AutoCAD 2013 :: Attributes Show Up As Text Without Manual Text Entry?
May 16, 2012
I would like to know how, if possible to make the attributes of a block show up as text. Example:
I am working on a power utility design where each power pole has a sequential name and may or may not have units that need to be added into a contract. I have my attributes set up where I can go in and assign a required number to a unit so I can export my data into excel. The problem I am having is that I have to enter the text and change the attribute quantities separately. Also, there are 40 or so different units and only a few certain ones required at each pole. Is there a way to set the attribute only to display text if the quantity is greater than zero so my list is not 40 units long at each pole?
I have been using blocks for P&ID's for about 3 months now, and had no issues. But for some reason when insert a block now the attributes window does'nt pop up, so i can't edit the text ? The only way i have been able to get round this, is by using property inspector to edit the text
I'd like the option of manually entering information in one column of my point table. I can see how to create a blank column with a title, but how do I edit those cells?
In my particular case I use a point label style in my drawing that contains "Full Description": "PK8", for example. This works great for displaying my point in the drawing - I DO want the number to appear - but when I want to see it in a table, I just want to see 'PK' in a Description column, next to the (obligatory) 'Point Number' column. Having the Description column read 'PK8' next to the point number is redundant. I don't see how I can get this in automatically
Customer has sent me a drawing. When I view it, the dim text is not shown, but when I 2x click on the dim, it shows up in the edit window. How do I make the text show so I can print this?
I have an drawing that is loaded with attributed blocks. Nothing but text. When I XREF this into another drawing, none of the text shows. Layers are on, nothing is set to invisible.
I think this drawing is from an older version of AutoCAD, would that be the problem?
We have hundreds of macros for inserting blocks into drawings. Many require the user to input values for attributes. The command line in 2013 does not display the user prompt for entering values. ATTREQ is set to 1. ATTDIA is 0. We don't want to display the dialog box, just the prompt. Here is what a macro looks like...
There are two pauses before text orientation for a user to enter information.How do I get the attribute prompts to appear in the command line? Works fine in 2012!
Is it possible to have a dynamic block with text which, when inserted into a drawing, will show the text orientation matched to the layout? I have a non-dynamic block which is simply a donut and a piece of text. When I insert it into a drawing, the text orientation will change to suit the orientation of the layout. I created another block with the same entities but I also added a couple of lines extending out from the center of the donut. I added stretch and rotation actions in order to rotate and stretch the lines. I also gave the block visibility states so that either one or two lines would appear (the block is a utility pole,by the way, with the lines representing guy wires). When I insert the dynamic block into a drawing, I cannot get the text to match the orientation of the viewport. I've tried changing different combinations of settings but the text won't appear horizontal.
The two blocks I mentioned above are inserted into one file with a number of other blocks. When I check the properties of the non-dynamic block, the "match orientation" is set to YES. I cannot, however, change the "match to orientation" setting to YES on the dynamic block. Is this simply because it is a dynamic block or am I missing something? I don't create a lot of dynamic blocks and therefore I am not a wizard at it so I am assuming I am doing something wrong.
have default text for a Prompted Entry in a Border. I have not found a way to do this other than creating a custom iProperty, which is not an option, since it is not our title block / border.
In CS5, if I had Text Layers and changed the text on the layer (by double-clicking the "T" icon of the specific Layer in the Layers palette), the name of the Layer would change to reflect the new text I entered.
For some reason this behavior is gone in CS6. So, for example:
• I have a Text Layer with the word "Email" on my canvas. The Text Layer name also reads "Email". • I double-click the "T" icon of the Email Layer to edit the text on canvas. • I enter new text, "Contact". The text on canvas updates to "Contact", but the Layer Name remains "Email".
So, for accurate Layer names, I find myself having to change the text twice: once on the canvas, and then manually updating the Layer name as well. Is there an option or preference somewhere that I'm missing that would re-enable the behavior from CS5?
Using the horizontal text tool I can make a text box, but no text-blinker shows up in the box and when I type no text will appear. Although, in the Layers pannel on the right side it does name the layer whatever I have typed so why won't it show on the picture? Even if you make all other layers invisible the text layer still does not show up on a blank background.
Is there a way to make the Text entry function like in PSPX2 and X3 where you fill in the box with the text and arrange it before it applies it? I now have X6 Ultimate, just getting use to some of the changes.
See the below text box, which I frequently use to retrieve lists of requested photos. This box does not comport to industry standards. When you click on it, the last whole word erroneously becomes highlighted --I expect the cursor to be positioned at the pointer so that I can add or insert text. Instead my first keystroke erases the last entry! Additionally, the undo/redo keys (ctrl Z/Y) are non-functional. Applies to at least the last few versions.
On one computer, when we use ET>Text Mask, the result is that the mask hides the text. I can select the text/mask but they seem to be in the wrong draw order. I used the TextToFront command and this didn't fix it.
I have used annotative text and selected yes for match orientation to layout for the text. In the viewport it is rotating automatically with the view, however the boxes around the text do not rotate as well. Is there anyway to automate this?
The Client requires a key plan which has all the pipe data on it. The key plan is oriented in one direction. Then for the plan & profile drawings, the plan is oriented in another direction. I don't want to have two create two sets of text (one for the key plan and one for the plan/profile drawing). How can I use one set of text and make it work in the key plan and for all the plan/profile drawings? Image is attached.
Recently i came to know about LISP called INCREMENT it is so useful. But i have small problem with that It Increments only in X or Y direction or according to UCS. I am looking for a command which can increment along path. In my drawigns many numbers they are in a order by room wise, i have drawn a path on numbers so number should sort as per path direction..i have tried with ALTEXT LISP but iam not getting it is not corting my numbers along path.]
We have many text entities in our drawing quoting a number "S3". We need to suffix that number with the text "PT" Most, if not all, of the "S3"'s are MText.
However, the "PT" text needs to be at about 70% of the size of the "S3" and be positioned almost like a superscript. It also needs to be a different colour for pen table reasons.
When I click on an object to retrieve it's extended data, the data keeps writing to the right, it does not return to the next line, when the text approches the end of the screen.
After working several hours on a drawing with many attribute blocks, all the text in all the attributes disappeared. Block outline remains as defined but text is gone. Have been using this version (Autocad 2012) about five months and this is the first episode. how can I get the blocks to appear as originally drawn?
I want to modify text attributes associated with a block based on the input into an access database. I've read I could link the two using DB Connect, but so far all I've gotten is the Data View - Summary.
How to make a block with attribute text (like showing on sectioning?) a circle with arrow then line and there is editable text on the top of line or editable text inside the circle..
How I rotate a block but set the text to stay readable.
At the moment I have a 600x600 light fitting with a Tag inside for typing the letter of the fitting. E.G. Type A, B, C
I have a rotate function also so I can rotate the fitting to the orientation of the room.
But when I rotate the fitting the text rotates also, therefore if I turn the fitting round 90 degrees the text is on its side. How do I rotate the block but leave the text orientation the correct way?
I'll try to import a text file with a string: pointnumber, easting, northing, elevation, discription, but I get very big blocks and attributes in my drawing. I use Autocad 2011 Map 3D, on a windows XP OS. I'll importing the text string with the import command. Easting and Northing are for the position. The Elevation, pointnumber and discription are attributes from a block. I can only choose a block: "Map_Survey_point" This is the only block I can choose. When I import the text, the scale from the importing blocks are too big. How can I change the size of the block and attributes?
okay, so i have a dynamic block. I am able to stretch it how i want BUT, the moment i add a text attribute to it, my block dissapears. this does not always happen, although i do the exact smae thing every time. what can i do to avoid the lock being deleted/hidden when i add a text attribute to it?
by the way, i am trying to stretch the text attributes with the block (or move, which ever choice of words you use)
Is it possible to increment text or attributes in a dynamic block? I'm want to create elevation text for grids that can start at a certain value and increment up or down from there.
I have a requirement to extract metadata from AutoCAD files with a script. This metadata is the attributes that appear in the files Title Block in the corner. I have come up with some code that I believe can do this, but I cannot run it, since I've been developing in Visual Studio using .NET, and it appears that that .NET API can only be used to build plugins for AutoCAD.
Do I have to use VBA to access the COM? How do I even get started with VBA/COM API? It took me forever to actually find a listing for the .NET Object Model - I don't want to search for that long again to find the COM API, especially if I'm going about this in the wrong way again.
Here is the code I've written to extract the Attributes, but it's probably very wrong as well, since I have not had the opportunity to test it:
class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { try { using (Database db = new Database()) {
In my title block I have a attribute with the name project_Number. Now what I want to do is the following. When I edit my block with the project number. The project number should automatically be added to a text box without me typing in the project number twice.
E.g.. This Drawing is part of the consulting services provided for Project[Project_Number] and may not be used or applied for any other purpose without prior consultation.
in other word the project number should be reference in the text box from the attribute.
I am using managed classes to insert multiple block references into model space. I wish to insert a block and then move it (change its Position) which I can do. The problem is that my attributes associated with this block reference do not move.
I have a CAD file with property parcels in it. It has come from an external contractor and from a GIS program of sort sort I believe.
If you click each 'boundary'/land piece, it is a block/object (not a proxy graphic) and in the properties pane window, there are attributes that has the lot number, the lot area, parcel number, other info etc in it.
Each block is irregular and different, i.e. they are not all the same rectangle block repopulated, they are different blocks.
I don't know much about attributes in AutoCad althoguh after reading about them, is there some way to edit an attribute (make it not 'invisible' and to increase the text size of its display) when it is already in several hundred different blocks? The only way I could work out how to do it was to go into every block and do it.
I also tried using the ATTSYNC command to update blocks with attributes although that requires me to individually select each block/give each blocks name.
I also tried using the DATA EXTRACTION wizard and was able to extract the attributes into a table/excel file, although that is not really good enough as I need the attributes displayed over the CAD data so you can see what parcel of land the attributes are referring to.
Any better way or a lisp command to do this? Clicking each block/boundary/land unit to place a label over it would also be okay. I just don't want to have to manually create the labels from reading the property pane, there must surely be a better way,