Photoshop :: Multiply Layer Stops Being Transparent When Combined With Other?
Aug 30, 2012
I'm trying to merge select layers to send my file to a publisher, but the drawing layer which is set to multiply loses its transparency when I combine layers (the original white behind the image shows). If I flatten the entire file, it works, but I can't do that in this situation.
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Feb 17, 2013
I have a PSD file that has a couple layers that are shadows and highlights for t-shirt textures. Then I have other layers that are the colors of the shirts, so I can swap the color out and it looks like the appropriate t-shirt color with the shirt textures and shadows. My ultimate goal is to export the shirt textures with no color background and keeping it a transparent png. I want to use this transparent image on a website that has color behind it and can change the color using html Divs.
The issue is when I turn off the lower layer colors of the shirt the image is not trasnparent it is white. The multiply layers don't stay transparent. Is there a way to export the multiply layers as transparent? Is there a way to remake the layers as a raster image, rather than using the layer blending modes?
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Feb 7, 2013
I am using Creative Suite 5.5 on my MacBook Pro...and today had issues demonstrating the simple process of dragging one person/image onto another, applying a quick mask to do some simple morphing., I couldn't drag the image from the internet and drop onto the project, but had to go to Edit and copy, then create a new file and hit paste. Placing one image side by side to another...I was not able to drag the image of one person to drop onto the other. I either had to use the marquee tool, drag around the image, copy and paste or...found I could drag the image from its layer in the layer's palette and drop onto the project.
More frustrating was that once I had both images in the same project, I was not able to move the new person/image added to locate in right position over the background person/image. I would drag it to that new location, and it would snap back to the original location. Obviously the need to take any image added and move it around to orchestrate your image is important.
I have asked a number of artist friends, checked the mode (both images are RGB) and both images at 8 bits...
I presume it is a simple command that will release the image to stay where located using the Move tool...but am not familiar enough with Suite 5.5 obviously.
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Jul 26, 2009
I somehow merged two layers together and locked it? I don't know how to undo what I did?
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Jul 25, 2004
I want to use the multiply style in a layer.
I set the layer to multiply, then I set the brush to multiply, but the color doesn't get darker!
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Aug 18, 2012
When designing for the web, I often like to give text boxes a thin, 1-pixel stroke of a slightly darker color than the box itself. I've noticed that when using the Stroke layer style options, setting the position attribute to "Inside" and the blend mode to "Multiply" has the undesirable effect of multiplying the border color with the background, instead of multiplying the border color with the box color (see figure 1). This seems like a bug to me. The only way I have found to achieve the result I'm looking for is to create a duplicate shape above my box layer, set the fill to 0%, and then apply the stroke effect to that layer (see figure 2). Any way to accomplish this all in one layer? I know I could just set the blend mode to "Normal" and choose my darker color explicitly, but I want the layer style to be portable, so I can use it on boxes of any color and have the resulting stroke a darker shade of that color.I am currently using Photoshop CS4 on a Mac.
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May 1, 2006
I'd like to add some color to the outlines in the attachment. Right now they have some white background to them so I've got the blend mode set to multiply which works great since they're greyscale. I've tried duplicating one of the channels and creating a selection and/or layer mask from it with not much luck. I tried setting a layer mask and then filling the whole layer with the color I want but it didn't show up at all. I also tried filling the selection with the color I want which worked ok except the layer still has a bunch of white and if I leave the blend mode at multiply the color doesn't show up well.
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Sep 16, 2004
as an alternative to using the magic wand to remove a color to transparency (which leaves fine detail, say in a line drawing, in a very sorry state) i saw someone use the multiply function in layer options to remove all white from a greyscale image leaving black lines over transparency. neat,
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Feb 21, 2012
I have a very simple PSD, so i'll try to explain this super simply..
one transparent layer, with just a pair or eyebrows, with the only added blend effect as 'multiply'
one background with a face, no eyebrows.
the layer blends the eyebrows in to the background face perfectly.
i want to save the layer as a separate file keeping the tranparency and including the result of the multiply effect, without the background.
the reason why i want to do this may confuse things, but basically i want several different eyebrow colours to be interchangeable over this face in an application that doesn't recognise the blending link with the background, so i want to save it in PS !
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Oct 16, 2012
I made a document with two layers, one with lineart, and another below it with some background elements I tried to put a new layer over the two of them by clicking the Create New Layer button, and after placing an object in the layer, tried to set the layer to Multiply by clicking the sleection circle, then "Multiply" in the Transparency drop-down menu. Nothing happened.
I then tried to set the transparency of the objects themselves to Multiply by selecting them and changing their transparency. Nothing happened.
I am able to copy the lineart and background layer and paste them into a new document, and have subsequently created layers appear properly when I set them to Multiply, but I have been trying to figure out what I apparently "broke" so that the layers would not display correctly.
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Dec 4, 2008
I have an image with several layers. The background layer is transparent. When I merge the layers, the background becomes white. Can anyone tell me what I did wrong or didn't do that prevented my background from staying transparent.
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Jun 17, 2013
PSP X5 version -- no further update available. -- Windows 7 Ultimate SP1
When I try to merge down (not flatten) the top layer in the attached file, PSP X5 stops working EVERY TIME. I have been using PSP X5 extensively for a while (6 or 8 months) and have never encountered this before. All layers are 100% opaque, so this is not the same as a similar reported error. Also happens in PSP X4. I can work around this by cutting and pasting, but shouldn't have to.
Bug example: merge down top layer crashes PSP X5
(20.96 KiB) Downloaded 41 times
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Dec 23, 2012
I have been painting a 3d model in photoshop cs6 but I appear to have some kind of bad setting (which I am at wit's end trying to find out) which causes any 2d layer I try to merge down onto the 3d layer to be projected with some very large amount of transparency.
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Sep 2, 2012
Today i opened a psd file which 200 layers. is very slow then (as all layers are flatten, pdn is missing hierarchical layers), but that is another problem.
I wanted to hide some background layers and "copy merged" a selection.
It took me 10mn to find all the backgrounds layers without this tool.
In photoshop the tool exist as a property of the "move selection" tool. Ie: you must first select the move selection tool, then select "layer" in the properties toolbar.
Any way to get that for v4 ? Will v4 be on github so we can clone and make patches ?
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Jul 18, 2005
how do you add images over other images say i have a tripod and i take 5 different pics while keeping the camera pointed at the EXACT same spot i wanna be able to like stand at the table wearing one thing like reading Sit down with something different on and say im eating..
how do you add those on top of each other so it looks like i have like twins or tripplettes?
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Oct 25, 2012
I'm trying to get a transparent PNG of this icon:
but it's a screen layer over its background:
and I can't figure out how to extract it as a white/transparent icon. When I try to copy/paste that layer, i get the image with a black box:
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Oct 31, 2012
Here is a photo that I am trying to duplicate the techinque from. I have figured out how to tint my original photos, but I can't figure out how to layer them so you can see both, without either of them becoming faded. I'm running CS6. It seems like it should be so simple.
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Feb 22, 2008
i have always wanted to know how to do this so that i can make better themes for my cell phone, ill try explain it the best i can i hope someone understands me.
Here is the theme creator for my phone, well im making one for my wife actually.....
see the red circled area thats the icon that will hover over your choice of selection. As you can see the properties are 91x69 I have found the perfect picture to hover over the menus, however if i just crop the picture 91x69 there will be some bacground image left... Code:
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Jul 26, 2007
I am trying to create sort of a rounded box, except with one corner only. I am quite new to photoshop and am running into trouble creating the top left corner, (the only corner I want to show). I have created the background set as transparent, then used the rounded rectangle to create a round corner, then created another layer and another rounded rectangle over the first one, so now I have a thin line, with a rounded corner.
The problem is, the middle section is still white, so I have to manually use the eraser tool to erase that layer to get the transparent background to show through instead of the white background.
I am sure there is a better way to do this. How can I set an entire layer to be transparent ?
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Sep 19, 2005
What I want to do is make it seem as though an image is super-imposed on another. More specifically I'm trying to put someone's face on a guitar in a picture and had two layers:
1) The guitar
2) The persons face
if it's possible to make the persons face transparent enough(If at all) so it would appear on the guitar?
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Feb 24, 2006
I've been looking at some tutorials lately and some of them say to create a "transparent layer." Is this a special setting for the layer or does this mean that I can just create a layer and set the opacity down a little bit?
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Oct 9, 2013
I want to make my layer volumetric transparent.
When you choose white&black and drag with gradient tool, it has a soft fade to black. I want to make it like:
Center of image (%100 Transparent)
Soft Fade
Borders of image (%100 Opaque)
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Oct 18, 2012
I'm trying to create a transparent layer in Photoshop. I can't even find the option to make it. Whenever I make a new layer, it just comes out white. I'm using Photoshop CS3 extended.
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Mar 11, 2006
I have a large real estate map upon which I want to overlay a large amount of text labels that I can periodically modify. How do I do this without either making hundreds of layers or, if flattened, making the text layer obscure the underlying map?
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Jun 28, 2009
I'm working on an image to print onto t-shirts for our holiday.
When I upload it into vista print it says there has been a semi-transparent layer detected which may affect the quality of printing (as they are being printed on black t-shirts - they put a layer of white behind to ensure best print quality)
The problem is I can identify what the semi-transparent part is! I've checked all layers and they are set at 100% opacity.
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Jun 19, 2013
With CS6 i loved the addition to combine vector layers into 1 new vector layer but when i do this in PS CC and then try to enlarge it it only enlarges the first shape.
I create 3 squares, vector shapes, i cmd+E the layers to combine them, and then i want to enlarge the new shape..what happens is, only 1 square becomes larger..
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Mar 13, 2013
I want to have a Blur Oval Vignette feathered on the inside on a transparent background to use as a template. So then I could open an image, then open the template on top of the background image and would automatically have a Blur Vignette image without having to create it from scratch each time.
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Jun 20, 2013
In other words, I have a green patterned background, and I want to add a transparent triangle (which should then be the green background by making it transparent) over a white layer. To sum it up, I want the triangle to be filled in with the green patterned background over the white layer. How do I do this?
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Aug 5, 2004
I have a transparent canvas and would like to put a "square" on it. I'd like the content inside the square to be transparent as well, but I'd like to apply the "Drop Shadow" and "Outer Glow" style to the box, while keeping the inside of it transparent.
When I try to do this, nothing occurs because the "square" is empty. The only way I can get the shadow to occur is if I fill in the box with a color, such as white, first. However, then the center isn't transparent how I'd like it to be.
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Apr 16, 2009
I am using Photoshop 7.0 on Windows XP
I have been watching a lot of how to videos to learn some effects, trying to pull off this one effect. In the end I would like to create an image file that will consist of a gray transparent rectangular box that I can freely write solid text on. I would like to take this image and "drop" it onto other pictures that I have so that it can serve as a description box. I would like whatever my picture is to be my background and then have this gray box file be the foreground so that I don't have to recreate this process for every image I want to add text to, I can instead edit my Transparent gray file with the text I want and then add it to the picture I want to have text.
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Apr 16, 2009
I am using Photoshop 7.0 on Windows XP
I have hit a wall when it comes to trying to pull off this one effect. In the end I would like to create an image file that will consist of a gray transparent rectangular box that I can freely write solid text on. I would like to take this image and "drop" it onto other pictures that I have so that it can serve as a description box. I would like whatever my picture is to be my background and then have this gray box file be the foreground so that I don't have to recreate this process for every image I want to add text to, I can instead edit my Transparent gray file with the text I want and then add it to the picture I want to have text.
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