3ds Max Modeling :: How To Create Ground Floor Of Multistorey Building
Dec 22, 2007
In this part of tutorial series on modeling "Architectural Multistorey Building" the author is going to show you how to create the ground floor of the multistorey building using AutoCAD floor plan and elevation as the background reference image. Follow the step by step instructions for more details:
Architectural Multistorey Building Tutorial – Part one – Ground Floor
How to solve this problem of 'Flattening a large 3d model (hospital ground floor) to a 2d floor plan drawing'. The 3d model was made in Rhino and I saved it as a .dwg file because Rhino kept crashing with the command 'make 2d' (file too large maybe :/).
I don't know AutoCAD 3d so now, I'm trying to just change the line layers and eventually plot it all, but sometimes when I save the progress.... AutoCAD will delete sections of my work sometimes :/
I am trying to figure out how to see the first floor in a five floor building. This model is a 3D Cad file imported into Revit. I need to look inside the building and place equipment on the first floor.
I'm trying to separate my ground floor slab into two different slabs each with a different stratigraphy of layers. How can I do this? I've edited the footprint so that it looks like there are two distinct floor boundaries but when I go to select the floor in order to edit the type, the entire floor, or both "pieces" get selected and I can't seem to just edit one piece...
I have an existing ground surface with all different z co-ords and im trying to add three proposed buildings to my exisiting ground with all the builidngs having a level of 32.5 as a minimum, however at some points the ground is higher than 32.5 and I only want to raise my existing ground to 32.5 within the proposed buidling layout if it is below 32.5 as im doing a flood calculation. What do i need to for this?
I have an autocad drawing that has a building floor plan.
I need to "rotate the building 90 degrees" or "rotate the USC 90 degrees" in order to line the building up to TRUE project north (architect has a Revit model oriented to true north that I need to match when we combine our files in Navisworks)
I have tried DVIEW > Twist.. which I thought was it, it rotated my drawing, but the USC rotated with it. I tried the USCFOLLOW with no luck.
Also tried going into UNITS > DIRECTION and tried VP with no luck.
I understand that I can just select the entire floor plan and manually rotate it BUT, the building is not easy "shape" to work with, so it is next to impossible finding the "center" of my drawing to rotate it (I need this to be brough into Navisworks WITHOUT rotating the file again)
You would think this would be very simple to do and take 30 seconds. I have googled everything with no luck. I just need to change my True north
- doing this in modelspace - needs to be align with a Revit model already oreinted to true north - just need to rotate the drawing OR UCS 90 degrees, but can't find the "center" of the drawing
How do I show high level walkways and balconies (in dashed outline) on the ground floor plan in a high volume space?
Obviously I can turn the first floor RCP on in the view and manually draw the information, but I assume these lines won't move if the walkways above move (or am I wrong?). Also this seems slightly wrong given the amount of automation available.
Im trying to use walkthrough while modeling the inside of a building. I used to just click and hold down on "pan view" until walkthrough would come up. Now It doesnt, I went into customize user interface and assigned the walkthrough a different hot key and moved it into the top bar right beside where "Mirror" is and it still wouldnt work even if I clicked on it. I tried up arrow as well and im not sure hwo to get it to work.
i did a 3d max building, and its all in different layers..ie.wall, floor, windows, doors etc. it is quite detailed. so there are currently 119 meshes! how do i make it so the whole building is just one solid building, without all those meshes?
I was pretty much expecting to see a Ground Plane object in the scene explorer, but no such beast exists. My spirits were briefly lifted by finding a Ground Plane section in the Environments palette, but that does not allow you to attach texture maps to the ground plane, only a solid color.
If such a thing doesn't exist (for shame, Adobe), any quickest way to create a textured, infinite ground plane (imagine, for example, a tiled floor or a wooden floor that extends all the way off into the horizon)?
i want to know if there is a way possible to write text in damaged building effect.
i dont have any pictures but i can explain for example if we write E, the top bar is damaged from the end and the middle one has broken windows or something like that
I'm trying to create a custom floor tile but having issues doing it. 1st I create a generic 12' create floor, then use that floor to create a subfloor to try to create a tiled floor that is offset 1/4" from the initial floor. I select the floor, click edit material, select ceramic tile,.. get to the graphics property, select surface pattern and select 12" tile, click done, then OK but ... nothing happens.
I would also like to customize a pattern. I would like to create a patter that uses a 12"X12" tile with (2) 5 7/8"X5 7/8" tiles.
I tried to use the *.PAT technique but finding it difficult to do what I want so I found the hatch22 but still find that rather difficult.
I have been sent a client's construction drawing for a care home where i need to design the sprinkler installation. The majority of the rooms have got the same head positions within them, but they have all got a slightly different angle as the building is shaped like a banana. Unfortunately its not a uniform radius that i can tell as the one side is larger than the other.
So my question is this. Normally, on a square building, I drop in construction lines along the bedrooms so that i know my sprinkler heads are all the same distance off a wall, and I only need to line up one side. However, with this building being a curve, and the wall angle being slightly different on each room, how do I place an angled construction line or polyline to act as my set out line for my heads.
I need to create a sloped roof. I want to base this roof upon a beam system created using a sloped work plane rather than offset from a level. I now understand that (for some reason) Revit will not create floors or roofs using work planes, but only on levels, and I know that I can create a flat roof on a level and apply slope arrows and adjust the offset height, etc. etc. but that is very imprecise (lots of micro adjustments) and a lot of steps.
Isn't there any way to create a floor or roof using a work plane as the level?
The attached image shows a roof I created "by face" from a box mass element I set on the plane - unfortunately now I cannot edit the outline to get it to fint my non-rectangular roof.
I ran into a problem when trying to create a new floor slab for a basement project.
Rivet stops working and shuts down after I try and load "sand" into the material column. The same thing happens when I tried to load "gravel". Interestingly enough, "Earth" can be loaded with no problems.
I have linked a file that is far away from the window (cropped or not) and I am having issues with trying to locate it on my view how can I relocate it to where my work is?
I have 5 plans in a single autocad file. I recently saw a layout option that fixes the view and the areas that you want to print. I want to do like this.
1 layout I want to create is of an A1 size sheet on which these 4 floor plans are placed in a square fashion, i.e. each plan on one vertice of a square. I want to set the printer output option as a postscript level 2 file in another layout I want to put the site plan on an A1 sheet. Here I also want a postcript level 2 file.
However in my original drawing, these plans are placed next to each other in a linear fashion. Is this possible?
I have some problems with this drawing. I have some parcels and buildings, and a number for each of them. I attached data to parcel and building number, and I want to create topology and then to create thematic queries, based on any data attached to the numbers. And I don't know how to do that, and how can I use thematic query to show me the specific parcels based on the data I want if the table is attached to the parcel number and not on polylines. Same thing on buildings...
For example: I want to make some thematic maps based on tax value, street where the parcel is located, area, or on buildings: how many levels they have, and more.
I uploaded a example file to be more specific, with data attached to numbers, without topology created (drawing cleanup is done).
I'd really like to create an animated shadow cast down on the ocean floor by the waves above. That nice ripply effect where the light peaks through the waves onto the sand below. I need it to animate too, I think that will be very hard.
I can't post links at the moment but a simple Google image search of "stingray ocean floor" should yield some nice examples. I can't actually find any tutorials similar enough to adapt for this purpose. (I'd like to have the light ripples as the transparent part, and the shadows varying shade of grey to black)
I know how to create a block and all that is fine, but looking for detailed simple lesson on how to create a Attribute. ( I guess thats what they are called). For instance, drawing a floor plan with different room names and etc, I know there is a way to make a circle or polygon, or square and then when it is inserted in the drawing, you just have to type the new name of the room, or the window symbol, or door number and etc.
By the way, I am using a student version of AutoCAD 2010. Also, if you could also add the keyboard shortcut alias's too would be a great deal.
I am trying to create a new document with new layers, but paste in an existing floor plan since it's the shell I need to be using. When I copy clip and insert into new file, all the layers import with it. I transferred everything onto 0 layers and went into my layer manager to try and delete the extra layers and it says i cannot delete o, xref dependent, etc. I want to create my own layers, and then assign the lines in the plan myself onto the new layers.
I have no background with AutoCAD 2013, but my boss has given me the software and tasked me with taking entire floor plans of an individual floor .dwg and create smaller areas of each floor into separate, new .dwg's (like several rooms together) that then could be converted into .pdf's for sharing and/or printing. I have tried to find a simple tutorial or explaination of how to do this, but AutoCAD is such an amazing and complex tool that I'm having trouble with the terminology even.
I was right-clicking on the 'Model' tab to create a 'New Layout', right-clicking that to get to 'Page Set-Up Manager' and 'Modifying that to select 11 x 17, Landscape, and 'Adobe PDF' in the Printer dialog box. When I worked in the new Layout window sometimes I could zoom in to a section of the floorplan and then go to 'A' button in the upper left corner and select 'Print' and sometimes the resulting .PDF file would be that smaller section, and sometimes it would still just be the whole floorplan.
I'm trying to create an all new existing surface over existing ground. I have a TIN surface of the EG, and I have drawn overlay splines that describe the new surface, but how to go about creating that design surface.
It is a compound surface, open on one end and closed all around on the other, somewhat like a half of a football stadium, but with an irregular upper edge because I am needing to figure out cuts and fills to manipulate the EG into this new surface without costly major terraforming. There is about 40-50' vertical elevation between the "field" and the upper rim with a generally constant 7-10 deg. slope all around. I'm just at a loss to figure out how to approach this project, and am quite new to Civil 3D.
Civil3D 2013 MacBookPro 17 - 2.4GHz Intel QuadCore i7 (Late 2011 build) Microsoft Windows 7 64bit 350GB Bootcamp volume
Is there anyway to create a gap in AEC extended wall in 3ds max. I know to create a gap while using doors and windows. But I wish to create a gap without any doors or windows. I do not want to use proboolean also, because I need the properties of Walls too.
Is there any modifier to create proboolean? Can we create a curved wall using AEC extended wall?
I was creating a gun on 3DS and everything was fine, I started with an horizontal Cylinder but since I wasn't happy with the final result I wanted to restart.
Now when I create that Cylinder again it's created vertically, not horizontally, probably I pressed something that I didn't want to, I want every object to be created in an horizontally way, how can I do that?
PS: I don't want to use any modifiers and/or mirrors, I just want every object to be created horizontally!
How to make this shape? I am using this lamp in a project for school. I have attempted to create this shape with many different methods. I tried a Gengon but that did not work and I tried piecing the lamp together with individual pieces but that looked cheap.
I want to create a animation like this with a very Engineering Drawing theme to it: URL....I have also attached two images (stills) from the animation.
The question is, how do I create the "construction" lines (i.e. the blue marker lines) that go beyond the models? Is this something I should consider doing in post?
My current approach is to use planes with textures of the "construction" lines and linked to 3D models. The lines would also look like marker pen/pencil lines.
An alternative could be to use lots of lines and make then render-able but then they would look too perfect and not pencil graphite or marker lines.