I am developing a .NET application that integrates with AutoCAD Architecture. In my .NET application, I provide my user with a list of drawing files (.dwg) that they can choose to open. Once my user has selected a file, my application will open the selected drawing in AutoCAD Architecture. In this drawing, the user can click on an object in the drawing.
Can this mouse click event be captured and the object ID for the selected object be returned to my application?
I have a button which has a mousover/mousout animation. When i click the button, it will shrink down to 0%. when it does, my mousout event is triggert, which i dont want.
how can i disable the mousout event after the click event?
In order to avoid duplicate event handlers, I did like the following...
Document doc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;try { doc.BeginDocumentClose -= new DocumentBeginCloseEventHandler(MyEventHandler); }catch { // Do nothing }doc.BeginDocumentClose += new DocumentBeginCloseEventHandler(MyEventHandler);
The above worked greatly with AutoCAD 2007. But yesterday I migrated my code into AutoCAD 2010 (with Object ARX 2010).
Unfortunately, it seems like AutoCAD 2010 catches before my code catches it. I guess I could just have a global boolean value that checks the status of event attachment.
I have two menus that I use often and I would like to add them to my mouse buttons. Attached is a picture of the two menus I like and the two buttons. The Shift + Click has the correct menu already (Osnap menu2) my problem is adding my custom menu to the CTRL + Click doesn't work. I labeled Osnap Menu 1 and 2, 1 being the custom menu I have use in the past and 2 being the default osnap menu that comes with the cui file. How to get the second button to read my menu rather than both read the same osnap 2 menu?
Displaying a vb.net form when an autocad block reference is double-clicked. Unfortunately, I still don`t know how to capture the double-click event for a block reference from code. I have gone down the IMessageFilter path, still no success.
I have tried the addHandler for application using code supplied to me in my previous post, still no luck. I really need to be able to capture the double click event for a block reference in autocad, without overwriting the default autocad double-click behavior.
I wish to be able to double-click a block reference, capture its name, and, if the name is same as blocks created by my form, then I`d simply have my dot net form pop up, displaying a few of the block`s properties.
Below is the code module I am using, which isn`t working ofr me:
' System Imports Microsoft.Win32 Imports System.Reflection
And the Commands class, from which my vb.net form is generated, as well as where the ModDoubleClick.eventDoubleClick() method is called:
Public Class Commands
' Component for displaying the Mass Straight Conveyor form <CommandMethod("mst")> _ Public Shared Sub massStraight() Try ' Call this to override default block dblclk event handler [code].......
I use cs2 and when in photoshop when i left click on any of the tools for instance the pen tool it brings up the menu to select pen tool, freeform pen tool, etc.. rather than just selecting it. I am use to having to right click on the the pen tool to get that menu, i was wondering how i would change it back. Same thing happens when i left click on all the tools on the tools menu, just used the pen tool as an example.
When I try to add a click event on a symbol, I can't access to the symbol, only to the parent. For example, if on the event click on a specific symbol A I add the code
var symbolElement = sym.getSymbolElement(); symbolElement.hide();
It will hide the parent of A, instead of hiding A. How do I access to A?
i have a problem with an animation in Edge Animate. I try to animate a button which spins 45° on mouse over and back on mouse out. So far no problem. Now i want the button to spin 90° when i click on it and let it stay on this position. I made it spin the 90° but it always spins back on mouse out because the event is still there. Is there any possibility to delet the mouse out event or pause it after clicking on the button. I already tried remove it but without any sucess.
I have a button on the main stage with a hit event inside of it. This hit area calls frame lables on other symbols (these "other symbols" are also on the main stage, not dynamic) . How do I make the click event of the hit area null if one of these symbols is/are visible? I added another button to set the visibility to false but then I also need the click event to reset itself to it's original state
Is there a way to code certain regions of an image for a click event without adding a hit area?I have a map of Texas with each region. Clicking on a region brings this region bigger to the front. Then I want a click event for each county to bring up its name and other data.
I want to have a mouseover and -out effect on my navigation bar and on the event click it should stay in the mouseover status. So far the mouseout and the click event affect each other on a wrong way. The example I attached here is done with plain rectangles, but later they will be images.
I'm having trouble with my right click on my mouse. Until about a month or so ago my right click would bring up a short cut menu that inclided things like move, rotate, scale, copy. But now it includes none of those features.
When moving the mouse over objects, the objects are automatically selected. Are there a way to disconnect that function, so the objects are not selected before I click the mouse?
Everyone so far in the office who is using 2013 has found that intermitently but fairly often (maybe 1 in 8 attempts) when clicking on a tool button it seems to take about 3-4 goes at clicking before the command kicks in, this is with any command and there are various versions of windows and mouse hardware involved.
I have 2010lt on Vista. Mouse is set to repeat last command on right click. When I right click to repeat break at point command, it will shorten the line every time. When I click the break at point icon it does not shorten line. I cant find a fix.
how to allow my right click mouse button to the function of the F3 key? I want to be able to draw, move, copy or whatever and mid-command be able to right click (on or off) the snap that are assigned to F3.
I just got a new pc upgrade so I'm walking through everything to see if it all works. Now when I double click my mouse wheel, nothing happens where before it would zoom extents. I'm using a MS Wireless Mouse 5000 with AutoCAD 2013.
I played around with programming the mouse buttons directly, but I couldn't get it to work right. I don't see anything in AutoCAD about a setting for mouse wheel double click. All I see is that it just says that double clicking the mouse wheel should execute the zoom extents command.
When zooming, I middle click the mouse to bring up osnaps, then type the letter to force the snap I want. That stopped working today: the menu pops up, I type "E", the menu goes away, but it doesn't default to endpoint, there's an "E" on my command line.
I'm not sure if this is a Service Pack 1 issue or not, but I just installed that yesterday.
right clicking the mouse normally repeats the previous command. In this case I right click to repeat the "break at point" command. Instead of getting the break at point command, I always get the "break" command.
I am trying to limit the input that can be processed when using the getpoint lisp function. So the code below prevents the user from entering null input (i.e just hitting a carraige return) as specified by the initget bit code of 1, or a non-numeric entry (i.e. for instance, typing S and hitting a carriage return) as the getpoint function does not allow for a non-numeric entry.
(initget 1) (setq PT1 (getpoint " Pick Location of First Point: "))
However, the issue is that the code does NOT prevent the user from entering a number and hitting return. For instance, if I enter the number 100 and hit return, getpoint accepts this as a valid entry and returns a point value that is projected, in some form or fashion, from I believe the last entered point or (0,0,0) if a point was not previously entered. I only want the user to be able to select a point with a mouse click and not type in a number or point coordinate.
So is there some way with AutoLISP or Visual Lisp that you can prevent the user from typing in a numeric value and hitting a carraige return in conjuction with the getpoint function? Or is there some other function that will provide the getpoint functionality while providing the entry limitations described?
What would be the best way to remove duplicate points from DB?
I do not think iterating through the whole database and compare each point's coordinate would be the best way since it will take a lot of time if the points are many.
I once saw a CAD command that does it for me. (which I can't remember now)