3ds Max :: Any Way To Show Notes Or Comment On Model
Oct 4, 2012
Is there a way to show the description for something. Let say i made a bridge and i wanna show the description on the model that the length is 10M and the base should be this and that. i wanna show the instruction on the model so the next person who works on the project knows what this object is and what is does. it's like a blueprint.
I would like to be able to use iLogic to get the value of the Comment field of a model's parameters. I have some text there that I would like to display in a sketched symbol. The attached image illustrates what I am seeking.
Isn't there a way to show your environment map directly on your model? It's pretty tough to show a chrome-like material if it just shows up a solid color in the viewport.
I did some searches, but must be searching for the wrong things because the only thing I could find was how to show the environment in the Background of the viewport, but nothing about on the model/material.
i have just started using revit. i imported a 3d dwg file into generic model family and loaded into my project.for some reason, the model shows in section, elevation and last level of my floor plan and site plan as well, but it is not showing in my 1st to 2nd last floor plan. can some people tell what are to possible reason for this?how can i get it show show in the plans?
There must be a way to get the line weight to show in model space. It shows up as specified in print preview and printed, but not on the screen. Is there a setting for this?
I am running the antique CAD 2004 and went to layouts to start setting up a page. When I drew in the view port, it does not show anything of the model space, zero, zip, nada. Tried "Scale to fit", a new view port with no luck. I opened another project file, it work perfectly, just not this one. It doesn't have any Xref's that I can see, but it does have some proxy objects.
I am trying to write the image description into the EXIF UserComment tag as UNICODE. Unfortunately, in the TIFF6 and EXIF file format description, there is no specification for the format to use for the UNICODE characters. Is it 2-byte LE, 2-byte BE, UTF-8, UTF-16, ??? Photoshop seems to treat this tag as some 2-byte characters, at least when changing the byte order of the file (for example when reading DNG and storing as TIFF), the bytes of the UserComment tag get swapped too. However, since the tag is of the type "Undefined", byte swapping should not take place. I tried to add little endian, big endian and UTF-8 byte marks, but the text still gets messed up. So, what is the correct format for this tag? Does it help to store the comment as undefined (8 * 0x00 as format identifier) and then use the appropriate byte marks for the text string? A related problem: Why does Photoshop remove the GPS tag when reading a DNG file and then storing as TIFF, but retains the tag when storing as JPEG? Does not make much sense to me...
I add comments to various trip photos in the EXIF/Comment box. After processing LR, the comments are no longer there in the output photos. Is there any way to keep the comments when using LR?
Can I automatically store the EXIF user comment in an imported photo into the LR5 keyword.
In the iPad we use the PhotoName app to and a caption to the photo. After import the caption is in the user comment field of the EXIF file, which I would like to automaticately appear in the keywords.
I am working in one assembly. in that assembly i created all the part with using i part & same part i called in to the assembly & created i assembly. while creating drawing i have facing problem to show the model parameters in to the assembly drawing table. How to link the model parameters in assembly parameters with using i assembly.
I've been using AutoCAD for a while now, started with 2011 and now I'm using 2012. However, the one issue I've never been able to resolve is how to get my linetypes to show in model space properly, and then how to get them to show the same way in paperspace.
I know it has something to do with, at least, LTSCALE and PSLTSCALE. I've never know the 'formula' to make those work - it takes a lot of trial and error before they work together. Is there a trick to just making all of this work, without changing scales and regenerating countless times?
The current drawing I'm working with; I'm drawing in 1:1, with my viewports set to 1:100. My LTSCALE is 500, and my PSLTSCALE is set to 0. That seems to make things 'work' but, I can't figure out how to always just make these values work.
I should add I've checked the forums for a 'magic' answer and, there doesn't seem to be one. Is this the way it really is? I thought AutoCAD would be a little more intuitive than just 'trial and error until it works'.
Publish comment doesn't work correct. Even if I set multi-sheet file and prompt for name, autocad doesn't ask me about file name and makes single sheet files.
I'm looking for a way to hide a layer in model space, but show it on ONLY my paperspace tab. Problem is, most of my work is in model space (different aspect of this drawing), and although I could pull the objects through to the paperspace tab, it just wouldn't be the way I feel it should be (3d objects should stay in model space imo). However, for the most part I don't need to see it in model space (except for checking 3d elevations of line segments), the finish product is a printed 2d top view.
I would like to be able to export from an Inventor .dwg or .idw made up of various views (either made from an Inventor .ipt or .iam) to an AutoCAD 2000 or later .dwg, and have the objects modeled in the Inventor .ipt/.iam that is shown in these views to already be shown as blocked entities when the AutoCAD .dwg is created. Also it is important to have the scale be exactly 1:1 from the Inventor drawing to the AutoCAD drawing that is created, so that no resizing/scaling is necessary. Is it possible to create such an AutoCAD 2D drawing from any release of Inventor and if so, what are the steps/procedure for making it???
I know that the solid model of an .ipt or .iam can be made to show blocked edges that appear as a block so why not two steps further and have this capability translate through to an .ipt or .iam Inventor drawing to a save copy as AutoCAD drawing???
I am importing survey data using a .txt file. In that file there are a few lines that I don't want C3D to read. Is there some character I can put at the beginning of the line so that it won't read or give me an error? In some other programs I have seen # or : used to do this.
C3D 2012 sp1 W7Pro 64bit HP Z400 Workstation 16 GB RAM Intel Xeon CPU W3565@3.20GHz NVIDIA Quadro 4000
We like to allow user to select a rectagular area in modal scpace. Then the code creates a paperscace viewport in a spcified layout. The viewport will show the selected area. find the old VBA code that achived this and the .net code I am trying with. .Net code always gives some exception.
VBA Code
'Lets find the center of the viewport in paperspace.
Dim center(0 To 2) As Double center(0) = newWidth / 2 center(1) = newLength / 2 center(2) = 0 Dim lay As AcadLayout For Each ent In ThisDrawing.layouts
Is there anyway of plotting a cad drawing from the model view screen so that certain linescales show? At the moment when I plot it will show hatched items without the outlines.
Im working on a student version of Architectural CAD 2012 i drew a floor plan and used AEC Dimensions on my model space but when i switch over to work space they don't show up. I tried matching properties and switching between paper and model but so far no luck.
The layer is on and the ground levels on the architectural drawing in model view show the number and the box surrounding them however in the drawing window be it in the numbers have dissapeared and we are left with only the boxes ?
I'm working on a plan that contains an xref with some elements that are not visible in paper space at my chosen scale. The xref is an annotated structural grid. It is entirely visible in model space, but in paper space only the grid is visible, annotations such as dimensions and section cut indicators are not. Strangely, or maybe not, when I change the scale in paper space, these elements appear.
Other presentation tabs exist, created by other people, that use a different scale and those presentations properly display. The annotations are blocks in the xref document, and I wonder if those blocks could somehow be set to only display at a certain scale. I don't see any such options in the block editor. Although, I have added to this document, I did not create it, nor the xref or the blocks.
I just recently found out about the "Adding Notes" feature in CS5. I was able to add notes. However, when I saved the photo as a jpeg, and then re-opened it -the notes were not there.
Am I doing something wrong or will notes only re-appear when the photo file is saved to a psd or tif?
how to hide notes? I use notes a lot when I work with someone else on the same file and I place the little postits near or exactly on top of the area I'm writing about. Is there a way to hide those like you can hide guides? I'm working on a particularly note-rich file and it's starting to look like a porcupine.