3ds Max :: Importing Large Models -Viewport Sluggish
Feb 20, 2013
I am trying to get a decent workflow to get 3D models created in PDMS into 3DS max for animation.
I have taken an RVM file into navisworks and exported as an FBX and i have the model inside max but the viewport is so sluggish its impossible to work with. My model has around 40,000 seperate objects so is there any way i can get 3ds to interperate this better and make it more managable?
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Sep 4, 2011
Currently working on a very large scene with many city sized buildings. The viewport ( DX9 ) seems to constantly flicker even with 2 seperate objects that are a considerable distance apart.
Is it simply a matter of not having floating point and im working in the thousands of inches ( system scale )? Is there any solution? Renders are fine but it's going to give me a seizure every time I rotate the viewport camera!
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Jan 8, 2012
i just upgraded to max 2012 and the default setup on mine is showing up very bright for some reason. like the ambient setting is at 50 but its set to solid black in both the material and the environment panel. i went through my normal routine of checking the exposure control and nothing.
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Feb 10, 2014
I have encountered problems with the viewport, randomly it has been impossible to click through wireframe models on the Viewport.
It treats everything like a shaded object even when set on wireframe. This means that if I have to get to a rug in the basement I have to go through the Roof, ceiling, bedroom floor, kitchen ceiling, kitchen cabinets, kitchen floor, basement ceiling before I can get to the rug. This has become annoying because if I wanted to select a few objects I cant even click and drag because it will click on the roof and move that. The only way I can click on something is if I go in to perspective and click on it directly, and when an object has multiple pieces to it it becomes a hastle.
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Jun 12, 2013
I'm using MaxDesign 2013 and 2014. Both have the same problem. When I work on something that is scaled for an architectural sized project with units set to Feet and the extents about 1000 Feet the display is difficult to work with. The objects, mostly simple boxes, are torn and missing faces. Intersections are sawtooth.
A few years ago I had the issue but I had mistakenly created a model that was miles wide instead of inches and Max had a hard time with it. Once I recreated it in the correct scale at about 10 inches all was well. But, Max is used a lot for architecture so a scale in feet that spans a few thousand feet should look good. The way it looks now there is no way to evaluate intersections, shadows and simple geometry relationships.
I can't seem to correct it. I went back to Direct3D from Nitrous and that didn't work. I've attached a view.
3ds Max Design (3D Studio thru Max 2014), ASUS P9X79 Motherboard,
Intel i7-3960x, Hydro H80 CPU Chiller, 32GB DDR3 Ram,
Quadro 4000 Display Adapter
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Jan 24, 2009
Has anyone been able to successfully import a collada Model containing textures into Photoshop CS4? I've been trying to open collada models from google's 3D warehouse, and when I open them, I don't see anything. It's clear that Photoshop creates a 3D layer, but you don't see anything by default.
When I play around with the imported layer, it's clear that some of the 3D information is there. If I set the render mode to box, wireframe, or any of the settings that don't deal with textures, I can actually see something a rudimentary version of the model.
I actually tested importing a collada model in CS3 Extended at work, and it imported fine, showing the textures and everything. When using CS4, I get the problem described above.
I've actually seen this issue both on Mac and PC versions of CS4.
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Jan 19, 2012
I am drawing in 3D in autocad 2012 and are getting solidworks models from the client. I also have solidworks 2011 installed on my machine and was trying to import the solidworks models into autocad as 3D solids.
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Apr 15, 2013
Is there any other way to import MDT 2005 models to Inventor 2013 with having MDT 2005 platform loaded.
If not, where might I find MDT 2005. I have looked everywhere and it seems to be non existant. It would be alot faster than rebuilding anew in inventor and engineers hate to redo something alredy done correctly.
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Sep 7, 2011
I am using xara xtreme 4, i always used it to import large A1 size pdf files to resize them with xara on A4 page. I am trying to import now a 50 mb pdf file, after asking me if i need to optimize for editing i click import, it shows that it is converting the document then it asks me if i need to merge or insert to a new page i click merge and finally nothing shows on my sheet, still empty!
is there a better way to resize that pdf file?
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Feb 3, 2014
I am trying to import a large wmv file (1hr 6min) into premiere pro cs6 so that I can blur some faces, it is a traffic stop, but the file will not import. I have done this before several times but the largest file was 16 min. Is this file too big to import? Because of legal reasons it cannot be edited in any way except to blur the faces. I was going to divide it into smaller files to import but was told it had to be intact.
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Sep 3, 2006
trying to make a DVD which will be of several large (>13GB) video files.
Is there a limit to how big you can import?
My first video file is 17GB and I want to be able to edit it and chop bits out...when I import it, I only seem to have 3mins of audio and a broken video image....
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May 17, 2012
A customer has sent me a .sat file that is 297MB. Inventor is grinding at it, but its taking a very long time to open. Part count is up to 4323 open documents and the "Importing SAT Bodies-54%".
This has been running for two hours and it seems like it is getting slower and slower. My concern here is that this machine will run out of memory before it completes. It has 8GB of installed ram.
Any tips on bringing these large files into Inventor? Would a different neutral format be any faster/better?
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Apr 5, 2011
I'm having size problems after importing and changing files. Look at this print screen, how this 2.73 mb Photo sizes up to more than 15 Mb without me doing anything?
I used to work with X3 but after updating to X5, this problem turned up.
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Oct 6, 2011
We are looking for a workflow example of developing casting models into machining models.
Typically our castings are made from different materials (Fig-1) and then machining (Fig-2) are created from these castings.
Is creating the casting as an iPart (with different materials) and then deriving the machining from the casting the proper method?
Doing it this way seems to force us into making a machining for each casting material instead of just one machining that is an iPart. How should this be set-up for BOM purposes and for use with Vault (Base Version)?
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May 19, 2012
during the evaluation of my PS CS6 trial I encountered the following problem. Painting on a layer mask is very, very sluggish once Photoshop CS6 has used up all RAM that has been assigned to it.When I am in 100% view and <shift><click> about 10 times in quick succession it takes almost a minute for photoshop to catch up, often the last clicks get lost and the next click draws a line without using <shift>.
I tried without improvement:
- Different brushes (hard, soft, down to 10px)
- Disable graphics processor
- Disable layer icons
The problem seems to be related to virtual memory handling. Does PS CS6 use virtual memory buffering? The Activity Monitor shows still free memory.In comparison and on the same system, Photoshop CS4 with default VM Buffering remains quite responsive although the RAM usage of PS CS4 (active + inactive) is much lower than in CS6.
Image data
25130 x 9250 px, 16bpc, 95 layers with masks, but 92 of them with non-transparent pixels in only a small area (177 x 236 px)
System data
Adobe Photoshop Version: 13.0 (13.0 20120315.r.428 2012/03/15:21:00:00) x64
Operating System: Mac OS 10.6.8
System architecture: Intel CPU Family:6, Model:44, Stepping:2 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, HyperThreading
Physical processor count: 6
Logical processor count: 12
Processor speed: 3330 MHz
Built-in memory: 12288 MB
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Dec 3, 2013
Over the last week or so I've noticed that X6-64 seems to be far slower and less responsive than it was at the beginning. I'm not sure if this is my computer or the program.
There seem to be many to be many instances where a tool seems to stop working and I can see the indicator (Windows moving circle) is showing something is going on. In previous versions, if PSP was writing to file a bar would appear at the bottom showing progress of whatever activity was taking place behind the scenes. This was reassuring as it told me that the program had not stopped dead. That indicator seems to be missing from X6.
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Jan 7, 2009
Just been trial testing CS4 with a keen view to buy. However - on my setup it feel sluggish. I notice the mouse pointer does not move smooothly and in pace with my mouse movements, making mask selections and cloning for example rather problematic.
CS2 work no problems. I am running on Windows Vista 32bit, with a 2.0gz dual core Pentium Dell XPS laptop, with 4GB RAM. A top spec graphic card with latest drivers too. Can't see why it should not perform equally as well as CS2. Anyone got any ideas, as I would really like to sue some of the new features in CS4.
Do I need to un-install CS2 first for example?
I noted also that some modules like MMX don't open properly when CS4 starts up.
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Jul 11, 2013
One of my co-workers has drawn a shoe (I work in the clothing-business) and is experience huge performance issues on that specific file. We've tried in both CS5.5 and CS6 with no difference.
When I try to rasterize the drawing, Illustrator stops responding. I've tried Simplifying and Cleaning up the paths, but with no lucks. It's not a particularely advanced file, but there seems to be a LOT of paths.
According to the "Document info"-window, there's 110,823 paths (67 open). On another drawing of a shoe (which has some similarities in looks etc.) there's only 86 paths (10 open).
How can I reduce the number of paths? And shouldn't I be able to see all 110,823 paths in the drawing?
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Jul 27, 2012
I'm cropping a few thousand pictures, and the crop tool is just sluggish.
Changing the crop or moving the picture behind the crop is jumpy, sometimes it needs seconds to change the display, which makes cropping pain to work.
Even after the picture is loaded and the lightroom rested some time, cropping is sluggish, which should not be, since the picture is fully in the memory and moving it around should be easy for the computer.
So how can I get the crop tool to move faster?
I'm using a Win7 Core i7-2600 with 16GB Ram, LR catalogue on Intel SSD, images on a fast SeaGate HDD, AMD Radeon HD 6800 grafics adapter, 30" (2560x1600) display. The files are NEF from a Nikon D800E, but the files from my D700 are slow, too.
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May 24, 2012
I own a copy of Photoshop CS6.Switching from Photoshop CS to CS6, I have found this version to be extremely slow and I can not find a reason why it is like this. It is impossible for me to work on it.
Problem: Slow performance, when using the brush tool there is a long delay - lag. The brush takes more than 8 seconds to catch up with my strokes.
Software:Adobe Photoshop CS6 x64OS:Windows 7 x64 SP1CPU:AMD Phenom II X4 965 BEGPU:Radeon 6790 OC @ 920MhzRAM:A-Data DDR3 1333Mhz CAS9 4GB (x2)SSD:A-Data 510 128GB SATA3HDD:Samsung SATA 1TB
- Memory usage allowed upgraded to 6GB, nothing changed.
- Default selected "Scratch Disk" is the main SSD which has over 58GB of free space, I've tried selecting the secondary HDD as well but nothing changes.
- Disabled the "Use Graphic Processor" square. nothing changed.
- Disabled the "Use open CL" square in advanced Graphic Processor Settings. Nothing changed.
- Changed power management settings in windows to "High Performance". nothing changed.
- Disabling tablet pc service doesn't work.
- Graphic drivers are the latest release on AMD website
- Windows is completely updated
- SSD Firmware is the latest available.
- The issue happens both with mouse and tablet.
- 1px brush and 5000px brush lag just alike in zoomed and not zoomed canvas.
- This happens on both x64 and x86 versions of the software.
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Aug 18, 2011
My company has upgraded to AutoCAD 2012 on VDE but CAD seems to be running a bit slow/sluggish. Is there any settings I should tweak in order to improve performance?
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Apr 26, 2012
Since last week (4-19-2012) Our users have been expierencing cursor issues and freezes with Civil 3d 2012. Entering commands in the command line very slugish, pressing the shift key to select / de-select, trim, open osnap menu, ext.
We are running Win7pro6d bit quad core machines with 6gb ram, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL), Intel Xeon ES640 (2.67 ghz). AutoCAD Civil 3D(SP2) and all hotfixes installed.
This problem just started one week ago and It started with the cursor jumping all over the place when crossing objects. However; we now have very sluggish command line entry, 2 - 3 seconds after typing till it shows up, and cursors freezing when pressing the shift key for any reason.
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Mar 10, 2013
I am looking to create a collage made from 100 photos (all taken high res) to be printed large, approx 120cm x 50cm. To be able to print this size I need to keep the high resolution and hence looking for a large file output.
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Jul 25, 2012
When I copy a viewport in a layout it does not create another viewport, only a poly line.....
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Mar 9, 2012
How do I change a polygonal viewport to a rectangular viewport?
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Jan 23, 2013
Problem: When I create a new viewport, another viewport's paperspace blanks out or disappears. When I copy a viewport over, the new VP doesn't show anything and you can't maximize/"enter" its paperspace; it's like a simple rectangle, but the properties box says it is indeed a viewport.
Ex. Viewport 1 shows the top view of an object, Viewport 2 shows the right side view... as soon as I add Viewport 3, the top view in VP 1 blacks out. I attempt to ReDraw, Regenerate, etc, but it doesn't re-appear. I've run Plot Preview to see if maybe it's just a fluke with the graphics card on my screen, but alas, even in plot preview the viewport is blanked out.
It almost seems like there is a limited number of viewports I can use.
Solution: Run the MaxActVP command and set the value to a number greater than the number of VPs you actually need. This particular file had that value set at 2; hence, why a new, third VP blanked out the first one.
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Sep 2, 2009
My cursor is very sluggish in AutoCAD 2010, works fine in 2009.
Is there a setting for the cursor speed or resolution that I'm missing?
My machine is Intel Core 2 Duo E6300, 1.86Ghz, with 3GB RAM,
Intel(R) 946GZ Express Chipset Family [Display adapter] on board video,
Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3, 32bit.
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Jul 12, 2012
I have a drawing with a viewport that fits to the page. And I created another smaller viewport over top that just shows the legend. Now when I try to double click inside the smaller viewport it always goes into the larger one. I have tried bringing the smaller one to the front but that didn't work. I know that I can clip the larger viewport around the smaller one or bring the legend right into paperspace or slid the smaller one off to the side work in it and slide it back. This is more out of curiosity of how to get into the smaller viewport.
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Jul 20, 2011
I am wanting to insert a second viewport over an existing viewport and have the information in the existing viewport behind the second viewport and not seen. I want the second viewport boundary to be the "trimming" edge of the existing viewport. How do I do this?
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Jul 1, 2011
I did a test drawing with 4 viewports in paperspace.I frozen a layer in each viewport (as a viewport override, not global), and wrote code to gather info on layer overrides in viewports.The function takes in a database, and is generally used on drawings only open in memory:
public static bool GetLayerInfoFromDB2(Database db) { //do viewports on layoutstry {using (Transaction tr = db. Transaction Manager. Start Transaction()) { ObjectId ldid = db.LayoutDictionaryId;DBDictionary ld = (DBDictionary)tr.GetObject(ldid,
the odd thing is it never finds the frozen viewports on the first viewport. It catches the others fine.I cannot see anything odd either, the counts of viewports and layers are all correct, and the drawing has no problems.Is there something that must be done to initialize the mechanism that reads viewport overrides?
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Jan 31, 2012
how do you create a viewport within an existing viewport ?
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