AutoCAD 2010 :: Multiline Attributes Won't Hold Text Formatting After BLOCKEDIT / SAVE
Mar 20, 2012
Problem: Create a dynamic block with visibility, use a Multiline Attributes for text entry in to the block. I create multiple lines of text when editing the block in model space. Either with gripping the txt window width or use "Enter" to define multiple lines.... I proceed to edit the block slightly and when I close and save changes......All ML Attributes default to single line text. In turn i have to re-edit all my text.
Bugs like this are extremely painful. No rhyme or reason to them... Looking for a workaround other than using separate attributes for each line of text.
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Jan 9, 2013
I've recently noticed that my multiline text boxes in old drawings have been splitting themselves into multiple multiline text boxes. They aren't exploding into single line text because it won't let me use the convert command to turn them into multiline because they are already multiline.
I know the dimassoc command can be set to a certain value to cause all dimensions to explode but is there some kind of command that could have change itself and is causing this problem?
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Mar 14, 2012
Underlining the “single text” and “multiline text”
To underline the “single text”, we use the %%U but this sounds not to work with the “multiline text”!
What I should use to underline the “multiline text”?
Software: AutoCAD 2014, AutoCAD C3D, AutoCAD M3D, Revit
Windows 7 (Ultimate 64 bits),
Firefox 20.0,
Kaspersky 2013.
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Feb 12, 2013
I am trying to create an attribute with multi-text and I am unable to get the text to wrap. I have the boundary width option checked and specified, but the text doesnt seem to care and keeps right on going....
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Apr 20, 2013
i'd like to turn single texts into a multiline tex and KEEPING THEIR INDIVIDUAL COLOURS & TEXT SIZES.
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Nov 1, 2012
I know I can rotate text with the rotate command or from the properties palette, but if I'm editing text and the text formatting toolbar is displayed, why don't I have the ability to modify the rotation right there? How do I get it there? Can I customize this toolbar?
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Oct 8, 2013
Within the enhanced attribute editor dialogue, I am wondering if there is a way to open up the multiline text editor with a keyboard shortcut, vs.. having to mouse click on the open editor box? The reason being, I can quickly fill out attributes that are single line text, but get hemmed up with having to stop and open up the multiline....
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Apr 29, 2013
When I click on mtext to edit info the text editor comes up but it always lands right on top of the text so I have to keep moving the toolbar around... besides turning the option "off" for the toolbar to pop up - is there a way to "dock" it somewhere?
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Sep 6, 2013
I just realized that I have quite a number of text instances (261!) that require that I change the color of the text. All of these instances are associated with multileaders and but are only a portion of the text associated with each multileader.
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Oct 30, 2012
I am working with tables that are linked to data from an excel file.After I create a table I dettach it from the excel file. I do not want the excel file to control the table.
I then need to update the text format of all the text in the table. I've noticed that the text strings are still formatted based on how the excel file was formatted.
The only way to remove this is to click on the cell, highlight the text, right click, and then select Remove Character Formatting. Unfortunately I have to do this for each text string.
Is there a way to remove the character formatting for all of the text strings at once?
Even better, is there a way to format the table so that it does not change the text style based on what is in the excel file but instead based on AutoCAD's text styles?
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Nov 12, 2013
I am experiencing this issue every now and then and I don't know why or how it happens. No modifications to the BlockDefinitions or any BlockReferences are made and for some magic all multiline attributes in the drawing file revert to single line. After that happens the only way I know to fix them is to go through all definitions in the Block Attribute Manager and make every attribute multiline again. This is very annoying because I don't know how it happens so it can be prevented and because it takes time to fix them again. AutoCAD 2012 (Mechanical) on Windows 7 32 and 64 bits.
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Apr 23, 2013
I am well aware this has been an issue for awhile and supposedly fixed in 2008 SP1.
But we are running Civil 3d 2013. and still getting this issue.
The Multiline Attributes in our title blocks keep moving themselves randomly upon reentering the drawing.
Any clear cut solution for rectifying this problem?
Civil 3D 2014 (SP1)
Win 7 Pro x64
DELL Precision Workstation T3500
Intel Xeon 3.3GHz (w3680)
24Gb Ram
NVIDIA Quadro 2000 (1GB)
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Mar 14, 2011
Using AutoCAD Architecture 2009. I recently updated my office's rom tags to use the multiline attributes for several properties. A couple of my officemates are getting an errant behaviour that i am unable to replicate.
- sometimes when using a tag, the multi-line attributes move themselves, by alot. up or down, even change the text alignment. This can happen in constructs and in views.You can see the displacement as soon as you start dropping the tag, the block ghost will be all messed up.
- starting a new view from scratch will make the tags behave normally (a constuct that tags properly can result in a view that does not.)
- if tagging the constructs (i, know, i know), copying out the spaces to a new file, tagging, then copying in the geometry will also fix the tags. if i copy ALL the problem persists. If i remove the tags and purge the styles and drawing, the problem persists.
is this a fluke, or is there a file setting of some sort that my mates have (de)activated?
i have two projects that are working without a hitch, and two that are badly misbehaving.
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Jul 24, 2013
I sent the following message to autodesk:
Issue: Dynamic Block causes crash
Preface: A dynamic block c/w a "flip" parameter and a multiline attribute will crash when the block and attribute is flipped, and the attribute justificatiob modified.
Explanation: When the dynamic block is flipped, the multiline attribute is also flipped causing its justification to switch from "top left" to "top right". When the attribute is edited in the in-place attribute editor to switch the justification back to "top left", it causes AutoCAD to crash.
Workaround: Instead of using the in-place attribute editor (i.e. same as MText editor), the attribute justification is changed by modifying the attribute properties in the "Enhanced Attribute Editor" dialog box - on the "Text Options" tab
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Jun 21, 2012
After working several hours on a drawing with many attribute blocks, all the text in all the attributes disappeared. Block outline remains as defined but text is gone. Have been using this version (Autocad 2012) about five months and this is the first episode. how can I get the blocks to appear as originally drawn?
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Feb 22, 2012
In my title block I have a attribute with the name project_Number. Now what I want to do is the following. When I edit my block with the project number. The project number should automatically be added to a text box without me typing in the project number twice.
E.g.. This Drawing is part of the consulting services provided for Project[Project_Number] and may not be used or applied for any other purpose without prior consultation.
in other word the project number should be reference in the text box from the attribute.
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Apr 16, 2012
I'd like to save certain action attributes as text to archive along with adjustment files for archived image group adjustments. how to copy this to clipboard as text?
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Nov 16, 2012
I have a drawing template (block) where the drawing number is displayed in two locations (attributes). The same value has to be entered in both attributes.
Is there any way of "echoing" the data from one attribute to other attributes (or text objects)?
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Jul 27, 2012
I am running AutoCAD 2012 Electrical. The source wiring diagrams I am working with have attributed blocks all over the drawing. For my purposes, I dont need to export the data, but I do need to change the drawing. When I use "Burst" or "Explode Attributes to Text" in the Express Tools menu, it does change the attributes to text. However, it throws all the data that is in in the attribute all over the face of the drawing. This is extremely time consuming to delete them as some are micro small text.
I need a command that will explode the attributes to text, turning the blocks into entities, as if there are no blocks at all.
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Jan 27, 2012
I've got a user that has his page setups setup correctly and set current, but when he goes to the publish command it only grabs the model space. even if he checks the "Initialize Layout" (and unchecks "Initialize Model") option in the context menu, it doesn't stick...
I have him rebooting now (we tried closing ACAD (and made sure the process had stopped) and then restarted ACAD and it still wasn't working)
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Feb 11, 2011
I use AutoCAD 2008 LT. I have a problem when trying to use multiline text. The text box will only allow me to write vertically, but when the text is completed, by left clicking on a grip and changing the rotation angle to 0 degrees, it reads horizontally. However, if I try to amend it, vertical text is the result. I do not have this problem with single line text. Whilst it is possible to read vertically, it is time wasting.
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Aug 4, 2013
I have inside every text,Mtext contents different text style like Arial_1 , Arial_2.
How i can give all the contents inside one style ? the normal procedure i will enter inside text to enter editing mode and changing text format style one by one. I want it once.
I want to save my routing of entering every text to change its content text style.
(Notice:select all from outside without editing mode will not do the job)
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Sep 20, 2012
I've got an OLE work document spec that is 2 pages formatted correctly in MS word. When i link in the second page the formatting resets to the beginning in the .dwg file, but is retaining it's correct format in the linked word document. For example the 2nd page in the word doc starts at 2.9.....but is displaying 1.1 in the dwg there a command to stop the reset of 1.1?
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Mar 22, 2013
I have a situation where I'm adding some text and want to identify the part with a part#. For example Item 1, I want to add a circle to the number one for it to stand out on my text notes.
The same goes for each line item I have for my text note. For example, if I have 5 lines of text notes, I want to be able to put for example a triangle around 1 thru 5 line items.
I've attached screen shot to see what I'm looking to do. By the way used multiline text for my drawing notes.
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Feb 15, 2013
how to create the end of a multiline text, soft or hard return or control enter
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Feb 13, 2012
I used to have a lisp routine for selecting multiple strings of single line text and converting them to a single multiline text box. I think there was even an express tool in previous versions of CAD to do this. I am in 2011 now, and I can not find a command for this. I would even settle for simply changing single line to multiline without adding multiple strings.
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Jul 25, 2012
is there a shortcut/keystroke to quickly access the multiline text command?
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Jan 9, 2013
I am currently making a pattern of numbers. These numbers are going to be serial numbers on some parts that are to be cut by a waterjet. There are 1000 parts so I want to automate this process. I have made a pattern of text so that the text is placed correctly. Also i have used TCOUNT to automate the numbers, so that the pattern of numbers is now 1 2 3 4, etc (positioned correctly). The problem is that the serial numbers should have the format 00000 (5 digits), so: 00001, 00002 etc. Is it any way to make numbers appear this way? If i try write it like this in TCOUNT it automatically changes it to standard numbers.
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May 15, 2013
This has been happening intermittently but now seems to be permanent. When I slect the Multiline tool, click to place the text box, then click to place the other corner the box ignores the size I set and snaps to as wide as the screen and one line high. It does this in several different drawings so it is not native to one. If I enter text and deselect I can adjust the handles and alter the text.
I have attached a screen shot to show. It doesn't matter how close or far I am zoomed in on the drawing.
For what it's worth I do not like the way the ribbon panel controls handle text, it usually takes multiple tries to get it to change the text height. I usually resort to using the Properties flyout but that adds mutltple steps to the process.
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Sep 26, 2012
How to combine more than multiline text in one?
Software: AutoCAD 2014, AutoCAD C3D, AutoCAD M3D, Revit
Windows 7 (Ultimate 64 bits),
Firefox 20.0,
Kaspersky 2013.
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Jan 30, 2012
I am using a multiple line attribute. I insert the block, fill in the text, and adjust the width of the multi-lines text so the lines are longer and there are fewer of them. I save and close the file, then re-open some time later and the width of the multli-ine attribute has reverted back to a different width (shoter) - I am assuming it is the default width that I set to the attribute. Is there a setting to stop this from happening? Is there something I should do when I create the attirbute?
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