Lightroom :: How To Get Crop Tool To Work Faster (is Sluggish)
Jul 27, 2012
I'm cropping a few thousand pictures, and the crop tool is just sluggish.
Changing the crop or moving the picture behind the crop is jumpy, sometimes it needs seconds to change the display, which makes cropping pain to work.
Even after the picture is loaded and the lightroom rested some time, cropping is sluggish, which should not be, since the picture is fully in the memory and moving it around should be easy for the computer.
So how can I get the crop tool to move faster?
I'm using a Win7 Core i7-2600 with 16GB Ram, LR catalogue on Intel SSD, images on a fast SeaGate HDD, AMD Radeon HD 6800 grafics adapter, 30" (2560x1600) display. The files are NEF from a Nikon D800E, but the files from my D700 are slow, too.
As a pro, I crop all my photos.I normally use the forward arrow to move through each image, but with the crop tool the forward arrow doesn't work for advancing to the next frame.It only adjusts the crop.This is extremely frustrating for me as it slows down my workflow.
Is there a one key shortcut, within the Crop Tool -- that permits us to move forward from frame to frame?I wish the forward key worked for this within the crop tool!
Is there an easy answer or a way to format something in Lightroom -- so I can have a one-key method to advance frames within the Crop tool?
when I select the crop tool, my image disappears during the entire crop process. I can only see the image in the preview pane. Why is this happening? I am using the most current version of Lightroom, and I am on a PC.
I own a copy of Photoshop CS6.Switching from Photoshop CS to CS6, I have found this version to be extremely slow and I can not find a reason why it is like this. It is impossible for me to work on it.
Problem: Slow performance, when using the brush tool there is a long delay - lag. The brush takes more than 8 seconds to catch up with my strokes.
Tried: - Memory usage allowed upgraded to 6GB, nothing changed. - Default selected "Scratch Disk" is the main SSD which has over 58GB of free space, I've tried selecting the secondary HDD as well but nothing changes. - Disabled the "Use Graphic Processor" square. nothing changed. - Disabled the "Use open CL" square in advanced Graphic Processor Settings. Nothing changed. - Changed power management settings in windows to "High Performance". nothing changed. - Disabling tablet pc service doesn't work.
Notes: - Graphic drivers are the latest release on AMD website - Windows is completely updated - SSD Firmware is the latest available. - The issue happens both with mouse and tablet. - 1px brush and 5000px brush lag just alike in zoomed and not zoomed canvas. - This happens on both x64 and x86 versions of the software.
I need to explode ~2000 PolyFace meshes in a drawing.Manually I can do the following:
> QSELECT - PolyFace Mesh - Select All
> Explode
I get a question if I want to "Disregard DrawingOrder for this operation due to the fact that it might take some time", by selecting "Yes" the process takes ~10 minutes (one explode).With an VBA automation I do the following:
> Create a selection set of all PolyFace meshes
> Explode each obj (2000 times) in the selection set with SendCommand (as .Explode does not work on polyface mesh objects)
I have waited hours for the same process (might be due to multiple explodes and/or screen updating taking place).I have always though automation is faster than manual work, but this proved me wrong.So to the questions:
1. How can I prevent screen updating in VBA (disregard draw order) during "long actions"
2. Is there a better way to explode a selection set than looping through each and every object calling explode (obj.handle)
For one drawing I can do it in 10 minutes, but I have 50 drawings with the need to explode this, having an automation run over night sounds great, but having it take 6x+ times longer for each drawing causes the night not to be long enough.
make manual lens adjustment and hit the constrain crop checkbox sometimes nothing happens (not tick appears, grey borders remain) Somtimes you can tick it and nothing happens. Sometimes you can tick it nothing happens but then click off the photo and back on, and the box is unticked but the crop has been applied!
In the old days, one could just use the crop tool and, while drawing crop lines, check the perspective box if you found that you needed to change the perspective. With CS6 if you start with the crop tool, and find you want to change the perspective, you have to change tools to the new perspective crop tool. In the process, you have to tell the newly opened dialog box that you don't want to crop, to get to the perspective tool, which now has reset to its defaults. You've lost your cropping and you have to start over.
I'm new to Lightroom - my workflow sees me crop a batch of photos one after the other. In LR every time I accept a crop and right click to move to the next photo I need to use the R key or choose the crop tool to do the same cropping to the next photo and the next and the next etc.
Is there a way to keep the crop tool active as you move through images?
I can't get the crop tool to crop in Custom mode. I unlock the lock and set to Custom and relock the lock. As soon as I begin the crop it reverts to Original. I've restarted.
I have a large number of RAW photos from a Canon 7D which are destined for use in a Premiere Pro CS6 project.
I want to crop each of them to the preset 16x9 1920 x 1080.
What I would like to happen is that when I open the photo in the develop module and press the R button to open the Crop and Straighten tool, that the Aspect 16X9 crop overlay is selected be default, rather then the "original".
This would save me a lot of mouse clicks...
Or perhaps it's possible to assign a keyboard shortcut to that particular aspect so I can press R and then something else?
This is a sudden change of behavior in Lightroom 4.4, Mac OS 10.7.5.
In the past, when I chose the crop tool, with the locked icon in the locked position, when I adjusted the crop, the crop was constrained to the original aspect ratio of the photo. Now, no matter what I do, the crop is kind of "partly" constrained. That is, I start with a vertical image, then drag the crop down so that the crop rectangle has a horizontal aspect ratio, I can drag up on the horizontal crop rectangle so that the original aspect ratio is no longer preserved. Until the aspect ratio has gone horizontal, the original aspect ratio is preserved. It doesn't matter if the lock is locked or unlocked, or whether I hold the shift key or not.
Here's an example:
at this point, the crop is still vertical, with aspect ratio constrained. It's still "as shot" and the padlock icon is locked
Here, the crop is now horizontal, but the aspect ratio is still constrained, "as shot" and still the icon is locked.
Now, things have gotten wonky. When the right edge of the crop hits the edge of the photo, it's possible to drag it upwards. The aspect ration is no longer constrained, and even though the padlock icon is locked the aspect is now "Custom"
As I said, this is new behavior which I have never seen since the version of Lightroom included the crop tool (I started at Lightroom 1.0). Like they all say "I haven't changed anything", but something obviously has changed. I don't believe this is correct behavior, or the behavior I've been used to for years. Is there any way to think this is the correct behavior?
I noticed it sometimes happens on some (most) photos, but not all, and will seemingly randomly start/stop working properly on photos that weren't/were working just minutes before.
The "Done" button that appears at the bottom when using the Crop & Straightening tool and others has suddenly disappeared. I thought it was a full screen issue but cycling through F doesn't restore it.
I am currently in the process of testing LR4 and use a LR3 library that I converted to LR4.
If I rotate an image from (or to) landscape/portrait I cannot use the crop/rotate tool anymore by pulling the edges. The control sliders work, but not the active corners. If I put the image back to the original position, things work like a charm.
I am a labtech at a community college and look after 48 mac pros in which the students use the entire creative suite. (I only mention this becuase any answers need to consider variations in system settings or photoshop settings. college students get into everything!)
But the issue is when you select the crop tool and enter a custom constraint and crop
The image size is sometimes a full 2 inches off of what you set as a crop?! I havn't run into this before
[I do know you can use the drop down box and use {size and resolution} but I want to know why it doesnt work under custom and unconstrained]
I am missing a crop tool which can rotate the crop rectangle. Similar to photoshop's tool. I found no way to rotate the crop rectangle in gimp. How do you cut out something from an image if it needs to be rotated while cropping? I tried rotating first then cropping but it does not give me enough precision so I end up with transparent areas at the border.
I'm new to LR4 and after I move the photo corners to use the crop tool, the white hand doesn't appear when I hover over the photo to then move it around....
I currently have my main catalog 'gwcat-2-2.lrcat' in what I think is the default directory of ":..D:UsersGeorgePicturesLightroom". I would like to move it to a faster drive. Should I move JUST the lrcat file, or is moving the gwcat-2-2 Previews.lrdata required?
There is a LOT of stuff in lrdata! and would take a long time to move. I've always been a bit confused by the difference between "Previews.lrdatafa" and the cache directory (I already have the cache directory on SSD). --If you go by just the definition of terms, it seems like a distinction without a difference.
I have tried numerous times to get my spot removal tool to work; without success. I have read tons about it and nothing works. What is going on?? Neither clone nor heal does anything!
I am having a problem with the crop tool. It will not crop the area I want; it goes to a point and stops. It's as if it has a mind of it's own and I can't direct it. I thought it might be the mouse so I took it apart and cleaned it, and then I put a different mouse in. It still does the same thing.
I've been using the crop tool without any knowledge of the little boxes you can fill in to restrict its WxH dimensions. I always wanted my crops to come out at a 2:3 ratio and could never get them perfect since I was just eyeballing it.
So then I found the WxH controls and if I put "2 in" for width and "3 in" for height, my image will come out as desired, no scaling of the image, but with the unfortunate side effect that my DPI has been changed, which causes problems for me later on. Now if I put "2 in" x "3 in" and then specify 72dpi in the "resolution" field, it will actually scale my image which is not what I want either. Now if I put "2 px" by "3 px" of course it will massively scale my image, which again is not what I want.
What I want is to re-crop my image to a 2:3 ratio, WITHOUT scaling, AND without modifying DPI. Is this possible with the crop tool? It seems that my WxH numbers are required to have units after them and I don't want any of those units (inches, px, mm, etc). I want unitless cropping, basically cropping by ratio. Does this make any sense?
I have a work-around which involves batch resetting all my DPI's at the end of the session. But that adds another step to my workflow which is not a very elegant solution.
When I have a large image and I try to crop it I cannot control where the crop is to take place. Sometimes I cannot make the selection as large as I want.