AutoCAD 2010 :: Erase Then Remove In A Single Click?
Sep 11, 2013
Working in AutoCAD™ 2012... Is there a way to "erase" an entity, line, etc. by selecting it and having it immediately disappear? I work in 3D/DXB files a lot and it really useful when working with an audience either for on-screen seminars or over-the-shoulder.
I've had to reinstall CS5 after a new Windows installation. Never had a problem with it before, but now I have the issue where if I click on a tool that has sub-tools, it now expands to show them. Before, to access them, I had to click and hold for them to appear. Now with them expanding on the first click, it's interrupting my work flow.
Additional issues have arisen while I'm here, such as, when doing web work, I'll change the rectangular marquee to single pixel horizontal (e.g.), make the selection, do what I want with it, then press M to adjust another single pixel line, but it'll return to the full rectangular marquee, like it resets.
I'm running a test at the moment with Open GL disabled, to test drivers or display issues, but it's doing the same thing.
I'm trying to erase all of a single colour from an image. I use the colour range select to choose the colour (orange) however when I erase, it seems to erase an underlay underneath colours (esp yellow) in unselected areas.
Is there any way I can erase the same exact point on multiple layers with one click of the eraser, rather than doing it on each layer individually (and having to line up that same point again)?
I have two menus that I use often and I would like to add them to my mouse buttons. Attached is a picture of the two menus I like and the two buttons. The Shift + Click has the correct menu already (Osnap menu2) my problem is adding my custom menu to the CTRL + Click doesn't work. I labeled Osnap Menu 1 and 2, 1 being the custom menu I have use in the past and 2 being the default osnap menu that comes with the cui file. How to get the second button to read my menu rather than both read the same osnap 2 menu?
effective method of removing text/font from an image. I've tried playing around with clone stamp and spot healing brush, but it never quite turns out right.
Edit: (I tried to include the image here, but it appears it's against forum rules. Oh well. I think having the image would be a good reference, so if there's a way that can be worked out...)
I can't seem to remove col-erase lines from my sketches in Photoshop.I have Photoshop CS5 and my OS is Windows 7
1) Scan drawing and open in Photoshop
2) Go to channels and remove the other colours than the colour of the pencil (ex. remove green and blue if the colour is red)
3) Change the mode to Grayscale (and back to RGB/CMYK if you want to colour it)
My problem is.. that it only goes halfway. It looks fine until step three. When I change it to Grayscale, the col-erase lines come back, just in B/W and I need to erase them anyway.
Wblock when run from the command line used to erase the entities selected, now it seems it does not, but the dialog box shows an option to keep or erase the selected entities.
Any variable name that controls this functionality?
I am running AutoCAD 2011 on Windows 7 via BootCamp. The Delete Key does not function to erase lines. I have set Pickfirst to 1 and ensured Noun/Verb is checked on. I have tried pressing just the Delete key and also FN Delete, which is the correct combination for Delete on the MacBook Pro keyboard.
I'm trying to change the dafault varible for the mirror command from no to yes. whne you do the mirror command after you choose your second point it asks if you want to erase the source object and the default is set to no but I would like to change it to yes. I'm able to change the macro for the mirror button which works but only when I push the button. Before the cui file I remember everything was done from the acad.pgp or the acad.mnu files but with the new CUI file i can't seem to locate wher to change the actual command and not just the macro for the mirror button.
Is there a way to subtract and object but it doesn't erase the original object?
I have a way of doing this by copying an object and placing it in the original position. Than subtract a single object leaving the copy of the object behind.
I wondered if there is a way to accomplish this with less steps.
I have only one user with this problem. He tries to edit an attribute block and when he selects one of the values and erases it the default value doesn't erase. He then has to enter some text and erase that and it works.
I'm working on something where I had the text conform to a curve. Now I would like to make the curve path in visible, and I was able to search for instructions on how to do that except that I'm finding them mystifying. I read "you can select a single item inside a group with Ctrl click," but when I go to the group in the layers gallery, the text and curve are treated as one item, and I see no way to separate the two.
I don't have any particular speed issue with illustrator CS6 in general. However there is a massive speed problem when I'm trying to select on object on the artboard with a single click.
When selecting a object by creating a "rectangle" over the object it works fine and normal speed. When clicking the object to select it, nothing happens for about 3/4 seconds, then the loading little rainbow circle appears and loads for another 3/4 seconds...
When I paste data from excel into autocad as 'autocad entities'(paste special) the newly created autocad table does not adhere to the pre-defined table style. Even if I right click on the table and remove overides the text sizes are wrong. I suspect it might be related to some variable, but I don't know which one.
I am having trouble getting the erase tool to erase part of an elipse shape in Corel Draw. I select the erase tool and click and drag across the part of an elipse that I want to get rid of (so far so good), then I release the mouse and an outline of the nib tool is left behind.
I have a few thousand files that I need to process into colour swatches for a web site. The process entails locating a suitable area of each image, cropping that area to 25 pixels square, and saving the result. Obviously, I need to be able to do this as quickly as possible; ideally with just a single click for each image, and so I'd like to set up a script in order to batch-process the images. Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that a suitable position on one image is going to be at all suitable for another, so a limited amount of interactivity is required.
Is it possible to set up an interactive batch task, or would some other approach be required?
I have a large image that has been scanned in as just pure black and white. Unfortunately there seems to be a lot of noise in the form of single black pixels all over the image.
Apart from manually erasing all of the pixels (the image is huge!), how else could I do this. Is there a way to automatically select any single pixels within an image so that I could just delete all of them at once, or perhaps if I blurred the image sufficiently so that they disappeared and then sharpen the image?
How do I remove "Open with Corel Paintshop Pro X4" from the right click context menu in explorer? I have one for every version I have installed and it makes the right click menu toooo long.
I have pictures that have different objects over a canvas like/un uniform back ground.
I need to remove that background without any part of the objects them self.
I mange to get most of the background out using the magic wand , but i'm left with many random single/groups of noise pixels left in the picture since they were not captured with the magic wand.
most of the time i can remove those using the eraser or use the selection tools with different shapes around the pixels and press delete.
but those methods take lots of time, specially around a complex objects and as i'm getting near to them, i need to make my selections/eraser radius smaller and smaller.
I have tried to use a plugin called "Reduce Noise" that i found , but it does not work.
faster way how to remove this noise pixels without any part of the objects?
a plugin that "scans" the image/selected area and remove all pixels that are surrounded by transparency in it?
p.s I can't always select only the object/s itself/them self and just move it/them to a new picture.
p.s.2 maybe a plugin that the user can choose up to what size, a group of pixels, should be removed ?
In Elements 12 is it possible to print a single item without having to go through add/remove items process? It seems to be set to print everything I have open as a default.
I'm having trouble with my right click on my mouse. Until about a month or so ago my right click would bring up a short cut menu that inclided things like move, rotate, scale, copy. But now it includes none of those features.
While being distracted while working, I inadvertently kept my finger on a key (forget which one), heard a little BEEP, and now my Right Click FlyOut Menu is going somewhere I don't need it to go to. I am getting the 'Snap" options box
i am using autocad 2012 last twoday i was faced this problem i cant edit the text through double click?and i seen some of options missed out in right click menu like ( copy,paste ,rotate ...... finally deselect the objects.
I have several DXF files that I would like to bring together into a single AutoCAD file so I can put all the pieces I have together on a single screen. How do I do this?
Also, when I am able to do this, is there a way to give points to my separate objects so I can match them up with other points of other pieces that it's supposed to fit up to? I'm pretty new to AutoCAD
we are working on circuit drawings which are lengthy and we usually split the model into more than 100 layouts and publish pdfs.So we get 100 pdf pages. When we view the pdf, we need to scroll down to get into next page.
Can we create a pdf for complete circuit in single page, where we can scroll the page horizontally. This will work in viewing the page horizontally with continuity in the circuit.
I've just upgraded to ACAD 2012 from 2009 and have copied over my CUI settings and getting different results when Double clicking on regular ( not Dynamic ) blocks. The macro for this i've set to ^C^C_refedit.
This previously would automatically select the NESTED block in the list of reference names if double clicked on in the drawing, however now in 2012 the parent block is always selected and i need to hunt through the list to find the actual nested block that im wanting to edit.
Is there a setting / variable that has changed in the upgrades? I have Automatically select all nested objects selected in the Reference edit dialog box and all other options match my 2009 as far as i can tell.