3ds Max :: No UNDO When Working With Body Objects?
Dec 14, 2012
I am working with some CAD imported meshes at the moment and accidentally deleted some faces. I have noticed this before but is it me or there's no UNDO function when working with "Body" objects? What happens if I do a mistake? Load the last saved files?
I don't have experience with graphics so this is hard thing for me. I want to know how to undo the operation of blurring some objects (faces .etc) or whole picture made by brushing those objects that should be covered. I mean, i want to hide someones' face or other shapes, and i use for example "Ellipse" tool and create ellipse filled with black color. I use this ellipse to cover prefered shape on picture. After that i save the picture, then close it. When open again i can't undo this operation with "undo" button. And that's my question - which tool can undo such cover/blurring operations on images that are made long ago or aren't work of mine?
I've got a head and a body mesh.I selected both of them at the same time, and applied the skin modifier.
And then put in a lot of work skinning the body.I'd like to be able to replace the low poly head with a higher poly head from Mudbox, that has blendshapes (that I could hopefully use as morphs by moving sliders).
I needed to select both the body and head so that one skin was applied to both so that they would deform properly.
1. How can I replace the low-poly head with the hi-poly head (FBX from Mudbox).
The weighting on the head can be done again, but I can't loose all the weighting work on the body.
2. Any issues with getting the blendhshape morphs from Mudbox to work on the head?
I rely heavily on the ctrl+z function to undo steps of my work quickly, but it's not working in Illustrator cs6. It says I'm using the correct shortcut, but no matter what I do I can't get it to work.
I'm currently using Civil 3D 2012, and all of a sudden CTRL+Z has stopped working as UNDO. It does nothing. I've found this issue in lots of other outdated forum posts, but none seem to relate to Civil 3D 2012. I went into CUI to see if the shortcut was somehow changed, but the UNDO command still points to CTRL+Z as its shortcut.
Working in Illustrator CC (latest version) and my undo key command is going back in time and undoing stuff I did earlier in the file. I'm on a Windows 7 machine.
After making three consecutive brush strokes in my image:Click on Undo once, History list backs up one step, but last stroke remains on screen. Press Undo again (Redo) and History list returns to last position, last stroke is still on screen. Click Undo again, History list backs up one step, but now brush stroke disappears as it should.
Or, after clicking Undo the first time, the brush stroke will disappear if I apply another stroke or enter a command, e.g. add new layer.
After making three consecutive brush strokes: Use Backwards command, the History list backs up one step, but brush stroke remains on screen. Use Backwards command a second time, History list backs up another step, the last two brush strokes disappear from screen. Use Backwards a third time, History list backs up another step (now 3 steps total), and the first brush stroke disappears as it should.
These commands work fine when creating three consecutive layers, then undoing or moving backwards.
I am using CS 5.1 for Mac running OS Lion 10.7.4. This problem occurs using either a trackball, Wacom Intuos4 tablet or keyboard shortcuts. Can this be a screen-draw bug in the brush tool?
I had been working on an edit for way too long and of course i didnt save it the entire time because im terrible i guess, I wanted to see what the deal with Lens Flare was so i went Filter>Render>Lens Flare to check it out. I hated it and immediately removed the flare with no problems.
Then I was going to go back to Lens Flare to see if i could adjust it into something sort of decent but i accidentally went Filter>Render>Lighting Effects and it locked my Photoshop up (yes my computer sucks). I then started to panic because of the extensive amount of time i put into this edit without saving it.
I opened Photoshop and it loaded up the recovered file i was working on. Unfortunately it has the terrible lens flare from my first attempt attached to it and im not able to undo or anything. Is there anything i can do to get rid of the lens flare?
im a noob at photoshop, i just started a few days ago. (use it to texture for 3d stuff) and im getting a few problems with it.
the main problem is that none of the command keys are working (stuff like Ctrl + Z for back and Ctrl + Y for redo) also some other commands are not working. Does anyone know whats going on?
I think it'd be so cool to be able to replay your entire undo history of a picture, so you can see and show others how you proceeded on a picture you made. That way, it's never necessary to capture screen video for like 10 hours and stuff..
So first you'd need to add an option to save the undo history (so that you always keep the history from when you started). Then you'd need an option to playback the undo history.
I have a problem understanding how undo marks are added to the undo stack.In the code below a fan of lines are draw in a random location.If you run MTest a few times, the AutoCAD Undo command will remove the fans one at a time.
If you run MMulti to draw 10 fans, the AutoCAD Undo command will remove all the fans in a single step.I want to be able to remove the fans one at a time.I thought that a StartTransaction / Commit pair would act as markers for the undo stack, but this isn't working.
Tested on AutoCAD 2010 VS 2008 <CommandMethod("MMult")> _ Sub testmult() Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To 10 Call testdraw() Next End Sub [code]....
ACA 2011 on Windows 7 64 bit.Walls, dors, windows, etc. stop working. (command starts, but does not run) The only way to get it back working is to do a install repair, which requires the original CD ROM. and screws up my settings.
I have noticed this working on the file that uses a project from an earlier version of ACA.How can I prevent this from happening.
I'm working with objects big from 10 to 100 centimeters. When i use ctrl+alt+mmb to zoom, or the magnifying glass, it's too sensitive and hard to zoom in/out. How to solve this?
so I'm working on a pretty complex image with alot of composites - models on a new backgrounds, new heads, arms, etc. I had to scale these elements down to fit the image and I used smart object b/c i had to go back and forth and get placement approval before moving on to the retouching. I still have to adjust the mask edges in the smart object PSB's but it is really annoying to go back and forth from the composite image to the PSB with layer mask. Is there a way to rasterize the PSB into the final image with the layer mask so I can better blend it? I tried dragging the PSB with layer mask over but of course it is too big (because i scaled the PSB down).
My autocad crashes when I'm working with many similar objects. As the roof shingles. Even when creating a block with all objects, when passing the cursor over the block cause the system to crash (its even worst this way). It seems that the program attempts to process each tile individually (further these tiles are rounded).I've been working with large roofs, such as 9mx4m.
I just started having an issues with the delete feature. When I click on an object and it highlights it--when i hit the delete button, it doesn't delete the object any more. Also i should be able to click on as many object as i want, now it makes me hold the shift key down. And also when I click on an object then pull the layers tab down to assign it to a diffent layer ---it won't change it now.. what do you think is going on with the software and who might I contact to get this problem corrected.
Align Objects feature is not working in trial version of Illustrator CC. Brand new MacBook Pro, have tried rebooting etc. Is this a software bug or a limitation of trial version?
Can not click on multiple objects or lines for erase,trim or extend commands. Is there a mode that I have turned on by accident , driver warning also comes up in trim offset command.
In my CorelDraw X6 64bit (v16.3.0.1114) the Hue/Saturation/Lightness adjustment effect is not working on vector fills, but its fine on bitmaps in CorelDraw X6 and Photo Paint X6 as well.
It's not effective even after trying F8 reset.
Is there any solution to get its functionality back for vector fills also?
CDGS X6 64bit - v16.3.0.1114Environment: MS Windows 8 Pro 64-bit OSHardware: Intel DG45ID, Core2 Quad CPU Q8300 @2.5 GHz, Memory DDR2 8GB
I've made the switch from Photoshop v7 to Photoshop CS2 (yay), but theres this one very annoying little nuisance! In v7, i could try some things out and experiment with things, and if i was unsatisfied with the results, i would just pres Ctrl+Z a couple dozen times, and voila! Back to where I would experiment some more. However, in CS2, i can't find out how to set so that i can UNDO more than once. It just toggles between UNDO and REDO. Its just a minor annoyance, but it really bugs me. Is there a way to undo more than once (or a whole lot ) by pressing Ctrl+Z or another keyboard shortcut, or am i stuck to using the history window?
Shortcut key ctrl+z not working after X4 has been running for awhile? It still works at EDIT/UNDO. If I restart the progarm the shortcut key works for a bit then back to using the EDIT/UNDO command.
I have photoshop CS, I can't undo more then one action!! Is there a way to Undo more then one step? All it's doing for me now is Undo, Redo, Undo, Redo... im usd to bein gable to just hit undo undo undo and say for example undo three lines I had drawn... How do I have multple undos?
In CS that I've just installed (yes, new to PS the ctrl-z only undo's 1 step backwards, what can I do to enable it to undo multiple times? Coming from PSP, you could undo for hundreds of steps....