AutoCAD 2010 :: Individual Drawings In Windows Taskbar?
Jun 27, 2010
what switch is it that needs to be changed so that when one opens up multiple drawings, they aren't sitting in the taskbar? Normally, you go to your 'Window' in the menubar to see your populated list.
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May 13, 2010
We are having the issue with all of our Windows 7 machines that you cant switch back to Autocad using the Windows 7 taskbar. When this happened with 2010 we chalked it up to 2010 not being compliant with the new taskbar in windows. But when it started happening with our Acad 2011 installs it gets frustrating. Alt Tab doesn't work. Hover and select a preview window doesn't work. The only thing that works is starting task manager and clicking 'Switch to'.
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Feb 10, 2011
We recently upgraded to Windows 7. Now when we open multiple drawings, each drawing is displayed individaully in the taskbar. This created problems for us when wanting to ALT+TAB through open programs; the drawings would be available for selection and get in the way.  I thought multiple sessions of the program were opening. It reminded me of older versions of ACAD where you could select (Options>Open & Save, I think) whether ACAD opened additional drawings in the same session or in multiple sessions. That option no longer exists, and I have been surching for the solution off-and-on for the last 4 months. The following post lead me to the solution although they were orginally asking to do the opposite. This post has too many entries (2 pages, who looks at a second page?) and is full of bickering, so I decided to post a separate comment. URL.....
The post below explains the solution quite well. URL....Windows 7 switched the default assuming most people would rather have the ability to hover and see a preview. Maybe that's true but I am not one of them. The reason it took me so long to find the answer is because I was always referencing "Multiple Sessions" and not searching for "Taskbar" solutions.
As a side note, in all my searching, the most common solution offered was changing the SDI variable. I believe, 9 times out 10, if not more, the SDI variable had nothing to do with what the problems were, yet it was always suggested.
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Feb 16, 2011
1. had this problem for sometime. running windows 7. When i minimize my autocad window from maximise to the taskbar, for some reason when i click it on the taskbar to bring it back up, it has shrunk to its restore down size instead of the maximised window it was. This problem seems to only occur on win7. I don't have my windows aero themes off as i know of those problems, whats causing this one?!
2. whats also annoying in windows 7 is that i choose not to have my taskbar buttons combined, i am only in one session of autocad yet each drawing has its own taskbar button, is this normal?!
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Jul 6, 2011
why Autocad 2012 opens one window per drawing as opposed to Autocad 2007/2008 opening one window for as many drawings as you have open. Â (I also don't care to group/ungroup similar programs through Windows 7.) Â This must be an Autocad 2012 program default that I can't figure out to change. Â
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Aug 15, 2009
I switched from CS3 to CS4 and realized that when I turn on the screen mode called "Full Screen with Menu Bar" it actually switches off the windows task bar. It is actually crucial to me, as I am really used to drag the document with a hand tool without boundaries, which was always achievable once pressing "F". In that mode, I could still use the taskbar to navigate to other windows (and see notifications from the taskbar). Now, in CS4, the combination of nice document dragging and taskbar is impossible.
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Jan 20, 2013
I just downloaded and installed PSE11 trial to do some experiments. I wanted to change to another window I had open, the Windows taskbar wouldn't un hide, this is a deal breaker if there is not a solution. I prefer not to minimize a window I prefer to switch from one to the other. Windows Vista
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Jun 27, 2012
I've had a couple occurrences of X6 crashing suddenly, but a common one is when I've switched away from X6 and then try to switch back by clicking on the X6 icon on the Windows 7 taskbar.  I'm running Win7 64bit.  When I hover my mouse over the CDX6 icon on the taskbar, a couple of the preview mini-windows will show the Windows "working" round rotating icon for about a half second and then BAM - the windows "This Program is Not Responding" window comes up where you choose to either let windows find a solution (it never does), or just close the program.
I never have any trouble opening the program back up, or working with the exact same files that were open when it crashed. Â It does seem to happen when I have multiple files open, but I almost always am working with 3-4 at a time.
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Jan 31, 2012
I have 95 layouts in one drawing and need to export / write out each layout to become individual drawings? Is there a command for this or perhaps a lisp or script.
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Feb 25, 2013
Using Civil 3d 2011, I am trying to drag and drop styles from a template drawing to my working drawing. I drag the style into my working drawing and it acts like it is dropping it in my drawing put it never does show up in toolspace.
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Jan 10, 2012
This just started happening after I downloaded DWG TruViewer. I am working on LT 2008 using Fusionware on a MacPro. I needed the viewer to convert newer drawings from an architect. Now, when I double click on a drawing in Explorer a separate AutoCad window opens for each drawing I need open. I prefer to just go up to Window>and click on the one I need at that time, especially if I have several to switch between because it is easier to see the file name I want.
SDI is set to 0
Taskbar is set to 0
Relaunched the program
I can't open files using File>Open because the program crashed each time and Autodesk is not issuing anymore fixes for 2008.  (Yes, we should upgrade but there is no money budgeted)
Right-click on any .dwg file and go to Properties>General>Change> and select the AutoCad LT launcher as the preferred program
Since I am in Window 7 instead of XP the File Types tab has been removed from Folder Options  so I can't fix it that way.
So, why did this change? FYI that stupid TruViewer made lots of unnecessay changes to my AutoCad and Explorer programs that I am still trying to sort out like changing the file icon and hiding the file extensions. Are they trying to make it hard to find files or what?
And next, how can I reset the default so that double clicking on a .dwg in Explorer opens in already open AutoCad window?
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Jun 21, 2013
Setting up a tabulated ipart drawing template. Which is drawing file with a table or individual drawings for each tabulation? Also does one method work better than the other when introducing vault?
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Mar 11, 2012
I want to export the length of each polyline individuality & simultaneously in different -2 columns/row. How to prepare the Bar bending schedule. I am appending the drawing .
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Mar 24, 2011
I am just getting started with ACA 2010 and am impressed at what it can do. However, I am trying to change the material for 1 wall or 1 slab. When I try, it changes the material for all walls or slabs. I have read something about a propagate option on the materials menu, but I can't find it.Â
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May 28, 2012
autocad LT 2008 on windows 7 platform
after using this with only minor crashes for the last year I have now got problems with closing drawings which then locks autocad up and if someone else opens the file in the same program on windows xp then it crashes there program too while closing. I have tried redraw the drawing model file and produce a new drawing sheet exactly the same but it still crashes on saving of the file and have now noticed that any drawing i'm creating now does exactly the same. I have also completely reinstalled autocad LT 2008 to try to fix this problem but with no success. Has there been an update either with windows 7 or autocad that might have caused this problem and how to resolve this problem as I am now left with a computer thats useless to draw upon and rather not install an older version of windows just to resolve this problem after it running fine for over a year now.
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Nov 15, 2011
Currently when I open up multiple drawings (opening them up one at a time) they all appear in the same window (one instance) of AutoCAD.
I want each drawing to open in separate instances so I can view them on separate monitors (and close one without being asked to close them all).
I have tried changing the SDI system variable from 0 and 1 (and vise-versa)
I have tried changing the windows default program from AutoCAD Application to AutoCAD Launcher (and vise-versa)
I have set the TASKBAR system variable at both 0 and 1 (and vise-versa)
Windows 7Â
AutoCAD LT 2012
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Oct 18, 2012
Is there a way to export multiple layout tabs to create individual CAD files at one time? I have a CAD file with 80 layout tabs. All the Drafting work was done on Paper Space of the Layout Tabs. Client wants 80 separate CAD files.
I tried right clicking on the layout tab but it will ONLY allow me to export one tab at a time.
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Jan 7, 2013
I have ACA 2013 (student version) running in the Windows 8 environment. I cannot open anything drawn in a previous release nor can I open a drawing created in ACA 2013 that was installed on the Windows 7 platform.
I have tried to drag in the drawings through design center. That worked for a while now when I try that it causes ACA to crash. Also I have tried multiple drawings that were created in several different versions of ACA. (2004, 2006 and 2009)
As a side note I was able to open those files in ACA 2013 running on the Windows 7 OS.
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May 23, 2012
I recently loaded several versions of AutoCAD on to a Windows 7 machine. ALL versions will open a drawing if double-clicked from windows explorer, but if I try to open through AutoCAD, the program freezes as soon as I click on the "Open" button. This is true for AutoCAD 2010 through 2012.
Machine Specs:
Dell Optiplex 990
250GB HD
8GB Ram
I7-2600 proc
AMD Radeon HD 6670 (1Gb) Video Card
I also cannot open multiple instances of ANY version of AutoCAD in Windows 7.
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Jun 2, 2010
I try to load AutoCAD 2010 on windows 7 but it keeps on failing Language Pack - English failed installation aborted, Result 1624 so it rolls back and doesn't install.
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May 10, 2012
Is there a way to do this? Is there a script out there that can create individual Symbols from individual layers?
EDIT: I pasted this in the wrong forum so i moved it over here.
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Mar 19, 2013
One of my designers running 2012 AutoCAD and 2012 CADWorx, can no longer select individual parts of a GROUP by shift selecting the unwanted elements.
I have tried to modify..
but to no success.
Also fiddled with her Options file, still nothing+
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Oct 23, 2012
I'm using Cad 2011,how do u generate 2D drawings from a 3D object,i know that the command only works on layout n on 2013 the command is "Base".So wat is it on 2011?
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Oct 19, 2012
I am using 2D-AutoCAD, and trying to plot a drawing on a printer, the drawing is different colors and I want to print it black on white paper, I am unable to select the proper .ctb file from the Plot Style Table pulldown, it does not show up? I have plotted other drawing sets using this method but for some reason cant do it on this particular set.
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Jan 14, 2013
I need to have two people working in the same dwg, basically at the same time. Â We call it an Assembly Plan. Â Everything is done in model space. Â I want to be able to have each of them basically work in the same dwg and at the end of the day, BOTH of their work is saved in one dwg, but no double lines, etc.
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Aug 9, 2012
What is the best way to get 2D drawings from a 3D model? Flatshot will give a flat view but it does everything in the entire drawing and brings every line with it.Â
Is there an easy way to get a 2d drawing from one thing in a 3D model? We only have Autocad, no extras like Revit.
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Oct 16, 2013
Where the majority of people annotate their drawings. A major improvement I recommended to the plans was to place our annotations in our XREF drawings instead of placing them in model space of our sheet sets. (Our sheet sets are our drawings that have our titlblocks that we plot from ). So, I am asking where do the majority of CAD users like to add annotations to there drawings? PaperSpace, model space, xref’s, etc. and why they do it that way?
I should also state that we are transitioning from 2012 software to Civil3d 2014 software too.
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Jun 7, 2012
I have been trying to figure out how to copy a Layout from one DWG to another. I know there are several threads about this, and I have tried the methods they reccomend, but I am having an unusual problem.
I have been trying to open a Layout by using the "from Template" option for creating a new Layout, then opening the DWG containing the desired Layout. It works, but everything drawn in model space ends up compressed into the lower left corner and there is nothing in model space. So, the paper space information from the Layout is being imported, but the drawing info is getting mixed up somehow.
I have tried using the Design Center with identical results.
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Oct 5, 2012
I have built a 3D turbine that combined more than 50 3D parts. Now I want an assembly drawings to show our clients how to put those parts together. Any autodesk software? Some people recommended Inventor and I have never used it. Is this a right software to do some kinds like this project?
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Aug 13, 2013
Recently I started using AutoCAD 2012 and I ran into one problem which I didn't encounter before.
The problem is that when I try to paste objects from another drawing (through clipboard - usually another instance of AutoCAD) I can't paste them in some drawings only.
The following things happen:
-Autocad behaves normally like when I usually paste objects except there is nothing inserted.
-When I save the drawing after unsuccessful insert, even if I canceled inserting, drawing size increases dramatically (for about 2-4MB).
-If I open new drawing, I can insert objects there.
-Also when I copy to clipboard, autocad takes a lot of time even if it is only few lines.
I tried these thing to fix issue:
-I checked if there are any layers turned off.
-I tried to copy with COPYBASE
-I restarted autocad (sometimes it works but only for some moments or for one insert).
-I did PURGE and AUDIT
-I tried to copy paste in same instance of AutoCAD but that didn't work.
I'm usually using t least 2 instances of AutoCAD (I hope that is not the problem).
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Nov 23, 2012
I have an assembly with some hidden solids in which are turned to invisible in both part and assembly but they show on the drawing.
how to not show these in the drawing but still show the unhidden soild.
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