AutoCAD Inventor :: Assigned Colors Are Lost When Importing STEP Or Solidworks File
Sep 14, 2011
When I import a STEP file or most recently a Solidworks part the assigned colors are replaced by the standard gray. Is there an option I'm missing to ensure the colors are retained? I am using Inventor Professional 2012.
I have an assembly designed by somebody else in Inventor. I exported it as STP under Inventor 2013 and imported to SolidWorks 2012. It took over half a day. After the import, some of the objects became big spheres. Know what is going on? I then saved a sub-assembly from Inventor and imported to Solidworks. I tried to use Feature Recognition. However, SW reported that "FeatureWorks. Part contains overlapping solids. FeatureWorks can not proceed further." In the tree on the left, I see a list of Imported objects. I cannot even edit those objects. What is the best way to import design created in Inventor to SolidWorks anyway?
We are working with a business partner who has been sending up Solidworks files to import into Inventor and up to today we've had no issues. We just got a bunch of files today and when we import them they appear to be empty. Can Inventor only import certain versions of SWX?
We do not know if our partner updated their SWX or not. We have tried various settings in the Options window and still the same result. I've attached a sample file. We are running the Autodesk Product Design Suite 2012 - Ultimate with Inventor SP1.
I have to import multiple files from Solidworks. I don't have any issues with that except that when I import these files they are base files. All the intelligence is wiped out. I know that Solidworks can import Inventor files and keep all of the intelligence in the file. Does Autodesk have translator software that will allow the import of a solidworks file and keep the intelligence used to build the model?
I am trying to import a step assembly file in 2013. Under the options settings I no longer have or see the ability to,
(Import Multiple Solids Parts as Assembly) This was an option to check.
This seems to be a big issue as we always import the assemblies, then ground them. And this gives us the option of moving or deleting certain components, as well as opening individual components in their own part environment.
I am trying to change the materials that are assigned to a STEP file I imported to a different "default" so I can then change a few of the surfaces individually. Is there a way to change the entire part's materials to one material that I select? When I try only one "base" highlights at a time and I can't select the entire part at one time. I am using AutoDesk Inventor 2011 Professional.
I have recently upgraded to 2013 FDS and now when I try to import Acad files (sometimes up to 2000 solids) it takes virtually a full day to import one file. When I had 2011 I could import these files much faster.
I am having an issue opening a SolidWorks file in Inventor. The file is a native SolidWorks .sldprt file. This is the procedure I followed: File-Open in Inventor, changed file type to SolidWorks Files and selected the file on my computer to be opened. I then recieve an HTML error message stating "Error - Translation failed. This version is not supported." I am currently using Inventor 2013. I received the file from one of our sister companies and we were hoping to be able to exchange native files easily using Inventors built in translator.
Any translator or add-in that would work to open files of this type.
I am drawing in 3D in autocad 2012 and are getting solidworks models from the client. I also have solidworks 2011 installed on my machine and was trying to import the solidworks models into autocad as 3D solids.
I have a volume surface that I want cut & fill displayed with elevation banding. I created a surface style and chose pastels for the color scheme. When I analyze the surface I chose elevations>> range interval with datum and I get 2d solids but they are not pastel even though the style assigned is the one I mentioned.
How do I get the colors to be pastel?
Civil 3D 2012 & 2013 HP Z210 Workstation Intel Xeon CPU E31240 @ 3.30 Hz 12 GB Ram
I have a script that makes PDF-file with suffix revision. Now I want to expand this script so it even makes a STEP-file of the 3d-file connected to the drawing. This would make all manufacture files in one button. That should be nice..
How will i manage with this since the active document is the drawing not the part. (see code below)
Set oDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument Call oDoc.SaveAs("C:UsersGoranWeDesktop est estfile.stp", True)
Following is possible using AutoDesk Inventor Apprentice (C++ Project)?
I want to be able to select (using the File Open dialog box) a "Step" file that I have downloaded from my supplier, then convert it to an IPT file (NOT AN ASSEMBLY!!!), automatically.
For a client we maked a model in 3dsmax. But now they have to produce it in the factory. They need a STEP file. I added the file in Inventor. But its not a solid 3d body. But I have never worked with this program. How to make the STEP file? URL...
We had a CAD designer create a 3D drawing for us. I am pretty sure he did it in Inventor. We only have Inventor LT here. I am so lost its not even funny and my boss is breathing down my back to get this done. How in the heck do I convert the .dw file to a .step or .iges file!?
I have to send one of my assemblies to a customer who has Solidworks I believe, so I thought I would just save the assembly as a step file, but when I try to do this it crashes my system probably due to the fact that I have quite a bit of embossing on one particular panel. Any other options?
I am having trouble opening a step file. I actually opened it a couple of days ago fine but now when i try it tries to load for a few minutes then just crashes. I have tried other step files and they open fine.
The file is 260MB not sure if it will attach here.
I am trying to create a step file of an assembly, the assembly consists of maybe 50-100 parts. I am currently running Inventor 2009. In a new part file, I derive the assembly to make it one solid entity. Then I save that as a step file. However when i open the step file, i have a bunch of extra "parts" in my model tree. These parts seem to be where the bolts and threaded holes interfere or not all parts joined to the main solid model. How can I eliminate this?
Also on a side note, is there anyway to change the orientation of the WCS?
I am working with Inventor Professional 2012 eduactional institution version here at school. I am trying to conver a DWG of a 747 to a IGES or STEP file, but when I go to do so the option export "cad format" is faded out and I cannot choose it. Is this b/c it is an educational version, or am I missing something?
When I import a step file, the color/texture of the step file has gone way off from expected.
Before, the same model used to be gray, now most models have got a green pcb texture, and there seems to be no way to correct it in the model/solid properties.
It only happens with this one file so far. It is a STEP file. I open it in Inventor and then when I hit save it gives me an error. The system cannot find the path specified.
The database in C:Users stalkerDocumentsInventorDesktopAssetCreation2Imported ComponentsC731222M-U2 68514423656.ipt could not be saved.The system cannot find the path specified.The database in C:Users stalkerDocumentsInventorDesktopAssetCreation2Imported ComponentsC731222M-U2 11505_3.ipt could not be saved.The system cannot find the path specified.
I have tried to save it on two different computers with two different projects and I get the same error. I have never ran into this problem before and I open and save STEP files often.
Is there a way to define the export tolerance of a step file? Now the tolerance is always set to 0.01mm but i need a tolerance of 0.001 to go further in another CAD / CAM System.
We were sent some step files of valves from a company - what would be the best practice to make this into (clean up) a useful part to be used in our assemblies. Interested in converting it into a useful part but reduced in size. (Compared to other valves we use - this is easily 10 times the size).
I had to re-format hard drive. I did have data backed up by a service provider. I don't wan to restore all data. How do I locate the previous "TAG" files in organizer so I can import them into re-installed elements 11?