AutoCAD Inventor :: 2014 Stp File Exports Lose All Colors When Opened In Altium

Aug 27, 2013

Is there a known issue with inventor 2014 and STP file exports loosing their colour settings?

We export PCB's and assemblies to Altium PCB CAD tools as step files and have just noticed that the colours don't travel well at the moment! The assemblies just end up light grey/white. I tried an earlier stp export dated 2011 and that opened fine in Altium but not any 2014 exports.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2014 Doesn't Respond When Opened

Nov 28, 2013

When I try to run Inventor.exe it shows loading window and then it disappear and there's  no response. I've tried to run it from Start->(..)->Inventor and any possible location but nothing worked. I've also tried solution with deleting C:ProgramDataAutodeskADLMCascadeInfo.cas file but this doesn't worked either. Autodesk DWG True View, ReCap and others work correctly. I use student version of Inventor 2014. It has been working previously 6 or 7 times. Same issue was with Inventor 2013 after 3 months no using.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Can 2013 Files Be Opened In 2014

Oct 31, 2013

 I made these bunch of other parts at school this time and they use 2013 and I use 2014 at home, will I be able to open them

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Opened Files Becoming Read Only In 2014

Aug 27, 2013

My team is using AutoCAD 2014 and multiple people have noticed that while they're working, when they try to save the file it pops up a message saying the file is read only.

Multiple people on our team has had this issue and it only started recently. (We've had it installed a few months now).Could it be the new file tabs feature in 2014?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: File Will Lose Data After Working In File

Oct 25, 2012

I have upgraded to ACA 2013 and I have had nothing but problems and I want to know if I am alone on this. I have uploaded AEC Section Display and Tag Scale Hotfix, URL....

AutoCAD Architecture 2013 Service Pack 1, URL....

AutoCAD Architecture 2013 & AutoCAD MEP 2013 Content Browser Migration Hotfix. URL....

ACA2013 was released and I have had it on the desk for some time and finally I got the nerve to load the upgrade. This I did in accordance with the instructions. The upgrade went well.

Additional problems with my working files involved, the file will lose data while working in the file, the program will do strange things to the file like I would lose data while in layout tab within a viewport and the data would still be present in the model tab. I have lost printer setup files only to reopen the drawing and find these have returned.I have lost layout tabs completely. I would reload another menu and they would return. I was speaking to another person comparing Autocads and his had the layout tabs and mine did not.I have zoom scaling problems within the layout viewport. I use to be able to zoom, scale, 1/20xp for 1:20 scale and it would not recognise the command.I was informed via Autodesk to load the service pack Autocad_2013_sp1.14_64, this would not work then I was informed to load the service pack Autocad Architecture _2013_sp1_64 which it did successfully. Still had problems with ACA2013. have situations where the shell command will not work ie punch a hole within the object selected.I have changed from the working model tab to layout tab and back to model tab only to have the view change for no reason ie it will go into (+)(custom view)(wire frame) without selecting it.I have lost data, (part of the actual drawing) within my working drawing simply by using the boeleon subtract command.I have situation when you use the push pull command and nothing happens and then you reopen ACA afresh and try it again and this time it will work.I have email Autodesk in the US and it got alll TO HARD for them and they have abandoned me.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Cannot Open New File In 2014

Oct 24, 2013

In the right upper corner of autosek Invetor 2014 is a button wich says New (NEU = German) if i click there the window gets bright gray and says no response (keine Rückmeldung) ... i started the Laptop several times but it never Works.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2014 Cannot Open Its Own File?

Apr 17, 2013

My Autodesk Inventor Professional 2014 (witch I downloaded as beta) can not now open it's own files, but it opens other models that I did using 2013, attached is the message that shows up

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2014 Crashes On Opening New File

Nov 22, 2013

Yesterday inventor worked fine, I made 3 new parts.But today when I wanted to put these parts together in an assembly and I try opening a new file, inventor crashes?

I still can open projects, but can't create a new project.

PS. I'm using Inventor 2014 Student Version with service pack 1 on Windows 8.1 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Open 2014 Assembly File To 2013

Jul 20, 2013

How do I open an 2014 assembly file to 2013 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Pro 2014 Crashes When Saving Older File

Oct 21, 2013

I have a situation where a teacher in our PLTW(Project Leads The Way) who uses inventor products for sometime is not able to save a old current project or make changes to this project, then save it. What is happening is it gives a blue screen error and corrupts the file so it cannot be fixed or opened. We cannot duplicate the process with the teacher, but we can if the file is opened on another computer and it is opened also on another computer at the same time as other pc. However, the teacher states that he doesn't have it open on any other PCs in the school.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2013 And 2014 Close When Open Any File

Jun 25, 2013

I had Inventor 2013 and it worked well for a long time, I didn't use it for a while, then yesterday I tried to use it again and it wouldn't work. It starts up fine, and gets to the menu where you can choose from recent files, new files, tutorials, etc. After I select anything to open, whether its a new or old file, the program will load open the file then immediately stop working. No error message is displayed besides Windows telling me "this program has stopped working". I updated to 2014 yesterday, and the exact same problem persists.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Subtype Sheet Metal File Changed In 2014?

Oct 3, 2013

Since I create sheet metal files in Inventor 2014, the subtype of this parts is not always the same. Migrated files from an earlier version have the right ID.

So my add-in to detect sheet metal parts fails.

I use the  
If IV.ActiveEditDocument.SubType = "{9C464203-9BAE-11D3-8BAD-0060B0CE6BB4}" Then

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Files Do Not Save And Lose Existing File With No Warning

Oct 11, 2011

For the past couple of months we have noticed we are loosing files on the save command with no warning or notice.  When the drawing is saved and then closed we discover that occasionally the file did not save and the original version of the file is lost.  Sometimes the original version gets saved as a bak file but not always.  No warning message shows up to inform that the command was not completed correctly, it looks like the save took place.

Recently we switched to Windows 7, 64 bit machines.  All three machines this has occured on match and are saving back to 2010 version.  One of the machines is running a trial version of Architecture 2011, the other two are running network licenses of Architecture 2012 with Service Pack 1.  The files being lost are all located on a server in the same folder structure, not in the same folder.  That server is new and has some sort of mirroring set up to image files to multiple locations? This phenomenon has only been noticed to occur on saving a file from Architecture.  We do save other file types to the same folders and have not noticed any going missing.  To my knowlege the files never show back up (one of our IT staff suggested the mirroring might be causing a delay in the file showing up in the folder.)

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Photoshop :: Colors Muted When Opened In CS5 / Look Fine In LR And Bridge

Nov 4, 2013

All of sudden when opening files in photoshope cs5 the colors are muted.  They look normal in bridge and lightroom. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Unexpectedly Shutdown / Lose Savings

May 23, 2013

After saving several times I am not able to open the last saved version of the file when I open it after unexpectedly shut down. All my saving is gone! Nice to use DROPBOX to upload my last saving. Why are inventor undoing all my saving?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Save Copy And IProperties Lose Their Value

Aug 22, 2012

Recently upgraded from 2008 to 2013 (AC&IV) and now having the issue shown in the two attachments. Some of the leader text w/ iProps that had additional text added come thru ok, but straight iProps don't.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: 2014 / Horizontal And Vertical Lines Display As Different Colors

Nov 8, 2013

On my LED monitor (Samsung XL2370), horizontal and veritcal lines display as different hues. Is there an Autocad setting to work with this or is it maybe some setting on my monitor?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2012 - Parts Derived From Assembly Lose Color

May 17, 2011

Concerning Inventor 2012...

We do a good bit of deriving parts from assemblies. We have a workflow that works well for us, we create PARTS, put them in an ASSEMBLY, then create new PARTS DERIVED from ASSEMBLY. We use Boolean to add/subtract and disregard parts as needed to create these parts. These parts are now given color and reassembled in an yet another final ASSEMBLY as needed and put into a drawing.

Through Inventor 2011 this worked well. 

In Inventor 2012 the color is disapering as soon as any change is made on a source part.

1 Changing the color does not work.

2 In the derived from Assembly, opening up (in the browser) the individual .ipt's and right clicking and clicking properties and changing the color only stays until the next change to the source prt.

3 Changing EACH individual face by right click, properties and setting the FACE PROPERTIES from "as feature" to "as part" does work, but is ridiculous to change hundreds of faces on each part. (especially considering we did NOT need this step in 2011)

Is there a switch in the registry (to turn off the standard “as feature” to the parts face).

Inventor 2012
Windows 7 64, 6gb RAM, Nvidia 4000

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Paint Shop Pro :: Lose File Switching Between Workspaces?

Dec 1, 2011

I was working on a file in the 'edit' workspace and decided to go to the "adjust" workspace and lost the file. Is that normal for it to close the file when moving to another workspace?

I do see that if I have the organizer opened to the folder with the file in it, it stays. This seems cumbersome though to have to open the organizer and find the file as opposed to just going to the Open folder button at the top of the Edit workspace to get the file. This is also nice because the Open button remembers where I was last whereas the organizer makes me start from scratch to drill down to the appropriate folder.

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Illustrator :: Script That Opens File In AI And Exports It To SVG

Aug 7, 2013

We use adobe indesign server 8.0 to process indesgin documents and to automatically generate documents like jpg, xml etc. We make a call to the indesign server from adobe CQ workflow. Now the question is, do we have a something similar to process adobe illustrator documents. Our use case is to open Ai files and generate SVG and thumb. We use the indesign server to generate thumbs by dropping the AI file into the indesign document but that doesnt work while generating a SVG because we loose lot of layers by dropping the AI into indesign.
We have a script that opens the file in AI and exports it to SVG but We have to process hundreds of file so it is very time consuming.

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Illustrator :: AI CS6 (16.0.4) Symbols Lose Transformations Upon Reopening File - But Only Visually

Nov 8, 2013

I've created a series of images utilizing symbols.
Basically the images are of a box. Each side of the box has different content.
I create the side content flat with an encompassing rectangle. Drag all this to the Symbol Panel to create a symbol (no 9-slice no align to grid set). I then take a symbol instance and use Object > Envelope Distort > Apply with Mesh - 1 row, 1 column and proceed to transform the symbol into position on the packaging.
This works.
I can easily double-click the symbol and edit the side of the package with no problem. Exit symbol editing mode and the symbol instance(s) update. Perfect.
I close the file. Return to it 12-18 hours later and open it to see that visually my symbols are no longer positioned correctly. I click, the symbol/emvelope is still in the correct position, but the preview on screen shows no transformation. This incorrect visual appearnce translates to print and save for web as well. So it's more than simply an inaccurate preview. The symbol has actually broken out of its container incorrectly.
To explain further.
When I save the file it looks like this:
The grey box indicates the symbol/envelope bounding area.
When I reopen the file the next day it looks like this:

The symbol/envelope is still in the correct position but the symbol contents are completely incorrect. There seems no way to reset the symbol other than to delete what's there and redo the transformations.
There is nothing overly complicated about the artwork within the symbol. It's all text or line art, no effects or transformations within the symbol itself.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Assigned Colors Are Lost When Importing STEP Or Solidworks File

Sep 14, 2011

When I import a STEP file or most recently a Solidworks part the assigned colors are replaced by the standard gray. Is there an option I'm missing to ensure the colors are retained? I am using Inventor Professional 2012.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Exports Multiple File Formats At Same Time?

Sep 13, 2013

I've found some very good scripts like the MultiExporter.js by Matthew Ericson and Export Layeres as PNG files by Johan Otterud, however none that quite fit our needs. We need an Illustrator script that takes an AI file and spits out an .eps, .jpg (for print), multiple .png sizes for web, and .pdf. We have an extensive download library for members that constantly change and rotate with new logos, print materials and other graphics.
I was hoping that there was some kind of script that would cut some time off of exporting all the different versions each time.

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Check Drawing File Is Opened

Mar 1, 2013

I have scenario where user can  open the drawing using filepath like given below

Application.DocumentManager.Open(filePath, IsReadOnly);

And it is working fine.

I should allow to open the file, if file is already opened state.

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Illustrator :: OS X 10.8 Saving Opened / Edited CS5.5 And CS6 File Rewrites File Permissions

Dec 5, 2012

Open an .AI file saved on a netapp or windows shared directory with full permissions (prior to saving I noted that all security groups are intact in file properties as we have 2 for read and write access)Make any changesTry to save and get the prompt:  Can’t save preview, but all other information was saved successfully. The file couldn’t be found. ID = -43  (file is now corrupted and looking in security group file properties the 2 security groups designated for read and write access for the directory is now gone and shows an unknown security group????)

Save as works without a problem. Try to press save again and get This file has been modified outside Illustrator. Do you want to continue?Continue and prompted This file cannot be foundObviously the file preview icon goes from a thumbnail of the file to a generic iconWhen I try to open the file I get: Can’t open the illustration. The file is locked or in use.It led me to believe the issue was either OS X or CS5.5. I was able to open the file fine on Windows Illustrator CS5.5 make a slight change and resaved (which fixed the file and opens again in OS X and read/write security groups show up again?)Optionally, I was also able to fix the file to where I could open it in OS X by simply giving myself Read/Write access to the file from Get Info 

Notes:No issues with the same file in 10.7.x.

I've tested on all available Mac Pro / MacBook Pro machines and issue doesn't seem to happen on MacBook Pro retina?Photoshop and InDesign not affected

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Unresolved Reference File Cannot Be Opened

Feb 21, 2013

I was working on my project today when the window popped up telling me to reload my pavement file.  When I reloaded the file, the reference said it was unresolved.  I tried to open that file directly, but it would not open. 

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Export To PDF - File Opened In Acrobat

May 11, 2012

I recently changed PCs and installed AutoCAD 2012 to the new machine. I was working on a patent and exported to PDF like I always do. The problem is that when I do that it automatically opens up the pdf in Acrobat after I've exported. I want to turn that feature off. I export dozens and dozens so the opening of every pdf would be very cumbersome.

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AutoCad :: Where To Head To Understand DXF (when Opened As Text File)

Jun 4, 2013

recommend a command line extractor, i want to fill (manually with excel vba) datas (block attributes) in cells with the DXF i have in tons of projects, everything is ready except i dont know which lines to consider in the DXF.

Example : i have once instance of a block in a file, but i read the dxf as a txt and i see it (called "plc_a_1") at 5 places in the txt, and the real x,y coordinate fits one of them, but the attributes for it are like 500,000 lines further..

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AutoCAD 2010 :: How To Save Opened DXF File Again As DXF By One Command

Jun 15, 2013

I would like to save my opened dxf drawing again as dxf with one click by custom button.

I was trying the next code


It returns the message "Can't open file", it seems like it does the save only when initial file is dwg.

The goal I wish I click a custom button and will save my opened dxf drawing back to dxf in 2004 format.

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AutoCAD LT :: Annotative Text - Changing When File Is Closed And Then Opened

Jul 15, 2013

I have been a having a repeating problem with text in AutoCAD. For some reason when re-opening my file some annotative text is know magically different. Prior to closing the file my annovative text is only set to one scale and the text width is a specific size. Then when I re-open the file, the text now has 4 different scales and the width has shrunk to completely different, casing all my text to jumble and be illegible. To be more specific when I say width of text if I look in the properties window the setting "Model defined width" is different (always much smaller). This a particularly frustrating as I cannot override this setting when selecting in properties and have to stretch each text box back to size manually. I am currently using AutoCAD LT 2013.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Extract Some Info From Table To Reference File That Can Be Opened In MS Excel

Jun 15, 2013

I've spent the last 4 hours searching for an answer to this question, but I simply can't find one.

As a start I think you have to know that I'm currently using AutoCAD 2012.

Here's the problem: I need to extract some info from an AutoCAD table to a reference file that can be opened in Microsoft Excel. Everything I find on the subject is actually an answer to the question "How does <DATAEXTRACTION> work?" or "How to do an extraction of DATA in AutoCAD?"....

In this particular case I have a set of production drawings (cut tickets) for manufacturing of stone. And in every single sheet I have this material schedule or a table, if you wish, that is made with an AutoCAD table. In this schedule I have the height, width and thickness of the stone plate and with a function it measures it's area and volume. What I want to do is to extract those values into a reference file that I can open with Microsoft Excel, as I already said.

How exactly?

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