3ds Max :: Prevent It From Making Bezier Corner Vertex Types?
Aug 21, 2013
seems whenever i create a rectangle convert to spline, refine a spline by adding a vertex, or weld two nearby verticies together, mas ALWAYS makes it a bezier corner. anyway to globally make max assume everything should be linear? or at least let me specify the exception of being smooth/bezier etc...
Max Design 2014, Boxx Xtreme, Box RenderPRO, Win7Pro, K4000
I have a program that makes 3d polylines from various data. That 3d pline then gets added to a civil 3d surface as a breakline. I want to modify the pline with my program, but preserve the handle, as I think that is what C3D uses to decide if its part of the surface. I tried this as a sample with no luck:
[Code] .....
I know you can modify a vertex, but what about add and delete with entmake and entmod? I also considered using activex for this task, but you can only add verticies from what I could tell in the object browser of VBA, not delete them.
What I will be doing is deleting all the verticies and adding back the correct ones. Or if there was a way to transfer a handle to a new entity after deleting the old, that would suffice too.
I am trying to import thousands of pictures into Lightroom as I have a mess of pictures do to a long story...But basically I have probably 30,000 pictures in a bunch of folders that I want to import.
One issue I have found is that I don't want to import TIFF, BMP, GIF, or things like PNG. I really only want jpg files or jpeg files unless I stumble across others in another format I haven't found yet.
Can I set something during the import? I have searched the forums and internet, but haven't found anything that mentions this.
How to clean up a mess like this where I have 30,000 pictures but probably only need 10,000 as there are duplicates upon duplicates due to having to move the pictures around in a hurry as I had a mess in my basement during a storm a couple years ago.
I have a banner heading that is more or less outlined text. I want to give all the corners a rounded corner and at the moment would just do it all by hand, one at a time. So I want to go from a to b:
But I would like to find an easy way to make all corners the same diameter regardless of the angle too.
I draw square. The 1st point and last points are left-top and finally set 5 points.The direction is clock-wise and made closed path.To get smooth-curved polygon shape, I used API 'PointsToCurves'.But, the first and last points are connected by cornered (not smooth) point. Here's result.
Maybe, I must set that square is closed path, to API, but it seems to be no parameter to set.So, I want to know how to get smooth corner shape every corner.I use SDK CS5.
How do you get bezier curves in PhotoShop CS6 to act the way they used to in CS5.5? In 5.5 i would be able to move/adjust the path with the direct select tool and the control arms would stay at the angle they were created at. In CS6, depending on where you direct selected the path, would depend on how the path could be/would be adjusted. And the control arms have become more fluid, rather than static. They do not keep the angle they were created.
i'm trying to get bezier curves on SHAPES (Spheres, Cubes) in Photoshop CS...so i can reshape them...NOW i'm talking curves that are like contour lines ON the SHAPE... example...
if you create an ELLIPSE from the ELLIPSE tool...you do SOMETHING to it (which i cant seem to remember) and you see LINES going up and down and left and right on it....and u can just freehand transform it.
controlling a bitmap's tiling amount with a Bezier Float node in the slate material editor.
If I link a bezier float controller to the tile size of a normal bitmap (non real-world scale) it works as expected, i.e. if I set it to 4, then the bitmap tiles 4 times.
However if I link the float controller to a bitmap set to real-world scale, then it seems to work in reverse. i.e. if I set the float controller to 5, then the UV size appears as 0.005m, and if I set the bezier float controller to 0.005, then the UV scale size is set to 5.0m.
It seams as though in the second example MAX is taking the bezier float value, using it as a tile amount, then just for display purposes it converts it to a real-world size. I can work with it now that I know what it is doing, but it is a little unintuitive.
I've read on the internet that to make a Bézier curve, you are supposed to right click, i believe? It says to press the right mouse button. When I right click, however, it just makes another cubic spline line of secondary color.
I have created a test bezier curve in Adobe Photoshop, saved it as a .ai file for import into Maya, and imported the curve successfully. However when I try to revolve it to create a sculpture, it revolves around a pivot point which is in the middle of the scene. Is this error because of the .ai file format? I don't have Illustrator as such, just using a .ai export from PSD so I can use PSD which I know better - to get the curve in the first place. Is there a way to look at the curve in an editor of some sort and precicesly locate the pivor point, reset it etc? The file is also not yet in a default project, as I'm just testing first. I am a rank beginner, having used Maya for 4 months, 8 years ago, and now need to learn the program for work.
Additional notes: I did get the revolve to work by manually moving the pivot point but it wasn't very precise, and I'd like to know how to do this ahead of time as I have to make quite a lot of these...
I'm work ing illustrator CS6. My bezier curves are displaying jaggedly. My document raster settings are set to 300. Pixel preview is not on, and overprint preview doesn't change it.
This image is a screenshot of how it displays in illustrator. and here is the same file with a gray background as a high quality PDF.
I've created a bezier shape by setting pen to shape mode, set no fill, set stroke and stroke color. as descibed by posteer "Conroy" in a different thread.
I succedded in following an existing line (in a psd document) making one wavey line much heavier by using a bezier shape that fit it using the above settings.
Now I want to copy and move that shape over another faint line to make it much more visible in the same way.
In the inlined image the heavy wavy line on viewers right is the bezier shape made as described. I want to copy it and paste it over the other wavy line on the viewers left... you can see how faint it is.... I could think of no better way to make them heavier and more visible.
I'm not finding a handy way to copy paste the heavy shape/line. How can that be done.
Is there a better way to do this from the start... that is, make the faint lines in psd document heavier and more visible.
Using [PS6], how can I make the line left by the pen tool heavier?
I've been pounding away with google and PS6 manual... but must be using off the wall search stings or something because I'm getting piles of info about bezier curves and using the pen tool but no mentions of making the damn line at least visible.
Even on High desktop sizes that darn line, if anywhere near any other border or line, is nearly invisible.
I'd like a line several pixels wide... but not seeing how that is done.
Using Photoshop CC 14.1.2 I notice that I no longer see the vector control handle when I close a path. I hope this is a bug, and not an intended UI change. Visualizing the control wing is an important feature for accuracy etc.
While on the subject of lost functionality, in earlier PS versions when a fill layer was created, the alpha mask was active by default. This allowed for immediate alteration of the mask. Now the default is to have the fill active, which makes less sense as the fill is mostly intended to not be edited directly. Sounds like a quible, but in a fast production setting, this adds an unnecessary step, which did not exist in an earlier iteration.
Also, many generations ago, (in a distant century) there was a "turn off path" button -which could be given a keyboard shortcut via actions. Could never understand why this disappeared. Now, turning off a pth requires that the pen tool be selected & hit ESC or to click into a blank area in the path pallette -which may not exist when many paths have been created. I see there is now a keyboard shortcut for this, but it is buried in the key commands list. So much easier to have that little button (and custom key option) Again, is a busy prodcution workflow, this is a speedbump.
I've recently made the switch from CS5.5 extended to CS6 extended and am running into a minor quirk which is disrupting my workflow.
In CS5.5, I was able to create a bezier curve using two anchors with handles, and then adjust the length of the handles of both points simultaneously by dragging the path between the points. This would maintain the position of both anchors and also the angles of both sets of handles. In CS6, if I try to do this, the handles change direction, and if I'm too close to one of the points, doing this actually causes the point to move around.
I have attached two screen captures to visually communicate my issue in case my text description is unclear.Is there any way to return photoshop to the CS5.5 behavior?
I use the bezier tool A LOT to create objects... and I've noticed that when I'm going from a curved line in an object to a straight line to complete the last line of the curve, I'll often lose that last node (it'll just disappear).
What I end up needing to do is place a node between the last node and the first (completion node) to allow that straight line to work properly... then I just go back and delete the unneeded node after the object has been closed.
I just started using CorelDraw X5 (previously used version 10 or 12) and I can't find the Bezier tool. When I watch tutorials it looks like it should be under my curve tools, but it definitely isn't. Do I have a setting turned off or something... or is this a glitch?
Any way of selecting an individual bezier handle and moving it by increments using the arrow buttons on the keyboard, (in a similar way to moving an individual point)? At the moment, I have two handles on different adjacent points selected, and am able to move them incrementally using the direct selection tool and the arrow keys, but I don't know how they originally came to be selected (I discovered that they were accidentally), or how to transfer the selection to another handle. I'm using CS6.
I'm using CS5 on a PC. I should preface this by saying it's been a long time since I used a vector graphics program, and when I did, it was Macromedia Freehand.
I am creating an object using the pen tool, and I'd like to adjust the curves on either side of an anchor point independently of one another. There was a function to do this in Freehand, but I can't seem to find it's Illustrator equivalent.
in C4D i can move the bezier to make the animation softer but in maya i can only move the point i click, try do middle mouse the bezier to move and i cant i know.
I've been wondering, is there some trick to starting 2 Bezier lines at the same start- and end-points? Or do I have to eyeball it? Can I reactivate an old, previously selected line after something else has been selected? Is it possible to keep several lines selected in separate layers apart from each other?
I would like to extend the bezier handle at it's current angle. Till now, I have been using a guide at the angle and following it when plotting the next curve (as above). I know you can use shift to lock it at a 90 degree, 45 degree angle, etc., but I would like tot keep it at its current angle. Is there a keyboard shortcut for this?
My after effects is not showing the full bezier curve. The star is supposed to bounce from upper left to upper right.The curve is cropped. How to adjust this?
I created a closed object that had a Bezier curve as part of it's definition. I wanted to scale it by 110% and then use this second enlarged object to create a sort of a background underneath the first object to create a sort of a shadow effect. But rather than the second object being uniformly larger than the first it intersects the original object in ways that don't make sense to me.
Is there an easier/differnt way to create an effect like this? I can do it but have to manually adjust a lot of points in the new object so that they create a uniformly larger version of the original object but it's a lot of effort for something that works fine for normal polygons with straight lines (e.g. a star with 5 points).
i've attached an image of what I get with this technique of creating two examples of two objects one a 110% scale version of the other. The first star shows the effect I'm trying to get and the second shows the problem (the red border does not surround the black object uniformly around the perimeter)
I started with a plane and then was connecting vertices to expand the plane. All the new vertices show more than one normal comming off it. I have checked and their is only 1 vertex at each of the points that are sprouting like 3 normal lines per vertex now.Unify normals removed them but still wondering.