Photoshop :: CS6 Text Layer Names Not Updating To Show Actual Text
Sep 26, 2012
I've got some Text Layers in my CS6 document.
In CS5, if I had Text Layers and changed the text on the layer (by double-clicking the "T" icon of the specific Layer in the Layers palette), the name of the Layer would change to reflect the new text I entered.
For some reason this behavior is gone in CS6. So, for example:
• I have a Text Layer with the word "Email" on my canvas. The Text Layer name also reads "Email".
• I double-click the "T" icon of the Email Layer to edit the text on canvas.
• I enter new text, "Contact". The text on canvas updates to "Contact", but the Layer Name remains "Email".
So, for accurate Layer names, I find myself having to change the text twice: once on the canvas, and then manually updating the Layer name as well. Is there an option or preference somewhere that I'm missing that would re-enable the behavior from CS5?
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Apr 7, 2012
Using CS5 and Win7. I just noticed something with my text in CS5 which is different from CS3 and as far as I'm concerned, a step back.
I made a text layer with some words. The words appeared as the layer name in the layers palate (say I typed "TEXT" on the screen and the text layer was named text). Then I double clicked on the text icon and this selected the word on the screen. I then changed the word "TEXT" to some other word say "WORD". However, this new word I typed in was not carried over to the layer name so the old layer name remained.Â
In CS3, the layer name is updated when the words on the screen are changed. I'd really like to have the new text update on the layer name. Is there some way to fix this or is this just something in my system.
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May 20, 2012
trying to copy txt from an outside text editor and pasting them into an open, editable text layer in my workspace. The problem is that I can COPY the text fine, but when I click over to PS to paste it into the open editable text layer it either pastes the previous text from my clipboard OR it won't paste anything at all. I can then go into any other text field on a browser, spreadsheet document, a different text editor, notepad, etc and successfully paste the proper batch of text I wanted to paste into PS. Sometimes I have some rather large files open 50+megs when I notice this happen. I have to save my work and close out entirely of PS and then open it again before I can begin editing my original document again and successfully paste the text into the open editable text layer. This may last for a few COPY/PASTE sessions of additional text in additional text layers, but then begins displaying the symptoms I described above.
I am on Win7 on an AlienWare M17XR3 laptop with 16G RAM and AMD Radeon HD 6900M Series display adapter.I assume it's either in my PS performance settings which I have PS using 10413MB RAM and has over 350G scratch disk space. If it's not that I guess my laptop system performance settings which I've never tinkered with since I purchased it.
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Oct 22, 2012
Using the horizontal text tool I can make a text box, but no text-blinker shows up in the box and when I type no text will appear. Although, in the Layers pannel on the right side it does name the layer whatever I have typed so why won't it show on the picture? Even if you make all other layers invisible the text layer still does not show up on a blank background.
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Sep 22, 2013
I am currently using PhotoShop CS3 and having some trouble with a font. I had made a text/pic about 2 years ago and i wanted to go back and rename the actual text or make a new one with the same font.
However i can not find the same font i had used. Is there anyway to get the same font again maybe a trick or something? Heres a picture of what it looked like...
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May 18, 2012
My text in Photoshop is jagged unless I zoom in at 100%. When I do that it's normal. Also when I save as a file on my computer it's normal. I don't see other people with this issue, they get normal text by default. I haven't changed any settings, everything is as it is when you first get the program.
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May 16, 2012
I would like to know how, if possible to make the attributes of a block show up as text. Â Example:
I am working on a power utility design where each power pole has a sequential name and may or may not have units that need to be added into a contract. Â I have my attributes set up where I can go in and assign a required number to a unit so I can export my data into excel. Â The problem I am having is that I have to enter the text and change the attribute quantities separately. Â Also, there are 40 or so different units and only a few certain ones required at each pole. Â Is there a way to set the attribute only to display text if the quantity is greater than zero so my list is not 40 units long at each pole?
(I am using Autocad 2013, 64 bit)
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Jun 6, 2012
I have a type layer with some text in it (a headline, let's say). I click on the layer, I click on the Character Panel, and first thing I see is the color in the Panel is not the color of the font in the layer.
I then click on any Panel property, and the text in this layer is replaced by text from another layer in my document ( a paragraph layer, let's say), but the color is not the same as the layer the text came from.
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Apr 17, 2013
Is it possible to have a dynamic block with text which, when inserted into a drawing, will show the text orientation matched to the layout? I have a non-dynamic block which is simply a donut and a piece of text. When I insert it into a drawing, the text orientation will change to suit the orientation of the layout. I created another block with the same entities but I also added a couple of lines extending out from the center of the donut. I added stretch and rotation actions in order to rotate and stretch the lines. I also gave the block visibility states so that either one or two lines would appear (the block is a utility pole,by the way, with the lines representing guy wires). When I insert the dynamic block into a drawing, I cannot get the text to match the orientation of the viewport. I've tried changing different combinations of settings but the text won't appear horizontal.
The two blocks I mentioned above are inserted into one file with a number of other blocks. When I check the properties of the non-dynamic block, the "match orientation" is set to YES. I cannot, however, change the "match to orientation" setting to YES on the dynamic block. Is this simply because it is a dynamic block or am I missing something? I don't create a lot of dynamic blocks and therefore I am not a wizard at it so I am assuming I am doing something wrong.
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Jul 16, 2013
Running PSE 9 under Mac Snow Leopard.
I have a family photo including many text layers. I'm trying to edit the text in a selected large multi-line text layer. I'm following the steps from the appropriate PSE article, but I always end up creating a new layer and the red/green no-go/go option. I thought I should just be able to double-click the text layer and start editing.
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Oct 6, 2012
When attempting to add text to a photo, the typed text is not visible on the layer in the "Layers Box" until exiting the Text Tool. Text nexer is visible on the photo Background image. If the edited image is saved, the added typed text is not saved; only the original Background image. How do I reset the Text Tool so it will be functional?
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Nov 16, 2013
Photoshop CC up to date
5 years PS experience
Restart of file and PS didn't resolve the issue
Creating Smart Object didn't resolve issue
When attempting to add simple text on an individual layer, the layer is turning black. This prevents me from seeing the text I'm editing. When I move to another layer the text displays correctly. When I go to edit the text by clicking the image the layer goes black again. It is like editing text in the dark, turning the light on to see the changes, turning the light off to make the changes, repeat.
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Jun 12, 2006
I want to have text on one layer and then a hard outline of the text a different color on a second layer.
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May 13, 2013
Is there a way to get the dimension text to highlight along with the actual dimensions, without having to directly select it after pulling a dimension off of an object? CAD Tools 7 automatically highlighted it.
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May 21, 2008
I paste Arabic font (a sentence in Arabic in Word for example) onto a text layer in photoshop, it compleatley switches the direction of the text and the sentence doesn't read as it was in word. This leads to us going through a very complicated process of saving it as a pdf and then importing as a vector.
Does anyone know how we just import Arabic text from another document so that PHotoshop (using CS3) renders it the right way around (words and individual 'letters')
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Jul 27, 2009
I am using CS2 on a XP64 machine. I am editing a .psd originally created in Photoshop 7 but saved under a different file name in CS2.When I open the file, a dialog box with this text appears: "Some text layers need to be updated before they can be used for vector output. Do you want to update these layers now?" The options are No and Update. Updating the layers changes all the text layers from font "Times New Roman" to "Radioactive", which I'm sure isn't a standard installed font. To avoid the problem in future edits, I saved the .psd under a different name through CS2 and then deleted all the offending text layers and recreated them using "Times New Roman" again. However, after saving the file and reopening it, I get the same problem as before. Should I perhaps delete the "Radioactive" font? I'd really rather not have to enter all the text in again.
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Nov 28, 2011
I'm in the process of creating 3D points (as an overlay) on some laser scanned data (using RiScan, it's just 3d dimensional data, with a northing, easting and RL) and unfortunately the only export option is to export to .dxf... Which is fine but when I export, the information has the point ID as the layer name.
I am aiming at getting this data into another program to analyse and it needs the point ID or name to be my annotation, as opposed to the layer.
So what I need is a way of converting the names of each individual points layer, to the point ID.
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Sep 9, 2013
I have PSE9 and sometimes, when attempting to add text to a text layer, I'm unable to do so. I click the text tool, but the move tool icon displays on the screen even though the text parameters show at the top of the screen.
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Sep 12, 2012
We are using autocad 2012.
Is there a way to move all 3.5mm text to layer text3.5 and move all 5mm text to layer text5.
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Oct 15, 2013
In InDesign I am able to assign a variable showing that page.
Example = Page numbers in a book.
Is there a way to do this in Illustrator?
Example = Panels for a structure. Labeling the panel with the artboard name.
For now I am doing this manually. I would LOVE to speed the process up.
DETAILS: The artboard names will exist on the artboard itself when printed (very tiny, in an area hidden by metal posts, for ease of assembly at a construction site). I also need the artboard name to show up outside the artboard in a slug area (much larger for easy viewing in the file).
I'd like to just Change the name of a duplicated artboard, and have those pieces of text change themselves, rather then me typing it in two places for every artboard... I can have almost 100 artboards in one file on the structures I work with.
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Aug 8, 2011
Gimp 2.6.8 on Linux openSUSE 11.3
I need to extract text and font from a text layer. No problem, I thought, with gimp-text-layer-get-text and gimp-text-layer-get-font.
But I find that the original text layer was cropped withplug-in-autocrop-layer. Nevertheless Gimp lets me edit the text with the text edit tool - after a confirmation dialog.
But I can't get the text with script-fu. Is there a way to manage it? There are many files involved.
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Oct 22, 2012
Long ago, everything was done in Imperial and now we are converting to Metric, the issue is that the drawings we have no schedule of members and we (a colleague and I) are constantly discovering new members, this is causing no end of trouble with our numbering system.
What we would like to do is set up a master-table with 5 categories (UB, UC, PFC, EA and UA) and then have the labels for all the members dependent on this table. If we were to change the value in the table, the label would automatically update. Is this at all possible? I looked into the Xref and RText commands and they seem close but not quite there. Ideally the table would be in a separate dwg so we can work on drawings at the same time.
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Feb 28, 2013
I would like to learn how to create a print design for college hoodies. I get asked all the time but it takes me a very long time to do it. I am sure there is a quicker way in illustrator.
I want to create a design like this image. I am using Illustrator CS 5.1 right now.
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Dec 2, 2013
I have an Illustrator document with ~100 artboards, each artboard named by me. Each artboard has one textbox in it. Is there a way to take whatever name I assign to the artboard and print it into the text box inside that artboard? So in the end I would be able to see the name associated with each artboard on the artboard itself. Ideally I could run the script once (i.e. "turn it on"), have it populate all the text boxes with the artboard names, and then have it dynamically update the textboxes when I change an artboard name regardless of whether the file has been closed and opened since I originally ran the script.
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May 6, 2013
I was watching a video about Photoshop and the pro broached the subject of how to set your PS preferences, so that you get a true representation of your documents print size. Seems this was a topic a while back and I'm not sure it was ever answered. Here is an explanation and the fix.
Seems that Adobe sets the default for screen resolution in Preferences/ Units and Rulers to 72ppi. Today's monitors are usually more than that, so when you tell PS to show you Print Size, it's going to show you something less than what it actually is. To fix this is actually pretty simple. Here's how.
1. Create a new document 9" x 9" @ 300ppi, use white for the background color.
2. In your zoom mode activate Print Size
3. Grab a tape measure and carefully measure what your seeing on the screen. If it is not 9x9, then your setting is not set properly in Preferences/Units and Rulers.
4. More than likely your measurement is smaller by a good bit. At this point, create a correction factor by dividing 9 by the actual measurement.
5. Then, in the Preferences as previously described, if 72ppi, multiply by the factor you just created and enter it exactly (not rounded) to the decimal point.
Now, when you ask PS to show Print Size it will show you the actual, not something less.
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Oct 7, 2012
I have around 700 pieces of dtext that all need to have their values raised by 10 is there any easy way of doing this?
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May 28, 2013
I have multiple of the same drawings. The drawing will stay the same but the device names will be different for each drawing. Is there a way to have a excel lookup table for each device and each drawing can reference to ?
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Sep 6, 2013
issue regarding attributed text updating when reinserting a DB. I have text override in a dimension, inserted a field into the text override but whenever I reinsert the block and change the values, the text does not update.
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Jan 7, 2011
I know nothing about scripting in Illustrator, but am willing and interested to give it a try if this sounds doable. All we want are the names--just a simple list of the names, such as
7009 LL.eps
Rsb shadow design.psd
of placed images (in our Illustrator CS5 art) into text that we can either import (from a tab- or comma-delimited text file) or paste into our Filemaker database.
Right now everyone is RETYPING the names of all placed images into the database, with consequent mistakes, missed images, etc. Then when we search our database to find which art uses a certain image...results are not to be trusted.
(If we could cut/paste from either the Links palette or Document Info, that'd be fine... but nope. Not in Illustrator, although we were thrilled to see InDesign CS5 has "Copy Info For Selected Links", which is VERY useful.) In Illustrator, we can export Document Info to a text file, but artists seem to find that long document too unwieldy, and they revert to typing the names, especially if they only have a couple of placed images... and then we're back to error-laden data no matter how careful they try to be.
Is such a script even possible? If so, where/how might I start? We're on iMacs with the Adobe CS5 suite (and Filemaker 11, if that matters).
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Aug 24, 2013
I have an Illustrator document I created some time back, probably in CS4 (but could have been CS2). It shows a road map and has lots of road names that follow the path of the associated road. When I open this doc in Illustrator CS6 I am told that the legacy text must be updated before it can be edited.
If I open the file without updating the text then everything looks fine but if I choose to accept the offer to update all the text then my road names appear with irregular character spacing that looks very ugly.
How I can update the text to CS6 without messing up the appearance?
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Feb 1, 2013
When I press File Open in my PSE 11 and look for Camera Raw files, they all show PSE 11 icon which makes it hard to find where is the image I am looking for? How do you make these CR2 ehumbnails to show the actual image?
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