like the save took place.

Recently we switched to Windows 7, 64 bit machines.  All three machines this has occured on match and are saving back to 2010 version.  One of the machines is running a trial version of Architecture 2011, the other two are running network licenses of Architecture 2012 with Service Pack 1.  The files being lost are all located on a server in the same folder structure, not in the same folder.  That server is new and has some sort of mirroring set up to image files to multiple locations? This phenomenon has only been noticed to occur on saving a file from Architecture.  We do save other file types to the same folders and have not noticed any going missing.  To my knowlege the files never show back up (one of our IT staff suggested the mirroring might be causing a delay in the file showing up in the folder.)

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Furnish Hyperlink Linking On Defined Data Sheet Within Excel File

Jan 15, 2013

Is there a possibility to furnish a hyperlink linking on a defined Excel-data sheet within an Excel file? Are there other possibilities to tie together to a drawing object external additional information, e.g., a product name, product data or product pictures?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Xref Selection To Working File

Mar 27, 2013

I have loaded an xref in to my working file.  I temporarily unloaded the xref so that it would not be in the way as I was editing my drawing.  Even though the xref is unloaded and I can not see it on screen it still highlights and becomes visible as if I picked it with my fence while I am trying to edit other entities to my drawing. 

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Data Link Table Repeatedly Loses Formatting Upon Closing And Opening File

Mar 19, 2012

I am repeatedly running into the same problem of a data linked table losing its formatting upon closing and opening the file. 

Each time this happens, I am forced to enter the properties tab and return the height of the text and the height of the cell to the size that it had originally been. Is there an option that I have not seen? What is continuously causing this error?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Back Button Not Working With File Browser

Feb 10, 2011

When I am browsing to open drawings for some reson the back button doesn't work with the ACA2011 file browser. The mouse button works fine with all other applications so am I correct to assume something is wrong with the ACA file browser?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Working Support File Search Path?

Feb 10, 2011

For some reason I am not able to modify the values for the paths. I am using ACA2011.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2014 Stp File Exports Lose All Colors When Opened In Altium

Aug 27, 2013

Is there a known issue with inventor 2014 and STP file exports loosing their colour settings?

We export PCB's and assemblies to Altium PCB CAD tools as step files and have just noticed that the colours don't travel well at the moment! The assemblies just end up light grey/white. I tried an earlier stp export dated 2011 and that opened fine in Altium but not any 2014 exports.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Lose File Switching Between Workspaces?

Dec 1, 2011

I was working on a file in the 'edit' workspace and decided to go to the "adjust" workspace and lost the file. Is that normal for it to close the file when moving to another workspace?

I do see that if I have the organizer opened to the folder with the file in it, it stays. This seems cumbersome though to have to open the organizer and find the file as opposed to just going to the Open folder button at the top of the Edit workspace to get the file. This is also nice because the Open button remembers where I was last whereas the organizer makes me start from scratch to drill down to the appropriate folder.

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Illustrator :: AI CS6 (16.0.4) Symbols Lose Transformations Upon Reopening File - But Only Visually

Nov 8, 2013

I've created a series of images utilizing symbols.
Basically the images are of a box. Each side of the box has different content.
I create the side content flat with an encompassing rectangle. Drag all this to the Symbol Panel to create a symbol (no 9-slice no align to grid set). I then take a symbol instance and use Object > Envelope Distort > Apply with Mesh - 1 row, 1 column and proceed to transform the symbol into position on the packaging.
This works.
I can easily double-click the symbol and edit the side of the package with no problem. Exit symbol editing mode and the symbol instance(s) update. Perfect.
I close the file. Return to it 12-18 hours later and open it to see that visually my symbols are no longer positioned correctly. I click, the symbol/emvelope is still in the correct position, but the preview on screen shows no transformation. This incorrect visual appearnce translates to print and save for web as well. So it's more than simply an inaccurate preview. The symbol has actually broken out of its container incorrectly.
To explain further.
When I save the file it looks like this:
The grey box indicates the symbol/envelope bounding area.
When I reopen the file the next day it looks like this:

The symbol/envelope is still in the correct position but the symbol contents are completely incorrect. There seems no way to reset the symbol other than to delete what's there and redo the transformations.
There is nothing overly complicated about the artwork within the symbol. It's all text or line art, no effects or transformations within the symbol itself.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Combining Feature Data (Adding Data To Shape File)

Apr 24, 2012

I have a master shape file that contains parcel ID, owner, tax info., etc. I have another file ( access 2003 -open to better file format suggestions-) which contains parcel ID and a "yes" or " no" entry for whether or not the parcel needs a new water meter. All I want to do is add the water meter information into the other shape file. This would create one shape file with one table with all the information that I need.

Ultimately I will use the information to do a map query and find out spatially where i need new water meters.

Right now i have the master shape file connected though the “Connect to Data” feature. I also have the new data added to the drawing though the Data sources------>attach under the “Map Explorer” Task pane. I attached access file (ver. 2003 .mdb) which has two columns “Parcel ID” and “Meter”.

I right click on the shape file under the display manager and select”Create a Join;” however my water meter table is not listed as an option. Will this not work?

Plan B - I tried to Create and connect to the access file as an ODBC connection. Followed this guy’s directions to a T [URL]. But when i populate my table under the fdo connection the column headings exist ( “parcel ID” and “Meter”) but the actual data is missing. Am I missing something important?

Note: I am running c3d 2012 on a  Win 7 64 Bit machine. I also removed office 32 bit apps and installed 64 bit apps to see if that would solve the problem. No go. 

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Script File To Open Multiple DWG File Not Working In 2012

Dec 22, 2011

I am trying to make a script file to open a drawing and run a lisp routine. They both work independently just fine, the script file will open the all of the files fine... and the lisp is in the startup suite and works in all the files. But when I tell the script file to open the first drawing then run the lisp it hangs trying to open the next file after running the lisp. I have Filedia set to 0, but the message I get when it goes to open the next is "No canvas exists. click New Canvas." (And on top of that... Filedia even set back to 1 still does not display the Dialog box anymore, I have to shut down AutoCAD 2012 and start again then it works.) I Have tried several ways, Opening one at a time then run lisp, and open all files first and then try to run lisp (that closes the file after running) and try and run it again in the next... It will only run the lisp one time and then locks up from there.

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Photoshop :: Error Message :: This File Contains File Info Data Which Cannot Be Read And Has Been Ignored

Feb 8, 2009

After I save a file for "Web & Devices," when I open it, it returns this message, "This file contains file info data which cannot be read and has been ignored." Will this cause any problem with the file once I place it in the website I'm building? I've never seen this message before on a photo I've edited. The changes I made involved color correction.

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Photoshop :: Error / The File Contains File Info Data Which Cannot Be Read And Has Been Ignored

May 31, 2012

We have been sending images out to contractors, and sometimes when they come back the files are having this error:
the file contains file info data which cannot be read and has been ignored
When I then try to Photoshop Script the file info it throws errors. 

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InDesign :: Events Or Attributes Triggered By Data Coming From Data File?

Mar 1, 2014

Without using scripts, is there any way to have rectangles or textboxes act on values coming from a data file? For examplle if the value in a textbox was greater than 10 coming from a data record, could the textbox change color, or any other attribute to make it change from record to recortd as it is being viewed or printed?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: File Size Against Revit Architecture?

Jan 23, 2011

Im currently using Autocad Architecture, is it true that Autocad Architecture creates a bigger file size compared to Revit Architecture? Lets say that same structure and components are created.

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Photoshop :: New File, Open File Stopped Working

Feb 25, 2008

I have Photoshop CS3. it was working perfectly. Today both the File > New and File > Open do nothing. Dragging a photoshop file onto the program does not open it. Creating a new document brings up the dialogue but clicking ok does not create a new document. Nothing happens.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Getting Data From DWG File To Use In C Sharp

Jul 8, 2013

I am a new c sharp developer. I want to create a program in C sharp, which can communicate with autocad, when I do click in some area of the drawing, I can call to the c sharp program with the information of the object selected, for example I want to know the four utm coordinates of a rectangle,with those coordinates I want to search in a sql server database, which contains information of the object selected, for example if I select a rectangle, the database must contain the name of the owner, location and display to the user the information.

Otherwise, I want to open the program in c sharp, doing a searching via name of the owner and I want to open the dwg file that contains the utm coordinates of the name provided.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Store Data In DWG File?

Jun 28, 2011

Is there a location I can store large amounts of retrievable data in the DWG file?

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AutoCad :: Can Data Be Extracted From DWG File

Nov 11, 2011

I don't have AutoCad, but I was given a DWG that was created in 2007. It is a map of a lake's water depth vs distance in the east and north directions. Is it possible extract the actual value of water depth from the DWG file? For example the file would contain columns of x-location, y-location, and water depth.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Extracting Data From A DWG File?

Sep 19, 2011

I have been asked to write utility that will open a DWG file, retrieve layer data from the file and put it into a spreadsheet.

I know nothing about AutoCAD but I have been reading on this forum and gathering information. I have found that I have to write a dll that will be used inside of AutoCAD. Here is what I have so far:

1. I have AutoCAD 2008 (will convert to 2011 or 2012 later)

2. I have .NET Framework 4.0

3. I have Visual Studio 2010 Express

4. Needs to be done using VB.NET.

I need to do this using .NET.

Do I need the 2008 API?

Could this be done easier using VBA?

Once I create the dll how do I use it inside AutoCAD?

How do I grab the layer data for studs and braces?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Data Extraction DXE File

Feb 3, 2010

I am creating a schedule with a .dxe file, which extracts data from attributes into a schedule. Is there a way to link this file so it is a "relative path" instead of a full path. IE: The .dxe file is liked to the same folder that contains the current drawing, not linked to my C:/AutoCad drawings/Job Name/folder2... I really want to be able to move the drawing and .dxe to a different folder and not have the link broken.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Read Data From A DWG Excel File Using C#?

May 18, 2013

this dwg file data reading with c#?

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Creating Contours From TXT File Data

Mar 3, 2013

I have been trying to create a contour map from survey data my group collected for a project but have not had much luck. I have all of the data in a text file (that is set up correctly) with the northings, eastings and elevations. I can get that to import the points and it is correct but I cannot get the contour lines to draw. I need the intervals to be .25ft with a major line every 4. there is about 1600 different data points. 

Steps to create them from a text file? To get the points in the file i used "_MAPIMPORT" 

also, the data is in an L shape so how to create a boundary condition to only contour that L shape and not try to connect points on opposite ends of the area?

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Extracting Shape File Data

Oct 9, 2012

I am trying to import a Shape file and extract the attribute data associated with the 'lines' (sewer pipes) into text format.

for example a pipe has an attribute showing the pipe diameter and intead of having to manually type it out I would like a way to extract that information.

Is there a way to do it? Whether using a specific method during the importing of the Shape file or another process?

*I use AutoCAD Map 3D 2011.

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AutoCad :: Writing Plot Data To CAM File?

May 25, 2013

I am experimenting with a simple form of CAD/CAM and would like to be able to export the coordinates of my drawing to a data file in order to use it as an input file forthe CAM system. I am running AutoCad 2000 and would expect to be able to have this option available under the Plot command but have not been able to see how it can be done. For example, taking the simple case of a rectangle, I would like to be able to write to file the coordinates of the four corners of the drawing.

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AutoCAD LT :: Data Export To Excel File

Oct 13, 2011

Can I export the text from autocad 2012 LT to excel file.

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AutoCad :: Import CSV File - Point Data

Jul 5, 2010

I have collected point data for the positions of trees using PocketGIS software. The software produces a csv. file with the Northings and eastings of each point surveyed to which are attached a number of other attributes (e.g. tree tag number, height, species etc.).

Is it possible to import and plot these points directly into AutoCAD?

Can some or all of the attributes be included (i.e. it would be very useful if the positions could be plotted together with the tag number)?

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Compare Two Drawing File With Object Data

Apr 25, 2012

How to compare two drawing file with object data(two version of the same drawing) . Any source code (C# Arx) then will be much better.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Any Way To Export Table Data To Txt File?

Apr 19, 2013

I want to export my slope - table - legend to an excel or txt file. 

(Of course only the values)

Civil 3D (2013)

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: 2012 - Data Import (Geometry From SHP Or SDF File)

Nov 24, 2012

I'm using Map 3D 2012 with Oracle 11g. I created an enterprise project with an industry model with water and wastewater modules. After this i created my feature classes and defined the utility model linking the geometry feature class to the attribute ones (ex: WA_POINT to WA_ARMATURE, WA_VALVE, WA_HYDRANT etc.).

At this moment i have to import a large amount of data from *.shp or *.sdf files, but theese files contain geometric and attribute data together.

How can i import the geometry from the shp or sdf file to the geometry feature class (ex: WA_POINT) and the attributes to the attribute feature class (ex: WA_VALVE), while creating the reference between the geometry and attribute feature classes?

I tried bulk-copying the geometry, but it doesn't create the coresponding attribute feature.

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