Paint Shop Pro :: X5 In Win 7U Stops Working When Merge Down Layer
Jun 17, 2013
PSP X5 version -- no further update available. -- Windows 7 Ultimate SP1
When I try to merge down (not flatten) the top layer in the attached file, PSP X5 stops working EVERY TIME. I have been using PSP X5 extensively for a while (6 or 8 months) and have never encountered this before. All layers are 100% opaque, so this is not the same as a similar reported error. Also happens in PSP X4. I can work around this by cutting and pasting, but shouldn't have to.
Bug example: merge down top layer crashes PSP X5
(20.96 KiB) Downloaded 41 times
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Mar 11, 2013
If you've ever created an image having multiple assorted layers, and want to apply a modification to the final image while keeping those original layers intact, here's the script to do that:
Select allfrom PSPApp import *
def ScriptProperties():
return {
'Author': u'Ken Arway',
'Copyright': u'2013',
'Description': u'Copies all visible layers to a newly created ra'
u'ster layer.',
Just use your favourite text editor to copy that code into a text file, and save the file as "CopyVisibleMergedToNewLayer.pspscript" in your user scripts directory. Doesn't matter if it's the "Restricted" or "Trusted" directory.
As the name implies, all the visible layers will be copied and merged, so it's easy to first "hide" the layers you don't want merged before running the script.
Yes, it's just a series of recorded actions; but the key is its use of the "Select All" and "Paste Into Selection" actions -- that ensures that the resulting merged layer maintains the same positioning as the individual layers. In other words, if your original layers have a transparent background and opaque areas that are off-center, simply using Edit...Paste As New Layer will center those opaque areas in the canvas, which is not what you want....
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Nov 21, 2011
I have a Wacom Bamboo Pen and Touch on Windows 7 64-bit and it appears to work fine in Windows on the desktop and in MS Paint. I can drag a box on the desktop, scribble in paint to my heart's delight, etc.
In PSP X4 the pen works...briefly. If I keep the pen down enough to make the red light appear on the tablet (to say it has detected the pen is close) it will happily draw in freehand with the paint/airbrush. If I lift the pen high enough to go out of detection range and put it back on the pad, PSP won't paint. The mouse will paint and the pen will work with tools like Pen or Flood Fill and in other apps but freehand doesn't work.
To get freehand back, I need to click on a button, tick box or other window control on the screen with the mouse. Then I can draw freehand again until the pen goes too high.
The PSP when it goes wrong like this is strange. Hovering the pen within detection range moves the cursor as normal, but on pressing down the 'dot' (or circle depending on brush size) stays where it is without making a stroke. The cursor moves around normally otherwise without applying anything to the image.
I've tried to re-install the drivers with a new copy from the manufacturer's site and removed Windows Tablet Support but nothing works to resolve this.
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Nov 23, 2012
In using the selection tool that encompasses the part of the photo with a selection doted box ,it takes several attempts for it to work. It stops intermediately before i lift my finger off the button ? I am using the newest Paintshop Pro x5 W/Win 7.
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Aug 25, 2011
I did look through the FAQ but couldn't quite find what I was looking for, perhaps because I am not sure of the proper terminology.
I have attached a screen copy of the effect I want to achieve.
Basically I have a picture of a scene/building from the past and I want to merge the two into one picture with the same scenery is shown on the edges and the scene from the past, faded In towards the middle section of the image.
Can this be accomplished with Layers? or Maybe a Collage? or is it something else?
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Nov 13, 2011
I vaguely remember a process (like the photo merge tool) that let you paint in red what you wanted to get rid of and paint in green what you wanted to keep. It didn't have to "merge" files. I tried it a couple of times with pretty mixed results (back in X3 I think.) Is there a similar tool in X4 or can you use photo merge for this? (I tried opening photo merge with one image, painting it in red and green,clicking process, but nothing happens on the image.) I will resort to the object remover or clone brush if my mind is playing tricks on me about this tool, but I wouldn't mind trying it in this tricky situation.
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Apr 6, 2012
Well I have tried all the video tutorials and instructions found on the net but NOTHING works as yet.As far as the printed results from net searches go I get so far along and then the instructions cannot be followed because the item it says is on the menu is just not there on MY menu.
What I want to do is to take a portrait from one photo (Freehand Selection tool to select JUST the face?) and blend/merge it on the background photo. I want to be able to change the size and opacity of the face so that I get the EXACT result I want.
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Oct 9, 2012
Well I've got a problem when I work with layers, when I want to merge the layers, PSP closes everytime. If I register my work before merging the layers, it's ok.
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Aug 27, 2011
When I remove background and attempt to copy image that left to another picture the imaged that is copied ends up being 4 times bigger then it was and overlaps new picture.
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Aug 15, 2011
if you have ten or twenty sets of HDR pictures in some particular folder, that the dialog could remember what folder you've been in all day, instead of moving you back to My Pictures each and every time? I spend half my workflow effort on repeating the same folder navigation steps over and over.
And why do I have to browse from there at all, instead of being able to select pictures in the organizer, or drag-and-dropping them?
Even when I load one picture that doesn't fit with the others, and try to exclude it... the only thing that works is to re-browse. Otherwise the Align button remains unavailable. Likewise if you adjust the sliders a bit wrong and hit okay... to try other settings, it's back to the folder navigation again.
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Nov 2, 2012
Let me give you the details, as they are fairly specific to this issue -
First, here's my puter info: Lenovo ThinkPad Edge E520, Intel i5-2410M Core proc @2.3Ghz, 4Gig RAM, Win 7 pro 64 bit.
PSP X5 - version
Here's da scoop:
Open X5
Open jpg file (have tried various sizes, both physical and pixel, and makes no difference)
Add Raster layer
Create tiny color dot on new layer
Merge layers
Dies, freezes up, have to shut it down and lose what I just modified.
Now, mind you, I've been using PSP since way back in the Jasc days. For years I was one of their beta testers, because I USE THIS EVERY SINGLE DAY! Literally, I'm in it every day. I love X4, still trying to get into X5, but similar to when X4 came out, X5 is slowly PMO'ing me! I create hundreds of scripts, and lots dozens of plug-ins, and so far the majority seem to work fine in X5, however this whole issue of it crashing and freezing up my puter is really getting on my nerves.
After the crash, I can re-open X5 and it'll work fine on the first image. Then next image, SSSD!
Really is getting aggravating this constant crashing. Starting to think that Corel isn't creating this software but Microsoft is
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Sep 1, 2011
The layer merge command is not working in one particular drawing. But fine in others and new files using the acad.dwt file.Is there a setting that effects the command.
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Jun 16, 2012
I'm using the animated gif extension that allows one to edit gifs that are in the .agif format and I was wondering if there was any way to quickly add in a certain layer into each "frame" of the gif. This is mostly for overlaying text onto a gif and it gets tedious duplicating, moving and merging all the layers one by one.
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Apr 9, 2011
My program worked just great, then all of a sudden the paint brush and eraser will not do a thing.
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Oct 16, 2012
I'm new to Paint shop. Is it possible to clip an adjustment layer or image to just the layer below it like in Photoshop? Or maybe Paint shop calls it something else?
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Jul 25, 2011
Yesterday I purchased Paint Shop Pro, downloaded it along with the extras -- KPT Collection, Magic Bullet, Win Zip, etc. -- all of which I was able to load/run, but the KPT Collection of effects/filters are not available. The filters are listed under plugins on the menu, but they are not highlighted and therefore can't be accessed.
Is there something I'm missing in trying to use the KPTs or something else that needs to be done to activate them? I did a search here on the forum, but didn't see anything that related to this problem.
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Sep 1, 2013
I have used MV's Plugins for years. They worked fine in X4, started to not work on a layer in X5, but if I flattened the layer, no problem. In X6 none work, I get an error message. I have the latest versions as far as I am aware.
I then pointed the new Xara Photo & Graphic Designer 9 to the same folder (in this case Contrast Mask) to see if it works there. No problem. Ergo: what's happened to X6 to give these errors. MV'sPlugins_not_working-X6.jpg
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Sep 12, 2011
I had been using X3 for quite a while, on this ancient machine... yet today, I downloaded X4 to see how much of a difference getting that program would be.
Installation went fine.
Program started up, asked me to put in my email address for registration confirmation.. no problem.
Loading screen: Paintshop Pro X4 has stopped working. I cannot get the program to load at all. All pre-required software and updates installed.
Here's a quick screen:
X3 still runs without issue, though I am also curious as to why that program weighs in at a 1.37GB total, and X4 is only 340MB? What's missing in X4 that takes up 1GB in X3?
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May 13, 2012
My PSP X1 stopped working on me (and does not want to get reinstalled), and right now, i need a tiny information: what is the max brush size in X1? Is it 500 or 999?
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May 11, 2013
I am having an issue as follows.
a) I have postscript (.ps) files for my company's logo which are in process color (CMYK).
b) These files open fine in PSP, and the colors are displayed properly. However, I understand that the files were actually converted to sRGB space, that is, I can't actually make changes in CMYK space, only in sRGB.
c) I need to make some changes to the logo, so I figured I would make the changes, then save a TIF file, using the CMYK space. My printer requires a CMYK file only.
d) Therefore, I simply saved the file opened in b) as a TIF file with a CMYK color space.
d) When I do the Save As in PSP, the file looks exactly like it did when first opened in PSP. (Update - if I close the TIF file in PSP, then reopen it, it does look different - greenish tinge, but not as bad as other viewers) But when I look at the file in other programs (IrfanView, MS Publisher, etc) the image is overly green, for example, my olive green logo components are almost bright green, and almost everything else seems to have a slightly greenish tint.
e) By comparison, if I open the postscript file in Irfanview, it renders correctly.
I thought Irfanview would input CMYK files (and apparently it does for .ps files) but my colors are wrong. Is this a TIF output issue with PSP? Or do I need to find another viewer to properly see the TIF file.
Win 7 Pro, 64 bit
Intel built in graphics.
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Nov 29, 2011
repeat error each and every time I use any adjustment on graphics, photos or anything I am working on with PSP X3. Am including a screen shot, edited down to the forum specifics, and I had to edit the screen capture with PSP X2 since to reload PSP X3 will now require my restarting my computer.
I have used Paint Shop Pro since it's very first incarnation as a tiny program courtesy of the folks with Jasc, so this is not my first time using the product, just the absolute worst experience doing so.
No matter what the image, file type, or set-up, when I try to make adjustments (even if I make sure to stop and make double sure they are finished processing), eventually the program locks up and I get the error shown and stated.
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Jan 25, 2012
I downloaded a trial version of PSP X4. When i export an image from ASP in ProPhoto RGB color profile, PSP insist to convert it to sRGB. I wonder what is the color profile that been used by PSP as the working space?
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Oct 23, 2011
The selection tools, i.e. shape, freehand and magic wand, have suddenly stopped working. I do freehand, double click and nothing happens. The freehand selection actually disappears. I click magic wand and nothing happens.
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May 6, 2013
I originally thought I would revert to IE 8, I thought it was because I had switched to IE 10. But I did find someone who blamed it on IE 8, so at this point IE is no longer my default browser.Windows 7 Pro 64-bit on my home computer with IE 10. often when I click on a video or a link on a web page, the attached jpeg comes up, the window turns black and I have to use Task Mgr to kill IE. So until I get to the bottom of this FF is my browser.Is it malware or a virus? MSE and Malwarebytes Pro up to date and frequent scans.
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Nov 21, 2013
When I resize an image and save it as a jpg when I reopen the file and go to image info it did not resize it at all. This is a 2 second job and now 1 hour later, I cannot work out why in the world PSP X6 cannot perform a simple task.
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Sep 8, 2011
I have been using PSP since jasc released version 4. I was a long time user of 7, 9 and then X2.
Beginning with X3 and now X4 the Auto-Preserve function does not work. I especially miss this feature when running batch process. This is my primary reason fro skipping over X3 waiting for X4.
The function works fine in x2, but it never did in the trials of X3 or now the trial of X4. The feature is enabled. I selected "Yes, do this every time" the first edit I preformed. Verified in preferences as well.
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Jan 11, 2012
In earlier versions I was given the option of enabling the Auto Save feature, and choosing the time intervals between saves. I chose every 2 minutes. If it crashed or was shut down in a reboot, the images on which I was working were recovered with their layers intact. Nothing was lost. I do not have that option in Version X4.
Nothing is ever saved with Version X4
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Jan 16, 2012
Getting the error message "Corel PaintShop Pro X4 has stopped working". So far no workaround discovered, still does not work.
OS: Windows 7 Home Premium, fully current with updates.
Memory: 8GM RAM
1 TB HD in each C; and E:
CPU: AMD Phenom 3GHz processor
GPU: ATI Radeon Graphic 3100
First installed in Windows 7 in
C:Program Files (x86)CorelCorel PaintShop Pro X4Corel PaintShop Pro.exe,
then in
E:Program Files (x86)CorelCorel PaintShop Pro X4Corel PaintShop Pro.exe (currently)
1. Installed, that error message
2. Patch, that error message
3. Removed, rebooted, e-installed, that error
4. Rebooted, reinstalled in XP, Works in XP! (I need it in Windows 7)
5. Removed ESET (needs to be relicensed anyways, this is priority right now)
6. Spybot shut down
7. Everything else works
8. Have been with PSP since JASC owned it as 4.0 (?) back in the mid 90s.
9. Frustrated with no answers, no solutions.
No AV, Spyware checkers, Malware checkers running. I took ownership of, have all permissions to and "Run as Administrator" Corel PaintShop Pro.exe
This is the application log:
Log Name: Application
Source: Application Error
Date: 1/16/2012 5:39:18 PM
Event ID: 1000
Task Category: (100)
Level: Error
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Oct 8, 2013
I'm in trouble with PSPSX6.
I have an script running fine with my old PSP (X4, X5). But in X6 the result in not good.
I use the script to insert the date on upper right corner of my pitcures. This data is found in Exif of the picture.
I use an fucntion returning the date, but with X6 , the result it not correct.
The source code is
def FormatDate( InputExif, Format ):
''' Use the time.strftime method to format a date string in various ways.
The input exif date is always formatted as yyyy:mm:dd hh:mm:ss, so the first
step is to convert that to a time tuple. We do that by changing the one lone
space to a colon, then using split to give us a tuple that coincidentally
matches the one used by time.
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Nov 27, 2011
I would like to change the Dark color working area for a lighter one such as grey used in old Paint Shop 6 or 7.
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Jul 10, 2013
I have been using PSP x3 for awhile with no issues, but about a month ago, it simply stopped working. I open the program via shortcut, and the logo blinks onscreen, but the program never opens. No explanation, no trace.
I have attempted to uninstall and re-install, but each attempt to uninstall completely freezes the PC dead and I end up having to physically turn the PC off. I'm detecting no infection on the PC.
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