Photoshop :: Possible To Add Blur Filter To Transparent Layer Without Any Background
Mar 13, 2013
I want to have a Blur Oval Vignette feathered on the inside on a transparent background to use as a template. So then I could open an image, then open the template on top of the background image and would automatically have a Blur Vignette image without having to create it from scratch each time.
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Aug 7, 2012
I have a picture of a baseball player with grandstands and spectators in the background. To focus attention on the subject, I want to blur and slightly darken everything but the player (subject).
So I duplicated the background layer and created a mask over the player. Then I selected the background layer, added lens blur, and darkened it.
The problem is that this step blurs the image of the subject in the background, causing it to extend out beyond the masked image of the subject on the foreground layer, creating a ghostly "halo" effect.
I've tried creating an inverted mask on the background layer, but that doesn't work.
Photoshop PS6, Windows 7
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Nov 13, 2013
I open a jpg image. It becomes "background" and locked in layers panel. I want to edit it so i click in layers panel, and get a box where I can call the layer a name and it changes from background to layer ( in my beginner´s terminology...)
When I click on "Ok" the image disappears, or really i think it becomes transparent, because in layer´s panel it is still visible. What has happened? I have done well all day, and suddenly this happens.
Photoshop CC
W7 64-bitGeForce GTX 570 (331.65 latest)
IntelCore i7 920 @2.67
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Aug 24, 2013
In PS 6 an eraser set at 0% hardness (using a round brush) made a smooth transition from center to edge. Now in PS CC it transitions abruptly at a point near the edge and then goes to a pale grey fade. Why is that? And it's only doing so in dark areeas. Medium and light tones erase smoothly.
Attached are samples of my trying to make it work. This is a transparent layer with the background not visible (all white instead of the standard checkerboard). I should explain the "L" shaped erased part is two brush edges: hard, left; soft, right.
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Jul 30, 2005
I'm in the process of prepping individual components of a design for Flash animation. I'm trying to apply a layer of #7C6844 with the color effect at 56% opacity and a layer of #999999 with the color burn effect at 12% opacity to the foreground image which has a transparent background. This task has proved to be rather impossible for me, but it seems like there should be a way to do it. I would use the wand tool > select inverse and apply the colors over top that way, but the foreground image has a lot of leaves and branches, so that method would be extremely tedious.
Is there a way I can select the entire image as a whole and leave out the background?
I'll attach the image and the desired result to further assist.
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Jul 24, 2013
I created a layer of text in Photoshop (CC) that has a transparent background. I want to place this text in an Illustrator document overtop of the artwork already there.
I dragged the layer from PS into AI. It transfered fine but in AI is has a white background.
I am sure there must be a way around this - I just don't know AI well enough.
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Mar 27, 2013
With Gimp 2.8 (Mac) I have made a 3D text with a YouTube tutorial. It looks like the Pulp Fiction logo. [URL]...........
How do I overlay a grungy texture, so the letters look 'older'?I tried making the texture image the top layer in the list on the right and then this: right click -> layer -> transparency -> color to alpha.But then, the 'see-through' texture covers the entire square transparent background! Not just the letters...So, how do I add a transparent texture layer over a shaped image that has a transparent background?
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Oct 5, 2012
I'm trying to use the new Photoshop CS6 blur filters. I watched the great video how to, but when I tried to use them they are not showing up. Why? I'm a Cloud member. My program is updated, but I don't seem to have these blur filter options.
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May 8, 2013
I have subscribed to CC and smart filter support for blur and liquify are not working. I have first deactivated and reactivated PS CS6 extended and then tried uninstalling and reinstalling from my CC account. Neither method worked.
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Aug 25, 2005
I need to strip my current image of its background color so that the background color on my website goes thru my image. In other words I need a transparent background for my image.
I have create a new layer that is transparent, but the background color on my website does not go thru it. The background color of this image appears to be grayish not transparent.
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Oct 26, 2012
I'm missing the Center Pin, Ellipse, Feather Handle and the Focus Ring when I select the Iris Blur filter. The pointer is a tack symbol and am unable to change that.
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Aug 1, 2012
It appears that the Layer Filters functionality is broken again with 2013. Unchecking the "Apply layer filter to layer toolbar" disables the function of layer filters in the tool palette.
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May 3, 2012
Using PS CS4 on XP. I just got a job back from the printer company & I am noticing some lines that didn't appear on my print out here (on xerox color printer machine) to compare. I didn't really catch them on the proof either, but they used an epson proof and we printed on 100# gloss text stock for the final.
What I have going on is a gradient background (using shape layer and gradient layer style effect) from a white to a light tan. Top to bottom on a regular Letter size sheet. In the upper right hand corner I have a image of a face that had that same light tan in the background. I faded this image into the gradient background by using gaussian blur.
This is not very noticable in the file, but I can tell that it is have to really focus your eyes to see it, but it's there, a line going around the image where the gaussian blur is. I'll attach a photo of the edge. I guess what I'm saying is it is not smooth - the image edges being blurred into the gradient background, but printed off a regular printer, it looks smooth. Is there anything I can do to prevent this in the future?
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Jan 16, 2013
I'm hoping to get some tips on new techniques I can use to blur or remove distracting backgrounds from photos.
The usual kinda photo I'm working with is a portrait of someone in a challenging situation where I have no control over the background, usually there are people and bright colored objects behind my subject.
First I applied lens-blur and masked the subject but it takes time and my subject is usually white and it creates a blurry edge that looks ugly but by masking back and forth and a little cloning I can usually make it nice but it takes to much time..
After doing that for some time I created a background with a pixelated mosaic filter, it looks nice and people are pleased with the result but the problem is that the squares sometimes bleed color on the edges what makes it time consuming again.
So long story short: How to take the focus of distracting backgrounds in a way that is fast to produce but looks classy at the same time?
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Oct 28, 2011
Im trying to motion-blur the background on an automotive photo I shot and didnt slow the shutterspeed down enough. So, using the quick selection tool, I selected the car, zooming it in to make sure I got every pixel, then Cntrl-C, then Cntrl-V to save as a layer. Then, I reselected the background layer and applied motion-blur which got me the effect I want.
The problem is now the edges of the car have a ghost outline which will decrease if I lessen the blur to under 12 pixels. Which defeats the purpose.
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Jun 30, 2012
I have a picture has hard edges and I was able to blend these edges using lasso, mask and then Gaussian blur, check attached picture. is there a another way can produce better result or that result is enough ?
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Oct 23, 2012
I have some text documents in PDF format and would like to edit it in photoshop CS5, but each time I open them up in photoshop, the background seems to be transparent (tiny grey and white tiles), which is very eye tiring when editing/annotating with a wacom pen, how to fill the background total white?
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Mar 18, 2013
I'm adjusting a photographic image and am using both a filter effect and a layer style in the same layer on a Smart Object. I want to separate the two effects into two layers, so one layer has the filter effect (Nik) and one layer has the layer style (Color Overlay) (with the goal of merging/rasterizing the Nik filter effect with the Smart Object but keeping the layer style unmerged). I can make two layers and move one effect without problem, but the visual result of each effect on a separate layer is quite different from having both effects in the same layer. The Blend Mode for all my layers is Normal. Within the Color Overlay panel, the blend mode is Linear Burn.
Layer 1: a layer style and a filter effect, stacked
looks very different from....
Layer 2: a layer style
Layer 1: a filter effect
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Sep 3, 2011
I'm using CS5 to edit DSLR photos, I want to do a big radial zoom blur on the stormy clouds in the background without touching the building in front of it. I tried a mask and a cut'n'paste but the blur brings in unwanted stuff at the edges. What's the best way to do this cleanly?
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Jan 10, 2013
I made a wax seal on Photoshop with a lot of embossment, bedevilment and a Smart Filter. It's done and I just need to make it smaller so it fits well on my certificate. When I resize it (Ctr + T) It pops up a message that reads:
Adobe Photoshop CS6 Extended
"Smart Filters applied to layers contained in this group will be turned off temporarily while the transform is being previewed. They will be applied after committing the transform."
[] Don't show again
I click OK and I re-size the layer with free transform, and then hit enter. The Layer is resized but my Smart Filter which creates a wavy affect around the seal is totally distorted.
How do re-size my layer with smart filter without affecting the smart filter aspect of the layer.
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Jun 3, 2013
The same thing happens on all three blur gallery effects (field blur, iris blur, tilt shift). Once I pick the filter the layer becomes empty. The strange thing is that when I manipulate any of the controls the object appears, but once I stop holding the mousebutton down on the input. The object disappears again. When i apply the settings (enter or the ok buttoon). The layer is empty.
I have used these filters a lot, this just happend suddenly. And I can't fix it. Restart does not work.
Adobe Photoshop CS6 running on MacBook Pro 2.3 GHz i7, osx 10.8.3.
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Dec 23, 2013
Working on a header. I would like the background of the header to be blurred (gaussian blur). How to do this or post a link to a guide? If so, do I need any plugins?
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Dec 4, 2008
I have an image with several layers. The background layer is transparent. When I merge the layers, the background becomes white. Can anyone tell me what I did wrong or didn't do that prevented my background from staying transparent.
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Mar 18, 2013
I'm having an issue with the Liquify Filter's final results. When using the filter it works fine, and if I use the filter on a solid layer its results given back to the original image are perfect also.
However, using the filter on a layer that has mostly transparency behind it (a layer with sketched line-art on it for example), the result given back to the original image is brightened significantly. The only work-around I have found so far is to merge a solid colour background to the transparent layer, and then the result works fine. However this is not desirable because future use of the image as line-art requires editing to get it back onto its own layer that can be destructive when the work contains toning.
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Oct 16, 2007
I do a lot of work for TV and as such have to often provide flattened layered art to broadcasters. I flatten most layers and flatten layer styles as well.
Question: is there any way to preserve a layer style blend mode when flattening i.e. I have some rasterized text with an Outer glow. The outer glow has a Linear Burn blend mode (or similar).
Is there a way I can merge this layer complete with style to a flat layer and PRESERVE the way it looks? Often I try this and it looks different (obviously because there is a blend mode being implemented with the layer style.
Any pointers how to get around this? I use CS2 by the way.
Another one - I often whack stuff into After Effects and put on an adjustment layer at the top with a gaussian blue (so it blurs everything below). Is there a way to do this in Photoshop i.e. an adjustment layer placed at the top of the layer stack with a BLUR? Any workarounds people know of or is this just something I can do in After Effects?
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Dec 23, 2012
I have been painting a 3d model in photoshop cs6 but I appear to have some kind of bad setting (which I am at wit's end trying to find out) which causes any 2d layer I try to merge down onto the 3d layer to be projected with some very large amount of transparency.
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Sep 16, 2011
I was asked to cut out the background from a logo to make it transparent so the logo would look nice on a variety of backgrounds. I've been given a good quality jpeg file.
What I did was I selected (by colour) the background (white), inverted the selection, copied it and pasted as a new image.
It's all fine (the logo itself doesn't have any other elements) but there's still some whiteish/greyish outline around certain elements of the logo.
If I were to do it manually, it'd probably take ages. What would be the best way to accomplish it?
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Feb 24, 2013
I have some random curves (already created) and I want to blur them just from one side to have the same blur distance and effect one the whole curve.
To more precisely describe what I need, I need to create gradient with direction of normal for every "point". The best example I have found so far are borders in Civilization IV game. Here are two examples:
As you can see, there is a solid curve, which gradually blends (i.e. alpha channel is lowered) till the gradient disappears. I have the solid curve and the question is, what would be the simplest way how to do this (the number of curves is around 100) gradient.
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Jul 23, 2012
I just got PSE CS6 and the blur too will NOT work ....blur filters work, but not BLUR in the tools panel I have tried: unintstall/reinstall, updating, using it no a picture straight after opening it, duplicate layers, selecting an area and then blurring....flattening an image, every single different setting in the the blur tools menu bar NOTHING works. And everything I find about blur is the new blur filters....
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Sep 2, 2012
Today i opened a psd file which 200 layers. is very slow then (as all layers are flatten, pdn is missing hierarchical layers), but that is another problem.
I wanted to hide some background layers and "copy merged" a selection.
It took me 10mn to find all the backgrounds layers without this tool.
In photoshop the tool exist as a property of the "move selection" tool. Ie: you must first select the move selection tool, then select "layer" in the properties toolbar.
Any way to get that for v4 ? Will v4 be on github so we can clone and make patches ?
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Dec 18, 2005
i have outlined this pic and used the Gaussian blur , but how would i soften the edges of the blur so it doesnt look so "sharp"? I want it to kinda blend in so to say here is the pic.
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