"Why iray in 3ds max 2012 doesn't show imported bitmap textures in renders?" It's quite baffling as to why, but even when i change back to my regular Driver Direct3D 9.0- ATI Radeon HD 4600 series it refuses to show rendered textures other than ones that are made in max 2012.
I have loads (gigs) of .png textures that I need to use in Illustrator CS6. But it will not let me import them using hte texturizer. Is it possible to use .png textures in CS6, if so how do I import .png textures into CS6?
As an alternative, is there a website that offers free .psd textrues for personal use in CS6. I am currently re-creating a a map with poor pixelation and I need a lot of natural (stone, dirt, rock, marble, etc..) textures and building textures for a medieval atmosphere.
I can export from Revit to 3ds, and the materials come in, but all the material links are broken. How can I import the textures in to 3ds Max? I am trying to do an architectural walkthrough, btw.
I am having a problem with merging a pre-textured object into my current scene. The object initially is successful however when it comes to rendering I get an error stating that the textures cannot be located.
One of our client facing problems that Autodesk 3ds max 2011-64 bit does not show the option to import “.mov” file as bitmap map in materials and also not render in “.mov” format whereas Autodesk 3ds max 2011-32 bit does.
They had installed only Autodesk 3ds max 2011 64 bit only on their machine and don’t want to install it’s 32 bit version.
I have old slides that I scan with a photosmart S20 scanner. The best quality option scan is to save it as bitmap. How do I import it to the Lightroom catalog?
Looks like X6 carries over a X5 bug for bitmap import. When importing bitmaps it ignores the dpi metadata and assumes 72 dpi so bitmaps do not retain their correct dimensions. To properly scale a 300 dpi image, for instance, I need to select it and scale it to 72/300*100.
I am currently using this method, creating a 1-bit bitmap from a grayscale "distress" texture bitmap, choosing transparent fill or outline depending on which area i need trasparent and powerclip it in text or other vector object.
Is there a way to achieve the same distress effect with transparency with FILL ? pattern fill maybe? eg can i save in some format this bitmap to use it maybe as a pattern in pattern fill and retain transparency ?
I have a screenshot, which I have cropped to a specific area to show a specific part of a window: a shape with a bitmap fill, or a cropped bitmap whichever way you consider it.
Next I have another screenshot, of exactly the same dimensions, showing the same window - but showing that window in a different state.
Both screenshots are bitmaps in my document, both appear in the Bitmap Gallery.
I'm not sure if something changed in recent versions of Xara, or I have forgotten the drag+key combination, but how can I drag the second bitmap onto a copy of the first bitmap-filled shape so that the SAME part of the bitmap is shown?
Using different combinations of SHIFT and CTRL I seem to be able to replace all instances of the first bitmap with the second: It is scary that a shape with a bitmap fill offscreen or on another page can be changed unwittingly!
I may not be using styles as efficiently as I should. I always seem to be creating styles to meet different circumstances. As shown below if I have any text that can have an arrow, directional or dragged state and a mask, I always end up creating more styles for times I don't want the arrow and/or the mask.
If there is a 3rd of 4th component this can multiply quickly. Am I missing an easier way to handle this or is this what is normally done?
I have a function that clones drawing layouts from a source drawing to a current working (target) drawing. This function is causing a *Warning* Multiply owned object, handle "F4" warning after the layout is cloned and the target drawing saved. Since I've audit and recovered the target drawing and found no errors, this warning is just annoying.
Here's the
Public Function ImportLayout(ByVal filename As String, ByVal layoutname As String) As ObjectId Dim idLayout As ObjectId = ObjectId.Null Dim doc As Document = ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument Dim ed As Editor = doc.Editor [code]..........
I use Photoshop 7.0, and yesterday I started having an issue with Color Fills.
(You may actually have to Say I have a black-and white lineart on the background layer, such as this.
I double-click on the background layer to make it edit-able. I click on the Color Fill button, choose solid color, then pick any color (say we use bright red). I go back to the lineart, move the Color Fill layer to underneath the lineart layer, and fill the Color Fill with black. Normally, it would just create white, however for me it has pink/light red. The same thing also happens for patterns and gradients; it leaves a very faded version of the color on the picture.
I didn't change any options or settings, however my little brother was playing around with Photoshop, and he may have changed something. Can anyone tell me how to get it so that there is no pink or faded color there?
i have an adobe illustrator document. the measurements are in CM. the picture is 2,5 cm and 4 in height. it prints out perfectly, but is there any way I can print like 20 of the same small pictures onto one piece of paper in Adobe Illustrator?
I have a question about expanding appearance and multiply. I work in print-on-demand, and one of the limitations is that we can not use multiply on artwork. In order to achieve a similar appearance, when I receive these kinds of files, I flatten transparency, and that will sear in the way the multiply effect is interacting with the other elements of the same art file. (in the example below there are no interacting elements) However, if it is intended to interact with the background, I have to fiddle with the cmyk values (adding k) and opacity level until it is as close as possible. It is time-consuming.
we use 'expand appearnce' instead, and I tried it once and it worked! It did all the legwork for me; it spit out a different cmyk value and opacity level that mimics the effect of multiply, so I don't have to calculate it manually. However, I can't get it to work again. Illustrator thinks it is already its simplest form of appearance and will not expand it further. I've tried adding another effect and expanding but it will only expand the effect and keep the multiply.
Maybe she and I were both tripping when we thought it worked once? how to expand the appearance of multiply? Here's a picture of the 3 methods I'm speaking to: on the left is multiply, the center is flattened transparency, and the right is achieving a similar effect of multiply with opacity & color build.
When designing for the web, I often like to give text boxes a thin, 1-pixel stroke of a slightly darker color than the box itself. I've noticed that when using the Stroke layer style options, setting the position attribute to "Inside" and the blend mode to "Multiply" has the undesirable effect of multiplying the border color with the background, instead of multiplying the border color with the box color (see figure 1). This seems like a bug to me. The only way I have found to achieve the result I'm looking for is to create a duplicate shape above my box layer, set the fill to 0%, and then apply the stroke effect to that layer (see figure 2). Any way to accomplish this all in one layer? I know I could just set the blend mode to "Normal" and choose my darker color explicitly, but I want the layer style to be portable, so I can use it on boxes of any color and have the resulting stroke a darker shade of that color.I am currently using Photoshop CS4 on a Mac.
Using CS-4. The layers automatically multiply them selves in the hundreds. It is impossible to delete them. Therefore, I am unable to use Photoshop. If a reinstall is the answer, I have done that and the problem always returns.
Is there any way to multiply the value of Z coordinate for many points selected, in the same time? For example, I selected many points, and need to double their Z value, but on an easier way, not one by one?
I'd like to add some color to the outlines in the attachment. Right now they have some white background to them so I've got the blend mode set to multiply which works great since they're greyscale. I've tried duplicating one of the channels and creating a selection and/or layer mask from it with not much luck. I tried setting a layer mask and then filling the whole layer with the color I want but it didn't show up at all. I also tried filling the selection with the color I want which worked ok except the layer still has a bunch of white and if I leave the blend mode at multiply the color doesn't show up well.
I've making a light glow texture for a game with gimp. I've created the light with supernova effect, then i used a a black to white gradient layer with multiply, also another multiply layer is used to make the light fainter.
(there are more in the picture, these are mipmaps for game that are smaller and more shinier to get realistic glow effect).
In game it will be used for texture of an additive material, and a little artifact is noticeable if i watch carefully. These artifacts are noticeable too in flattened image if i add more lightness to it. This is what i'm talking about that halo around the light. But on mask there isn't anything like that.
I made a document with two layers, one with lineart, and another below it with some background elements I tried to put a new layer over the two of them by clicking the Create New Layer button, and after placing an object in the layer, tried to set the layer to Multiply by clicking the sleection circle, then "Multiply" in the Transparency drop-down menu. Nothing happened.
I then tried to set the transparency of the objects themselves to Multiply by selecting them and changing their transparency. Nothing happened.
I am able to copy the lineart and background layer and paste them into a new document, and have subsequently created layers appear properly when I set them to Multiply, but I have been trying to figure out what I apparently "broke" so that the layers would not display correctly.
I am working with CS6. I am attempting to add shadow to my text, which is a simple enough process. However, it doesn't appear as though my blending modes are working. Putting it on as a Multiply doesn't do anything to the solid shadow catcher. I have seen in the forum that some have had luck by changing the solid color, but this does not work for me.
I'm trying to merge select layers to send my file to a publisher, but the drawing layer which is set to multiply loses its transparency when I combine layers (the original white behind the image shows). If I flatten the entire file, it works, but I can't do that in this situation.
I am working on a project and i am surprised to find a strange multiply blend mode behavior. When i open a new blank document to try again the multiply behavior, all seems to work well.
Is it possible that the document i am working on became corrupted ? I work on a 2012 Macbook Pro Retina 15", Mac OS X 10.8.5 and Photoshop CC 14.1.2.
In RGB documents, the 'Darken' transparency blend mode doesn't change colours, but only shows a colour if it is darker that the colour underneath it.
In CMYK documents, 'Darken' acts differently. It does the same thing as 'Multiply': it darkens the top colour based on the colour underneath. In CMYK mode, 'Darken' and 'Multiply' seem to do exactly the same thing.
How can I get an object in a CMYK document to do what 'Darken' does in an RGB document - only show if it has a darker value than the colour underneath?
(why does 'Darken' behave like 'Multiply' in CMYK mode? What's the point of having two different blend modes that do the same thing?)Here's Adobe's official description of Darken. This matches how it behaves in RGB, but not how it behaves in CMYK:
Selects the base or blend color—whichever is darker—as the resulting color. Areas lighter than the blend color are replaced. Areas darker than the blend color do not change.
I have a PSD file that has a couple layers that are shadows and highlights for t-shirt textures. Then I have other layers that are the colors of the shirts, so I can swap the color out and it looks like the appropriate t-shirt color with the shirt textures and shadows. My ultimate goal is to export the shirt textures with no color background and keeping it a transparent png. I want to use this transparent image on a website that has color behind it and can change the color using html Divs.
The issue is when I turn off the lower layer colors of the shirt the image is not trasnparent it is white. The multiply layers don't stay transparent. Is there a way to export the multiply layers as transparent? Is there a way to remake the layers as a raster image, rather than using the layer blending modes?
I would like to apply a transparency to some brush strokes. But when I click on a group of brush strokes, or select a single brush stroke, I can not start a transparency, or I get an error that there are too many objects.
I have some brushes that emulate smoke, but I would like to ad transparency to them.