AutoCAD 2010 :: Loss Of Text In Attributes?

Jun 21, 2012

After working several hours on a drawing with many attribute blocks, all the text in all the attributes disappeared. Block outline remains as defined but text is gone. Have been using this version (Autocad 2012) about five months and this is the first episode. how can I get the blocks to appear as originally drawn?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Single Attributes In Multiple Text?

Feb 22, 2012

In my title block I have a attribute with the name project_Number. Now what I want to do is the following. When I edit my block with the project number. The project number should automatically be added to a text box without me typing in the project number twice.

E.g.. This Drawing is part of the consulting services provided for Project[Project_Number] and may not be used or applied for any other purpose without prior consultation.

in other word the project number should be reference in the text box from the attribute.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Echoing Data From One Attribute To Other Attributes (or Text Objects)?

Nov 16, 2012

I have a drawing template (block) where the drawing number is displayed in two locations (attributes). The same value has to be entered in both attributes.

Is there any way of "echoing" the data from one attribute to other attributes (or text objects)?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Explode Attributes To Text - Turning Blocks Into Entities

Jul 27, 2012

I am running AutoCAD 2012 Electrical.  The source wiring diagrams I am working with have attributed blocks all over the drawing.  For my purposes, I dont need to export the data, but I do need to change the drawing.  When I use "Burst" or "Explode Attributes to Text" in the Express Tools menu, it does change the attributes to text. However, it throws all the data that is in in the attribute all over the face of the drawing.  This is extremely time consuming to delete them as some are micro small text. 

I need a command that will explode the attributes to text, turning the blocks into entities, as if there are no blocks at all.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Multiline Attributes Won't Hold Text Formatting After BLOCKEDIT / SAVE

Mar 20, 2012

Problem: Create a dynamic block with visibility, use a Multiline Attributes for text entry in to the block. I create multiple lines of text when editing the block in model space. Either with gripping the txt window width or use "Enter" to define multiple lines.... I proceed to edit the block slightly and when I close and save changes......All ML Attributes default to single line text. In turn i have to re-edit all my text.

Bugs like this are extremely painful. No rhyme or reason to them... Looking for a workaround other than using separate attributes for each line of text.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Regular Loss Of Text Or Letters In Printable Drawing Or Text?

Mar 15, 2012

I am using Corel for driving a fiber laser through a dedicated Net connection not available to the rest of the network and it and my computer are right next to the switch.

My problem is that when I send a job from the PC to the laser it works fine.  If I make a small change on the graphics, I save it and send a new job to the laser.   Quite often, some part of my grapics is left off the plot even though I didn't touch that graphic or mod it.  So I send the job over again and now somewhere else is missing some of the graphic word...usually a word or a letter or number.   I usually turn off the computer or get out of Corel and come back in and it is fixed.   That doesn't sound like a network dropped or corrupted graphic.  I have tried turning off the laser with Corel still up and it doesn't fix the problem when I bring the laser on line again.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Attributes Show Up As Text Without Manual Text Entry?

May 16, 2012

I would like to know how, if possible to make the attributes of a block show up as text.  Example:

I am working on a power utility design where each power pole has a sequential name and may or may not have units that need to be added into a contract.  I have my attributes set up where I can go in and assign a required number to a unit so I can export my data into excel.  The problem I am having is that I have to enter the text and change the attribute quantities separately.  Also, there are 40 or so different units and only a few certain ones required at each pole.  Is there a way to set the attribute only to display text if the quantity is greater than zero so my list is not 40 units long at each pole?

(I am using Autocad 2013, 64 bit)

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Photoshop :: How To Create Loss Varnish Text Effect

Oct 9, 2012

I would like to create a gloss varnish effect like the below image. To apply to a logo or text to make it look like it has a spot varnish gloss coat. Looking at the image, it looks like it would be quite simple and not too technical but I can't seem to replicate the effect.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Attributes In Blocks

Mar 20, 2012

I'm working on creating some blocks for our office.  Basically it is a simple block with a few lines that remain and then a couple attributes you can click on and change.  I have added the attribute and all is working well.

My only issue is I would like to make the text in the attributes to be bold.  For some reason I can't see to do this.  Is it not possible.

Basically I want to try and get some of the attributes to stand out more than others.  I tried changing the color and the lineweight of the attibute (which worked the color is different) but when it prints it doesn't change at all.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Block Attributes Appear In Red

Jan 31, 2012

I have a client border that is attributed, however, when I open the attribute editor, some lines appear in red, while others are black. Turns out the font "FRACTION.SHX" is not on my system.  So, I reset one of the problem attributes to a ROMANS.  Saved, closed and reopened the drawing and still, the attribute editor displays them in red lettering, as if there is still something not right.

I've attached it. Note that drawing title texts seem fine, but "DRAWN DATE" and a few others are the ones showing up in red..

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Generate PDF And Attributes

Nov 1, 2012

Would like to generate a pdf of an acad drawing and have the attributes in the pdf clickable/readable. Am I making any sense?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Quick Select Attributes

Mar 12, 2012

I have a drawing containing over 100 blocks with 8-10 attributes each. I want to align all the attribute text without rotating the associated blocks. I can select individual attributes by holding down the Ctrl key while I select each attribute. Then I can change the text angle in a pop-up dialog. Is there a quicker way to select all the attributes without having to click on each one? Remember that I do not want to rotate the whole block, just the attribute text.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Terminal Attributes In Electrical?

Nov 7, 2012

I have a terminal from Phoenix Contact(their p/n 3031429) it's a 2 level terminal - sttb4.  When I associate two terminals (one on the top points, and one for the bottom points), it ends up putting the wrong terminal number on the top line.  It does not matter what order i click as "master terminal" or not.  And When I am dealing with a PLC, I use multiple 2-highs and it is a pain to constantly go in and manually force it to switch.  I will always have one terminal with the wire number(based on rung number) and one based off from a PLC address. Is there a way when associating these terminals it will alway look at the PLC address as the top point?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Publish With Attributes In Filename?

Jul 25, 2012

Is it possible to publish alot of files to DWF/PDF and have a field or attribute in the filename.

E.G. A revision within a titleblock in a drawing?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Redefining Blocks With Attributes

Apr 12, 2012

I have a large amount of P&ID drawings that have blocks with attributes. One of the blocks is missing an attribute field that I need so I recreated the block using the same name and added the missing attribute. When I reinsert the block and say "yes" to updating the block's definition within one of my P&ID drawings everything seems fine except when I try to edit the block to fill in that field. 

The newly added attribute doesn't show up but when I right click one of these blocks and select Block Editor the new attribute field does shows up so the redefine did work I just can't use that attribute. Is this a bug in AutoCAD? How I can use this attribute?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Inserting Block With Attributes

Apr 11, 2012

I have a ton of blocks with attributes.  Sometimes when I insert them, AutoCAD (2011) prompts me in the command line (perfect).  Other times, a prompt box appears to insert attribute definitions (annoying).

What setting do I have wrong, or am I setting the blocks up incorrectly?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Attributes For Bill Of Materials

May 21, 2013

I am drawing water pumping stations for my company, and they are wanting to do a "Bill of Material" for each job. But they are wanting to do it through the block attribute system in autocad.  This actually seems more time consuming than just counting the parts and inserting the new quantities in a table.

I am drawing these with 2 and sometimes 3 views.....the problem with that, I would draw 3 views of a valve (3 blocks), and It counts it as 3 different valves. 

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Auto Increment Numbers In Attributes

Feb 21, 2013

i have been trying for an option called auto numbering of attributes. i have a drawing of floor plan in every room there are 5 to 6 switch boards.I have to give a code and numbers to switchboard like SB1, SB2.......SB42 etc. there are like some 150 switchboards, so i have made an attribute with code and number. problem is when ever i have to add or delete some switch boards some where in the middle. again i have to start renumbering my switch board attribute blocks again from starting. It is very time consuming. is there any command renumbering all attribute blocks in one command. 

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Attributes Default - Four Dashed Lines

Jun 28, 2013

I have just added all my attributes to the main template, but the default for the attributes is four dashed lines ----

so if the attribute has data it puts it in, but if it does not it just uses these dashed lines and I cannot seem to remove them. I don't want to make them invisible and don't particularly want to have to use code, but I have never come across this before .

I have attached a screenshot.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Lock Drawing But Attributes To Work

Jun 14, 2012

The boss wants to lock down the title block so no one can change the appearance of the "T"block but still wants the attributes to work.  

Currently the tile block is a stand alone drawing which is used to start new drawings and is also in template format. 

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Block Attributes To DWG Document Properties

Mar 21, 2013

My company is building a template library, and I want to fill in the .DWG document properties by extracting the information from a the block attributes

For example we need the following document properties (TITLE, SUBJECT, and KEYWORD) to be filled in from the same block attributes (TITLE, SUBJECT, and KEYWORD). The template we have now has this information manually input, but we would like to "automate" it on the .DWG document properties.

How do we do this, use a macro or is there some other way to do this automatically?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Multi Leader With Block Attributes

Oct 1, 2013

I have a multileader with attributed labels in a block, see included png file.  The attributes are indicated by the rectangled text.  As you can see the block looks fine, but the leader attaches itself to the insertion point of the block.  I want the leader to justify automatically left or right, depending on the drag position of the block.  One thing I noticed is that if the block contains an odd number of text lines the leader will automatically self justify.  An even number of text line produces what I have here. 

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Link Attributes Paper To Model?

Jan 24, 2013

Is there a way by which I can link  a paper space block attribute to model space block attribute

In other words

Paper space as a block Title and attribute "QTY"

Model space has a block X and attribute "qty"

Is it possible to edit "QTY" and as a result get automatic update on "qty"

Config :: Intel (R) Xeon (R) CPU E31245 @ 3.30 GHz, 16.0 GB, 64bit win7
Inventor 2013 and Vault Basic 2013

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Quick Select By Attributes Content?

Mar 2, 2012

On Autocad 2012, can we select blocks with the attributes name?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Edit Multiple Attributes Properties?

Apr 20, 2011

Is there any way to edit multiple attribute properties, NOT using battman? While battman will chnage every att-block within the drawing, I'm looking for a way to change the text size of one specific line of text within an attribute, and ONLY change it in a certain few within the drawing. It'd be nice if I can select those specific blocks and change the properties in the properties manager, but it's not an option.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Block Attributes In Quick Properties

Aug 2, 2013

My Quick Properties does not show my block attributes but they shows in Properties Palette. I have edit Quick Properties in my Custom.CUI that overrides ACAD.CUI settings. I'm using AutoCAD 2012.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: How To Lock Specific Attributes Contents

Mar 19, 2013

I was curious if there is a way to lock a specific attributes contents in autocad 2012. I have an attribute with a field inserted that I don't want people to be able to change. If this is possible

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Dynamic Block Constraints With Attributes

Apr 19, 2013

I am trying to create a dynamic block that represents a cable with an attribute attached.  The block is essentially a line that runs along the Y axis.  I have created a distance parameter with a stretch action attached.  The line is to remain anchored at the top and the bottom end is permitted to stretch.

Problem:  I have an attribute inserted to the left side of the line (offset at -2mm TC insertion) at a rotation angle of 270.  When I select the stretch grip (in the drawing environment) I would like the attribute to remain centered with the line maintain the offset and maintaining the rotation angle.  I have exhausted all of my options (limited experience).

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Link Title Block Attributes To Excel?

Jul 19, 2012

way I can link my AutoCAD title block attributes to excel and make changes in either excel or AutoCAD and then be able to run an update? The attributes would be “REV” “DWG_NO”  “TITLE” “LOCATION” “DRAWING_SIZE” and “FILE NAME”.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Font Attributes Lost When Exploding Block

Mar 27, 2012

I have a strange problem with one of our library blocks.

For panel schedules and light fixture schedules, we have DWG block files, and we insert them into our drawings and explode them for editing.

The light fixture schedule loses all of its font attributes when we do this.  It looks fine when you insert the block, but once you explode the block all the font information is lost.  Interestingly, if you insert the block and go into the block editor, the block editor doesn't show the fonts correctly even though the un-exploded block does show the fonts correctly.

An important detail in all of this is that the panel schedules are just drawings (lines, text, hatches, etc.).  The light fixture schedule is a table.

I'll attach some pictures showing what I'm talking about and the DWG block file.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Export Block Attributes To MS Word Document?

Oct 9, 2012

how to export attribute data from a block to a MS Word document template. I am looking to create a check sheet for a drawing, i.e. open a drawing, click a button and a check sheet will be printed out that the operator can complete and sign. However all the drawing info from the title block would already be complete (extracted from the titleblock block attributes).

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