I'd like the option of manually entering information in one column of my point table. I can see how to create a blank column with a title, but how do I edit those cells?
In my particular case I use a point label style in my drawing that contains "Full Description": "PK8", for example. This works great for displaying my point in the drawing - I DO want the number to appear - but when I want to see it in a table, I just want to see 'PK' in a Description column, next to the (obligatory) 'Point Number' column. Having the Description column read 'PK8' next to the point number is redundant. I don't see how I can get this in automatically
I'm running WinXP SP3. I just upgraded from CS2 to CS4 (and yes, I installed the update.
I'm currently running 11.0.1).
Whenever I load photoshop, just as it is about to finish "Initializing panels..." an error box pops up saying: "Adobe Photoshop CS4: Photoshop.exe - Entry Point Not Found" "The procedure entry point
Is ThreadDesktop Composited could not be located in the dynamic link library USER32.dll." After the box pops up I press the "Okay" button (that's the only one there) and it then opens Photoshop - which works perfectly. No other errors, no missing functions, no lag.
I'm pretty sure getting an error during start up is a good indication that not everything is 100%.
I am trying to add an entry point to a retention pond that was created by grading tools. I will to entry point to be shaped like a trapezoid. I also want to grade a entry point to the slope of pond to control water erosion.
I have been trying to add the entry point for days.
I would like to know how, if possible to make the attributes of a block show up as text. Example:
I am working on a power utility design where each power pole has a sequential name and may or may not have units that need to be added into a contract. I have my attributes set up where I can go in and assign a required number to a unit so I can export my data into excel. The problem I am having is that I have to enter the text and change the attribute quantities separately. Also, there are 40 or so different units and only a few certain ones required at each pole. Is there a way to set the attribute only to display text if the quantity is greater than zero so my list is not 40 units long at each pole?
Where should i insert my point tables? In the model or the paper space?
in the paper space it seems that i cannot control the insertion scale?? i set specific letter height that works fine at the model but in paper every time i create a table I see different size depending on the zoom I have.
When I create multiple tables for different point groups, I cannot change the table title without all the tables changing to that title. I want each table to have an individual title.
I'm looking to add a column to my point table that will subtract a fixed number from all my surface elevations. I'm working in 2011 Civil 3D. I've been researching this for the past couple of days and haven't been able to come up with anything solid yet...
I have a problem in Civil3d 2013 where at random I'll open up a drawing that previously had a point table created and all the point information has disappeared. All that remains are the Titles.
My situation is that I have ground coordinates that are similar to state plane, but because they are not on the grid, they aren't exactly the same. I want to display the coordinates without the first two or three numbers, in order that people won't get confused and think that they are on the grid.
This seems like it should be the most stupidly easy thing...but AutoCAD doesn't seem to have a way to do this. I made a point table from a point group. Quick and sweet.
But now I want to change it a little bit, and it's not something I can just do from the table style. So I want to copy it into Excel...and when I try to, hitting paste in Excel ends up just giving me this block image version of the table in Excel. I tried doing TABLE EXPORT but that's only for regular tables.
Inclusion of “point groups” in a table, I wanted to include “point groups” in a table but couldn’t know what is the most appropriate command to accomplish this task.
I tried the “extract data” command (attached) but sounds not to produce the required table.
I'm having issues trying to create a point table. I have used this process before with no problem but now for some reason C3D won't create the table. I get an "NO VALID SELECTION" after selecting the C3D points. Why I'm getting this error? All my points are C3D points and C3D recognizes the points while the POINT TABLE CREATION menu is still visible but once it goes to create the table i get that error message.
I'm working with both Carlson 2012 and Civil 3d 2012 so this could apply to either one.
I have a set of caissons that were shot on separate days, and they started in the middle when they shot them in. I wanted to create a coordinate table, with the points listed from the northernmost point to the southernmost point. I had thought there might be a way to create a table with dynamic input, where I could pick the points as I go along and have the information entered as I pick.
Is there any way to renumber the points via drawing a polyline connecting them, starting with the one I want as #1 and ending with the last one?
I have been provided with Surveyed Utility Locates along an Existing Roadway. These are provided to show conflicts between the New Storm Sewer System and Existing Utilities such as Water, Sewer, Gas, Elec, etc. The survey however is incomplete as it was prepared a few years ago and the Storm Sewer has just been designed. Yes, I can create points and provide them to the County Surveying department. However, before this is done, I must provide an easily-understood format of the new survey locations to the County Project Management.
To provide a Point Table which references the Surveyed Points' location in reference to the roadway stationing (Alignment). I have attached what the point table is to look like.
I am unable to find the desired data reference in the currently provided data field selection. Am I just missing it or is this a "Wish List" item?
point# | X | Y | Desc_1 | Desc_2 | Desc_3 |....... ect
I would like to make an excel table that i can create multiple points from and make that table dynamic, ie if i edit the table the points will change.I would be labeling the points according to the different desc_# in multiple drawings
Is there any way to do this? I have messed with creating a user defined property classification and creating a new point file format, but i want that point file I imported to be dynamic, and if I change values the values will change in all my drawings.
Not sure why this has happened but all of a sudden, my AutoCAD 2013 install is reporting an issue with the "Entry Point Not Found"... The procedure entry point ?bmpout@@YAXPEB_WH@Z could not be located in the dynamic link library accore.dll.
I'm hoping this isnt related to the Windows OS which is Windows 7, 64 Bit but i do recall some updates being rolled out recently which caused problems with ESRI products...
I am no longer able to open any image file (psd, jpg, tiff). When I double click one or right click and File>Open with, I get the following error msg:
Photoshop.exe - Entry Point Not Found
The procedure entry point ?getA3@LiveBase ScCore@@UEAAPEAXH@Z could not be located in the dynamic link library ScCore.dll.
The significant event that occurred a few minutes early Windows crashed when I tried to put it to sleep. Photoshop and several other apps were open at the time but CS6 is now not functioning and I expect that it did not like the abnormal shut down.
The procedure entry point - ?initialize@Library@OGL@AIF@SAXPEAUcontext@23@AEBVInitOptics@Extensio nManager@23@Z - could not be located in dynamic link library aif_ogl.dll
Cannot get Illustrator CS6 to run. All othe CS6 components are running fine.
Every time I try to start Illustrator I get error message:
The procedure entry point ?AcquireVarient@ImageInterface@drawbot@dvaui@@QEBA?BV?intrusive_ptr@UI mageInterface@drawbot@dvaui@@@boost@@V?rational@J@5@@Z could not be located in the dynamic link library dvaui.dll.
This is on a Window 7 Pro PC. CS5 previously ran fine, but computer was rebuilt after a harddrive crash then loaded with CS6 and this problem began. CS6 installation on laptop works fine, so downloaded files are OK.
I have tried to uninstall and reinstall twice, but always the same result.
cs6. I downloaded the master collection and when i go to open Photoshop i receive the error,, "Photoshop.exe. - Entry Point not Found" "The procedure entry point GetLogicalProcessorInformation could not be located in dynamix link library KERNEL32.dll." My operating system is Windows XP, english
The error is 'The procedure entry point _except_handler4_common could not be located in the dynamic link library msvcrt.dll.'
I get that error message when I try to open Photoshop CS4. I also happens with Regbooster...
I reinstalled windows and installed SP3 again with all the latest C++ redistributable packs, framework packages, latest drivers for my components etc...
I'm getting this error with GIMP 2.8.4 on Windows 7:
(executable name) - Entry Point Not FoundThe procedure entry point __gxx_personality_sj0 could not be located in the dynamic link library libstdc++-6.dll.
Where (executable name) is any of the following: web-page.exehelp-browser.exefile-pdf-load.exe
A search turned up [this page][URL] ...., but the problem seems to be with libatk instead.
So I searched my C drive for "libstdc++-6.dll" and found three copies of it:
Not wanting to mess with any files in the GIMP's directory, I renamed NifSkope's copy, but the error persisted. I also removed all plug-ins from my user directory as mentioned in the other thread.
It seems that the GIMP is still functional, but it's quite annoying having to click "Ok" three times every time I start the program.
I'm having problems with CC (photoshop) when updated I am using window 8 the upgrade to 8.1 came in and I updated everything is working well. I then updated Photoshop CC, and now I get this error message The Procedure Entry Point
?ProposeSearchBounds@StruturallmageEditing@@YA?AVBo@1@AEBV?$point2@Gil @boost@@AEBV21@M@Z cound not be located in the dynamic link Library C:ProgramFilesAdoveAdobe PhotoshopCC (64Bit)Photoshop.exe
I get the above message when i try to open the 64 bit version. The 32 bit version seems to work.I have tried unistalling photoshop and reinstalling but keep getting the same results.