Photoshop :: Procedure Entry Point Error - Upon Upgrade?
Oct 20, 2013
I'm having problems with CC (photoshop) when updated I am using window 8 the upgrade to 8.1 came in and I updated everything is working well. I then updated Photoshop CC, and now I get this error message The Procedure Entry Point
?ProposeSearchBounds@StruturallmageEditing@@YA?AVBo@1@AEBV?$point2@Gil @boost@@AEBV21@M@Z cound not be located in the dynamic link Library C:ProgramFilesAdoveAdobe PhotoshopCC (64Bit)Photoshop.exe
I get the above message when i try to open the 64 bit version. The 32 bit version seems to work.I have tried unistalling photoshop and reinstalling but keep getting the same results.
The procedure entry point - ?initialize@Library@OGL@AIF@SAXPEAUcontext@23@AEBVInitOptics@Extensio nManager@23@Z - could not be located in dynamic link library aif_ogl.dll
What if an error is displayed upon opening photoshop cc "The procedure entry point AMTGetRoyaltyBearingLeids could not be located in the dynamic link library C:Program FilesAdobeAdpbe Photoshop CC(64 Bit)Photoshop.exe.".
I'm running WinXP SP3. I just upgraded from CS2 to CS4 (and yes, I installed the update.
I'm currently running 11.0.1).
Whenever I load photoshop, just as it is about to finish "Initializing panels..." an error box pops up saying: "Adobe Photoshop CS4: Photoshop.exe - Entry Point Not Found" "The procedure entry point
Is ThreadDesktop Composited could not be located in the dynamic link library USER32.dll." After the box pops up I press the "Okay" button (that's the only one there) and it then opens Photoshop - which works perfectly. No other errors, no missing functions, no lag.
I'm pretty sure getting an error during start up is a good indication that not everything is 100%.
The error is 'The procedure entry point _except_handler4_common could not be located in the dynamic link library msvcrt.dll.'
I get that error message when I try to open Photoshop CS4. I also happens with Regbooster...
I reinstalled windows and installed SP3 again with all the latest C++ redistributable packs, framework packages, latest drivers for my components etc...
I'm getting this error with GIMP 2.8.4 on Windows 7:
(executable name) - Entry Point Not FoundThe procedure entry point __gxx_personality_sj0 could not be located in the dynamic link library libstdc++-6.dll.
Where (executable name) is any of the following: web-page.exehelp-browser.exefile-pdf-load.exe
A search turned up [this page][URL] ...., but the problem seems to be with libatk instead.
So I searched my C drive for "libstdc++-6.dll" and found three copies of it:
Not wanting to mess with any files in the GIMP's directory, I renamed NifSkope's copy, but the error persisted. I also removed all plug-ins from my user directory as mentioned in the other thread.
It seems that the GIMP is still functional, but it's quite annoying having to click "Ok" three times every time I start the program.
Adobe instructs to install CS4 upgrade on top of CS3 in order to get varification. I understand that it is possible to fully uninstall CS3 prior to CS4 without problems if you have the old SN. Is there any advantage or disadvandage of upgrading this way?
I am no longer able to open any image file (psd, jpg, tiff). When I double click one or right click and File>Open with, I get the following error msg:
Photoshop.exe - Entry Point Not Found
The procedure entry point ?getA3@LiveBase ScCore@@UEAAPEAXH@Z could not be located in the dynamic link library ScCore.dll.
The significant event that occurred a few minutes early Windows crashed when I tried to put it to sleep. Photoshop and several other apps were open at the time but CS6 is now not functioning and I expect that it did not like the abnormal shut down.
cs6. I downloaded the master collection and when i go to open Photoshop i receive the error,, "Photoshop.exe. - Entry Point not Found" "The procedure entry point GetLogicalProcessorInformation could not be located in dynamix link library KERNEL32.dll." My operating system is Windows XP, english
Cannot get Illustrator CS6 to run. All othe CS6 components are running fine.
Every time I try to start Illustrator I get error message:
The procedure entry point ?AcquireVarient@ImageInterface@drawbot@dvaui@@QEBA?BV?intrusive_ptr@UI mageInterface@drawbot@dvaui@@@boost@@V?rational@J@5@@Z could not be located in the dynamic link library dvaui.dll.
This is on a Window 7 Pro PC. CS5 previously ran fine, but computer was rebuilt after a harddrive crash then loaded with CS6 and this problem began. CS6 installation on laptop works fine, so downloaded files are OK.
I have tried to uninstall and reinstall twice, but always the same result.
Not sure why this has happened but all of a sudden, my AutoCAD 2013 install is reporting an issue with the "Entry Point Not Found"... The procedure entry point ?bmpout@@YAXPEB_WH@Z could not be located in the dynamic link library accore.dll.
I'm hoping this isnt related to the Windows OS which is Windows 7, 64 Bit but i do recall some updates being rolled out recently which caused problems with ESRI products...
I'd like the option of manually entering information in one column of my point table. I can see how to create a blank column with a title, but how do I edit those cells?
In my particular case I use a point label style in my drawing that contains "Full Description": "PK8", for example. This works great for displaying my point in the drawing - I DO want the number to appear - but when I want to see it in a table, I just want to see 'PK' in a Description column, next to the (obligatory) 'Point Number' column. Having the Description column read 'PK8' next to the point number is redundant. I don't see how I can get this in automatically
I am trying to add an entry point to a retention pond that was created by grading tools. I will to entry point to be shaped like a trapezoid. I also want to grade a entry point to the slope of pond to control water erosion.
I have been trying to add the entry point for days.
I began getting quite a strange message when I tried to open Photoshop CS3.
I'd send a jpeg of the window but with photoshop down i'll settle for just typing this crap out:
Photoshop.exe - Entry Point Not Found
The Procedure entry point ?replace@?$basic_string@DU$char_traits@D@std@@V?$a llocator@D@2@@std@@qaeaav12@IIPBD@Z could not be located in the dynamic link library MSVCP80.dll
After doing that, I came up with nothing. I found a replacement for the DLL that it's having trouble with, but that did nothing.
I then tried out a program called Registrybooster, which found quite a few problems with my registry but failed to correct whatever is causing this problem.
So I tried to backtrack a little bit and see if anything I had done since the last time the program worked (wednesday the prior week) had broken it. I had shut off some startup programs so i figured maybe that had something to do with it. Unfortunately undoing those changes had absolutely no effect at all.
I then tried out doing a repair install, which did nothing. After this, I did an uninstall and reinstall and... nothing.
I run Windows XP home edition on this PC and have it updated to SP3.
My PC currently runs Photoshop CS3 Extended which I purchased boxed and unopened via the web several years ago. I am trying to upgrade to CS6 but keep getting the error that "The serial number is not for a qualifying product".
I have chosen Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended from the product list and have typed in the SN shown on the CS3 packaging but keep getting the error.
I have attempted the latest update for Photo Shop CS6 twice using the Adobe Application Manager and twice it has failed with the error log - U44M1I216.
I installed the upgrade version of Lightroom 5 (running 3.6) on a Dell laptop with 4GB RAM and Windows 7 Ultimate. The install never asked for the serial number. When I try to start it I get the folowing message: "The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application."
Create a horizontal guide by dragging it from the ruler.
Now use the marquee tool to select the upper half of the picture, with the bottom of the selection snapping to the guide.
Result:Some times it happens that the resulting selection is different than the (logically) same selection made from the lower half of the picture to the guide and then inverted.Effectively this means sometimes when I use a snapping guide as the limit of a selection from one direction it is not border-to-border with one drawn from the other side. Then a line of one pixel height 'behind' the guide is not selected by either one of these procedures.
Expected Result:When the guide (which should have no width or height at all) forms the border of a selection from one side, it should be the inverse of a selection touching the guide from the other side.
System Information
Adobe Photoshop Version: 13.0 (13.0 20120315.r.428 2012/03/15:21:00:00) x64 Operating System: Mac OS 10.6.8 System architecture: Intel CPU Family:6, Model:30, Stepping:5 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2 Physical processor count: 4 Processor speed: 2660 MHz Built-in memory: 16384 MB
I downloaded some trial plugins and then removed them and ever since, CS5 is not working well. Sometimes when I open it and go to file open to open an image, everything is grayed out and I have to close down and re-launch. When I open an image and want to look at the file info, everything freezes and I have to use task manager to close down Photoshop.
As well, my bridge is not working correctly. I want to uninstall and then reinstall, but I thought that somewhere that I read there are specific ways to do that or else the program thinks you're trying to load it on another computer..?
One project I use Photoshop CS4 for is painting aircraft used with Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX). Each aircraft is downloaded as a "Paint Kit".I paint and add layers onto the kit until the aircraft resembles the design I chose. The paint kit includes a background, base parts usually in white, and an assortment of layers adding physical wear, shading, lines and rivets you see on actual aircraft.
Additionally, the kit includes an RGB Alpha Channel and Specular Maps. In this application, the Alpha channel provides the reflectivity or gloss on the aircraft paint. The Specular maps provide a sheen much like the subtle reflections you see from a metal flake paint job when the sun hits it directly.
Once all painting and manipulation is complete, the kit is "cut" into specific sizes. Once the kit is cut, each section is saved as a DDS file using NVidia tools. The resulting DDS files are placed into folders within the main FSX program folder. The FSX program "assembles" the sections and processes the different layers and channels resulting in aircraft that are incredibly detailed and realistic.
My problem is I don't know how to properly integrate and preserve the Alpha channel during the "Flatten Image" and when saving the file as a dds file. As you can see in the "Layers" section in the picture, the Alpha channel is already made. I just don't know what to do with it to preserve it and ensure the reflectivity it provides is visible in the final product.
what I need to know isn't what the alpha does, but how to properly integrate it into the final product. I've searched for this info for the last several days, but I've had no luck in finding specific information on how to do that. URL....
I upgraded to Maverick last fall which caused my PSE11 to slow way down so I recently purchased PSE 12 thinking it would be compatible to Maverick. At this point it is not. Everything works even slower than it did with PSE 11. Is there a patch or an upgrade or a procedure that will improve the work flow speed?
When we use Point Cloud Feature Extraction for Autodesk® Revit® 2012 in our machine in a central file with the pcg file then there is a Run time error shown in revit. But if we work in a single file then the problem does not occur. How we ovecome this situation?
2012 SP2. I get this very descriptive message while trying to create a point cloud: The following error occurred processing the point cloud data: An error ocurred in data processing.
I've previously created point clouds from the same data (ENZ comma delimited) without a problem. I believe this was done before applying SP2. Any problems creating point clouds since SP2?