GIMP :: Process Files Into Colour Swatches For Website - Single Click Crop
Oct 19, 2011
I have a few thousand files that I need to process into colour swatches for a web site. The process entails locating a suitable area of each image, cropping that area to 25 pixels square, and saving the result. Obviously, I need to be able to do this as quickly as possible; ideally with just a single click for each image, and so I'd like to set up a script in order to batch-process the images. Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that a suitable position on one image is going to be at all suitable for another, so a limited amount of interactivity is required.
Is it possible to set up an interactive batch task, or would some other approach be required?
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Mar 1, 2014
My colour swatches disappeared although I clicked on "show all swatches". What do I have to do to appear regularly when opening Illustrator?
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Jul 28, 2012
Is it possible to take 3-4 effects, all mixed together, like brush stroke, solarise, warp sharp, neon... mix them all together, and process a number of pictures while changing the mix level of each effect, and also varying some of the effect settings, such as brush size, brightness, etc...
are there any scripts that can do that? any macro plugins that can control other plugins? is there a crafty programming trick that could be fashioned to vary and mix effects across a task of batch processing?
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Jun 18, 2013
Whenever I create a new colour in the colour swatches it only stays there for a couple of actions while working on a project. I understand from others that once they create a colour it stays there. Why can't I get that to happen?
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Feb 6, 2013
I want to divide up a bunch of scanned in photos quickly. I have 4 or 5 photos . Aligned next to each other in each scan.
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Jun 2, 2008
when I select the crop tool, my image disappears during the entire crop process. I can only see the image in the preview pane. Why is this happening? I am using the most current version of Lightroom, and I am on a PC.
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Oct 28, 2013
I've had to reinstall CS5 after a new Windows installation. Never had a problem with it before, but now I have the issue where if I click on a tool that has sub-tools, it now expands to show them. Before, to access them, I had to click and hold for them to appear. Now with them expanding on the first click, it's interrupting my work flow.
Additional issues have arisen while I'm here, such as, when doing web work, I'll change the rectangular marquee to single pixel horizontal (e.g.), make the selection, do what I want with it, then press M to adjust another single pixel line, but it'll return to the full rectangular marquee, like it resets.
I'm running a test at the moment with Open GL disabled, to test drivers or display issues, but it's doing the same thing.
My System:
Windows 7 Ultimate 64
AMD Phenom 2 X2 550 3.1GHz
AMD Radeon HD7800.
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Apr 17, 2012
I have noticed that when I click on any button on the Ribbon Panels it now requires more that one click to activate the button.
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Jun 21, 2008
I would like to know how to change the colour of a single layered, single coloured gradient (foreground to transparent) image. There is nothing more to it than that other than I don't want to use the hue/saturation adjustment as it's hard to get a specific colour.
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Jan 8, 2005
Is there a way of organizing the colours in a swatch to something other than the default.
You can delete, or add, but you can't drag them to new positions to arrange.
I'm creating some swatches of my own, but the order of the colours is not to my liking. Just can't figure out if they can be organised by Hue, Brightness etc, or moved around individually.
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Aug 19, 2013
In Illustrator Javascript, you can use the following to rename layers:
var doc = app.activeDocument;
// loop through all layers
for (var i = 0; i < doc.layers.length; i++) {
Is there anyway to rename colour swatches.
For example, I have 20 swatches named Yellow -(Keyword). (The keyword is different for each swatch).
I would like to replace yellow with the word colour1 while replacing the -(keyword) part in tact.
Is this possible? My swatches are in groups, so I am not sure if it makes it more complicated.
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Jul 22, 2013
I have a big problem with Illustrator and it happens all the time. I have made a pattern and although it works fine I now have no colours in my swatches just the patterns and my line choices for strokes is now limited to one choice. If I open a new doc the default materials are back and line choices. It's obviously a preference somewhere but I haven't the foggiest idea where to find it. It's very frustrating because I can't reset to the defaults and I can't append colours to the swatches or append new strokes to the line choices.
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Jun 18, 2011
I'm starting to get serious about photography. I've shot a batch of photos that need manual processing. There are a couple of steps where I should be able to save one or two keystrokes every time. This may sound minor, but when I have to do it time after time after time, it gets annoying. This is not intended to be a rant, but rather a request for info about changing defaults to speed things up for me.
I'm running Gimp 2.6.11 on Gentoo linux (64-bit). I've looked at"Edit ==> Preferences", but can't seem to find what I'm looking for.
1) I need to crop photos, but the manual "crop tool" is not the best fit. I prefer to use "Image ==> Canvas Size". My problem is that the Width+Height aspect ratio defaults to staying constant. I.e. if I crop the X size, the Y size changes proportionally. I do NOT want that. I have to manually click on the link to break the linkage. Sometimes I forget, which can get really annoying, when cropping in one dimension crops the other as well. How can I change the default to not link the X+Y sizes?
2) Saving stuff to PNG *) After having done any cropping, I obviously want to save my work.Saving to PNG pops up a dialog about "Your image should be exported before it can be saved...", Is there any way to get the PNG save routine to "just do it", rather than popping up a dialogue?
*) If I'm saving to a new PNG file, I get *YET ANOTHER DIALOGUE* with settings for compression/interlacing/etc/etc. I never change the default settings, so this is another extra annoyance to me. How can I get the"save as" command to "just do it"?
I know the above may sound minor, but it does get annoying after the umpteenth time.
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Apr 17, 2013
Is there a way to copy/paste colour swatches or save them to a palette?
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Oct 4, 2012
How the PMS color palettes "simulate" on screen how the color will print on different substrates (glossy vs matte vs uncoated paper). That's great for comps, but if you convert it to CMYK to print it, and the values are representing a "simulated" color it won't look correct (by that I mean come close to matching the spot color). For example, the uncoated palette simulates the color by making them appear a bit washed out on screen - pretty good visual simulation. But it might do so by adding black and cyan to orange for example, etc. - effectively dulling the original color.
So if I convert that to CMYK within the new Pantone + color palette, and then send it to the printer - it won't appear as it did on screen, it will dull the end color even more because it's converted the color to the dull simulated version - what a disaster! It's only doing half the job - showing us what it should look like on screen. In order to be truly efficient for design professionals the CMYK conversion might remove black and cyan completely to effectively brighten the color in the final output on uncoated paper. I would prefer it just stick to the standard conversion, which Pantone did have as a standard palette option (PMS to process), and then I can adjust if I think it's necessary.
Any corporate branding system will likely start with a PMS spot color palette for the identity. Then it will build into many different adaptations - full color brochures, large format banners and trade show graphics, website, advertising. So any corporate branding system will need to have PMS, CMYK and RGB versions of their main corporate color palette. There was a standard for these translations that was automatically consistent in the Adobe software and that is now all over the place, so it relies on individuals manually adapting the color mixes for final use - what a great way to screw things up.
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Aug 10, 2012
I am trying to do a www logo with transparent text - colour of the text should change accordingly to web site background (image or solid colour).
I do not want to use Magic Wand as it degrade quality of the text.
I've tried to use 2 layers with blend mode set to multiply but it does not work for me if background was transparent (saved as PNG file)
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Jan 27, 2007
When animating in PS2, how do I keep a single frame visible throughout the animation process?
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Aug 22, 2013
As I did all my recording, I noticed a distracting element in the bottom right corner of the image and I would like to crop it out. I calculated that I could use the crop filter at 90% and it gets rid of that annoyance. However, this leaves some black space around, which I don't need. Maybe I need something more like a zoom-in so I can only see 90% of the original image, but taking up the whole space available (without that frame around). I would assume that exists but I cannot find it, or if there is a different process, I have not figured it out.
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Oct 17, 2013
In Elements 12 is it possible to print a single item without having to go through add/remove items process? It seems to be set to print everything I have open as a default.
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Aug 4, 2012
I am missing a crop tool which can rotate the crop rectangle. Similar to photoshop's tool. I found no way to rotate the crop rectangle in gimp. How do you cut out something from an image if it needs to be rotated while cropping? I tried rotating first then cropping but it does not give me enough precision so I end up with transparent areas at the border.
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Jun 15, 2012
How can I crop an object and only thst object in photoshop?
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May 6, 2013
I want to crop several images to size, then add a white boarder, a drop shadow and a stroke. Is there a way to automate the process, so they are all exactly the same?
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Jan 6, 2009
How do I make an image single colour and white. Like Black and White but where the Black and Grey shades are replaced with blue and different shades of blue or red and different shades of red. So like blue and white OR red and white images...?
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Jan 31, 2013
I'm working on something where I had the text conform to a curve. Now I would like to make the curve path in visible, and I was able to search for instructions on how to do that except that I'm finding them mystifying. I read "you can select a single item inside a group with Ctrl click," but when I go to the group in the layers gallery, the text and curve are treated as one item, and I see no way to separate the two.
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Sep 11, 2013
Working in AutoCAD™ 2012... Is there a way to "erase" an entity, line, etc. by selecting it and having it immediately disappear? I work in 3D/DXB files a lot and it really useful when working with an audience either for on-screen seminars or over-the-shoulder.
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Feb 27, 2012
I could not click on the Perspective Box when I used the Crop tool. What do I need to do?
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Jan 28, 2012
Any method to transform all the pixel of a colour similar to X(in RGB values) to X ?
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Jun 24, 2011
I am working on a website that has existing template images. One of these in particular has a predominate blue background colour, specifically #0a2a35 (195 81 21 [HSV], 10 42 53 [RGB], 81 21 0 79 [CMYK]). I want to transform this colour to an orange colour, #be5d27 (21 79 75 [HSV], 190 93 39 [RGB], 0 51 79 25 [CMYK]). At the same time, I want to change the lighter and darker blue accent colours of the image to become variations of the orange colour.
I have tried several things already, and one method that almost worked for me was using the "Colorize" tool to match the HSV values of the blue colour to orange colour. It almost works except the RGB values don't quite match up.
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Jun 26, 2012
I'm trying to erase all of a single colour from an image. I use the colour range select to choose the colour (orange) however when I erase, it seems to erase an underlay underneath colours (esp yellow) in unselected areas.
How can I stop this?
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Aug 24, 2012
I don't have any particular speed issue with illustrator CS6 in general. However there is a massive speed problem when I'm trying to select on object on the artboard with a single click.
When selecting a object by creating a "rectangle" over the object it works fine and normal speed. When clicking the object to select it, nothing happens for about 3/4 seconds, then the loading little rainbow circle appears and loads for another 3/4 seconds...
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Apr 30, 2012
Let me start by describing my needs. I need to generate proofs for my shoots. I'd like to export images with different aspect ratios for target devices, ie iPad, Android phone, 16:9 TV, etc. What would be really great is if I can select a named "crop setting" in the export window and generate JPGs based on the chosen setting. I've searched all over the place, all seem to talk about presets, virtual copies, etc, which really doesn't address what I want.
Fundamentally I'd like to be able to save a handful of crop settings (unique crops but with common names) for each image. I will create the crops manually as I have to pick the position and size for each carefully. For example, on a 4000x6000 image I have these crop settings (for a fairly small area of the image):
1. iPad [settings: top-left coordinate (500,500), ratio 4:3, width2000]
2. Android [settings: top-left coordinate (500,400), ratio 8:5, width 2400]
3. HDTV [settings: top-left coordinate(500,450), ratio 16:9, width 2200]
As you can see each crop is different becasue I want to be precise about how the cropped outputs look. Then at export time, I want to be able to multi-select a bunch of images and pick say "iPad" crop setting to create the JPGs in a batch.
Is there a custom plugin outside of Lightroom that can handle this?
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