Photoshop :: CS4 - Layers Automatically Multiply In Hundreds
Nov 22, 2013
Using CS-4. The layers automatically multiply them selves in the hundreds. It is impossible to delete them. Therefore, I am unable to use Photoshop. If a reinstall is the answer, I have done that and the problem always returns.
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Oct 2, 2013
I have hundreds of images that all have the same watermark (more or less but not exactly in the same place). It can easily be removed with the paint bucket with the default settings, the watermark is light grey, the pictures (JPGs) are black and white (a scanned book). But the sheer number of images makes it a gigantic effort to do it by hand.
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Aug 19, 2006
When I blend layers using multiply, and lower the opacity of the top layer (such as to compensate for too much flash), photoshop puts all these vertical lines on the image. The only time they are not visible is when opacity is set to 0% or 100% for the top layer.
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Sep 17, 2011
I've making a light glow texture for a game with gimp. I've created the light with supernova effect, then i used a a black to white gradient layer with multiply, also another multiply layer is used to make the light fainter.
(there are more in the picture, these are mipmaps for game that are smaller and more shinier to get realistic glow effect).
In game it will be used for texture of an additive material, and a little artifact is noticeable if i watch carefully. These artifacts are noticeable too in flattened image if i add more lightness to it. This is what i'm talking about that halo around the light. But on mask there isn't anything like that.
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Nov 7, 2007
I have photoshop cs2 & 3 on about 5 different computers throughout my home/work and i'm having a problem with cs3 creating layers at home.
Normally, when I paste an image from an outside source or draw a shape, create text, etc,... it creates a seperate layer. It does not do that on this computer. I don't know what settings ...
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Jun 11, 2008
go to add a text block to an image, a new layer is created. I want to be able to manually create layers and simply click on the layer I want to work under and then do so. I want to shut off this automatic creation of layers. If I don't, I'll have about 200 superfluous ones.
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Sep 27, 2013
I would like to know if there is a way to automatically merge a "base" layer with all other layers individually. For example, Layer one is an image, the "base layer".
Layers 2 thru 200 are images that need to be merged with the base layer individually and then saved as individual files. We are now turning layer 2 on and saving, turning layer 2 off, turning on layer 3 then saving, etc. Hoping to find an easier and quicker method.
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Apr 18, 2011
Is there a function or script that lets you automaticly apply materials to layers by name? Lets say I import a DWG that has 3 layers. Layer 1, 2 and 3 but no materials. I have 3 materials in my scean that are called 1,2 and 3. Is it possible to have all the objects in layer 1 to get material 1 applyed, all objects on layer 2 get material 2 and so on without manualy applying to each layer. For example if I have 100 layers and a 100 materials it would be a hastle and take long. I'm thinking there might be a script or function for this. I have looked but not found one.
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Oct 23, 2013
I was wondering if there is a way to get layers to automatically load when i start a new drawing using the quick acess new drawing icon? if so how?
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Apr 2, 2012
Is there any way to freeze/lock selections from all layers other then current layer automatically-like we do in Photoshop where no object other then selected layer is select able.
I have to switch layers quite often and not want to select objects from any layer other then current layer. but for this i have to first freeze the previous layer and then unfreeze the current layer and so on.
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Jul 12, 2004
how I can do something that was previously done mechanically by photographers: Vignetting all images on a roll. For school photography, a vignette device used to be placed in front of the camera lens to darken the edges of the final print. Now I can create a vignette in photoshop but only on one image at a time. How do I create a vignette that I can somehow automate to end up on all 300 school children's images before I send the files to the lab for printing?
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Jan 25, 2013
I know that for layers ON/OFF in current open dwg file, I should use:
[I just want to On/Off for my "STAMP" layer]
but I have more than 150 dwg file and I should open all of dwgs one by one and setting ON/OFF for STAMP layer for every drawing and it takes so much time!
I just want to select files and LISP program set the STAMP layer to ON or OFF value.
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May 23, 2012
Is there a way in AutoCAD 2013 to have it automatically change to a certain layer when you do common tasks. I am wondering if there is a system variable, or a routine that I could automatically load when I start AutoCAD to do this. It would also be nice that the layer would then go back to the original layer that was being used prior to the command. What are my options for doing this.
For instance when I load an xref I would like it to go on the layer; A-XREF. When I insert a block I would like it to go on the layer; 0, when I create a new dimension I would like it to go on the A-DIMS layer, when I create a hatch it would set to the layer A-WALL-PATT, when I add a leader with text it would go to A-ANNO-NOTE, etc..
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Oct 10, 2007
Is there a way to automatically generate layers based on color? I just downloaded a CAD object that's only got 1 layer but several different colored lines. It would be extremely painstaking if I had to take each and every line and place it on a different layer. It would be much easier if I could tell AutoCAD 2006 to simply split the object up by color and place each one on a different layer.
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May 31, 2013
I have an Illustrator document with 932 layers. I would like to automatically sort the layers in alphabetical order
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Dec 2, 2007
how this made?
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Aug 1, 2013
How can I reconnect the hundreds of images that have become disconnected? One at a time takes ages. If I uninstall and reinstall Elements11, will the program automatically re-populate the organizer?
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Sep 29, 2013
i have over 2000 pictures in iphoto. I want to upload them into elements but in one big file and then i can sort them out in elements But elements uploads them according to dates so i am getting hundreds of subfolders. How can i change the way images are imported, so that they end up in one big folder?
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Sep 4, 2012
How can I resize hundreds of pictures in a batch? I need to reduce them to get them on a web site and don't want to do them one at a time.
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Apr 3, 2012
How to automatically print the layers of a drawing in separate sheets in one go?
I wanted to print the layers of a particular drawing each in separate sheet but wondering if there might be an automated way to do so. For example, if I a particular drawing comprise 15 layers then how to print each one of these layers in a separate sheet.
Sure, there might be more than one way to achieve this (like controlling the “plot” feature on the “layer properties manager” but what I’m looking for is an automated way to print all the 15 layers separately in one go.
Software: AutoCAD 2014, AutoCAD C3D, AutoCAD M3D, Revit
Windows 7 (Ultimate 64 bits),
Firefox 20.0,
Kaspersky 2013.
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Mar 8, 2013
I'm doing it in Excel, but it's a monstrous job to create hyperlinks to hundreds of photo titles to view them, one, by one, by one.I can't automate it in Excel for mac.
I've tried automate and macros, but none will simply:take the selected photo-title from the list, copy and paste it into a search box, find the photo, select it, and generate a hyperlink.
I'd like to find some software that would make it possible to link up photo titles to their files to view in Preview without doing it one by one. All the photos are in the same folder with names like 0001.jpg, 0002.jpg. It ought to be easier than this.
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Feb 9, 2013
Is there a way to import pics from hundreds of files into an album? such as wife without having to drag each one.
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Dec 31, 2012
Twice I have attempted to create a catalogue for use and both times I have ended up with a folder list of folders I have never seen before although they do contain pictures if I open them but I don't recognise these folder names.
I am using a iMac with Lion 10.8.2 and all my pictures are in a folder called pictures with sub folders underneath.
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Mar 7, 2013
I sell limited edition prints of a run of between 350 and 500.
I am trying to get it set up so that my signature and the print number is included as part of the print. Here is an example:
You'll see at bottom left there is my signature and underneath is is the print number e.g. 110/350 (this is legible when printed at 18x12" size).
Inserting the signature and the "/350" is easy since it only needs to be done once per image.
The difficulty comes with inserting the actual print number e.g. "110"
At the moment I have 0 to 9 written out and scanned in as separate numbers. So to make "110" I use the "1" digit twice, plus the "0" digit. I.e. I haven't written out 1 to 500 and scanned them in all as separate numbers, I've just done the 10 digits and use those 10 digits to make all the different numbers I need.
Is there a way to create an action that will create say 350 JPEG copies of the original file, each one with its own unique print number inserted? (And ideally automatically saved with the print number as its file name!)
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Jul 1, 2008
I use Photoshop 7.0, and yesterday I started having an issue with Color Fills.
(You may actually have to Say I have a black-and white lineart on the background layer, such as this.
I double-click on the background layer to make it edit-able.
I click on the Color Fill button, choose solid color, then pick any color (say we use bright red). I go back to the lineart, move the Color Fill layer to underneath the lineart layer, and fill the Color Fill with black. Normally, it would just create white, however for me it has pink/light red. The same thing also happens for patterns and gradients; it leaves a very faded version of the color on the picture.
I didn't change any options or settings, however my little brother was playing around with Photoshop, and he may have changed something. Can anyone tell me how to get it so that there is no pink or faded color there?
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Jul 25, 2004
I want to use the multiply style in a layer.
I set the layer to multiply, then I set the brush to multiply, but the color doesn't get darker!
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Aug 18, 2012
When designing for the web, I often like to give text boxes a thin, 1-pixel stroke of a slightly darker color than the box itself. I've noticed that when using the Stroke layer style options, setting the position attribute to "Inside" and the blend mode to "Multiply" has the undesirable effect of multiplying the border color with the background, instead of multiplying the border color with the box color (see figure 1). This seems like a bug to me. The only way I have found to achieve the result I'm looking for is to create a duplicate shape above my box layer, set the fill to 0%, and then apply the stroke effect to that layer (see figure 2). Any way to accomplish this all in one layer? I know I could just set the blend mode to "Normal" and choose my darker color explicitly, but I want the layer style to be portable, so I can use it on boxes of any color and have the resulting stroke a darker shade of that color.I am currently using Photoshop CS4 on a Mac.
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May 1, 2006
I'd like to add some color to the outlines in the attachment. Right now they have some white background to them so I've got the blend mode set to multiply which works great since they're greyscale. I've tried duplicating one of the channels and creating a selection and/or layer mask from it with not much luck. I tried setting a layer mask and then filling the whole layer with the color I want but it didn't show up at all. I also tried filling the selection with the color I want which worked ok except the layer still has a bunch of white and if I leave the blend mode at multiply the color doesn't show up well.
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Oct 20, 2013
I need to apply filters to hundreds of images at once. Is there some type of Batch plugin to do this? I found the Bulk Image Processor but this does not apply filters, at least as far as I can see.
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Aug 30, 2012
I'm trying to merge select layers to send my file to a publisher, but the drawing layer which is set to multiply loses its transparency when I combine layers (the original white behind the image shows). If I flatten the entire file, it works, but I can't do that in this situation.
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Oct 24, 2013
I am working on a project and i am surprised to find a strange multiply blend mode behavior. When i open a new blank document to try again the multiply behavior, all seems to work well.
Is it possible that the document i am working on became corrupted ? I work on a 2012 Macbook Pro Retina 15", Mac OS X 10.8.5 and Photoshop CC 14.1.2.
This is what i see :
- Normal blen mode.
- Multiply blend mode.
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