AutoCAD Inventor :: Solid Model Of IPT Or IAM Made To Show Blocked Edges
Feb 23, 2012
I would like to be able to export from an Inventor .dwg or .idw made up of various views (either made from an Inventor .ipt or .iam) to an AutoCAD 2000 or later .dwg, and have the objects modeled in the Inventor .ipt/.iam that is shown in these views to already be shown as blocked entities when the AutoCAD .dwg is created. Also it is important to have the scale be exactly 1:1 from the Inventor drawing to the AutoCAD drawing that is created, so that no resizing/scaling is necessary. Is it possible to create such an AutoCAD 2D drawing from any release of Inventor and if so, what are the steps/procedure for making it???
I know that the solid model of an .ipt or .iam can be made to show blocked edges that appear as a block so why not two steps further and have this capability translate through to an .ipt or .iam Inventor drawing to a save copy as AutoCAD drawing???
We received a surface model from a vendor that I have patched up as best I can, it still has one hole that I can find that I haven't been able to fill. Ideally we would like to have a solid model, but I'm running out of time to get this done and the surface model we have would be good enough for our purposes IF I can get the yellow surface tangent lines to turn off or change their color to black.
I've attached a jpg of the surface model with the yellow lines and uploaded the model here: [URL].....
I'm currently using the "Make components" feature to convert solid bodies into parts. This works great, but we use this method to construct angular roof structures, and after the parts have been made the parts have angular relationships to the .ipt files UCS co-ordinates. It would be very useful if I could align the longest edge of the part (Which is a timber truss) with the x axis in the model space and "lay" the plank flat on the X-Y plane.
My problem today is that I made a Model of a Part of a ship using surfaces rather than solids because the engineer thought it would be easier to bring into ANSYS program for analysis but he is now having a problem with it and I am looking into converting my current model to solid. I can do it but the method I thought of using is quite long winded and we are working to a tight deadline. up the surface part
2.use "Offset/Thicken"
3.any clashes between parts make a sketch and cut away.
the problem is the amount of plates I have and the time it takes to sort them out.
I need to create several domed solids (as different parts) based on 2D sketches of various shapes. I am trying to emulate domes that you might creating by pouring thick resin.
Using this forum I have found that you can do this easily using Loft to-point, then use the Conditions tab to get the dome height/shape set nicely.
The only problem is when the 2D shapes have a corner that is too sharp - then it leaves ridges on the domes - like the arrows show on this example - which is based on a simple rectangle with 0.5m radius corners:
I found one thread on this forum that said to use Delete-Face, then Patch - but the I couldn't get the patch to leave nice smoothed edges - and without bulging.
I am working on a research project that requires that I scan a cast object and shell it out to a width of .125 inches. I used my school's 3D scanner to scan the cast, and I have a good model. I've made it a surface and exported it as an STP and an IGS into Inventor. I used the Sculpt feature to make it a solid object, but then I could not shell it because a few flaws in the cast made miniscule holes.
I then tried to use the scanning program's spline feature to cut the cast into splines to loft in Inventor. However, this made 5 non-connected lines at each location, so I couldn't loft. How to create a solid and then shell with either method?
In attempting to use either 'export face as' or 'export sketch as' from a solid model in Inventor 2013 the resultant DXF file ALWAYS consists of PolyLines. This prevents other "downstream" software from properly importing the file as a DXF. Thus far the ONLY work-around I have found is to open the DXF in AutoCAD, Explode the polylines, and then re-save as a DXF from AutoCAD.
I want to be able to turn off the "show tangent edges" option in a drawing I'm creating. The problem is that it looks fine for some items and bad for others. Is this an all or nothing command?
I have finally created the shell of the complex surface that you see. This is only a section of the part because I cannot show the whole thing for proprietary reasons. I formed solid surfaces using the network command. The propblem is that it will not convert to a solid because the surface seams are not "water tight." When the network command created the solid surfaces, the surface seams do not exactly match the lines so there are gaps in all the seams. I have tried blending, patching, etc. and nothing works. how to convert this to a solid without losing the outlines and the shape?
I am trying to find a way to import a laser scanned mesh or point cloud file into Inventor (2013) such that I can use it to make a parametric representation of the form. The import format can be STL, OBJ, VRML, XYZ or PLY. I have tried the Mesh Enabler from Autodesk Labs but the files I am looking to work-on are bigger than the enabler can cope with and my system slows right down or locks-up.
I know bespoke reverse engineering software is the ideal way to go but I was hoping there was a way to model over a mesh to represent its form to create a placeholder in a parametric assembly. I'm not looking for accuracy, just a surface or solid output that can be constrained to native inventor parts. If I could get the files to STEP or IGES someway that would be enough.
Is there any way of dimensioning the radius of a cut out made on a 3D solid?
The cut edge is not detected as a radius even when orthographic set at 90 deg to the cutting plane. Do I have to use solview/soldraw etc to create 2D versions of the view to dimension?
I get the same issues when trying to dim wall thickness, overall widths of tubes etc.
I drew a 3d shape using 3dpoly and I want to convert that drawing,which is now only a 3d sketch, into a solid.I have attached a picture of the lines sketch sulita.jpg.
I am working in one assembly. in that assembly i created all the part with using i part & same part i called in to the assembly & created i assembly. while creating drawing i have facing problem to show the model parameters in to the assembly drawing table. How to link the model parameters in assembly parameters with using i assembly.
How to compare two similar solid model and found where its differetiate is, and how to compare two similar drawing let say rev.1 to rev.2 and found where its differentiate is?
I have a symbol called "A." I needed 2 copies of it, so I duplicated A and renamed the new symbol to B. I now have A and B, identical copies of each other.
I navigated inside symbol A where I entered another symbol, "A1." Inside A > A1, I removed an image and added another image. No problem so far.
Then, I returned to the stage and navigated into symbol B > B1. To my surprise, the same image change I made in A > A1 already appeared in B > B1 (even though I duplicated A **before** making this change).
When I change the image inside B > B1, that same change is now present back in A > A1.
It's as if these two symbols, A and B, are mirrors of each other, even after being modified. Trouble is, I don't want mirrors. I need them to be slightly different.
I thought the Duplicate step might be my problem. I started over (both by undoing several steps and by closing and creating a new document entirely). This time, I copied A and pasted it onto the stage. I ran into the same problems.
Ok, next guess: this time, I entered symbol A and copied its elements/sub-symbols. I went back to the stage and pasted them there. Selected these elements/symbols and converted to a new symbol. Same problem!
I've be trying convert a 3D solid model to DGN file and until now no success!
When I tried to export the model the error message of Figure 1 was returned. I'm using the settings of Figure 2. Is attached too, the DWG file for analysis.
I am trying to model I-Beams to s solid. I put 3d polyline around the front "I" then a path down the middle of the beam. I have tried extrude, sweep with aligned to path, and sweep not aligned - then put a patch on both ends. Use the command "surfsculpt" and it will not convert due to not being water tight. I delete the 3d poly and path line before patching.
How to model these lamps and curtains(hung from ceiling) made of threads. I am particularly interested in how to model these to look like natural threads as realistic as the picture.
I have no idea where to start. I guess I want to keep the edges defined, but still have a blur-type effect in there. But I also like how the colors are kinda washed, if that's the right term for it?
I'm trying to split a single solid body into 2 solid bodies. The problem is that the body I'm trying to split consists of two separate pieces. I can split a body when it is a single piece no problem, but I'm having the problem when the two pieces are not joined at all.
When I try and split it on the origin plane it gives this error:
"Creating parting line failed. Could not build this Split"
When I try and split it on a work plane lying on one of the pieces it gives this error:
"Creating parting line failed. Modeling failure in ASM. Redefine inputs."
Or, another variation on this erorr:
"Creating parting line failed. Split feature could not create two bodies. Change the Split Tool so that split feature can create two bodies."
I have a model of a boat from some database. It's build from 3D faces but I would like to make it a 3D solid with a thickness of 3mm.
I can convert the faces into a surface, but i can't seem to get any of the two models into a 3D solid. I have tried thicken, convtosolid and a lot of other options without luck.
I was wondering if I could make two surfaces, one smaller than the other, place them ontop of eachother and create solid between them?
I am using Autocad 2012 I have got a solid model with a lot of nuts and bolts, is it possible to get the nut to screw up the bolt (so it looks like it is moving up that bolt) also other parts also move it would be nice to make them look like they are moving to.
The problem is about drawing a solid model like the one in the attachment, and I have problem with the triangle, I tried a lot of things, but unfortunately it's not the same as it should be
My work is in the attachment.
and one more thing, as it's my first time with these kind of drawing I need to know what's the meaning (10 Drill, 20 C'bore) for a circle and how I can do it you can find it in the attachment
I am making a design on inventor 2013 for a colleague who does not know how to use the inventor.
I want to make the solid and then set something up that allows the user to change a few of the parameters of the solid in a very user friendly way (i.e. a box that says "cylinder radius" and has an input box so the user can enter a value).
I'm creating a bin model. I've hollowed it out, the thickness of the bin tapers from top to bottom. I have selected the edges at the bottom of the bin and just want to connect these to form a solid shape which can be the base of the bin. At the moment it's hollow all the way through.
When I select these edges, then select 'border' and 'cap', nothing happens. How do I make this selection into a simple circular base?