3ds Max :: Unable To Show / Select Vertices?
Jan 4, 2012I opened my max file today to continue workin but it seems that I am unable to edit or select the vetices in my poly as shown in the picture.
View 3 RepliesI opened my max file today to continue workin but it seems that I am unable to edit or select the vetices in my poly as shown in the picture.
View 3 RepliesI think I triggered some sort of feature because I am now unable to select specific vertices that I wish to select (although I do appear to be able to select polygons at will when using Polygon).
I am attaching the .max file. I do not have the space bar lock active so I know for sure that's not the cause.
I want to clarify that I am able to select some of the vertices in the model but for some reason some vertices are not selectable (notably a cluster in the vicinity of the cheek pouch area [the part of the face that is bulging outwards])
What I want to do is change multiple splines from "Show Control Vertices" to "Show Fit Points"
The problem is I have over 500 to do, and I cannot select each one individually and do it. It would do my head in.
Is there any way to change multiple splines all at once?
What I'd like to know is whether Maya can do accuracy.
For instance: Is it possible for me to select two edges or vertices and type in an exact distance that I would like to have between them.
Very fine accuracy is not required.
I want to just bend the legs on a deer so I put some bones in, and added a skin modifier. I am having trouble with some vertices being affected above the leg joint. I can't seem to select them to change the weights. I have checked off "select Vertices" on the top area of the modifiy panel. I've posted an image below where you can see my problem of the bottom of the belly being affected by the leg.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am working in meters.
I can not seem to select vertices that are "farther" from the camera.
If I scale the object down - I can start selecting multiple verts again.
I've read all I could on snaps, video tutorials, changed every setting.
the only time anything snaps is when I'm creating an object in which case I get a box and the object snaps to other objects, bounding boxes end points, etc.. (useless stuff) but it doesn't work at all otherwise, it does absolutely NOTHING while selecting an object or edible poly/mesh object vertices, etc..
I've seen videos of people just dragging the axis to another vertex and that vertex automatically aligning to it... why the heck can't that work for me? I don't even get a line, nothing that looks like any tutorials out there. Everything behaves the exact same way as without snaps. you can't even tell the difference moving things around except there is a little circle at the center of the gizmo. I even checked every box in the snaps settings. It makes me want to throw the computer out the window that it takes 3 hours and still nothing works.
Ultimately I just want to select a grid of vertices and align them in a planar xy axis at the same z value as a single of my choice... why is this so impossible?
I'm on page 89 of online tutorial of making the character helmet, and when I try to select and move the pair of vertices at the base of the helmet, they become bright yellow, and all surrounding vertices become a gradually darkening shade of orange. What happens is, it moves all of the vertices around the ones I selected. In the image on the tutorial, only the selected vertices move. What should I do?
I've included a screenshot of the online tutorial, and I've also included screenshots of my own project, to better illustrate the problem I'm having.
I can't use fillet on some vertices? For example go to create panel and choose shape then draw a rectangle , choose fillet and try to fillet the last vertex (number 4). it doesn't work!.
View 4 Replies View Relatedhow to show arrows (solid or stick) between vertices in Profile views. It seems other design packages can do it so I hope C3D can as well, however I can not find anything detailing if it can be done or how. I attach and example so you can see what I mean. Arrows show sections of differing flow/pipe size & grage for each pipe.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI was trying to play around with the software to get to know it, and... well, I think I made something weird in it. Everything was flowing nicely when I was following the tutorial about Editing Objects: I created a box, I selected that edit poly option from the modify tab and I could edit vertices totally nicely.
But then, I really don't know what happened, but, I don't know exactly when, I suddenly could not move the vertices AT ALL. They are pretty visible, but when I select them, they turn red and the axis are not editable! I'm so confused! I can edit the axis very normally if I'm using an option like Select and Move but... With the edit poly thing I just cannot! I tried everything I thought of: Made a new box, restarted the program, restarted the PC! But NOTHING worked.
EDIT: It took me almost an hour to figure out I wasn’t selecting the Select and Move tool!
I've managed to pixelate an image down to 128x128 pixels and have the amount of colours to 64.
However, I'm trying to get it that when I select a coloured pixel that all the other pixels of that colour are highlighted.
The magic wand seems to be the sort of tool I need but it highlights all colours/pixels that are similar; I want all pixels that have the exact RGB as the pixel selected.
When i select a shape layer there is a white border to show its been selected. Is there a way to turn off this feature. I don't remember it present in previous PS versions.
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Can i set up a Smart Collection to do this?
on an athletic field we are trying to show only the movements of 1 player...is it possible to "delete all of the other players movements and just show one player and then overlay that video on the empty field?? I believe it is possible because shows like Sportscenter achieve this type of stuff but am not sure which tool is used and where to start...
View 3 Replies View RelatedThis happens to me on a semi-regular basis. I go to select a piece of geometry and I am unable to select anything. The only way I can "fix" it for a few moments is to CTRL-A (select all) then select the piece I want. On a bad day, this will happen about 30% of the time.
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We have a drawing with multiple layouts and active viewports in them. For some reason we are unable to select some of the viewports so that we can resize them. we can see them we just can not select them. I do not see any settings that would affect this.
I checked to make sure the layers are all on and thawed - i am not able to see if the viewport is locked since I can not select it .
For some strange reason i'm suddenly unable to select more than one entity just by clicking with my mouse.
for eg if i select a line and try to select a second one ,the first automatically is deselected.
i'm only able to select multiple entities using the" cross windowing" or 'fulyl windowing' an entity.
this is only a recent occurence and i suspect i may have inadvertently pressed some key.
I am having a similar problema than Kari's except that in my drawing there are no Filters defined (it only says "All used layers" and that's it). I am using AutoCAD 2010.
The problem is that I can't select the viewport with the mouse cursor. I have to say though, that I can select them with QSelect.
Also different is the fact that I can see the border of the viewport, which is in the Defpoints layer, which is not frozen or turned off. In fact, none of the layers are frozen or turned off. It's only that I can't select it with the cursor. I can selct everything else in paper and model spaces
Illustrator CS4, latest updates.MORE than often, slices on my design can't be selected.I tried everything, from sending all others to the background or deleting them, resaving them, cute-paste, moving them to another layer, hide-show, lock-unlock…
You can see them on wireframe view, but they won't preview, nor are selectable other than drawing a square over them with the slice select tool, but after you have them selected, you can't move them with the pointer, since they get de-selected.
While the are selected with the above technique, just nudge them and move them back to its place. e.g. click the "up" arrow once and them "down" once while the slices are selected and the slice-select tool is active.
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